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Posts posted by Se7en

  1. Spoiler

    Se7en equips La Black Luna (ACC 3) from Yuki to fight the Dark Elf.

    "Thanks" Se7en says with a slight grin slipping out of the corner of his mouth, He could feel that this woman was going to keep here word but for some reason he still felt uneasy. He knew he would be fine but he still didn't know why this woman would be helping a newcomer rather than getting some good EXP"So... what brings you all the way down to floor 3?" He could feel a weight lifted off his chest as he asks that question. For some reason he started to feel like this woman actually want a good person who just wanted to help newcomer but what's in it for her, like she must have more higher leveled friends that she trains with, how come she is here by herself. Se7en continues to wonder why Yuki is wanting to help someone who seems useless like himself with little to no benefit. Was it just fate that Se7en would meet this woman and possibly change how he looks at himself. Se7en let's all those thoughts faze out as he gets ready for the fight.


  2. Se7en nodded slightly, relieved that he now had someone to make sure he didn't get himself killed. "ummm the name's Se7en" He said with his head still pointed at the ground. Se7en starts to walk slowing closer to the spawn point with dread starting to form. He can feel his stomach turn as he gets closer and closer. Each step closer makes him want to turn back and just give up on ever making it to the front line. He turns and asks Yuki, "Are you sure about me being able to do this". Se7en thinks about his family looking down at his almost lifeless body in the real world, 'would they really want me to be scared the whole time?' he asks himself. 'Or would they want me to play it safe and wait for this to pass over?'. The two of them enter the spawn zone and Se7en knows that there is no walking away now.


  3. Se7en is full of energy as he runs to the dark elf spawn zone, this would be his first quest and can't wait to test out his skills. 'I can't wait to defeat my first mob'  he says internally. As he makes his way to the spawn zone he sees a fully armored woman who looks like she's been playing the game for much longer than himself. He thinks that probably a player that well geared wouldn't want a noob like him bothering her. Se7en questions if he should go out of his way to talk to the woman, eventually after a couple minutes of walking back and forth while questioning if he should, he walks up to the pink haired woman. He says "Hi, you don't look like a new player" in a very quiet whisper. Instantly after those words leave his lips he wishes for them to come back and starts to turn and slowly walk away.



    Level: 1 | HP:  20 | Energy:  2 

    DMG: 2 | EVA: 0| MIT: 9 | BLD: 12/2 |

    Dagger R1

    Equipment(In use)
    Dagger BLD1
    Light Armor MIT 1

    5 Starter Healing Potions


  4. Bell_Se7en_SAO_FB.jpg.88752c17cf427cc81b049d8ddd1be759.jpg

    Real name: Shou Kamoku
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'11

    About: History/personality
    Se7en is an introverted teenager who is very quiet and self-preserving. This has caused him to fear the game and dread the day he signed in. Throughout Se7en's childhood he was always drawn to video games because he was able to be anything he wanted to be. His parents bought Se7en a Nerve Gear for his 17th birthday since he was showing interest in VR games. The username Se7en came from Shou's luck and stealth in the video games he played before entering SAO. Once in the game Se7en became very reserved ever since he was trapped in the game because he lost the freedom he once had. His real life fears now invaded the one place where they didn't exist. His biggest wish is to see his family once again and tell them how much he missed them. 

    After 2 years of hoping for other players to complete the game, Se7en is finally ready to go test his luck and fight along side the front line. During his time hiding away in his house he was picked up the basics of how to use a dagger. His fear of death is what always held him back from advancing in the game but he believes that if you want something done you will have to do it yourself. Se7en knows that if he gets strong enough he can effect all player indirectly or directly. He thinks that if he can't free himself from the game no one will do it for him.

    Quiet: His quietness is a useful skill, Se7en has seen what type of trouble you can get into if you overshare so he chooses not to share much information to beginning with. He has gotten out of many problem by keeping his mouth shut. This also allows him to focus more on his changing surroundings. 

    Loyal: Se7en does have many trust issues but once you get past that he is extremely loyal. He is willing to sacrifice himself for those he considers close. Once he considers you as a friend he will be by your side for life. This loyalty also allows him to see the good in everyone he becomes allies with.

    Only Child: Se7en was raised an only child, naturally he grew independent and perceptive. He also tends to enjoy time by himself because it reminds him of home. He also is very aware of the environment near him.

    Quiet: His quietness is often misunderstood and has gotten him into danger countless of times. Se7en is often to afraid to say the wrong thing to other players which causes them to think he is ignoring them. He often doesn't ask for help when he needs it. 

    Thanatophobia: This is the fear of death. Se7en has always feared what is on the other side, he doesn't want to know what is at a young age. He doesn't want his family to have their only child taken away to early. 

    Only Child: There are some down sides when it comes to being an only child, Se7en is somewhat closed-minded. He is also distant at times and he doesn't like to talk about his feelings much. Se7en will often remove himself from large social groups because he feels out of place.

    Trust Issues: Se7en doesn't trust people easily, this was caused from many years of being an outcast. He'd much rather be by himself and safe then with others and damaged. It takes a lot of time before Se7en can call people his friends.

    Introverted: Se7en is shy and normally will keep to himself, this stems from prior to SAO. He doesn't think he has good qualities and normally tries to stay away from most people. He didn't have many friends in the real world and was often bullied.






    Weapon skills:
    » Dagger Rank 1


    Set A "Basic Package":

    • Dagger Bleed 1
    • Light Armour MIT 1
    • (5) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
    • 2,500 Col and (10) Tier 1 materials


    Story Thus Far 

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