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Posts posted by Sai

  1. Tired of the games, Sai tightly gripped the handle of his blade with a strong determination, he quickly took action. Without missing a beat, the swordsman swung his sword, slicing through the «Boarlet». 'It felt smooth.. Like butter.. My attack landed!' As the blade of his sword exited the monster, he sheathed his weapon and heard the shattering of the «Boarlet». A window appeared before him with him obtaining the second boarlet tusk needed to complete his quest. He pumped his fist into the air and smiled toward the sky with the sun rays bathing his skin. 'Things are picking up! I just need to find one more damn tusk and I'll be on my way out of this damn fields!'  Before finding another «Boarlet» to slaughter, the swordsman began walking the «Plains» to take in the settings around him. Everything in the game reminded him of his life outside of the death game, but he had no choice but to continue onward. He began scanning the area for the final monster that he would need to slay and almost instantly he found one minding it's own business.

    "Alright.. Let's do this one more time.." Sai instantly took off toward the «Boarlet» with his hand readied on the handle of his blade.

    SAI | HP: 32/40 | EN: 22/22 | DMG: 6
    [#197675] | BD: 8 | > BASIC | (-0 EN)
    [6 DMG.]

    BOARLET | HP: 0/3 | DMG: 3
    [#000000] | MD: 0 | > [dead.]

    [quest log.]
    2/3 boarlet tusks

  2. The «Boarlet» oinked at the player and he slowly became more irritated from hearing the sound escape from the monster. 'Tch.. I can't believe I am letting something like this get to me.. I can't be the strongest player if I am going to let this affect me..' Although the player was trying to keep a leveled head, he was slowly becoming more impatient as the time went by. He gripped the handle of his blade as tight as possible and glared at the «Boarlet» and took a quick breath and attempted to stab the «Boarlet» once again, but his blade could not connect with the monster and it quickly retreated back to a safe distance. The player looked up straight into the hair and clenched his hands tight and began to shout into the hair, "GOD DAMNIT! THIS DAMN PIG IS EVASIVE AS HELL! HOW AM I MISSING MY ATTACKS?" A few players in the surrounding area looked over at his direction and were weirded out by his behavior. He looked back down and his eyes widen when he saw the «Boarlet» charging straight at him once again.

    Missing the opportunity to step aside, Sai took the charge straight to his abdomen and he fell onto his knee.

    The player felt like vomiting everything out from his guts, but nothing came out of his mouth. He slammed his fist against the ground and could heard the laughter from the distance. Several players watched the white-haired player failing to slay the monster and saw how he fell onto his knees. Suddenly Sai exhaled and stood back on his feet, before shutting his eyes. 'I can't let this get to me.. This is how it is.. I won't allow this to hold me back.. I'm going to finish this quest.. I am going to achieve my goal.' He dusted himself off and slowly opened his eyes to see the «Boarlet» oinking at him.

    SAI | HP: 32/40 | EN: 22/22 | DMG: 6
    [#197655] | BD: 4 | > BASIC | (-0 EN)

    BOARLET | HP: 3/3 | DMG: 3
    [#197656] | MD: 9 | > [3.]

    [quest log.]
    1/3 boarlet tusks

  3. Charging into battle without a care in the world, Sai attempted to plunge his blade into the belly of the «Boarlet». One of the «Boarlets» squealed out and caused the other to run away during combat. The blade plunged into the ground and the white-haired swordsman watched as the creature run off into the distance. 'A--Are you kidding me.. I'm not going to let you get away.. You're my prey!' The angry player pulled his blade out from the grass and the dirt that fell from his blade slowly faded out of existence. He prepared himself to charge towards the fleeing creature and launched himself like a spring. His eyes fixated on the «Boarlet» with nothing else in his mind, he gripped his blade and was preparing to strike the monster.

    A sudden rush slammed right into Sai from the right side, causing him to be flung from the battlefield onto his face.

    "B--Bastard.. I didn't think you would attack me from out of nowhere like that." He said from the ground, before he flipped himself over onto his back. He looked over to his left and watched the fleeing «Boarlet» slowly leaving his sight. 'This is pretty pathetic of me.. I let a tiny ass pig get the better of me and now look at me.' He let out a tired exhale, before sitting himself up and staring at the «Boarlet» that struck him.

