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Posts posted by Xena

  1. Crafting Results

    Performer Rank 2
    Cost: 4 Mat
    Item: Xena's True Voice (+1 EXP too all Crafts)

    218571 CD 10 LD 15 Uncommon (+4 EXP)  Discovery Monsters' Fortune
    218570 CD 9 LD 14 Uncommon (+4 EXP)  Discovery Monsters' Fortune
    218569 CD 10 LD 4 Uncommon (+4 EXP) Discovery Monsters' Fortune
    217568 CD 6 LD 12  Salvage (+3 EXP) (No Name) (No Enhancements)



  2. Crafting Results

    Performer Rank 2
    Cost:4 Mat
    Item: Xena's True Voice (+1 EXP to all crafts.)

    208929 CD 3 LD 8 Failure (+2 EXP) (No Name) (No Enhancements)
    208928 CD 12 LD 7 Perfect (+9 EXP) Familiar Familiar's Sight
    208927 CD 1 LD 18 Failure (+2 EXP) (No Name) (No Enhancements)
    208926 CD 7 LD 1 Failed Salvage (+3 EXP) (No Name) (No Enhancements)
  3. Crafting Results

    Performer Rank 2
    Cost:3 Mat
    Item: Xena's True Voice (+1 EXP to all crafts.)

    208898 CD 8 LD 9 Uncommon (+4 EXP) Discovery Monsters Fortune
    208897 CD 5 LD 15 Salvaged (+3 EXP) (No Name) (No Enhancements)
    208896 CD 11 LD 6 Rare (+6 EXP) Siren's Call Hypnosis
    208895 CD 3 LD 10 Failure (+2 EXP) (No Name) (No Enhancements)
  4. (Well fine if no one is gonna go first I guess I will-)
    Xena had been sitting on a row of steps by herself at the time, simply enjoying the rising moons presence, one of the few celestial bodies she cares for the moonlight always had a particular beauty to it she couldn't explain. It wasn't until now that she got a ping on her menu, seems her friend finally finished that outfit she requested, though a bit late it didn't matter that much. It was sent via player mail, with a message that simply stated. 'Couldn't get in, looks like whoever owns the zone locked the teleport gate, enjoy the festival though!' With a shrug Xena sighed, it didn't matter too much, that friend typically was extremely busy anyway and wouldn't of been able to stay longer then 30 minutes most likely. With a press of a few buttons in the menu due to the solitude of the place she figured changing was fine, and with literally a single button press that was over. Changing in this games a lot faster then real life, saves everyone the embarrassment at least. What she wasn't expecting was it effected most of her body, adding markings to her hair among other things. She sighed and with a few movements of the menu her usually long flowed out hair was put up in a tail or sorts. She wasn't much of a hair person, she barely did anything more then brush it usually, so she did her best to make it look at least presentable, the outfit itself was perfect in her opinion red and white paired with tiger stripes, something really only Xena herself was of relation too, at least as far as she knew. Coming to a stand she wasn't exactly used to this kind of outfit, she's worn kimono's once or twice in the real world. But those were so few and far between, she'd just have to deal with it. (Current Appearance) It seemed Baldur was making a speech, his voice was carrying over most of the island and though his voice carried over most of the island, she could only barely hear him, and was unable to make him out completely, so with some movement she only had to leave a bit from the dark nature side of the island to hear him.

    Among everything he said 3 things had stuck out to her, 1 there were free teleport crystals should you wish to return home, she'd likely take one for later, she just could not managed another boat ride across that water, it made her skin crawl just thinking about it. 2 He had in fact closed the gates making it not possible to enter, but possible to leave. How that worked only people who owned these kinds of houses knew she imagined, she didn't even own a house merely a shop. Maybe she should work on that, apparently houses give you buffs so maybe that'd be nice. And finally the third thing was that if you wanted to stay for the night you could, that was something that had been brought up a few times during the luau but has now been made official, so long as you pay for any damages you may cause which was fair, some people do get a bit rough housie, as Xena walked over her menu opening she had to unequip her claws, after all two big metal gauntlets with clawed tips kind of ruined the outfit now didn't it. She begrudgingly had finally reequipped her vanity items in the form of tiger ears and tail, if only to complete the look. Finally walking up Baldur had released dozens of lanterns into the sky, much like a lantern festival back home, it was a beautiful display, the many lights filling the sky, the moon behind them shimmering as usual. The night was young, and for once it seemed like everyone was in a good mood, at least those she could see, there was likely those who weren't happy. But then, there was always those kinds of people, the kinds who were upset for reasons they couldn't specify, the best you could do with this general vibe is try to get them to enjoy themselves, though with what Baldur had said it was likely people were about to start rushing to find a place to sleep or find a teleport crystal to go home for the night, frankly Xena was used to sleeping on concrete so she'd likely just find a corner to curl up in when the time comes to go to sleep, but, the night was young, so she would enjoy it for some time, or at the very least she'd try too.

