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Posts posted by Null

  1. Lvl: 4

    HP: 80

    Energy: 8

    DMG:  1



    Starter D "Support Package": 

    Vanity Weapon of choice

    Vanity Armor of choice



    (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)

    (5) Tier One Health Potions of Rare quality. (+40 HP)
    (1) Tier One Damage Potion of Uncommon quality. (+1 Damage)
    (1) Tier One Over-Health Potion of Special quality. (+50 HP to maximum HP for the remainder of the thread)



    (25) Tier 1 materials



    Wooden Club (Vanity Warhammer) [E]



    Travelers Tunic/Robe (Vanity Armor) [E]


    Money: 2,400 Col



    Total- 9

    Used- 0

    Remaining- 9

  2. Name: Null (IRL: Kura Okami)

    Age: 18

    Sexuality: Pansexual

    Height: 6'0"

    Weight: 160 pounds

    Gender: Male (He/Him/His)


    Appearance: Null is a tall man of an average slim build, with long white hair and a blue (left) and green (right) eye. He dresses in a nice blue robe and has a regular leather tunic underneath. Nothing about him really stands out other than his eyes, and even then it isn't that weird. Though if you stick with him for long enough he loves fashion and may have a different outfit if you turn around too slowly.

    Likes: Sweet food, nice smells, doing things for himself, making friends

    Dislikes: Sour or bitter food, medicine, being treated like a child or weaker, lying

    Fears: Betrayal, harm to those he cares for, needles, bugs

    Goals: To be seen as someone people can rely on, making friends, and taking down those who try to ruin the game

    Profession: Undecided 



    Determined: When Null has a goal in mind he will work his butt off to make sure that goal is completed. He will travel wherever he needs and do whatever it takes to make sure that his plan comes together in the end. Just the idea of some kind of adventure and having something to show for his accomplishments excites him to no end.

    Planner: If there is a plan that needs to be made, you can count on Null to gather every last detail he can to formulate the best tactic. He believes that the key to success is to outsmart your opponent in battle, even if that opponent is a random mob or boss. In his free time, you will probably see him looking at maps of dungeons putting together a new strategy.

    Charismatic: Null tries to give off positive energy wherever he goes, making sure morale is high and his party members or allies are ready for their next challenge. Even at the lowest Null will do whatever he can to bring up those he cares for because he believes negativity will only hurt you more as it lingers. He can also deliver some pretty good candy grams to your loved ones.



    Reckless: Believing his plans are foolproof, he will charge headfirst through his mapped routes and strategies without considering the possibility of things going wrong. It is very likely he will run through a dungeon and the tunnel he planned to go through is collapsed and he will just be a mess of how things went wrong or how to fix it. His first action after things go wrong is to take out his plan or map and on the spot pressure out a new strategy.

    Trust Issues: In real life, Null/Kura was not a very well-liked person due to his awkwardness, and people would make fun of him or lure him to pranks by promising a group of friends. Null will see party members as nothing more than that, but in the case that he does truly trust them he will protect them with his life. But getting to that trust in the first place may be a very difficult task.

    Inner ConflictDue to Null always bringing people up and keeping positivity, he never really allows himself to be sad, so he will just make a joke of everything. This leads him to be bad in negative social scenarios, and having others mad at him for being "heartless". He thinks that if anyone saw him upset or cry it would show weakness, which is the last thing he wants in a fantasy world, as it is his escape from real struggles.



    In the real world, Kura Okami is a quiet kid that is the but of most jokes, never really fitting in and not really talking to anyone. Throughout his life, Kura was bullied to no end, being nothing more than a punching bag to others. But when he learned of the fantasy world of gaming he became someone completely different, charismatic, and happy as he travels these mysterious worlds and gathering cool stuff. Choosing casual wear of a blue cloak or robe in towns and basic adventuring gear in the wild, Kura slowly became a tactician known for familiarizing himself with dungeon layout and knowing where the most monsters will spawn. In these worlds he decides to dawn the name Null, being void of all negativity in these interesting worlds full of guilds and monsters and pets. But that changed when he joined Sword Art Online, being trapped in that world turned his void from negativity to void from safety, where any wrong choice could end his life. Knowing this is now a game of survival, he used his knowledge of tactics to bring victory to as many as he could, assisting anyone he thinks might have trouble. Sadly he soon learns that even the smallest roadblock could mean the end, so he has a hard time handling something that could alter the plan. Though no matter how bad things got, all his allies saw was a silly grin and him reaching for his map, as he slowly freaks out inside fearing of disappointing those who put their lives in his hands. Now with a self-inflicted weight of many of his shoulders, Null fears to leave the starting town, electing to provide supplies he gets from smaller monsters and supports those he finds more capable or brave.


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