    "Stop looking at me.. Damn pig.." He berated as the monster let out a snort at him as if it retorted with an insult. There was a visible frustration on Sai's face, but he had to continue his fight and sitting on the grass was not going to do him any good.

    SAI | HP: 35/40 | EN: 22/22 | DMG: 6
    [#197653] | BD: 4 | > BASIC | (-0 EN)

    BOARLET | HP: 3/3 | DMG: 3
    [#197654] | MD: 10 | > [5 super critical.]

    [quest log.]
    1/3 boarlet tusks

  4. At this moment in time, the white swordsman no longer felt like he was shackled down by the chains of despair. The swordsman sat himself up, leaning against his arms for support, looking over at the «Plains». 'This is a whole new feeling.. I feel like I can stay like this forever, but.. This isn't the plan.. I have to quickly get this over with so I can move onto the next one.' He looked up at the sky with the sun beaming down at him and with that he could not help but let out a smile. He lifted himself off the ground and stretched out his arms and legs before flicking his wrist, materializing his sword. Watching from a distance, he could see a group of players securing an area and singling out monsters that were all alone. 'That is a pretty good idea.. But I think I could handle a few boars. Not like I could die to them.' The player scanned the surrounding area to see if he could find a «Boarlet», but he wanted a more risky approach. The more monsters he could fight, the faster he could complete his task. He was able to spot a few «Boarlets» that were gathered together and all he needed was to take out two monsters and he would finally be done with his task.

    "Alright.. Let's get this over with!" Sai took off towards the monsters with nothing but determination to destroy the enemy in front of him.

  5. Gripping the handle of his blade as tightly as he could, the white swordsman sprinted toward the «Boarlet» with only the intentions of killing the creature. With every step the player took, he got closer and closer to the monster and without any hesitation, he lifted his sword into the air. "Don't take it personally. I just need to get this done as fast as I could." He smirked, before the blade of his sword shined a bright white color and with one fell swoop, his sword cut through the «Boarlet» like butter. His eyes glimmer as thousands of shards burst in front of him.

    A window appeared with his quest progressing with one boarlet tusk. His eyes scanned the «Plains» once again to see if he was safe to relax and once he felt reassured, he fell onto his back and took in the sunlight. He closed his eyes, smiling as he felt the summer breeze blow through his direction.

    SAI | HP: 40/40 | EN: 22/22 | DMG: 6
    [#197155] | BD: 10 | > BASIC | (-0 EN)
     [6 + 2 = 8 DMG]

    BOARLET | HP: 0/3 | DMG: 3
    [#197156] | MD: 00 | > [dead.]

    [quest log.]
    1/3 boarlet tusks

  6. Before allowing the «Boarlet» to make any movement, the swordsman took a single step and started dashing towards the monster. As he approached the creature, he stumbled onto his next step, causing him to fall flat onto his face. It temporarily spooked the «Boarlet» and it hopped a few inches back. 'I-I fell onto my face.. How could this possibly happen to me..? Damn it!' He slammed his fist against the ground, before slowly standing up and brushing the virtual debris off his body. The player looked over at the «Boarlet» prepared himself to attack it again, but as he prepared himself, the monster took off toward his direction.

    Taking an offensive stance, the player also ran toward the «Boarlet», but when he was attempting to strike, the monster began jumping left to right. Stunned by this behavior, Sai took a step back and the «Boarlet» attempted to headbutt the player. Luckily for the player, the monster missed just by a few inches and the player had to take a step back to collect himself.

    [#197151] | BD: 01 | > BASIC | (-0 EN)

    [#197152] | MD: 05 | >  [miss.]

    [quest log.]
    0/3 boarlet tusks

  7. Not giving up a moment to strike first, Sai immediately took action and dashed toward his target. As the «Boarlet» closed the gap between the two, the white-haired swordsman used his blade and slashed the area in front of him. The tip of his blade barely missed his target and the player tumbled onto the ground, before catching himself from rolling any further. 'Tch.. I didn't think I was going to miss my first opportunity to kill my first monster.' He picked himself off the ground and took a defensive stance, as he watched the «Boarlet» turn around.