    (Item used, Yui's Grace)
    Xena | HP: 360/360 | EN: 54/54 | DMG: 13 | MIT: 32 | EVA: 2 | BH: 7 | LD: 4 | BLD: 24 | REC: 4


    Level: 18
    Paragon Level: 0
    HP: 360/360
    EN: 54/54

    Damage: 13
    Mitigation: 32
    Evasion: 2
    Battle Healing: 7
    Loot Dice: 4
    BLD: 24
    REC: 4

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Beasts Claws
    Armor: Beasts Cloak
    Misc: The Fierceness of Grass

    Custom Skill:

    Claws R5
    Cloth Armor R5
    Battle Healing R2

    Active Mods:

    Inactive Mods:


    Active Extra Skills:
    Hiding R2

    Inactive Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Starter Healing Potions (50 HP) x3

    Housing Buffs:

    Guild Hall Buffs:

    Scents of the Wild:

    Wedding Ring:


  5. Xena had actually seemed rather calm until they got to their destination, the moment her eyes set foot on the large body of water she straight up stopped moving, thankfully by then they we're already close enough to pete to trigger the quest, he muttered his dialogue and Freyd responded in kind, Xena barely paid attention just slowly edging back bit by bit. This was a water quest, how did she not know that, her legs felt weak just looking over at it, they even shook a tiny bit. She didn't even hear what pete was saying and could barely hear what Freyd was, though seeing the fish jump out of the water made her jump back even further, having moved a good 10 feet back when she was originally only 5 feet away from Freyd and Pete. She just watched Pete scream something about catching that thing but she was not about to get near that water.

  6. Xena didn't have much of a response to the sudden tone shift Freyd had brought, she just shrugged and followed him, not like she had anything better to do. She just felt exhausted after that, as if they had been having a debate for the past 4 hours when it was merely a 30 minute conversation, she wasn't used to talking that much in all honesty, who would of thought not talking to others for a long time would have that effect on you. Passing through the gate she stayed a bit closer to Freyd now, not wanted to get caught in a sneak attack by some wild monster, or perhaps player. Though this floor was mostly abandoned. "Wait old pete? Who's that? I haven't actually heard of them." Once again showing her lack of knowledge on most quests, she looked away realizing Freyd was likely about to snap at her again for asking another question when she really should of known by now.

  7. Xena continued to avoid eye contact as Freyd continued on with the talks of violence, if anything she was at least showing she wasn't some horrible villain, or she thought she was at the very least. "Being prepared is really the only thing that's kept me around..." She would simply mumble, despite how she acts or may seem her guard was almost always up, besides on very certain circumstances, actually the only time she had fully dropped her guard recently even with Freyd was when she had begun to fall asleep on that tree stump all that time ago, the tiger incident was a bit different being she couldn't really do anything about them regardless. She wasn't high enough level, she could of used a warp shard, but that would of taken about 30 seconds at the least just to get it from her inventory. Maybe she just trusted Freyd enough to deal with them, he would likely have had no trouble with that.

    As he responded to her second line of dialogue she just watched his body movements, he barely made any as he talked, this wasn't the kind of 'It's for my own safety, I do what's necassary.' response. It was different, in it's own way, as if he'd do it with zero regrets, even she'd regret killing a PKer, especially if they were just trying to survive themselves, but. She could understand, life and death were always in the balance, and she would place Freyd's life above others most likely, placing her own life slightly below him, after all, if she died no one would care, she didn't matter. If Freyd died, well, that could doom everyone, he was a front liner and the leader of a guild that's important. That's about as important as you can get in life here.



    Too her response of any questions he'd like to know he had finally came out and said it, ties to laughing coffin, her face would of likely turned pale at this point, not out of fear that she had somehow offended him, but the guild happened to have made her life hell for quite a bit. "My...ties...?" She said meekly, her eyes looking down now. "I have no ties to the guild, I've wronged them before in some way, and they took one of the few things I cared about in this world away, it's that simple..." Maybe it wasn't as she thought about it she continued on. "It all started one day a year and a half ago... this was shortly after floor 7 had been cleared I believe... I had someone come in asking about some player, their name was..." She went silent for a moment thinking, trying to remember. "I think it started with a E I'm not sure, maybe it was a L, regardless... I didn't really have much col left so, I went about learning what I could, nothing much, gear, appearance, are they in a guild et cetera, the normal stuff... turns out that player, well they we're a rather, high rank in the guild in question... and they didn't like being snooped around, even worse being sold out." She said turning her cup a bit as she talked, her hands we're mildly shaky as she wasn't exactly comfortable. "The usual happened I'd imagine, they put a bounty on my head that never got claimed, they took the life on my only friend at the time. And I went into hiding for about a year, I only had started broking again for about a month before I ended up contacting you." Picking up her cup she took another sip, looking away from Freyd towards the rest of the restaurant. "I assume they think I'm dead, who knows how long they will, maybe they forgot about me, not that some people ever forget." She let out a sigh before sitting back against her chair. 

