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Posts posted by Asmura

  1. As space rained down upon the players of Sword Art Online a flurry of gasps and excited mumbling exploded throughout the gathered crowd. It was unlike anything that had ever been witnessed since the beginning of this world. It was truly a wonderous event, even more so for the duo that sat embraced under the falling sky. A family that wouldn’t be torn apart by the harsh reality of this world and linked forever by their new – yet strong – bond.

    Absorbing the words that Kiluia spoke Asmura nodded. Relief flooded through her being upon hearing that Kilulia would not be alone. Although she had only adventured with Freyd the others were just a reliable. They would help each other and ensure that everyone came back. Her gaze, which had been drawn up toward Kiluia, was then drawn toward the sky as well. The words “I have a reason to live” echoed in her head. “That’s comforting,” Asmura said lightly, a small grin snuck onto her features, “I would worry if you didn’t.” She already missed them. Next time, I’ll go with them. I promise.

    Wide eyes trailed a particular star as it fell from grace.  “Have you made a wish yet? I heard that if you do it will come true.”

  2. Several steps were taken toward the childlike body that laid on the floor of the dark cave. The claws that extended from the creature’s feet raked against the ground with every step. As the sound echoed through the empty space it fully dawned on Asmura that she was alone. No Freyd. No Kiluia. No Haine. Just herself, the emptiness, and the shadows on the wall. Which meant that no one was going to come save her. Eye narrowing and lips thinning tiny hands grasped the stone in one hand and the sword the other. Rolling, Asmura stood to face the creature. Then she would have to take care of it herself. Yes, she was scared but that didn't mean she was helpless. As the sword charged and started to glow the creature took it chance. Claws outreached for her to gaze skin once again, but the small girl was quicker. She ducked under the extend claw arm and then started her attack. Four, solid blows hit the creature’s body - knocking it back several feet. Then, before narrowed eyes, the creature started to disappear. Grinning to herself she tucked the sword away and then followed the tunnel back out to her partner. Pride at her accomplishment radiated off of the tiny body in waves.  



    [x4] Bear Knock (4 Energy) - The user makes four hard blows in random places on the opponents body.
    Asmura: ID#181285 | BD: 4  | 4+3=7 | 6x4=24 DMG(HIT)
    Cave GuardianID#181285 | MOD: 2 (MISS)

    Asmura: LVL: 12 | HP: 190 | EN: 16/24 (-4 for hit) | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 6 | DMG: 6
    Weapon: Frostbound (3 DMG)
    Armor: Suit of Light  (2 MIT | 1 EVA)
    Misc: Frostlass Hoop Earrings (3 ACC)

    One Handed Weapons | Rank 2 - Journeyman (2 DMG)
    Light Armor | Rank 1 (5 MIT)

    Cave Guardian: HP: 20-26=0 HP | DMG: 50 (on first successful hit only, and this additional damage will be absorbed by the Safeguard Potion provided from the 'The Second Lesson, Is Also Free' quest) / 5 (Does not gain bonus damage from Critical Hits)


  3. There was more movement just a couple feet away. Again, her body instinctively moved forward to at least graze the creature. Nothing but air once again. Even with the dim light of the crystal Asmura could feel the darkness closing in; edging closer and closer to her being until there was nothing but it and herself. Desperately, the air in her lungs attempted to catch-up as it pushed air rapidly through her mouth. The moment of distraction would cost; from the shadows the creature appeared. It attempted to tear it's claws her flesh of Asmura's back as it greedily reached for the crystal. Unfortunately for the creature, the momentum of its attack pushed the small body forward and the gem out of its' reach. Falling flat on her face Asmura rolled onto her back with the curved sword up and faced the creature. Its eyes were dull, purple gems and sharp claws dragged on the floor of the cave. Over it head <<Cave Guardian>> lit up in the darkness. It looked like a small, smoky purple gremlin; and it started to step toward her. 