    With the wind blowing past both combatants, the player watched as the boar like monster charged its way towards him. The player took a deep breath and watched as the monster travel at a quick speed, but he noticed that he could easily move out of the way. As the «Boarlet» got closer, Sai took one step aside and watched the monster fly right past him. 'I- That monster is quite stupid. Now I just need to land an attack and focused on getting the rest of the tusks.' 

    [#197149] | BD: 05 | > BASIC | (-0 EN)

    [#197150] | MD: 01 | >  [miss.]

    [quest log.]
    0/3 boarlet tusks

  8. There were a handful of players in the town of «Tolbana», but there were plenty of «Boarlets» roaming around the «Plains». He took an offensive stance and scanned the area for «Boarlets» that are by themselves. He watched closely as another player was slaying the monsters with extreme swiftness. 'Sword Arts.. Those are what our skills are used for. I should probably figure out how to use this skills. If I can clear out these monsters as fast as he could, I could potentially turn this quest in as soon as possible.' Sai swiped for his menu and took a glance at his skills, but there required energy and he did not have much to spend. A «Boarlet» spotted the white haired player standing out alone and began charging towards him. Looking through his menu, he saw the «Boarlet» coming straight for him. He quickly swiped the menu away and dashed backwards to create a larger gap and took an smirked, 'Alright.. First fight. Let's get rid of this damn monster!'

  9. From a distance, a steady clang of metal on metal is heard as the morning dew blessed the start of a new day. The sound of players hustling merchants for a lower price on their goods and services, giving the atmosphere of a working environment. The white haired player took a step into a dimly lit armory and there was a man standing behind his anvil, striking his heavy hammer against a new project he has been working on. The man had the appearance similar to Zackariah, but this man had no warmth or gentleness in his eyes. The NPC took one glance at the player and immediately the player could see annoyance on the man's face. "I'm busy." The player had no patience for someone who had nothing to offer him, he gritted his teeth and before he could speak, the man cuts him off with a wave of his leathery hand. "I don't do anything without payment. Go kill a couple of those pesky boarlets for me. Make sure you bring back their tusks. They're pretty weak, so even someone of your stature shouldn't have any problems with them. If you bring back three husks, I may be willing to hear you out."

    Before the player could manage a single word, he was already out the door standing in shock. 'Tch.. Boarlets.. I remember reading that they reside somewhere near the town of Tolbana. I guess there is nothing else to do.’ Leaving the armory in his dust, the player began his journey toward Tolbana with ambition filled in his eyes. As he made his way toward the gate, groups of players ran past him with joy on their faces. That was when he felt a surge of excitement going through the course of his body and he made a full sprint toward Tolbana while opening his equipment menu and generating his sword onto his right hand. ‘I’m perfectly ready for this situation.’

  10. Finishing up the rest of his orange juice, Sai began to read check out his quest log to see that he had a new quest to accept. 'I have a new quest unlocked. The second lesson, huh? I guess I have nothing else to really do. I should just accept it.' He accepted the quest and a new objective popped up in front of him. 'I guess it left off on where I was with Zackariah. I have to find the Lyle character.' He got up from his seat and proceeded to leave the inn, making sure to wave at the hostess as he left. 'If I remember correctly, this blacksmith should be nearby that old man's laboratory. I don't really have time to get new equipment nor do I have the Col for it.' Before he made his way toward the blacksmith's armory, he watched as players ran past him towards the gates. Some players were wearing leather armor or shiny steel armor, but the one thing he found in common were that players were in groups. Since the beginning of the game, Sai has always been on his own, but this was not something that was going to stop him from becoming one of the strongest players in the game. He created a fist before started walking toward the direction of the armory. 'It's better if I am alone.. No one to hold me back.. I won't stay weak forever. This is just temporary. I'll reach the frontlines in no time..' He released his fist and shoved his hands into his pockets, before continuing his stroll.