    After his opinion on how time could move was made she just waved it off. "Alright that's just hurting my brain thinking about it, I'm not a tech designer like you so I'll take your word for it." She stated moving her cup and just laying her arms and head on the table, her mouth covered and her eyes just watching Freyd, listening to the rest of whatever he might of said. Finally the worst part had came up, the lines, she didn't even want to actually talk about them anymore so she'd just take what Freyd said and accept it, it was a bit to much for her, she had a fighting spirit sure, when it came to monsters she may get a bit too into it, but fighting players, being willing to kill people for everyone else, or even herself, it just wasn't something she'd be able to do in good faith, or bad faith, she listened nodding occasionally as she did, her ears slowly leaning to either side of her head as if to signal tiredness. Though she wasn't actually that tired, she just didn't really know what else to say on the topic of lines and what to and to not cross. 
  8. Xena had spaced out for a small bit, the world spinning still as she thought about anything she should bring up. Maybe she should tell him one of her adventures, not that she had very many at all, she came back to as he had began talking again. Frankly, her reaction was, perhaps a bit unexpected by Freyd, she seemed to just accept his admission to murder, even with him showing very little guilt. "I, personally don't believe in violence... at least when it comes to other players... I've gotten wrapped up in a few things but, I can't say it's made me feel, the need to kill... I always tried to find a way beyond that... Maybe that's why I'm still alive? I can't really say..." She idly commented, she wasn't a pacifist per say, but she didn't feel right, even having the idea of taking another's life. No matter how they acted or how many they killed, it wasn't her place, she wasn't a cop. She wasn't a person with the right to judge and execute on the dime. She wouldn't admit that she didn't exactly understand Freyd's reasoning, but understood he hadn't taken any pride in it, maybe it was cause she wasn't ever in any such situation. "Life and death... can we really say we have a right to decide it for anybody...?" She merely commented, her voice in a, hesitant tone, voicing her opinion in those few words, if you could decipher the meaning of them.

    "You say, though trust... isn't a one way deal..." She stated, as if putting a knife to her own neck, calling herself out for hardly ever saying anything about her life besides snips and parts. "Would you like to know anything...?" She simply stated in a calm tone, fully ready to answer any question he may have. Was that perhaps committing a bit too far, most likely, but it was a spur of the moment thing, she had in fact felt guilty that he was now trusting her more, telling her more things yet she never said anything in return. Perhaps this would be a chance to get rid of some of that guilt, but it didn't really matter. 

    The topic of the real world was what made Xena fully look at Freyd, it was a topic rarely discussed, he mentioned how the real world might not have even passed 30 minutes, though she couldn't believe such a thing. "I'm pretty sure that's not physically possible heh..." She simply stated thinking about it, it just seemed so impossibly illogical, that time could pass so longley in this world while it was so short in the real world. Then Freyd simply stated, the real world might be worse then this one for him to where Xena chipped in, simply saying. "Well, at the very least you'd have the friends who made it out of here...? All you'd have to do is find them..." She stated solemnly, though, that was far far easier said then done, she doubted it'd even be remotely possible, unless you somehow lived in the same city as them, and with it being released world wide, and with all the fancy technology that makes it possible, who knows where any one else was in the world.

    The final line of dialogue was crossed now, as he admitted his lines, or lack there of, Xena looked to the side as he admitted to it. She, frankly didn't know if she could accept it, that Freyd well and truly would cross any line, a mild quiver could be heard in her voice as she simply mumbled. "Freyd... I'm not in any right to tell you how to live your life... but lines are needed... if you have none that's what can cause you to turn into a animal... It's why people are a part of guilds like laughing coffin... It's why so many people have died... If your willing to do anything... then what will you do once you've done something that will change you for the worst...? What happens... when you reach the bottom?..." She said, the entire time it was evident she wanted to clam up again, but she didn't and voiced her full opinion. Her eyes had a look of, fear, too tell the truth. After all, with what Freyd just said, he would kill even her if the situation required it, it was something that certainly devastated her subconscious, it was such a unlikely unbelievable thing, except it wasn't. After all, Freyd may want to trust her, but he clearly didn't, at least not entirely, what if she did something wrong, that he couldn't forgive. Such thoughts quickly weighed her brain down as her eyes looked down at her cup again. Her emotions we're locked away right now, though the keyway was slowly turning, she wasn't sure if she could keep this up, though, who was she to back down now after going so far. Simply staring down into her own cup, the milk swirling slowly, she didn't know what to think, or say anymore. The topic's taking their toll on her, Freyd seemed more then capable of continuing, he's likely heard all this before. She was just another copy of the same record most likely, maybe that's why this hurt so much.

  9. The laugh actually caught the kitten off guard, her eyes darting to meet with Freyd who was now laughing rather hard at her inquiry of him being a stalker. Though, such a laugh would entail some truth to it, talk about a lucky guess, whether or not it was a good thing. Maybe Freyd had been stalking her for a while, biding the time to meet her again, unlikely, but it was a somewhat silly yet enticing thought. She continued listening on to Freyd, as he spoke about how he had seen quite a bit, she couldn't really fathom what he had seen, she didn't even think her place to try. The most she could likely do was ask, and she wasn't even sure if she could do that. She simply nodded, as he continued on mentioning the fact that he had changed, for the better he had hoped, though she didn't seem to agree with him calling himself dangerous.

    "Heh, please, back then you wouldn't hurt a fly. You'd just misdirect it into a fly trap." She had joked, but in truth she couldn't see the old him hurting anyone, not even a PKer. In all likelihood he'd of ran away from them, not that she could blame him, each time she's been forced into PVP she had fled at the earliest opportunity, those times could be counted on one hand thankfully, but they we're all equally terrifying. The topic of his time tempering his soul was brought then brought up, it was something Xena couldn't fathom, for all she knew her own soul was simply becoming dulled after all these years, maybe that whole guild business really does help people, the effects on Freyd we're clear as day.