    [x4] Bear Knock (4 Energy) - The user makes four hard blows in random places on the opponents body.
    Asmura: ID#180960 | BD: 2 (MISS)
    Cave GuardianID#180960 | MOD: 6 (MISS DUE TO POTION)

    Asmura: LVL: 12 | HP: 240-50=190 | EN: 20/24 (-2 for miss) | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 6 | DMG: 6
    Weapon: Frostbound (3 DMG)
    Armor: Suit of Light  (2 MIT | 1 EVA)
    Misc: Frostlass Hoop Earrings (3 ACC)

    One Handed Weapons | Rank 2 - Journeyman (2 DMG)
    Light Armor | Rank 1 (5 MIT)

    Cave Guardian: HP: 20 | DMG: 50 (on first successful hit only, and this additional damage will be absorbed by the Safeguard Potion provided from the 'The Second Lesson, Is Also Free' quest) / 5 (Does not gain bonus damage from Critical Hits)





  4. The screech was enough to cause the brightly colored amulet to tumble out of calloused finger's and land onto the floor of the cave. It's glow cast some light into the darkness but it wasn't enough to see if anything lingered where the light didn't touch. Backing up to the cave wall the sword that lay innocently on her hip was drawn and held; ready for anything to happen. At this point her heartbeat was so loud she was sure that Freyd could hear it outside. Then the words that Freyd stated came to the forefront of her mind, "...cave thingy doesn't smash you in the face real hard..." Right, how she could forget about the "cave thingy?" Suddenly, out of the darkness a claw raked toward her chest. Asmura was barely able to dodge the claw, roll to pick-up the emerald, and then face toward the beast. Only, it wasn't there anymore.

    Feeling the panic rise in her chest the young girl used to light in an effort to see the creature. The panic must have been messing with her head because she thought something had moved in the darkness. Lunging forward she hit nothing but cold dense air. Holding the crystal out desperate eyes scanned the darkness and waited. 


    Cave Guardian

    180958 5 4 20 5 Asmura Msg_hover2.png Cave Guardian vs. Asmura 2021-01-02 18:08:57

    MOD: 5 [MISS]


    180959 1 10 18 10 Asmura Msg_hover2.png Asmura vs. Cave Guardian 2021-01-02 18:14:39

    BD: 1 [MISS]

    Asmura: LVL: 12 | HP: 240 | EN: 22/22 (-2 for miss) | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 6 | DMG: 6
    Weapon: Frostbound (3 DMG)
    Armor: Suit of Light  (2 MIT | 1 EVA)
    Misc: Frostlass Hoop Earrings (3 ACC)

    One Handed Weapons | Rank 2 - Journeyman (2 DMG)
    Light Armor | Rank 1 (5 MIT)

    Cave Guardian: HP: 20 | DMG: 50 (on first successful hit only, and this additional damage will be absorbed by the Safeguard Potion provided from the 'The Second Lesson, Is Also Free' quest) / 5 (Does not gain bonus damage from Critical Hits)

  5. Further and further away from the comforting light of day and into the darkness Asmura wandered. Every little sound seemed to be exemplified by as it echoed throughout the air and deeper into the depths. It was hard to tell where everything was with the lack of light; however, her eyes were slowly adjusting enough to see the outlines of the shadows in the cave. So far, it appeared to be a wide, open space with moist air and damp craggy walls. There was bolder located every several feet that appeared to have been worn down by the air the grazed through the cave.

    After what felt like hours of wandering a spot that would be suitable to start looking for stones was discovered. Crouching down small finger started to dig through the earth in search of precious stones. Several minutes passed and nothing was found.  Moving onto the next spot she started to dig again. This process went on for several more times before a glowing, emerald stone was found in the ground. As the pulled in from the ground the cave around proceeded to glow a dim green. Grinning, Asmura held the stone close to face and admired smooth surface of the stone.

    Somewhere, deep in the guts of the cave a creature awoke from its slumber. Beady, black eyes blinked as they adjusted to the surrounding darkness. A mouth decorated with pointed, jagged teeth opened and a screech erupted from its’ gut. It was time to hunt.

  6. With the flick of a wrist the menu appeared with a small ‘pop’ and the potion that Freyd had mentioned was selected from her inventory. As it materialized into her hand wide eyes watched as bubbles rose to the top and relapsed what air was left in the potion. Immediately, the smell hit her nose and Asmura turned away in disgust. It smelled like that awful cherry cough medicine that had to be taken when she was sick that one winter. With a glace cast toward her companion she frowned. There was a strange look in his eyes; almost like he was worried about her or something. Letting out a breath, one hand pinched the bridge of her nose and the other brought the potion to her mouth. “Here goes nothing,” Asmura stated, in a strange throaty voice before gulping the potion down. As the last drop disappeared into her mouth the bottle ceased to exist.

    Nudged forward furrowed brows stared into the darkness of the cave. It appeared to be hollow; and the only light was that which streamed in a few feet before fading into pitch blackness. Honestly, Asmura thought that Freyd was going to accompany her into the darkness but based on the way this was looking he was not. “Right. You can do this. You’re not scared,” Asmura murmured to herself taking a step toward the cave, “you’re capable, and smart.” Another few steps. Before even realizing it, the cave barrier had been passed and alone in the darkness she stood. It was cooler than expected inside the cave, and a light wind breeze blew through the opening tousling the raven locks slightly. Turning, she could see the outline of Freyd outside as her eyes continued to adjust.

