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Posts posted by Riardon

  1. "Well that's certainly a relief," Riardon sighed as he adjusted his fine clothes. His interest was peaked by Wulfrin's sudden announcement of a business idea. What could the young lad be planning? He'll peruse that momentarily. For now Riardon needed to find the last item he needed for his quest. It didn't take long to locate mind you. Despite Wulfrin's previous warning, the items seemed to be readily available. Though without entering combat, Riardon started to wonder how he would get the items to appraise. He supposed he could go fishing, but more likely he would have to pick up a blade. This wasn't something he was looking forward to that thought, but he would likely have to overcome that hurdle eventually. 

    "So this venture of yours," Riardon spoke quizzically. "I am very curious what you might have to offer, as well as what you think I can provide in return."
    * * *

    Item Search (2/3)
    ID 222975 | LD 4 | CD 3
    Item Found
    Unidentified T1 Uncommon Weapon

  2. "Be careful lad," Riardon whispered trying to keep quite as he moved closer to the river bed. "I'm confident in your abilities, but I also know this game can be unforgiving."

    His bodyguard disappeared into the woods towards where Riardon had heard the hostile mobs approaching from. Wulfrin seemed like he had almost zero fear when it came to venturing into the dense forest around them. That likely game from experience in the game. Like most other games of this type, if you managed to get your numbers high enough, the monsters had a hard time posing a challenge. There was a flash of crimson light from the rough area where Wulfrin went followed by two unique yelps. His persuers must have been wolves, and by the sounds he was hearing, they weren't having a good time. Patiently he waited for his body guard to return in the small clearing, content to wait to look for items until Wulfrin returned.

  3. "I'll have to take you up on the tutorial another day," Riardon said as he continued his search. "Today it's about getting a business off the ground. I've spent the last two years observing the players around me fighting to escape our collective predicament, and now I want to try and give back."

    Riardon made a thorough search of the area, finding another burrow in the base of a nearby tree. Inside lay another item ripe for plundering. This time it appeared as a plain set of armor. One couldn't even discern the type of armor as it seemed to shift between multiple types in a fluid transition. Out of the corner of his eye, Riardon noticed some movement in the trees nearby. He slowly backed up towards his fishing bodyguard.

    "I believe we have company," Riardon said in a hushed tone. "I saw some movement in the woods. I'm a bit worried the beasts of the forest may be hungry for a humble merchant." 

    * * *

    Item Search (2/3)
    ID 222193 | LD 18 | CD 6
    Item Found
    Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor

  4. "No Wulfrin," Riardon replied with a sigh. "I'm afraid I will be no use to you if combat does break out. Violence isn't exactly my cup of tea."

    "You wont get very far in this world with that mentality I'm afraid," The young man said. "Especially if you're going to be an appraiser. Outside of fishing, looting mobs is the best way to get the unidentified items you need."

    "Sounds like fishing is the way for me to go." Riardon smiled as the two exited Tolbana. Wulfrin was of course in the lead, but was still shoulder to shoulder with himself. To keep up the conversation

    "Not recommended. You'll definitely have an easier time hunting monsters. You could always go a full support playstyle and buff your allies, but unless you land the last hit you don't get the loot."

    "One step at a time then I suppose. I'll rely on you until I can get some combat under my belt."

    "Well when you figure out what weapon you want to wield, come stop by my shop on Floor Twenty-Two and I'll get you hooked up. The Tutorial Quests can also help you get your feet wet with very minimal danger."

    Eventually the duo found themselves at a small, lazily flowing river. It was a good ways outside of Tolbana, much farther than Riardon was comfortable with, but at the very least there didn't appear to be any monsters nearby. It helped that his guide seemed to have almost zero guard up in the area. They simply pulled out a fishing rod and began to fish in the river. Riardon took this as his cue to look around the area for items. As he began to search the area high and low, he found a small glint of light in the hollow of a nearby tree. According to his companion, this was not likely to be a norm, but the option was very welcoming.

    "Appears I have found one!" Riardon exclaimed. "Two more and we can return back to town. I'll try and be swift as to not take up too much of your time."

    * * *

    Item Search (1/3)
    ID 221508 | LD 7 | CD 11
    Item Found
    Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable

  5. Having spent plenty of time exploring the world that now served as his home, Riardon wanted the opportunity to aid the other players of Sword Art Online. He was non combative, at least if he could help it. Violence was not in his nature, as he saw it as a rather unproductive way to get what you want. Was it necessary in some situations? Of course it was, this was a fantasy video game after all. Riardon however, preferred to spend his time mostly in the cities of Aincrad. At one point he had stumbled onto the ability to identify and buy items off players as junk. This excited Riardon in an odd way, as the unique profession provided a rather close facsimile of his profession in the real world. There he owned a shop chain that basically accomplished the same thing. He was the renowned owner of one of if not the largest nationwide comic and game stores, Conquest Games.