    As the topic shifted to the trust they once had and lost due to time apart she idly commented. "Well if it counts, I have trusted you with my life twice so far heh." With that she was referring to the tree jump and mimic, then again the mimic was a spur of the moment thing rather then the her own decision with the tree jump. "Though I don't think you'll be trusting me with yours though regardless of if you even wanted to or not." She said with a sly smirk as the level gap sorta made it stacked in his favor, by just a 'slight' (Heavy Sarcasm) margin. 

    As he had begun talking about fate, how it was cruel and yet just, how it could bounce in and out of play. And how he had met it himself, and found his own way of dealing with it, she could only nod, fate had never been kind to her, at least, not without extreme effort. And it had certainly toyed with her on multiple occasions, sometimes, it even removed reasons for her to go on, she couldn't ever forgive it for those reasons. But she could continue to move on by forgetting them, she chose often to forget instead of remember. It helped her psyche that way, keeping it from shattering under trauma or stress. But sometimes you just couldn't forget things, some things even if you thought you locked them away, and threw the key into the abyss. They sometimes will escape that cell anyway, just to wreck havoc, on your very soul. Though, she had always taken the ride she was given as it was, taking it one step at a time.

    "Well... I'd say what I'd want, was what most others do, to go home, to finally leave this, nightmare... you could call it..." She commented finally tracing her finger around her glass again, her mind had been on idle for such a long time that her finger didn't register movement for a bit. "In terms of means... I'd like to say by any... but... I'm pretty sure we all have lines we can't cross... even if the goal was... right behind them..." She commented looking away from Freyd, it wasn't a admission of guilt, more so as if she admitted she had been tempted once, only to never decide, or perhaps simply too of denied it, though what that might of been could be anyone's guess, and it would likely keep Freyd from trusting her again until she knew, but, she wasn't exactly in the mind space to be more open about it. "I'll be honest... getting out of here seems like a fantasy now... like something impossible... it's been such a long time... I don't even remember what year it is..." She commented, having changed it from morals, her mind had been stressing out over it, not that this topic was any better, she was simply trying not to get emotional at this point, the topic of home being a sensitive topic to her, one she trusted to Freyd not to judge.

    After all, no matter what luxuries this place had, it was still just a dungeon, with a key that wasn't even remotely in sight, and Xena for one, didn't seem to expect to survive through this, no matter what she did. Who could even blame her, she thought at least, what with her being not even remotely suited from combat on floors above say 10, she barely even ever went above floor 6, she was simply too afraid to most of the time.

    "Do... you ever think about home...?" She simply left as a final question, she had figured she had been talking for too long, about 5 whole minutes, her finger had stopped tracing the cup going to take a sip again. The way she held the cup now was much different, it was a formal way, she held it in two hands, as if during a tea ceremony. Something one might not even recognize depending on ethnicity, she didn't even notice it at first, but this was in fact a ceremony, in its own way. A ceremony to a brighter future for herself, or so she would let herself think, it would ease her mind, that was for sure. And that's something she desperately needed these days. 

  10. Listening to Freyd she had a simple cup of milk instead of coffee, she wasn't very good with coffee, it always hurt her stomach. And she didn't trust virtual coffee regardless of if it even tasted bad or good. Listening to his plans they we're incredibly drab, she honestly hardly believed it. "I, honestly I can't see you doing some of that stuff. It just doesn't seem like you, maybe that's just me." She said her right hands pointer finger tracing the lip of the cup she had, seeming out of a impulse to keep her hands moving. "You honestly seem like you'd have a much more... well, I don't mean to offend when I say stalker role." She said looking over Freyds apparel, his skills, his choice in weapon. It all screamed a assassin in all honesty, maybe she was simply over thinking it. "I mean I can see the protecting your guild and floor boss things... not the rest." She quickly stated realizing she might of sounded ruder then she meant too despite already trying not to sound rude at all. With 3 fingers and a thumb her pinky left out her right hand had picked up the cup of milk as she took a sip from it. The strong of coffee in this place was honestly unbelievably strong, it was hard to believe it could be this strong from just coffee and not some outside source. Setting down the cup which was now only a third full her eyes shifted looking out the window a bit. "It's, hard to believe this is happening in all honesty... times always messed with me but, 2 years, is a bit much. To go without talking to someone and then having them thrusted back into your life... I can only imagine your thinking the same thing... Trying to tell if I'm anything like the old me. I can't say I haven't been testing if you were anything like the old you..." She commented not able to make direct eye contact, she was simply far too embarrassed to do so.

    "Sometimes... I questioned if fate liked to play tricks on me, during those long 2 years... and now with you, being all strong and... even alive... I just find myself in so much confusion, almost like the world was spinning for so long, only for it to stop and let me no longer feel dizzy, I'm honestly afraid that, in a bit, the world will continue that spinning... and it might guide me to a world I no longer want to be a part of." As she talked her finger once again traced the lip of her cup, she couldn't make eye contact as she was more so looking down towards her cup, her mind spinning somewhat as she tried to make heads or tails of the situation maybe with some time she'd find her foot hold, but for now, she just needed to tell if Freyd would like to continue being her friend, she honestly couldn't tell. With how he acted, he seemed distant, as if he didn't even want to talk to her, or at least that's what she made of the way he spoke. It didn't help with his harshness towards her when she said certain things or acted in certain ways. Even her fawning over a cat seemed to gain a angered face from him. In all honesty that hurt her the most out of everything he's said to her, but not all of it's been bad, at the very least, the rest of that adventure was actually rather nice, if not at the very least somewhat frightening, what with the mimic biting off her leg and all, it was surprising how it felt, one moment she had a leg, the next, it was just gone, it didn't even hurt, it was just, a numbing feeling. She didn't quite under stand it at all. But she knew at the very least she was safe with Freyd there with her.