    See you soon!” Asmura called, her voice bouncing off the cave walls and echoing through the seemingly never-ending abyss. The noise must have stirred a few bat-like creatures because a few of them flew past her form and into the daylight. "Well, this is going to be fun." Asmura remarked to none on but herself. 


    Drank Safeguard - it blocks the damage from the first successful attacks that hits the player.

  7. As predicted the man clad in the black was as elusive as ever. There were times were cracks in the mask grew wider and ever closer to shattering; however, in a stunningly short amount of time those cracks would be repaired it was back to life as usual. Asmura hoped that there was someone that Freyd trusted enough to be rely on. While distracted by her own thoughts some part of her recognized that he was staying something. Without thinking her head was nodding up and down; agreeing to whatever was being said. Then, like a cat in the night, there was Freyd right next to her.

    "Besides, it's also supposed to make you a few inches taller."  

    There was a moment where confusion was etched onto her face. Taller? What was supposed to make her taller? After a second it dawned on her that the only item he could be talking about was that potion from Tealeaf. “Really?” Asmura questioned, the slightest bit of hope in her voice, “Do you think I could grow as tall as you?”

    The question faded into the air as they arrived at the place where they were supposed to meet the next person. Following Freyd’s pointed finger her eye landed on a lanky, beautiful women who was sketching. With thin rimmed brown glasses that milk chocolate colored hair. Slowly, the shy girl approached the figure. After several seconds of awkwardly standing there like a statue the figure addressed her. After a few minutes of talking, well Ms. Hannah did all the talking, Asmura made her way back to Freyd.

    “We get to go treasure hunting,” Asmura grinned, excitement vibrating off her being. Hannah had told her direction to the cave, so a hand was flung out pointing to the direction they needed to go. Placing her foot on a conveniently located rock Asmura hooked her finger, “Let’s go find ye treasure!”

  8. As the last bite was stuffed in her mouth a joking, familiar voice boomed over the crowd. As always, The Whisper appeared to come out of nowhere like a shadow in the night. Due to her mouth being full Asmura was unable to respond; however, she did hop off the bench and then join her partner in the crowd. Despite the difference in size between the two the small girl managed to keep up. Finally, after the last piece had been thoroughly chewed was, she able to respond. After all, she had not been raised in a barn.

    “Yes, I left some behind,” Asmura pouted playfully, “And me? Get into trouble? Never.” Innocently a grin spread across her face and batted her eye lashes. Playing hide-and-go-seek, epic games of tag, and pranking Haine with the help of Kiluia; it had been the most fun she had in a while. “I can’t help the fact that some familiars decided to turn again their handlers and help me win a game of hide-and-go-seek. They made their own choice and it had nothing to do with the offering of a bribe in the form of food.” It wasn’t grand, but the memory of Haine and Kiluia’s faces would never leave her mind, as well as the laughs shared after that. “What about you? Anything interesting gone on?”

  9. With each breath her lungs burned as it felt like they were filling with concrete. Without even having to look at the man Asmura was keenly aware that Kiluia’s smooth features were also decorated with streaks of water. That fact made it harder to hold the tears back, but she did. Despite the duo holding onto to each for a prolonged period of time; Asmura did not want to let go. It felt like the moment they did it would all be over in a flash, and then they would be gone. Much like that stars that fell above and then disappeared into nothingness in the matter of seconds. There would be no more food fights at the table, and no more hide and seek with Pingu. The once bustling home would be quiet and somber. Hopefully, not for long though.  

    “The biggest dinner ever,” Asmura agreed, voice soft as to not disturb the air of acceptance that had fallen, “with ham, and potatoes, and pies. We’ll make it together, as a family. It will be the best.” They would be together. They would come back and once they did it would like nothing change. One day, Asmura would be on the front line too. They would fight side-by-side and make sure that nothing ever happened to each other. “Who else will be going, do you know?” Asmura inquired, finally turning a gaze up toward the taller player, “Anyone else I know?”

    @Kiluia Seiko

  10. With each step the cinnamon glazed scone bounced as it remained clenched inside the jaw of a running child. Her midnight color locks whipped around fervently as each hasty step sprung her forward toward her desired destination. Despite having Kiluia wake her up early with the most delicious breakfast that had every graced her stomach she was late. The scone that dangled from her lips was the last remints of beautiful breakfast that was sure to be cold upon arriving back home; but that didn’t matter. Asmura was late; well, late in her mind. In reality there had been no previously agreed up meeting time or location; however, she had been trying to get to the town square early in order to contact her adventure partner for the next series in the Beginners Quest. 