    Thread Complete:
    400 (page) + 500 (quest) = 900 Col
    261 (word count) + 450 (quest) = 711 EXP
    1 mon (event) = 1 mon
    5 T1 Uncommon Health Potion
    1 T1 Uncommon Damage Potion
    1 T1 Overhealth Potion
    1 T1 Perfect Health Potion

  11. Sai ordered a ham and cheese sandwich and an orange juice and the hostess left to place the order. 'Okay.. What was I doing again..? Ah yes.. Profession. What did I stop at..? Appraiser.. Oh this is kind of interesting.. If I became an appraiser, I could identify items, reroll enhancements, and have a potential to identify a unique enhancement.. This is pretty interesting.' He continued to scroll toward the last two profession until the hostess arrived with his meal. "I appreciate it." She smiled at the player and he began to drink his orange juice. 'The taste of food is still here.. How amazing is this technology.. Even if I am stuck in this death trap, it is still nice to do something I used to do everyday.' He continued to eat his breakfast as he scrolled down to the next profession. The last two professions are more like skills you could obtain, but it was something Sai was still interested in. He tapped on the fishing tab and read what he could do. "Fishing.. I guess I shouldn't really expect much." He said aloud, before taking another bite of his sandwich.

    He finished his sandwich and scrolled to the last item on the list. 'Gathering.. I could gather materials.. I don't think I would really need materials if I am thinking of going with the appraiser profession. But I guess it would be nice to have some materials if I were looking for other people to do orders for me.' He finished his sandwich and swiped the menu away. As the day began, players began to flock into the inn and started their day off like usual. He watched as players took their seats and ordered their food, he could not help but smile. 'I guess life is still the same in this world. It's not like anything has really changed. Life and death is almost the same here. Except the fact that we fight hordes of monsters here.' He continued to drink his orange juice, as he thought about his next objective.

  12. His eyes focused on the menu and began looking at the next profession, 'A cook? I was never really good at cooking in real life. I don't think I would have an amazing time doing it here. Snacks, desserts, meals, and feasts. Yeah.. Going to not do that.' Sai turned over to his side and continued his research, 'Performer..? Like a mime? What can I do as a performer? Support songs and debuff songs? I can also record songs in a crystal? Yeah.. Not for me.'  He looked at the last three professions and let out one final yawn. "I think.. I'll call it quits today.. I think I did a lot of work today. This place isn't really going anywhere." He began to nod off, before slipping into a deep slumber. As the night slowly played out, lights around the businesses began to turn off and the sound of players began to die out. 

    As the sun slowly rose, Sai heard a knock at his door and he groaned before slowly opening up his eyes. He slowly sat up and stretched out his arms before getting up from the boxes he slept on. He sighed before walking over the door and opening it to see the hostess smile at him. "Yeah.. I am heading out right now." She bowed before heading down the hall to greet the other players. 'I probably should find a way to make some Col.. Otherwise I should be sleeping out on a bench of something.' He walked downstairs to find his corner booth and waved to make an order for his breakfast.

  13. The atmosphere had a warm aspect that made Sai feel at home with himself. He turned back toward his menu and continued looking at potential professions, 'Artisan.. Do I really want to be an artisan? What do they make? Trinkets, jewelry, and sculptures.. I don't really want to be one..' He scrolled down and looked over at alchemist, but remembered how he failed his crafting in Zackariah's laboratory. 'After that experience I've had with that old man.. I think I am going to skip out on being an alchemist. Maybe there are a few alchemists that could help me out with my situation.' His eyes scanned the room, watching as players leave and end their night. Sai let out a yawn and finished the rest of his tea. After emptying his cup, his hand was filled with thousands of polygons before fading out of existence. He smiled before walking over to a service staff to get a room for the night.

    "Hello. I was wondering if I could have a room for the night. I'm trying to turn in as soon as possible. Preferably a cheap room." The hostess flipped through a book filled with different rooms, ranging from premium rooms to rooms that are as tiny as closets. "Ah.. How about this room? It's kind of terrible, but you will get it for free." Without any hesitation, Sai took the room key and followed the hostess to the room. It was basically a storage room filled with empty boxes. He found a neatly stacked box and laid himself down and started up at the ceiling. 'I guess I should finish this list of professions before calling it quits.'

  14. 'Back to my thought.. Which profession should I take? Or should I even take a profession..' Sai opened a menu and looked over the available professions. He tapped on the Blacksmith profession and began reading what he could do as a blacksmith. 'A blacksmith could craft: weapons, light armor, heavy armor, and shields. That's interesting.. But I don't really see myself as a blacksmith.' The hostess returned with his tea and smiled at her guest, "Is there anything else I could help you with?" She asked politely, Sai looked up at her and smiled, "That would be all, I appreciate it." He watched her walk over to other tables and he took a sip of his tea, 'Hm.. Let's take a look at tailors.. They are almost like blacksmiths.. It says here they make weapons and clothing.. I could probably find a better outfit than this.. Cloth armor and light armor.. Still debating which I should use.. I want to be light on my feet. And finally p-plushies..? I'll just skip over to the next one.' As he scrolled further down the list, he had seven other professions to look at.