  11. Xena simply followed behind Freyd not paying that much attention, floor 1 was a stomping grounds for her in terms of layout, she barely knew any of the buildings though besides her own. And a few of the general stores, she had only just begun exploring other floors, floor 7 being the main one. As she walked behind Freyd her tail swayed slightly side to side in sync with her hips as she walked, the entire area was actually somewhat busy for a evening. Freyd seemed to know every single shop that was here, what more should she expect. He's supposedly a lead player that's carrying the front lines or something like that, it's shocking how much she didn't know about him now. When back in the day she felt like she could safely say she knew everything about him. Lifes funny like that she supposed, the two had stopped in front of a restaurant, supposedly one Freyd went too often. As she walked in the smell of coffee certainly was strong, it actually made her recoil a bit coughing once or twice. "Holy crap that's strong-" She'd mutter tears forming in her eyes not from sadness but simply her senses being attacked by the smell. She eventually got used to it sighing following Freyd as he booked a table, the owner of the shop was as Freyd would describe, 'large'. Xena had no reason to shame anyone for that, neither should anyone else. Though the dogs in the back gave Xena a minor shift in her legs, past experiences often shape how one sees new ones, and dogs we're certainly on Xena's bad side at this point. Her ears shifted on her head slightly pointing away from them now, as she followed Freyd to the seats she sat across from him her legs crossed one of the other, she almost always sat like that, she found it more comfortable and thankfully the seat allowed it.

    Now it was time for the hardest part of this entire situation, the awkward small talk, Xena wasn't ever good at it, and with what Freyd asked its likely he wasn't very good either. As she took the moment to think about it she shrugged somewhat. "Well there's two answers to that, one for this world and one for the world we're locked from." Her eyes seemed to shift away from direct eye contact as she continued speaking. "I'd love to eventually set up a performer shop, seeing how recording crystals are certainly helpful for group healing, I imagine it could save many lives, but that's only just getting started. As for, ya know, that... I think I'll probably go visit family... hopefully finally leaving this hellhole won't bring any trauma with me..." That last part she muttered quietly, not even wanting to say it you would think. She softly sighed again before looking back at Freyd, she pondered what she should as the man before finally just saying. "How about you? Or do you already have the future set in stone? I imagine you would, seeing how you know a lot more then me heh." Xena very clearly shifted constantly in her seat, moving her feet turn her head turning her waist, even her tail could be seen moving around somewhat in a tense manner, maybe she's just shy for small talk, that or she's never sat down and actually talked to people before about things that weren't just information. Her eyes shifted around the building, no one was gonna randomly jump out to stab her, why was she so tense, even she didn't know for sure and that honestly annoyed her quite a bit. She could see the man who owned the restaurant at the other side of the building, through the cook window. It's surprising that one man could work a entire shop, then again she knew a few people who did that anyway so, maybe it's not that surprising.

    Xena | HP: 360/360 | EN: 54/54 | DMG: 13 | MIT: 32 | EVA: 2 | BH: 7 | LD: 4 | BLD: 24 | REC: 4 | LVL: 18 |
    Xena ate the offered: Gugnir’s Shard (Untradeable/Unique/Reusable Consumable): Crème Brûlée Tray | ACC 2 | Feast (6/6) - Takes 1 portion (filled)



    Level: 18
    Paragon Level: 0
    HP: 360/360
    EN: 54/54

    Damage: 13
    Mitigation: 32
    Evasion: 2
    Battle Healing: 7
    Loot Dice: 4
    BLD: 24
    REC: 4

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Beasts Claws
    Armor: Beasts Cloak
    Misc: The Fierceness of Grass

    Custom Skill:

    Claws R5
    Cloth Armor R5
    Battle Healing R2

    Active Mods:

    Inactive Mods:


    Active Extra Skills:
    Hiding R2

    Inactive Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Starter Healing Potions (50 HP) x3

    Housing Buffs:

    Guild Hall Buffs:

    Scents of the Wild:

    Wedding Ring:


  12. Xena was sitting in the corner of the food area 3 empty plates sat next to her, she was reading her messages at the time about a hour or 2 ago she had messaged a friend to make her a kimono for this event, it's likely they weren't done but she was checking just to be sure, and like that it wasn't Xena simply let out a sigh, the kind you make when your annoyed but can't do anything about it. Time was a fickle thing, she felt like when she wanted time to pass it went only moments at a time, then when she wanted to savor a moment, hours would pass in the blink of a eye. It was something you couldn't change, no matter what you do.

    Opening her inventory and moving to vanity equipment she'd just check around it, looking for something more formal to wear rather then her dark cloak and other garments. Among the vanity items was a mask, a pair of cat items, and some other gear that's mostly aesthetic, surprisingly there was no actual outfits, only accessories. Perhaps she should eventually go on a outfit shopping spree, not that she was that type of girl at all. She was used to wearing clothes that made her not stand out at all, she more so preferred it that way she guessed.