    As she rounded the corner to the square at the Town of Beginnings it was discovered that the place was not as busy as normal. Maybe it was due to the early time or day, or maybe there was something else going on that Asmura was not privy too. Either way, it was much better than the anticipated crowd. Finding a spot along the exterior of the square allowed her to observe the scene discreetly; as well as well as finish the scone in peace. Taking a large chunk and chewing the spice and square filled her mouth. As she went to take the second bite a the menu was opened with a leisurely gesture. Happily munching on the next bite the menu was opened and The Whispers icon popped up. Without another thought a message was sent. 



    To: Freyd - The Whisper in the Shadows
    From: Asmura

    Hey Freyd! If you're not busy I would like to invite you to the third beginnings quest. I'll be on the first floor waiting. If you can't make it, that okay too. Just let me know. 



    @Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows



    Name: Asmura
    Level: 12
    HP: 240 / 240
    EN: 24 / 24

    Damage: 6
    Mitigation: 6
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Frostbound (3 DMG)
    Armor: Suit of Light  (2 MIT | 1 EVA)
    Misc: Frostlass Hoop Earrings (3 ACC)

    One Handed Weapons | Rank 2 - Journeyman (2 DMG)
    Light Armor | Rank 1 (5 MIT)

    Extra Skills:


    Battle Ready Inventory:
    5 Starter Healing Potions (heals 50 HP)

    Housing Buffs:
    Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat

    Guild Hall Buffs:

    Wedding Ring: 


  11. With an air of inquisitiveness and confusion the young player listened while Freyd described why the meeting had been called with such urgency. Admittedly, Asmura had only adventured with the player in question once. Hearing The Whisper talk about the boy invoked an image of him that was imposed during their last, and first, adventure. The flamboyant, electric blue locks. Bright eyes with a cheshire grin. During their adventure he had not seemed dangerous in the slightest; in fact, he had seemed quite the opposite. However, if Asmura knew anything about Freyd is that he was quick-witted and honest--which meant that what was being shared had occurred. The brightness that had been felt from ChaseR suddenly seemed distorted. Was that really who he was? 

    As that last thought ran through her mind a sudden weight on top of her head knocked her back into reality. Kiluia, her father, had placed a hand on her head and spoke. As his words hit the crowd--and were absorbed by her--a sense of dread was felt. If that had been her she would have answered the message without a second thought; and regrettably there was no way to survive an attack such as that at her level. As the weight was lifted and Kiluia wandered toward Freyd he announced this thoughts to the crowd. As he talked a sense of warmth encompassed her being. Wide orbs drawn up she found none other than Haine, Kiluia’s spouse and her mother, who also spoke to the crowd with calmness and directness. Then, the warmth was gone and the conversation continued.

    Personally, it was agreed that ChaseR was a risk to the members of the guild and should not be allowed to access the benefits that being a guild member provides. It sounded to Asmura that the boy was overtaken by emotions and was unable to think rationally. His willingness to be overtaken by said emotions was concerning. As agreement from Haine rang through the air Asmura nodded her head. She too agreed with Kiluia. 

    During the discussion one of the other guild members that had never been met slid his chair back and darted out of the building. While several of the guild members took notice of the noise and the player leaving none of them moved. Despite not knowing him Asmura hoped that he was alright; after all, he had seemed rather upset.

  12. The shadowed man was standing beside her, and then in the blink of an eye he was three steps away. The race had started. “Hey,” Asmura called, grinning as the little legs carried her as fast as they could, “No fair! You didn’t say start!” Anyone in the field would have seen the duo racing back to the gate of the city gate, laughter ringing through the air and into the endless sky above. In a world where death was breathing down the back of players necks it was a strange sight to see two of them running and laughing about.

    It was about halfway through the race when it dawned on her that Freyd was messing with her. He would slow down for about half a second, let her catch up, and then speed up. The illusion that that winning was in her grasp was swiftly disappearing, but it didn’t matter. This was fun.  As Freyd crossed the line into the city Asmura followed. When he had come to stop so had she. “Next time,” Asmura sighed, breath slight uneven, “I’ll beat you.” As it turns out, they were not far from the blacksmiths shop. Together they maneuvered the cities streets and then entered the shop. Within seconds Asmura had provided Mr. Tealeaf with the materials. Only two more lessons quest and then she would be caught up.

