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[PP - F8] Pop Goes the... Stoat? <<Feeding the Enemy>>

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To: Celes

From: Lessa

Subject: Familiar

Hey beautiful. I'm on the 8th floor, and thinking about trying for a familiar again. Would you mind joining me? If you have time, of course. But I think I could use the help.

The message didn't quite sound right, despite multiple attempts, but she sent it anyway. There was no point in spending any more time on mere words, and besides, the young woman wondered if it was worth trying to put her feelings down in writing at all. Perhaps she would be better off waiting for Celes to arrive. And hey, maybe by then she would no longer be assaulted by the barrage of emotions that stirred in the pit of her stomach and at the back of her eyes. 

The blonde heaved a sigh, settling against the trunk of one of floor eight's many trees. She did not particularly care for the floor, but having spent very little time on it, she feared that her opinion was not well-grounded. Besides, if she truly hoped for a fresh start, a foreign floor might be just the thing.

A sudden breeze carried various scents from the nearby Friben Village. Closing her eyes slowly, Lessa inhaled deeply. Maybe this won't be so bad, she thought, lost in the darkness she made for herself. Celes will make it better. The leaves murmured their agreement as another gust combed through them.

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Celes looked a the message and closed it. Then opened it again. Then closed it. Then opened ita and typed out a reply. And then stopped. And then wrote another. And erased it. 


four messages later she finally sent:


I always have time for you!  I'm on my way... 

Was it good? No. but it sent the message as celes scrambled through her store. The cat familiar stared at her as she ran around " Kiku! shut up, I have to get ready!?!  OMG?!?! do i look okay? I need to look good- Kiku which armour should i wear, this one? Or this one? "   In the end she decided on the her Dark blue petticoat and breeches. A casual yet well cut look. It was also the easiest to put together in a short amount of time. 


She teleported to the eight floor, Kiku in tow. Upon arriving she pulled down her map and found lessa. Taking a moment to compose herself before approaching she gave lessa a warm smile and greeted her. Unsure if a hug was the right thing to do she approached and then lightly backtracked. "H-hey!  I got your message!  A familiar huh? What kind are you looking for? "  she said, letting the words fall out of her mouth before heir brain could trip her up. 

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Just as the woman had anticipated, her friend's arrival immediately relieved some of the tension that hung heavy in the cool air. "Celes," she greeted, an easy smile warming her features, "it is good to see you." Her blue gaze swept over the woman's figure before she added, "you look really nice. You're lucky to have such good fashion sense." When was the last time that Lessa had worn anything but her breeches, blouse, and armor? Appearance had never meant much to Alyssa, and after joining Aincrad, it meant even less to Lessa. She had more important things to worry about. But examining Celes' choices made Lessa wonder if dressing up might be good for her morale.

And to the girl's second question, the blonde answered, "I'm actually looking for a stoat. I know it is weird, but I used to have one, way back when. Maybe I'm just overly nostalgic, but I'd like to have another one."

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Celes didn't know how to react to compliments, especially not from lessa.  She did the best she could by standing there and blushing.  

Relief spread across her face as lessa moved on.  Celes smiled and took lessas hand a moment "I can understand that,  I  have always had cats so,  when it came time to get a familiar I immediately went for one..."  She turned to hold up Kiku  to lessa "see,  isn't she cute?" She asked as Kiki protested. 

Putting her down on the floor she turned her attention back to the blond.  "my guess is well need meat first,  and then we can try to tame one...." 

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Her gentle smiled blossomed into a full-fledged grin when Celes offered Kiku to her. "You're adorable," she cooed to the cat, her voice climbing a full octave as she fawned over her friend's familiar. "Oh my gosh, I miss cats so much. We had so many of them back home. They mostly hung out in the barn, but they were so affectionate. They would always rub against my leg and purr." For the first time in a while, memories of home brought her joy, and not a nagging sense of nostalgia and loneliness. Celes was already having a profound affect on the Guardian.

"Sure, that would be great," she answered her friend, now turning to face Celes once more. "You have a lot more experience on this floor than I do, I'm sure. Why don't you lead the way?"

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Celes smiled "I have had cats all my life, so when i was looking for a familiar, I knew i had to get one..."  She smiled lovingly at Kiku "She was my companion while i was alone. I know its just technology.... but I feel as attached to her as i would a real cat. But i guess thats not really new, I mean im attached to you too, but one day we'll leave here right?"  she sighed "Okay, okay, getting to stupid about this, lets go hunting!" She said as she pulled down her map. 


She pointed out a clearing and started to head over there "Ah look here we go, some basic wolf mobs. Lets kill them real quick, and get some meat... there ahould be enough here for 8 <wolf meat> drops Thats be enough for a try.... Celes said, pionting out the eight wolves who had already become ware of their presence. "After you, darling" She said with a playful bow to Lessa. 