  15. The sun has finally set and Sai continued to look around the merchant aisle, looking at different vendors. 'It seems like I could be apart of these shops. What are my options here..? What professions are available?' Sai looked over at an inn that is opened to all players and proceeded to make his way over with a light jog. As he entered the building, the warm air embraces his entire body as the cheers of players surround him. Players from all around gathered to celebrate their spoils and other players were planning their next adventure. Sai made his way to a corner booth and sat down waiting for someone to take his order. The rowdiness of the players put a smile on Sai's face, but he was interrupted as a hostess came by his booth. "How could I help you today? We have some great selections of meats and a wide variety of dri-" Sai lifted his hand up to stop the hostess and said, "I'll take just a cup of tea. Chrysanthemum if possible." The hostess jotted down the order and made her way to the kitchen.

  16. The old man was still searching around for a piece of paper until Sai entered the room. "Oh.. there you are. I found it here in my store room." He walked out of the room and the player proceeded to follow behind him. 'This is a trigger event I assume. I guess I'll just keep following along until I find this sack of Col.' The player walked out of the merchant area and back to where he crafted his perfect potion. "There is a blacksmith around this area, you might want to look for her. Her name is Lyle." The NPC laid out a map and pointed out where the blacksmith is located. 'Hm.. It seems like there is more to this quest.. I guess I won't be able to speedrun this entire floor.' Sai took a step back and was about to head out of the lab, "Good luck on your adventure. I hope to see you again." The NPC resumed his work on the potion and the player made his way up the cobblestone path.

  17. Sai watched as Zackriah walked around looking for a piece of paper, but Sai decided to start looking around the store. 'Who could possibly have his stack of Col.. Damn that pretentious old man.. What could I possibly be getting out of this? Maybe I should just take the Col for myself.. Heh..' He stopped in front of the window and swiped down his menu to take a look at his equipment. His hand hoovered over his starting armor, wondering what he could possibly exchange it with. 'There are a few skills that help improve my armor rating.. But I need to figure out what to get. Maybe I can find some gear out in the battle field.. Or possibly find a dungeon.. I heard there are some around the fifth floor.' He swiped away his menu and began searching for the NPC. He heard rustling a the backroom and proceeded to walk in without the permission of Zackriah.

  18. "I see.. As a gift, I'll hand you over about eight potions. How does that sound?" A window appeared displaying all the items the player received from the NPC'Eight items, huh? Let's see what I got here. A health potion.. Oh? I got five of them. A potion that increases my damage.. This is going to help when I am fighting some tough monsters.. Increase my maximum health? Sounds good.' His finger hoovered over the potion he created and smiled. 'I can heal for fifteen percent of my health? This is actually crazy good.' He swiped the menu away and looked over at the NPC"Now.. Was there anything else..?" Sai began to explain his reasoning for stopping by Zackariah's laboratory. "Leave it to Dorian to forget something so important. I'm afraid it wasn't me that borrowed his Col. I think I know someone who can help. Let me find it for you."

  19. The white-haired boy walked over to grab a new vial and scanned the materials for something to create the potion. He grabbed a white lily and combined the empty vial with it, before pouring some water. He began to swirl the mixture around until he saw a color change and a flash of white light. A window appeared indicating that he successfully crafted a perfect healing potion. 'I-I did it!' He looked over at Zackariah with an accomplished expression on his face. "Look at this potion! I created a simple healing potion with ease!" The player moved the concoction over to the NPC and looked over to see what his expression was. The NPC walked over to pick up the vial, examining the newly crafted potion. He began to examine the work that Sai has presented to him, but there was a shock expression on his face. "What's the matter, old man? Did I do something wrong?" He lifted the potion up and smiled at the player. "Well, normally I would say you have done a fantastic job.. But this concoction you have brewed here.. This is not just a normal healing potion. What you crafted here.. This is a perfect potion!" Sai smiled and was attempting to reach for the potion, but the NPC pulled away and put the potion onto his shelf. "I'll buy this potion off of you. What do you say?" The player disagreed and left his hand out.