  13. A glance at the sprawled-out form basking in the sunlight caused the adventure to relax slightly. If he could be so carefree, then so could she, right? As the duo had discussed, this is what life was going to look like from now on. Might as well have fun and life it to the fullest. Taking a long, inhale through her nose and then letting out she charged forward.

    As soon as the first step hit the ground something changed. For a split second Asmura could have sworn that the sound of high pitched, fast paced music could be heard. Battle music. This was her epic duel with the indomitable Beelzeboar and battle music would only be fitting. As quick steps were taken toward the boar pup the sword was raised. Realization must as dawn on the boar pup because it too started to charge. The dueling pair met in the middle. Part of the tusk of the boar pup had caught Asmura on the arm; however, her sword remained true and struck across the beast’s chest. Asmura’s form was the only one to land gracefully on the ground in a crouch position. There, where the boar pup would have been, was a lone tusk. Placing the sword back in the sheath she pivoted and rushed over to place the tusk in the inventory.

    “We won the duel with the Beelzeboar,” Asmura cheered, running over to Freyd and leaning over his sprawled-out form, “And I’ve got three tusks! So, we completed the quest. Ready to go talk to that guy again? And then maybe eat?”



    2/3 tusks collected

    [x2] Rage Blow (2 Energy) - The user makes one heavy blow, cleaving into the opponents chest.

    178054 10 3 9 7 Asmura Msg_hover2.png Boar Pup#5 vs. Asmura 2020-11-17 14:10:06

    MD: 7-1=6 (HIT) | Asmura: 199-5=194

    178055 9 3 15 1 Asmura Msg_hover2.png Asmura vs. Boar Pup#5 2020-11-17 14:12:11

    BD: 9+3=12 (HIT) | Boar Pup#5: 4x2=8 DMG

    178055 9 3 15 1 Asmura Msg_hover2.png Asmura vs. Boar Pup#5 2020-11-17 14:12:11

    LD: 14+3=17 (SUCCESS)

    Asmura | HP: 194/200  | EN: 10/20 [-2 Rage Blow] | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 18 | DMG: 4
    Freyd- The Whisper in the Shadows: HP:1230/1230 | EN:135/135 | DMG:19 | MIT:79 | EVA:2 | ACC:4 | KEEN:1 | HLY:6 | FLN:6 | BH:6


    [H: 0F | 1A] Boar Pup#5 | HP: 5| DMG: 3


  14. ://End of thread Summary//:


    Asmura | 300 col + <<Rhaegal’s Emerald [Vanity Quest Item]>> + 3SP [1 Quest, 1 Event, 1 Page]

    Kilulia | 300 col +  <<Rhaegal’s Emerald [Vanity Quest Item]>> + 3SP [1 Quest, 1 Event, 1 Page]

    ChaseR | 300 col + <<Rhaegal’s Emerald [Vanity Quest Item]>> + 2SP [1 Event, 1 Page]

  15. Even with a tall, red coat blocking sight of the dragon and Chaser the young adventure knew what was happening. The small scaled creature was being destroyed. Although, Asmura was keenly aware that Kiluia’s maneuvering was strictly protective; and that was alright with her. The damage this baby dragon could deal was potentially disastrous for someone of the lower levels. As Chaser called out to the rest of the party that the dragon was “shooed away” a smile graced her features. Popping out from behind Kiluia like a spring a wide smile greeted Chaser and Kiluia.

    As the sword was placed back into the sheath her attention was then turned toward her two counterparts. “What should we eat in celebration?” Asmura pondered, while looking toward the sky, “Oh, how about those pumpkin cheesecake muffins? Do you have more of those Kiluia?” Before he could answer the young girl ran forward toward the town—excited at the thought of sweets. “Come on! Let’s go celebrate!”

  16. Nodding toward the taller figure her attention was then turned towards the next target. There was another boar pup a couple feet away. Taking the sword and swiping it down Asmura then started toward the next target. Maybe it was the mention of food or maybe lady luck was not present in this moment because the next thing that was known was the blade slicing through…nothing. With the momentum she stumbled forward and barely managed to catch footing.

    For just a moment a confused gaze was drawn between the pup and the sword. “Damn,” Asmura murmur, breathing slightly off, “I totally missed.” Now was not the time to let up though. Bring the sword in a defensive position she readied for an attack. In her minds eye the area was laid out and her adventuring partner was close by if anything too crazy happened; however, Asmura didn't think it would. After all, this was just a boar pup and the amount of damage it could do was insignificant




    2/3 tusks collected

    [x2] Rage Blow (2 Energy) - The user makes one heavy blow, cleaving into the opponents chest.