    It wasn't until this point a scream was heard through out the tournament grounds, yeesh. Someone must of dropped something, Xena wasn't able to hear the words said just that there were words. Setting the plates aside she pulled a black book out of her cloaks inner pocket, a quill forming into her other hand, she simply started writing into it, maybe she could find out what these foods recipes we're, though she doubted it. Freyd and Raidou seemed to be getting along now that she had moved away, maybe that was for the best.

    Coming to her feet she placed the book back where it was taking the plates and setting them where everyone else had set there's, pulling her cloak up she moved off towards a quiet area, simply yawning and sitting on some stairs, the rising moon was pretty, it always was no matter the floor. The moon and sun kept their beauty even in this virtual world, though she always found the moon much more celestial then the sun, it just had that aura towards it. Capable of bending the light of the sun into its own, such a power was what gave her that impression. And it would always be a beautiful thing to view, much like any kind of sunset.

  13. Xena wasn't able to sense violence from the man, even if his inner voice told him to hurt her. She genuinely wanted to give being friends a try, and was ready to answer any question he could ask her. Providing that another boar doesn't charge at her, her menu flashed in front of her showing she picked up boar jerky. She wasn't sure what it did, likely it was just a buff or healing item most consumables are. "Well, as long as it isn't alcoholic." She said with a small smirk, in truth she couldn't handle liquor well, but thankfully it wouldn't matter here, as it doesn't actually effect you that much. "Kidding of course." She stated innocently at the end, not wanting to draw any kind of aggression from the jokish response.

    Xena had properly looted the boars after about 3 minutes of walking around their corpses regardless of quest neccesity before they had left, free col is free col after all. Walking but up to Freyd she simply asked. "Did you, have a place in mind to get something at?" She asked calmly trusting he wasn't just about to try to ambush her, that'd be silly and far to elaborate. 


    Xena obtained: 

    • Boar Jerky
      • Received if you examined the glass vial and defeated <<Mama Boar>>
      • T1 Perfect Consumable | DMG II | MIT I
  14. Xena somewhat smiled watching him knock out the boar she had somehow missed at pointblank range. Seeing as he was as close as he was maybe now would be best. Suddenly hugging the man she simply stated. "I'm sorry, about all that... I wanna be a friend... I just have a hard time speaking my mind... If there's anything you need to ask I promise to tell the truth, I just, couldn't seem to find my words a few minutes ago." As those words had finished Xena let go, it was only now that a mother boar decided to dash out of the bushes towards Xena who by reaction struck it with a punch to the nose in a somewhat of a panic. The boar flew back crashing into a tree exploding into pixels as Xena put a hand against her chest now energized by a adrenaline rush. "I- forgot about that." She mumbled having forgot that a mother boar comes after you as a part of the quest line.


    Xena regains +2 EN

    CD 3 (No from REC proc) ID #204988


    Post Action | ST-1 (x12 | 12 EN)
    Free Action | None

    ID #204980 | BD:3+2 +1=6.  DMG (12*12=144-15=129)

    Freyd | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 128/146 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 78 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 8 (incl. AA) | BH: 61 | LD: 5 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | PV(O) | REC: 8

    Xena | HP: 320/320 | EN: 33/50 (33+2-12) | DMG: 12 | MIT: 32 | ACC 2 | EVA: 1 | BH: 6 | LD: 3 | BLD: 24 | REC: 4 

    Mother Boar | HP 0/60 | DMG 15 | EVA -1 | Mit 15 (60-129)


  15. Xena mumbled something, or, more so just moved her lips to form the words but no sound was audible. She didn't wanna talk anymore, or even be here, Freyd was being different again and she wasn't able to understand it right now. "I understand..." She mumbled lying to herself as if able to hear his thoughts of this being a business thing now. She simply walked up to the boar, might as well get this started. Her movements were that of a saddened individual, someone who didn't wanna be there. With a slow lengthy sigh she had walked up to the boar and whipped her hand, in front of her causing 3 slash marks to appear moving forward and hitting behind it, these slashes had ripped into the the bushes killing 3 boars Xena didn't even notice. The one directly in front of her being fine, she looked mildly surprised but still seemed down, she would back up but its unlikely the boarlet could even really hurt her seeing how it was a level 1 mob.



    Post Action | AOE-I (x11 | 11 EN + [2 * targets] EN) = 17 EN

    Free Action | None


    ID #204971 | BD: 1 (miss)

    ID #204972 | BD: 10 (Crit +2).  DMG (11x14=154)  Bleed applied.

    ID #204973 | BD: 8+2=10 (hit).  DMG (11x12=132)

    ID #204974 | BD: 8+2=10 (hit).  DMG (11x12=132)


    Freyd | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 128/146 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 78 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 8 (incl. AA) | BH: 61 | LD: 5 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | PV(O) | REC: 8

    Xena | HP: 320/320 | EN: 33/50 (50-17) | DMG: 12 | MIT: 32 | ACC 2 | EVA: 1 | BH: 6 | LD: 3 | BLD: 24 | REC: 4 


    Boarlet #5 | HP 5/5 | DMG 3 

    Boarlet #6 | HP 0/5 | DMG 3 (5-154) Bleed 24

    Boarlet #7 | HP 0/5 | DMG 3 (5-132)

    Boarlet #8 | HP 0/5 | DMG 3 (5-132)