    [#197101] | [CD: 11] SUCCESSFULLY CRAFTED

    [quest log.]
    1/1 crafted potion

  20. Before Sai could reach for the material, he stopped midway and looked over at the recipe list. 'This isn't right.. I'm not doing this correctly..' He stood up and started moving the materials all over the counter. He looked around the lab and found a couple of potions to reference from, but no matter what he did, he could not figure out what to do. He attempted once again, grabbing an empty vial and placed the required materials and began swirling the vial. With a small flash, the vial came up crude and the vial became useless. He placed the vial next to his first failure and sat down on the stool with a defeated expression. 'This is a lot rougher than I thought it would be.. I need to find a way to create this potion or I'll be stuck here crafting forever..' He tapped his index finger against the counter and continued to examine the materials.

    [#197030] | [CD: 01] FAILED TO CRAFT 

    [quest log.]
    0/1 crafted potion

  21. Grabbing the first material that was gathered during his time in the «Plains», Sai attempted to craft his very first potion. Zackariah watched in silence, while watching closely to see how Sai crafted the order. Swirling the vial in a circular motion, a tiny flash engulfs the vial. The NPC let out a sigh and continued to work on the other orders that were placed in his lab. 'Tch.. I followed that recipe to the exact number.. What am I missing here?' He placed the failed craft aside and looked over the counter to see what else he could do. He glanced over at Zackariah, but the NPC was still working away. "I've got this.. Just you wait." With determination filling his eyes, Sai rolled up his sleeve and began to craft the next potion.

    [#197029] | [CD: 03] FAILED TO CRAFT 

    [quest log.]
    0/1 crafted potion

  22. Finding the alchemist lab, Zackariah claps his hands as Sai walked through the wooden doors. "Welcome back! Do you have what I have asked for? Could you please place them down on wooden counter? I'm going to need you to help me with the an order. Could you help me with that?" Sai looked over at the wooden counter and slowly walked over and placed each material he gathered onto the counter. A quest window appeared in front of him asking if he is ready to accept the quest. The elderly man smiled at the player and grabbed a ton of empty vials and placed them alongside Sai. "When you are ready, proceed to follow this recipe right here. All I need is a potion that could heal anybody." The NPC tapped onto the recipe sheet and sat down to observe the crafting. Sai sat down right next to the wooden counter and placed his hands on the materials. 'Let's do this.. Nothing can stop me from achieving my goal..' 

  23. As the day slowly comes to an end, Sai continued to search around the meadows for more materials. Other players around him started to head back into the safety of the town, but he did not want to head back with nothing in his pockets. He found a patch of lavender that caught the scent of Sai. He picked up the lavender and smiled as the window appear in front of him. A light chime is heard and he looked up into the sky and shouted, "LET'S GOOO!" A couple of birds flew out of the forest and there was dead silence. He put his down and followed the path back to the town to find safety before the monsters start attacking him.

    'All I need to do now is return to that Santa Claus looking character and I should be done with this quest.'  Many players were sprinting into the entrance of the town and Sai watched as players walked into taverns to celebrate. He went towards the direction of Zackariah's lab, but Sai had to search store to store again.

    [#197028] | [LD: 13] MATERIAL FOUND 

    [quest log.]
    5/5 materials found

  24. One of the players saw Sai dashing towards them and shouted at his friend to move out the way. The player winced and fell onto his butt, as Sai picked up the herb, claiming it for himself. "D-Dude.. Are you kidding me? That was mine!" Sai stood up and started to laugh. "What are you going to do about it? He turned over towards the group of players and they all stood there shocked. He watched as the players slowly unsheathe their weapons and took an offensive position. 'Looks like I am going to have to fight my way out of here.' Before he could place his hand on the handle of his weapon, one of the players tapped his teammate on the shoulder and they turned around and left.

    Sai let out a sigh of relief, as he watched the group of players slowly leave the forest. He glanced over at other players attempting to search for materials in the same area. 'It seems like gathering the materials are just random. Maybe bumping into that guy wasn't the right thing to do.' He stretched out his arms and continued to walk around the meadow.

    [#197027] | [LD: 17] MATERIAL FOUND 

    [quest log.]
    4/5 materials found

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