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Posts posted by boynamedfish

  1. Luke decided he wanted to explore some more before going back to SAO. He walked out and went to the room marked "LASERS" He walked in and found stormtroopers playing laser tag. He grabbed a gun and played for a little while. After about an hour of playing he left. When he walked out of the room, he ran into Miaki. "Um, Hi" Luke said.

  2. Luke slowly walked out of the Main Control room and went to go explore the rest of the ship. He walked into one room, which he thought was the "Media Room" because it had four stormtroopers playing Halo 4 on an Xbox... He walked further down the hallway and found a room with a portal that was marked "SAO". "Alright here it is" Luke said.

  3. (Alright this was so tempting I had to do it xD Don't stab me for this pls)

    Luke looked up at the Death Star from Endor, with all the furry Ewoks around him. He ran over to his X-Wing and got in. The Ewoks waved to him and he waved back. He was leaving Endor and getting closer to the Death Star. He was almost there when two TI-Fighters flew out and shot at him. Luke shot them down and flew into the Death Star. He walked up to the Main Control Room to face his father. He opened the door and there he was; Darth Vader.

    (Okay in all seriousness you need to put this in General and Random Discussions xD This would be pretty fun.)

  4. It had been about 2 days since Luke joined SAO. So many people have died since he joined. But that’s not what mattered to Luke most. He was out of col and needed a job. Luke was walking around shops trying to find somewhere to work when he ran into his friend.

    “Hey!†Luke said.


    (Going to wait until he gets his journal gets approved.)

  5. Luke had just come back to the starting city after almost being killed while leveling. He sat down on a bench and ate some food. He decided he would leave the city and keep leveling. He walked out of the city but was stopped by a mysterious gypsy. “H-Hello†Luke said. The gypsy said nothing and started to walk away. “Hey, wait!†Luke said and ran after her. Luke followed the gypsy until they got to a small cave

    “Inside this cave is a monster. If you feed this monster instead of killing it you will obtain a strange power.†The gypsy explained. Luke decided to go into the cave and see if the mysterious gypsy was lying or not. He drew his sword and walked into the cave. The cave was dark but still light enough to see, and fight if he needed to. Luke looked back to see if the gypsy was still there but she had disappeared. He walked further into the cave and saw dark figures that he assumed were sleeping. He walked closer and determined them to be orcs.

    He didn’t want to wake them up so he tried to step over them. He was doing fine until he got to the end. The last orc wasn’t asleep and it pushed him. Luke dropped his sword and fell over. He desperately reached for his sword as all the Orcs woke up. He finally reached his sword and stabbed an orc in the arm before it hit him with its club. He knew he couldn’t fight them all so he got up and ran as fast as he could deeper into the cave. Luke turned a corner and ran into more orcs. An orc tried to hit him with its club but Luke ducked. He knocked the club out of its hand and killed it. He was trapped now. The only way he could get to the end of this cave is if he managed to kill them all.

    He tried to hit an orc but it blocked with its club. He swung again and stabbed the orc in the arm. Luke kicked it in the stomach pushing it into the other orcs. The orc that he pushed had ended up hitting three orcs and killing them. He stabbed the orc he pushed and killed it. Luke forgot about the orcs on the other side of him. One of them hit him into the wall of the cave with its club. He got back up and knocked the club out of its hand, rolled behind it, and then stabbed it in the back. After about ten minutes Luke had killed them all. He was almost at 0 HP and needed a Healing Potion badly. He checked his backpack and found that he only had one left. He used it and was back to full HP.

    He went deeper into the cave and found a huge door. He walked up to it and it opened. Inside was a pedestal with a small bed made of hay. On top of that there was an egg. The egg was white with green dots all over it. He tried walking closer and 6 orcs jumped down from the roof. These ones were level 4, 2 levels higher than the other ones. They would take double the effort to fight. One of them hit him with his club and he flew into a wall. These orcs are do a lot more damage than the other ones... Luke thought. He ran and sliced right threw one of the orcs, killing it.

    An orc swung his club at him but Luke cut it in half and hit the orc with the hilt of his sword and then stabbed it in the gut. That’s two down, 4 left. Luke thought. Two orcs ran at him ready to swing their clubs. He quickly jumped over them and they hit each other. Luke slashed at one of the last two orcs and killed it. The last orc was at level 6. He ran at it and tried to hit it with its sword but it dodged. The orc knocked Luke into the wall again and he dropped his sword. The orc walked up to him and raised his club to hit him.

    An orc swung his club at him but Luke cut it in half and hit the orc with the hilt of his sword and then stabbed it in the gut. That’s two down, 4 left. Luke thought. Two orcs ran at him ready to swing their clubs. He quickly jumped over them and they hit each other. Luke slashed at one of the last two orcs and killed it. The last orc was at level 6. He ran at it and tried to hit it with its sword but it dodged. The orc knocked Luke into the wall again and he dropped his sword. The orc walked up to him and raised his club to hit him. He quickly rolled under the orc and grabbed his sword. Luke stabbed it in the back and it died. He walked up to the egg and it hatched, turning into a small black dragon. He gained the title "Beast Tamer". He thought hard and decided to name it Acnologia. Luke and Acnologia left the cave and walked back to the starting city.

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