  16. Xena simply placed a hand on her mask, a nervous giggle could be heard from behind it, she was struggling so badly to hold it together right now in a combat zone. Freyd was being nice but, that was part of the problem likely, he's gone from nice to spooky to mean to nice over and over and it was just so confusing. "Why can't you... just pick a way to be with me..." She just commented in a voice that sounded full of emotion that was being muted. Looking towards the boar on the opposite side of the field just watching them, it felt like it was mocking her despite not evening moving, it probably didn't even register her existence. "All I can say at this point is you have your secrets and I have mine... And neither of us will ever learn them." She stated with a soft sigh as the mask vanished as Xena rubbed her sleeve over her eyes clearing them up. She just wanted to get this over with, but Freyd likely wanted to talk this out some more, which she couldn't disagree too. "What makes me need a mask is if I'm ever myself in this world I'll die, I imagine you'd get that." She said with a sigh, whether its a physical or metaphorical mask, Xena wears both, maybe multiple at the same time.

  17. Xena kept her arms crossed actually stepping away a step when Freyd got too close. She didn't wanna talk anymore,  she wanted to leave already. But he wasn't just gonna let her do that would he. "You... You wouldn't get it... Someone who can slay field bosses in one hit wouldn't get it at all..." Using his own words against him though with little traction, she seemed to just want to reject the situation by using insults. "You wouldn't get being hunted for a entire year..." She whispered quietly to herself. "Never knowing when you we're safe... when someone was watching you..." She looked towards the boarlet that was now on the offside of the field, she'd attack it but she was having enough trouble keeping herself from getting emotional, maybe once this conversation was through she would. "I mean look at you... No one is willing to fight you... No one wants to hurt or kill you... Your safe, you don't need to worry about your own life, because unless its a floor boss it'll never be in danger..." She was just mumbling to herself at this point, the mask muffling her a tad. It's grin likely hid a face like nothing on the outside, her eyes were glossy, if you looked directly into the masks eye holes you'd be able to tell she was crying, though Xena wouldn't admit it. "I just wanna go home already..." She mumbled with a simple statement, a yearning for home, a way out of this mess. Such a thing was unlikely, and with all likely hood, she'd be dead before they finally escaped this hell hole. As she stated that she seemed to just pull her cloak shut covering her torso and lower legs, she had shut herself away not wanting to say anything more, she just wanted this to be over now. Maybe the next quest wouldn't be so harmful to her almost nonexistent emotional defense.

  18. Xena's eyes just seemed to sink, she crosses her arms the clawed gauntlets digging into them. Damnit now he's forcing her to choose something that should just be a obvious answer, but it wasn't, he acted like she couldn't be both. Could she not be both? She wasn't even sure, she just felt off now. "Freyd..." She muttered before just staying quiet, she wanted to talk but her body just wouldn't let her now, she could feel her virtual heart sinking due to this conversation even happening. She suddenly just wanted to leave, again, go back to the safe zone where everything was laughs, no real harm being done. Where she could just go to sleep instead of worry about these kinds of things. "If that's a threat... Then I really can't say anymore..." She simply stated after the last part, his response would decide for her, even the final part just made her seem to want to back up more. She wasn't sure what this was anymore, and while her deepest feelings would say friendship. At this point, her mind wasn't sure, and that was hurting her more then Freyd's words of distrust. Looking away she pulled her hood up, this quest needed to be finished before she could leave. And it's likely Freyd wasn't going to really help her with her shocked silence from his words. She wanted to cry, but it would show a weakness that he could exploit, whether it were for the better, or worse. She just couldn't handle any type of exploiting of her emotions right now. With a quiet noise that to the right ears could be herd as a faint cry for help she pushed a button suddenly, and a mask formed over her face. It fit just right to cover her face and stay within her hood. "I don't want too hurt you either..." She simply stated as a final word, despite her head being turned away from Freyd could at the very least see the mask was white or perhaps a light grey, if he were to look to see the rest he'd find a wide grin was painted on the mask, with red markings on it, two eye holes with a dark covering over each of them were also visible, it certainly wasn't stealthy at all. But maybe that was the point, or maybe it wasn't who knew anymore.




  19. Xena elbowed him cutting him off after he said she's a broker. "Yeah yeah broker Yada Yada should already know Yada Yada whatever, if you don't wanna tell me something just say it jeez." The annoyed cat girl walked ahead pulling her hood up frustrated. That genuinely is starting to hurt her feelings, maybe that was his intention. Maybe he'd laugh at her for being so soft on the inside who knows. She just grumbled ignoring his mention if his familiar, she was just frankly upset now, and Freyd was too much of a ass to notice most likely. She walked out into the field first leaving Freyd by the gate, he clearly wasn't even gonna help fight, yeesh. "Fucking useless twat..." She'd just mutter to herself in her own anger of Freyds smart mouth. As she entered the area the boar were meant to spawn she just looked around her eyes sunken as she was frustrated.