    177411 1 4 13 4 Asmura Msg_hover2.png Rage Blow vs. Boar Pup#5 2020-11-10 12:08:40


    Asmura | HP: 199/200  | EN: 14/20 (-2) | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 18 | DMG: 4
    Freyd- The Whisper in the Shadows: HP:1230/1230 | EN:135/135 | DMG:19 | MIT:79 | EVA:2 | ACC:4 | KEEN:1 | HLY:6 | FLN:6 | BH:6


    [H: 0F | 1A] Boar Pup#5 | HP: 5| DMG: 3



  17. The phrase “we’ve been called to the front lines” bounced around her head as if it had been a bouncy ball ricocheting off the walls. As his arm wrapped around the small body and drew it in Asmura folded like a piece of origami. Just like the stars falling in the sky the world that had been built, the one with Kiluia and Hanie, was falling. Why did they have to leave now? Why did they have to leave at all? Especially when Kiluia that just broke the news that he wanted to adopt her. To be her family. Before it could be stopped the flood broke through the ever carefully crafted barrier cracked. Thick, warm tears streamed down puffy cheeks as a gaze was drawn toward the ground. There was not sound between the two of them. Asmura knew without a doubt that she was being selfish. Kiluia and Haine had to go. They would come back and there would be a wedding. They would celebrate both victory, love, and family.

    Through watery eyes a tearful gaze was drawn up toward the sky. She had to be strong. “I would love to be part of your family,” Asmura murmured, her voice cracking and pitchy, “I’ll be waiting for you both to come back so we can have a wedding and celebrate.” Sniffing and taking a hand to wipe away the tear streaks Asmura turned and looked at Kiluia with a fractured smile. “You better come back.” It was meant to be a joke to lighten the mood; however, there was also a note of seriousness. The young player was unsure if she could take losing another family to Sword Art Online.

  18. Leaning again the think, worn bark of a tree on the first floor was one of the young players of Sword Art Online. Her raven locks glistened in the flecks of sunlight that shined brilliantly through the think leaves of the tall oak tree. Head lulled over and cheek pressing into the right shoulder the young girl was for all purposes, asleep. Players who were wandering by and happened to notice the player would realize upon further inspection she was, in fact, asleep. Luckily for her, not many people noticed the presence of a child in a game where the different between life and death was one wrong move. The act of falling asleep had not been intentional. The player, Asmura, had been enjoying a day of lounging and sketching until her eyes started to drift shut and the world faded out of view. Suddenly, the sound of a 'ping' resounded right next to Asmura's ear causing her to jerk awake and stare. It was rare to receive a message. Confused and blurry eyed the message was read...and then read again.  With each work her mouth dropped further and further. 

    [What is going on?] Asmura thought as she quickly stood and headed to the nearest transporter. It took on a couple minutes before she was standing in the dim blue light and stay, "Floor 22." 

    Only having been to the guild hall a couple of times it took a moment to find the right direction; however, it was clear from the map that she was heading in the right direction. Coming to the door there was a moment of hesitation before she placed a hand on the handle and pulled. There were quite a few people that Asmura did not recognized…and some she did. Freyd, who had sent the message, being one of them. Quietly the raven-haired girl made her way inside and found a spot that was against the wall. Attempting to not bring too much attention to herself she sat down and waited. This was her first guild wide meeting and it was unclear what the expectations were. 


    LVL: 10 | HP: 200 | EN: 20 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 1


  19. Raising a thin eyebrow, Asmura’s wide innocent eyes looked up at ChasR as he described how to attack the small scaled beast. It could not be helped. A small, miniscule giggle broke past a cat like grin that was growing. “Um…I-I don’t think a light bop will do much damage,” Asmura reasoned, turning her gaze from ChasR to the beast, “It pr-probably needs to be a bit of a heavier hit.” It was recognized by the young girl that the blue themed male was doing his best to engage with her. It was rather sweet that he said he would stop it if it retaliated. Soon, he would realize that, much like him, she had been thrown into the world and forced to grow up.

    Stepping out in front of the duo she inhaled. As the breath exited past her nostrils all thoughts that would provide a distraction with gone. It was time. Desiring to keep herself close to her allies – as was learned from Kiluia and Freyd – Asmura took a step forward and then sprinted off. At approximately halfway the sword was drawn; an icy aura glowing around it as it yearned for battle. Leaning forward the blade was brought horizontal across the chest of the beast with confidence and effortlessness. Utilizing the forward motion Asmura pivoted and then retreated to maintain close distance with her companions.



