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Posts posted by Megitsune

  1. A walk through the woods. What else was she to do today? It was true that she had never started leveling and was pretty weak, but being on the first floor outside the safe zone did not instill any fear in her. She had her scythe to protect her, the white mask to protect her identity. Not that she was worried that she would meet anyone that she knew within the game, more so like she didn't want be recognized when they left the game by a Sword Art Online. With a sigh, the girl continued down the lonely trail.

    That was until she came across a lake. A serene and elegant looking little spot. If memory recalled, this was one of those areas where you could easily farm materials. A mental note would be left on its location. She wasn't alone though, a blonde fishing with a spear? Not an NPC. She was a bit down the way, separated by water. Nevertheless, a rest would be appreciated and this like was quiet enough to shore her weariness. Her long kimono folded up against the grass as she took a seat and relaxed quietly with her eyes closed.



    Materials found: 0

    Total Materials: 0


    Level: 1 | HP:  20/20 | Energy: 2/2

    DMG: 1 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 0 | ACC: 0 

    THBA Rank I

    Equipment(In use)
    Vanity THBA
    Vanity Light Armor




    Real name: Chiaki, Fuyuko

    Nickname: Lost

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Height: 4'11


    Growing up, Fuyuko was a pretty quiet person. Ever since grade school, she found it hard to make lasting friendships and was often bullied by the older girls. She was annoyed with it, but somewhat scared to seek help with the problem, so she went through years of school just getting picked on. Come around high school, people just taunt her, but now a lot of girls that used to bully her had gotten bored with it. She had become so dense that the pranks and insults just seemed to bounce off her. The only thing she found joy in at this point in her life was video games. An escape from the lifeless existence that she seemed to have.

    A well-experienced gamer, Fuyuko, wasn't going to miss out on one of the most ambitious games created. Her mother and father were gamers as well, but their daughter was the only one who really enjoyed playing MMOs. When Sword Art Online was announced, she knew she had to get it. Her and her parents waited in a line to a gaming shop for days to get their hands on the Nervegear and a copy of the game. Once the servers were online, so was she.


    Megitsune is a pretty dense and callous person that can be difficult to befriend, but not impossible. It's unlikely to happen quickly though. She keeps to herself and tries to solo just about everything she can. If you're intending to try and quest with her, it had better be with mutual benefit or she'll likely deny. Even friends still find her to be pretty dense. Sharing her past or feelings with anyone is meaningless to her, and she avoids it pretty much at all costs.



    Experienced - This wasn't Fuyuko's first MMORPG. She put several hours into these games before and Sword Art Online wouldn't be ignored. She hadn't intended to get this experienced with the game, however...

    Perfectionist - Despite many beliefs that being a perfectionist makes someone extremely tedious, the Megitsune still makes endeavor well planned and precise. When she puts her mind to doing something, it will be done thoroughly and as precisely as possible. This makes her quick to perform difficult tasks though!

    Drive - If there's on thing you could tack on about Fuyuko as a health habit, is that she often finds drive to complete things. Leaving things unfinished isn't her style, per se. She do everything she can to make sure something 100% finished and do it pronto.

    Distant - Fuyuko is a rather callous person, and can even be mean sometimes. She doesn't like people that waste time or try to swoon her into friendship. She believed that friends are made, it'll take a lot of convincing to make a friend out of this girl.

    Judgmental - Fuyuko is quick to judge a person on their first impressions. Whether it's with their actions or just simply by how their dressed, her mind is usually made up in that moment. This leads her to be anti-social at times.

    Intolerant - It is extremely difficult to sway Fuyuko's opinions. She has firm believe in herself and usually doesn't go past that boundary to expand her opinion or change. She makes it difficult to take to her so people will leave her along most of the time.


    Profession: Soon to be Merchant



    Weapon and Armor Skills
    Rank 5 - Two-Handed Battle Axe



    SP: Total(51); Used(50)


    Obsidian Scythe: DMG III

    Kitsu-mono: EVA I; Rec: II

    Fox Totem: LD III
    Kitsune Mask: ACC III

    (3x)Starter Potions

    Name: Kitsu-mono
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: 8
    Roll ID: 138398
    Roll Result: 11+1
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Recovery II; EVA I
    Post Link: Here
    Black kimono layered with red and a topped off with a red obi. The Kimono does not reach past the waist in the front showing the red skirt that is worn underneath of it. Ebonweave helps conceal the user, as it seems to take a matte black in shade in the darkness. In sunlight a staircase pattern in cool grey appears on the fabric.
    Name: Kitsune Mask
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 8
    Roll ID: 146317
    Roll Result: 11+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: ACC III
    Post Link: Here
    A white face mask designed in the likeness of a fox and composed of porcelain. A design Incorporated around the face only furthers that suspicion. One would think looking through this mask would be difficult, but some how it allows a player to pierce through the intention of her enemies, striking more precisely with every attack.
    Name: Fox Totem
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 8
    Roll ID: 146589
    Roll Result: 12+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: LD III
    Post Link: Here
    A small wooden carving of a fox meant to keep one sly and resourceful. It can be kept latched to the belt, or obi, to carry easily and will increase someone's luck just by having it on hand.
    Name: Obsidian Scythe
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 9
    Roll ID: 146788
    Roll Result: 11+1
    Item Type: Two-Handed Battle Axe
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Damage III
    Post Link: Here
    A completely black scythe of tsano beyond the accented red glowing blood carbon around the center area of the blade. The head of the blade is designed to look as though it was covered in feathers. When a target is struck with this gruesome looking guillotine the red pulses like a heartbeat, as if it hungers for the blood of its enemies. On the poleaxe handle, a celtic knot of Tristram steel etched in and barely visible.



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