    Xena used shared: Gugnir’s Shard (Untradeable/Unique/Reusable Consumable): Crème Brûlée Tray | ACC 2 | Feast (6/6) - takes 1 portion + filled

  20.  Xena had just crossed her arms leaning against the counter watching Freyd. "That, didn't answer my question." She simply commented, she actually looked a tad bit annoyed at the game Freyd was playing. "Ya know half the time i think you leave me in the dark because the light is too bright." A expression, basically saying that he often didn't tell her the whole story cause it might hurt. Which she supposed she couldn't entirely judge, she just wasn't happy about it. Next came the dog comment which she looked unamused about just facepalming. "I question how Persi here manages to put up with you on a daily basis." Xena snickered after finishing that comment finding it funny, its likely the familiar had no issues at all with Freyd. She knew Amber would never give her any problems ever. Familiar's just didn't do that kind of stuff, and you could call that a blessing. 

    Stepping out of the shop she put a arm over her face as the sun beamed directly into her eyes, looking towards Freyd he had a starting long sword equipped. "Honestly no, I cannot believe you still have that." She said that but then again she still had her starter claws somewhere, maybe it was in a chest somewhere who knows. She didn't that was for absolute sure, the two ended up walking out towards where the boar quest was last time Xena rather stressed about the whole endeavor, Freyd would be fine, but what about her was the question.

  21. Xena zoned out for about 10 minutes until the two players had walked up, which snapped her back to reality, shame, she was so close to falling asleep. Looking up she saw a lady and, Freyd? What was he doing here. She didn't question it, looking at Raidou he seemed too know them, so that implied they were at the very least trust worthy. She smirked as Freyd seemed to break down into incoherent babbling before running off, something up Persi?

    Speaking of Persi, Amber was still poking at the familiar who hadn't seemed to respond to the first poke, were they asleep? Were they just ignoring the small tiger cub, who knows only persi did, and they liked wouldn't tell, though amber could definitely hear Freyd scream persi's name, as well as something about the Buffet which they weren't even really near.

    Xena listened to Raidou as he asked if it would be ok for his friend to sit down, Xena let out a sigh and shrugged. "I think it'd be better if, I just left, she seems to really wanna talk to you and I don't wanna be a bother." With that the girl stood up and walked off in the general direction Freyd ran in, she was hungry so if he was heading to the Buffet maybe she should get something from it, though she didn't know what to expect would be there. It was all likely edible at the least, and not poisoned.


  22. Xena very clearly was running on about 12% at the current moment, she had basically just gotten out of bed, she even seemed to sleep in her armor instead of actually sleeping clothes. She just didn't have the Col for that kind of stuff, listening to the NPC was something she had already expected and she just waved it off as she had already heard the spiel 2 years ago as well. "Speaking of Cardinal what ever happened with that? You finally realize it wasn't trying to stick a spear into your neck?" She joked with a sly grin her tail waving a bit behind her as her ears perked up her grin turned into a large yawn as she stretched her back. Sleeping bag or not she was still basically sleeping on a stone floor. Maybe she should invest in a house or something, or atleast a bed. Probably a bed, a house is expensive, and like already stated she didn't have much col to her name. It didn't help her performer shop wasn't very popular. Then again basically every performer was ignored unless you needed the familiar song status effect. 

    "And yeah, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that was the exact same prop all those years ago, the first time you just stuck your head in there to smell it, what are you a dog?" She chuckled pushing her hands out her back still stretching. In truth she could definitely imagine Freyd acting like a dog at times. At least, the old him, back when he was more innocent. As they say, innocence is bliss, but all innocence fades, like it or not. "Sometimes, people change for the worse." She simply stated not going into further detail, merely as a passing comment to Freyd's statement. The quest finally popped up on the twos views, seems that was all the chatting that was needed for the NPC to finish the spiel. "There it is, you got something other then a flimsy starter sword this time?" She joked of course, if Freyd didn't he'd of died by now she was sure. Though she could imagine someone trying to beat the game with just the starter equipment if death wasn't permanent.

  23. Xena had only just woken up at the time, when her message notification pinged her, Freyd sent her a message. Seemed he wanted to do something, she didn't know what all she knew was to meet him at the first floor, crawling out of her sleeping back her hair was messy, after the usual wake up things she made her way down to floor 1 where Freyd was, walking over she rubbed her eyes yawning. "What's this about boars...?" She mumbled looking at marv with a small wave. She didn't know the guard that well but he was good friends with freyd so. She had her usual claws and cloak, not like she had anything else to wear. Looking out the gate she smirked remembering the first time they left it to go and do that fetch quest. Oh those were the days, any way no wasn't the time for remembering apparently they were hunting boars and Xena had no clue what was going on or why. "Oh uh, so why are we hunting boars...? Isn't that like a beginner level quest...?"

    Xena | HP: 320/320 | EN: 50/50 | DMG: 12 | MIT: 32 | EVA: 1 | BH: 6 | LD: 3 | BLD: 24 | REC: 4 

    Lvl 16


    Level: 16
    Paragon Level: 0
    HP: 320/320
    EN: 50/50

    Damage: 12
    Mitigation: 32
    Evasion: 1
    Battle Healing: 6
    Loot Dice: 3
    BLD: 24
    REC: 4

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Beasts Claws
    Armor: Beasts Cloak
    Misc: The Fierceness of Grass

    Custom Skill:

    Claws R5
    Cloth Armor R5
    Battle Healing R2

    Active Mods:

    Inactive Mods:


    Active Extra Skills:

    Inactive Extra Skills:
    Hiding R2

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Starter Healing Potions (50 HP) x3

    Housing Buffs:

    Guild Hall Buffs:

    Scents of the Wild:

    Wedding Ring:


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