    [x2] Rage Blow (2 Energy) - The user makes one heavy blow, cleaving into the opponents chest.

    177350 8 9 15 3 Asmura Msg_hover2.png Rage Blow vs. Rhaegal 2020-11-09 12:42:15

    BD: 8+3=11 (HIT) | Rhaegal : 4x2=8 DMG | 8 - 25 = 1 DMG


    AsmuraHP: 200/200  | EN: 18/20 (-2 Rage Blow) | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 18 | DMG: 4

    ChaseRHP: 1530/1530 | EN: 150/150 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 43 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | HOLY: 12 | PARA: 9-10 | BH: 76 | V.(DEF): 76 | HBS: 16 | LD: 5

    Kiluia: ...


    (Hate| 0A | 0K | 0C) Rhaegal - the Emerald Hatchling| HP: 124 (-1 DMG) | MIT: 25 | ACC: 0 | EVA: 0 | DMG: 50


  20. With a fox like grin the young player provided the older male with a swift salute before returning back to the field of battle. If he had not ushered her way, she would have continued to ask questions and engage in conversation. Asmura rather enjoyed talking with Freyd. The way he addressed and spoke to her made her made her confidence and determination skyrocket. As she approached a boar pup that was wandering the outskirts of the field thoughts of what it would be like to be in O&I whizzed by. Freyd had said that she was clever and mature. Was that something she could do? Be part of O&I? Would she like being part of O&I? Asmura had more questions than answers; but luckily the head of O&I was adventuring along with her.

    Shooting away the thoughts about a possible future with O&I Asmura refocused at the task at hand. Gathering the quest materials. Taking a steading breath, a burst of energy was then applied as nimble steps were taken toward the boar pup. Sword drawn and being covered in a frosty blue energy as it struck across the chest of the pup. As the slash hit its mark there was nothing the boar pup could do but watch as its life was taken away in a single swipe. Left behind was the tusk of the pup. Dropping the sword to her side the young girl picked up the tusk and placed it away. Only one more.



    2/3 tusks collected

    [x2] Rage Blow (2 Energy) - The user makes one heavy blow, cleaving into the opponents chest.

    177345 6 3 11 7 Asmura Msg_hover2.png Rage blow vs. Boar Pup 2020-11-09 11:45:16

    BD: 6+3=9 (HIT) | Boar Pup: 4x2=8 DMG

    77346 6 5 15 9 Asmura Msg_hover2.png Gather quest materials 2020-11-09 11:48:07

    LD: 15+3 (SUCCESS)

    Asmura | HP: 199/200  | EN: 14/20 (-2) | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 18 | DMG: 4
    Freyd- The Whisper in the Shadows: HP:1230/1230 | EN:135/135 | DMG:19 | MIT:79 | EVA:2 | ACC:4 | KEEN:1 | HLY:6 | FLN:6 | BH:6

    [H:0,0] Boar Pup: HP: 5 | DMG: 3


  21. Immediately, concentration was lost, and a loud ‘thud’ could be heard as buttocks contacted the rock flooring. “Oww…” Asmura whined, squeezing her eyes shut as the pain reverberated through her backside. Soft, cracked laughing could be heard nearby. As the pain dulled, the raven-haired child squinted at the figure a mere few feet away from her. Wiry limbs and a slim frame were quaking as laughter attempted to held in. “That’s not funny..,” Asmura murmured, proceeding to stand and dust herself off, but as the laughing continue as the pain slowly faded, she found herself smiling too. “Okay, maybe it was. And yes, I’m here for your quest. I need to learn the martial art skill.”

    Several moments passed before the older man actually answered. “You need to learn it, or you want to learn it…?” His voice had a hard edge that was not present a second ago and it caused the young player to pause. Need vs. want. It was a classic question, right? Obviously, Asmura was here because she needed to learn the martial art skill, right?  Well, if she was being honest with herself, she wanted to learn it too.

    “Need and want,” Asmura responded, confident in her answer to the older man. “I need this to protect my friends and I want the skill so I can use my body during combat too. So, need and want.”