    To start up this business venture, a quest was required. In a game such as Sword Art Online, most things player's could unlock or obtain were locked in such a way. That brought his attention to a small eclectic shop near the heart of Tolbana, the second largest settlement on Floor One of the Floating Castle. The inside reminded him of his own living spaces, absolutely filled to the brim with clutter and often times useless paraphernalia, yet even his disorganized mind was left wondering how so much stuff could fit insuch a small space.

    "Why hello," A man greeted him having popped out from behind a rack cluttered with a near impossible number of scrolls, a few falling off with the sudden introduction of motion. "What is it you are looking for today?"

    "Nothing that can be found on a rack I assure you," Riardon replied as he straightened his rather fancy merchant garb. "I was actually looking to learn the Appraiser's Trade. You wouldn't happen to be Drax Arnold would you?"

    "Aye," The slightly pot bellied merchant replied. "That's my name. To whom do I owe the pleasure of meeting?

    "Ala- Er. I mean Riardon," Riardon stammered his way through the introduction. He still struggled with not giving out his real name. He was no stranger to roleplaying games, but this was almost a completely different scenario. Here his appearanc ewas exactly the one he held in the real world. It felt natural to introduce himself as Alain, but here that wasn't technically his name.

    "Well Riardon," The merchant continued extending a hand. "I'll have you know, I don't do anything for free. If you truly wish to learn the trade, I'll need you to go out and find some items to identify. You do that, and I'll happily show you how to identify them."

    "Thank you Mr. Arnold," Riardon shook the extended hand. "I'll do just that."

    With a simple wave of thanks, Riardon exited the eclectic shop, returning to the busy thoroughfare of Tolbana's market plaza. The only problem he could see with this small adventure he would be undertaking was the fact that it would likely involve exiting the city and exploring the wilds. A guide was in order, as he had no weapon or armor. He began scouring the city for an adventurer willing to serve as his body guard. It was as he started to leave that another player heading for the gate alone in an armored red coat caught his gaze.

    * * *




    Riardon | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 1

    Battle Ready Inventory


    3 Starter Healing Potions



  6. anime_art_of_49_year_old_man_W.thumb.jpeg.8120df50cc601bee55e54c15206aa277.jpeg

    Username: Riardon
    Real Name: Alain Thomas
    Age: 49 > 51
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5’11”


    Alain Thomas lived a rather exciting life. By the age of 30, he had already soared up the corporate ladder with his well earned degree in business, and became the CEO of a major tech company. A few years latter he stepped down in favor of starting his own games and comic store in the sunny streets of San Fransico. Conquest Games, quickly began to spread throughout the US, becoming one of the highest rated places to buy, sell, trade, and most importantly play the newest games, cards and comics. Within the area, he became well known for his fair prices and outstanding customer service. Even some of the top celebrities from the movies came by to set up fan meet and greets, as well as to have casual fun with fans.

    As the business grew, so did the types of players that came through the doors. Time progressed and with it his business grew to accommodate the changing space. It went from a small comic store to a full-scale gaming lounge, with access to various forms of entertainment. When the Nerve-Gear and subsequently Sword Art Online were being released, he was asked constantly to add them to the available titles and consoles in the arcade section of his establishment. Like any business man should do, he decided it was in his best interest to play the game himself. That’s when he became stuck in the virtual prison, a long with 9,999 other fellow game enthusiasts.


    1.      Diligence. Alain is always conscious of the task at hand. He always gives his current task his full undivided attention. This extends to the people he works with.

    2.      Platinum Rule. One thing he learned growing up was to treat people the way he wanted to be treated. As continued his path of life, he started to live by a new rule. This new rule was to treat others the way they want to be treated. Now he tries to always put others wants and needs before his own.

    3.      Adventurous. Alain is always looking for the next adventure. It doesn’t matter if that venture is one of business or own personal growth. To him every moment is an opportunity to grow and learn.


    1.      Aloof. Sometimes his laid-back attitude can lead to a more standoffish persona. He tends to be more of a logical thinker than an emotional one. This sometimes leads to him unintentionally hurting those around him emotionally.

    2.      Disorganized. At first glance he may seem put together, like everything is in a neat orderly set up. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. One look into his personal spaces will leave you shocked that a man with his disorganized mindset could reach the status he has, yet somehow, he succeeded.

    3.      Odd. To most people, Alain is a bit of an oddball. He presents himself as a successful businessman, yet when you meet him in the safety of his shop or home, he is way more of an oddity. This makes his mannerisms quite difficult to read in certain situations.


    Skills (0/5 SP Spent)

    ·         None at this time



    New Character Bundle: Support Package


    ·         None


    ·         3 Starter Healing Potions

    ·         25 Materials

    ·         2,000 Col


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