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Everything posted by Salem

  1. Salem did his best to listen to her lamentations as he scanned the nearby scenery for additional plant life. Rolling over a few stray stones with the end of his foot proved fruitless, so he resorted to continuing along the path they had initially embarked on. The sensation of sunbeams trickling down from above stretching over the extent of his body was enough to raise his spirits. I could get used to this, he reveled as memories of frigid limbs became saturated in the warmth of this alternative reality. "I don't know what to tell ya...", he replied with splayed fingers combing through wis
  2. Her appearance doesn't match her level., he observed with a bemused glance, Maybe that's for the best. Sometimes it's more advantageous to keep your cards close to your chest. "Must not take too long to get there if you've already unlocked it. I'm sure you'll do fine." A second take at her revealed an even more disheveled expression. "You're right! If I managed to join them after such a small amount of time how will I even know if I'm ready to fight?", the woman whined as her form began to crumble from an overwhelm of worry. "What --?" I didn't mean it like THAT!, Salem searched for
  3. To say that Zackariah was easy to find would be an understatement. Traveling the few blocks necessary from the quest's starting point to his shop took mere minutes. “Oh, hello,", came a cordial greeting as Salem entered the building. "Are you here to order something? I’m sorry, but I am currently swamped with orders, and I’m running out of supplies.” "No, just here to fulfil this quest.", he stated, gesturing up the informational guide that sat within his UI. A few segments of dialogue later proved that the quest wasn't going to be as straightforward as it appeared. At least that's prett
  4. "I can see why people leave.", Salem cracked and spared her a glance. Green icon. That would make her a player., he inferred from the sea of of unmarked characters surrounding them. The perspective shift didn't cause him to regard her much differently. After all, a lot of people ended up being just as repetitive and superficial as pre-programmed entities. The two of them soon stepped outside of the bar and into a busy cobblestone street. Salem could feel his eyes synch in reaction to the difference of brightness. Raising a hand to shield his eyes, he began to make out the various signages of d
  5. Oh boy... a tutorial., he thought with some exasperation, I guess it's not entirely unnecessary. I can just skip through her dialogue once it starts to become unnecessary "Sure", he remarked, "Why don't you take me to one of your favorites." Salem couldn't help humor her programming. After all, she was interesting and charming enough to tolerate. "Alright! Follow me then!", she commanded, enthusiastically taking the lead. "I didn't get your name, by the way. I'm Elora.", she added with a soft smile. Reciprocating the curiosity, he answered, "I'm Salem." Kind of weird the game wouldn
  6. The sudden blur of an object in motion was enough to cause Salem to startle. He quickly jolted backwards, narrowly avoiding a door in a crash-course with the wall across from it. "Jesus!", he couldn't help but shout as the large slab slammed to a hault. "Piece of shit! Good riddance!", shouted a slender woman with the shake of her fist. She gave pause for a moment, rolling a sore shoulder before turning to face his direction. "Oh hell! That didn't hit you did it?", she began with a surprised squeak, "There aren't usually any other players this early -- well at least not walkin' around!"
  7. A whirlwind of vibrant colors encompassed his vision as Salem awoke in his new reality. The elaborate neon flares fizzled out into the happenings of a humble cedar abode. A few confused blinks seemed enough to ward off the dizzying introduction. With fingers outstretched, he began to examine his alternate form. It all felt so strange, yet also so real. Certainly at least, more real than any “[insert] reality” games he had previously played. Few other observations oriented him before he had slowly begun to stand. The process of activated nerves and cinched tendons were arguably the most comfort
  8. Salem

    Salem's Journal

  9. Salem

    Salem's Journal

    LEVEL - 3 HP - 60 EN - 24 DMG - 4 ACC - 2 SKILLS Non-combat: Passive: Combat: Weapon Skills: Claws R1 INVENTORY Weapons: [Equipped] Claws R1 (Rare) with 2 slots of Accuracy +4 DMG +2 ACC Attacks: Equipment: Items: Total Money: 105,000 Col Money Spent: 0 Col Total EXP: 1029 Mats: 15 Total SP: 1 SP Spent: 4
  10. Salem

    Salem's Journal

    Username: Salem Real Name: ??? Theme: "A Grave Consequence" Age: 20 (Joined at 18) Sex: Male Sexuality: Bisexual Height: 5'11 Weight: 170lbs Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Dark Slate Gray General Appearance: Salem's body is average in build and lacking in any remarkable features. From the outside, he seems like someone who is reserved in personality. Long strands of dark hair frame his face, which is somber in expression. Despite his quiet disposition, he gives off an air of someone who can be approached and conversed with. Attire: He prefers
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