    Name: Asmura
    Level: 06
    HP: 120/120
    EN: 12/12

    Damage: 3
    Mitigation: 1
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Frostbound (DAM: 3)
    Armor: Suit of Light (MIT: 2, EVA: 1)
    Misc: Frostlass Hoop Earrings (Accuracy: 3)

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    (5) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)

    Housing Buffs:
    Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat



  22. Finally, after what felt like hours of time the young player finally arrived at the top of the mountain. Bending over, and placing small hands on her knees, several deep breaths were taken attempting to regain energy from the long journey. Charcoal black locks fell forward as the small body hunched over in an attempt to regain what was lost. As Asmura straighten, and as she did wide eye made contact with a figure across the flat top of the mountain. He was an older man with sun tanned skin and a long, wizard like beard. The top of his head shined brightly as the noon high sun reflected off his bald hairless head. Momentarily, Asmura was stuck in place as she observed the man across the way. It then dawns on her that the older man had not actually seen her yet; as his eyes were closed and he appeared to be waiting. 

    [Is he even alive?] Asmura thought as she slowly started to approach the strange man. Then her foot hit a rock and she stumbled forward. As the young girl attempted to right herself narrowed eye flickered open and watched as a dance was preformed to bring the player back on her feet.

    “Welcome to my mountain young player,” a croaking, cracking voice echoed through the air, “I take it you’re here for my quest, yes?”




    Name: Asmura
    Level: 06
    HP: 120/120
    EN: 12/12

    Damage: 3
    Mitigation: 1
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Frostbound (DAM: 3)
    Armor: Suit of Light (MIT: 2, EVA: 1)
    Misc: Frostlass Hoop Earrings (Accuracy: 3)

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    (5) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)

    Housing Buffs:
    Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat



  23. Without so much as another thought tiny fingers grasped at the pretzel and a rather large bite was taken. That was until she realized that it may have been uncivilized of her and quickly wiped the crumbs dotting her face away and attempted to act more civilized. If there was one thing Asmura loved, it was food. Any kind of food really. Sweet, Spicy, Sour. If someone named it then the young player probably liked it. It was one of the few items in the game that truly reminded her of the real word.

    As the soft pretzel was munched on Asmura stared a Freyd curiously. Hum, so he was Captain of Intelligence and Operations. Flashing back to when she had first met the Whisper of the Shadows the young player recalled he had been talking to a shop keeper who had preprogramed responses. Well, if he could carry on a conversation with a shop keeper then he must be able to talk with anyone.

    “Woah,” Asmura muttered, eyes sparkling in wonderment, “That’s amazing! You’re a real spy. And you’re the best of the best if you must be the Master.” As the wave of excitement started to fade it then dawn on the raven-haired girl that this information was pretty important. “Isn’t that supposed to be, like, a secret though? I image you don’t everyone you’re the spymaster…that just wouldn’t make sense.”


    Asmura eats Jackpot Pretzel - Consumable (Snack)- Loot Die 3

  24. The way that Kilua mentioned that being a performer would allow her to grow as a person made Amsura stop and think. He was right. Taking on the Performer role would be one that would be challenging, but also rewarding. Maybe Haine would be able to help her?

    As oranges, pinks and yellows darkened into a silky midnight blue the stars the decorated the night sky like sprinkle on a cupcake started to appear. The brightened and dimmed in unison as the moon started to peak over the horizon. It was truly a sight to behold. Finishing up the last few crumbs of the muffin—and ensuring that every crumb was out of the muffin wrapper—Asmura started to settle too as she intently listened to how Kiluia and Haine met. Laying back to the young girl hung on to every word. Honestly, learning the stories of other people lives and how they met their loved ones fascinated her.

    Then an unexpected question left Kiluia’s mouth. Jerking up into a seated position, Asmura stared down at Kiluia with surprise etched onto her face. “Really?” Asmura questioned, voice laced with growing excitement, “You want me to be your flower girl?” The question was rhetorical but just saying it out made it real. “Of course, I’ll be your flower girl! When is the wedding? Do you need help with anything else?” There was going to be a wedding and she was going to be part of it. It must be her lucky day.


  25. As the beady, crimson orbs stared down the young player couldn’t help but feel a shiver run up and down her spine. While the girl under the mask appeared serious and well, nice enough, it was the crimson orbs that were truly off putting. She remembered times where she was falling asleep in her warm comfy bed and images of the same red eyes would float to the top of her mind’s eye; startling her awake and making sleep unobtainable, but those were different days. Now, she was a wasn’t afraid. Now she had the ability to fight and be strong.

    As Megitusune mentioned that Asmura appeared to be below the double digits she nodded in confirmation. Just measly level 1. Hopefully, one day she would make the big leagues. “Only level one,” Asmura stated, neither proud nor disappointment, “Hopefully, I’ll be in the double digits one day. "At that she grinned at fox-faced girl. The duo then made their way out of the boundaries of the safe zone and toward their destination. It shouldn’t be too far now.  "How long have you been in the guild anyway?" 

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