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The ease with which Celes described the wolves helped to soothe Lessa's nerves. Her friend was so much more powerful now. Lessa had never imagined that she might one day be following in the girl's shadow, yet here she was, nearly half of her level. The blonde could wield only a fraction of the power that Celes could, and as such, Lessa knew that she would need to remain a diligent student. Her months in hiding certainly had not benefited her. She had a long way to go, but with Celes' help, she was confident that she would master the sword arts eventually.

Despite the optimism that flowed through her, the sight of eight wolves bearing down on her was enough to freeze her in place. Her breath hitched in her throat, and her palms grew damp within her gauntlets. She missed her window of opportunity, and before she knew it, the wolves were far too close for comfort.



{[40673] BD: 5. Attack missed.}

Lessa: HP: 89/89 | Energy: 19/21 | Hate: 0 | +1 DMG on next successful hit (heavy momentum)

Celes: ?

Wolf 1: 75/75

Wolf 2: 75/75

Wolf 3: 75/75

Wolf 4: 75/75

Wolf 5: 75/75

Wolf 6: 75/75

Wolf 7: 75/75

Wolf 8: 75/75



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Celes roared,  this time jumping in with like right behind her.  She slashed at them,  momentarily looking as ferocious as a wolf herself, (Id 40796, bd 4+3=7)  her ARE hit them all (damage 11x9=99dmg each) 




Lessa: HP: 89/89 | Energy: 19/21 | Hate: 0 | +1 DMG on next successful hit (heavy momentum)

Celes: 148/148 energy 19 hate 1

Wolf 1: ded

Wolf 2: ded

Wolf 3: ded

Wolf 4: ded

Wolf 5: 75/75

Wolf 6: 75/75

Wolf 7: 75/75

Wolf 8: 75/75




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"Whoa," the young woman breathed. Then, putting more force behind her words, she called out, "you know, you're pretty good at this, Celes." Her comment was genuine, that much could be heard in her tone. Lessa truly admired what the brunette was capable of, and she found herself constantly shocked and impressed by it. Had she kept working, and not taken nearly a year off of her own training, maybe Lessa would be just as powerful.

Only half of the original eight wolves remained, but the loss of their comrades had infuriated them. Their jaws were twisted in violent, spit-covered snarls, their beady black eyes boring into Celes. She had their attention, meaning that it was time for Lessa to attack. With a grunt of exertion, she launched herself at the line of enemies. Hell Rose began to glow, and warm in her hand, as <<Blast>> activated. While it was a lesser sword art that would only stun the beasts, she knew Celes would probably clean up whatever she missed. It made sense to practice her multiple abilities while she had the chance.



{[40800] BD: 9. Critical. 9+1+1(heavy momentum) = 11. <<Blast>> activated. 11x2=22. 22-19(wolf mit)= 3.

Lessa: HP: 89/89 | Energy: 13/21 (+1) | Hate: 2

Celes: 148/148 energy 19 hate 1

Wolf 1: ded

Wolf 2: ded

Wolf 3: ded

Wolf 4: ded

Wolf 5: 72/75 STUNNED

Wolf 6: 72/75 STUNNED

Wolf 7: 72/75 STUNNED

Wolf 8: 72/75 STUNNED



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Celes smiled and blushed at lessas comment "Thanks..." She added shyly before focusing on the wolves again as they prepared to attack. After being stunned my lessas attack celes took her chance.  She raised her glaive and  swiped at them all. (40801 bd7 damage 99).  Celes sat in the grass and sighed.  "OK,"  She said looking the her inventory " you should have seven <wolf meat> now..." She added  with a wide grin to lessa 

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A crooked smile cracked Lessa's features. "You really do put me to shame, you know,"she told her friend, though not unkindly. She paused long enough to double check her own inventory, queuing it up with a practiced flick of her wrist. "Yup," she confirmed, nodding. "There they are. Seven wolf meats. Let's hope that my future familiar likes wolf." Though the words that she spoke were good-natured, a cloud passed across her face the moment that they left her. "My old familiar, Orion, actually hated meat." A half-hearted smile hitched in her throat, before she added, "I caught him using the bread that we started the game with."

So much had changed since then. She had changed. But the game had also evolved with the times. The implementation of sword arts had changed the entire feel, upping the standards, and the danger. And Lessa found herself left in the dust. No one to blame but yourself, she thought dryly.

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Celes watched her as she spoke,  observing the changes in her demeanor.  Celes walked over to her and quietly offered a hug.  "Things in this often change,  honestly I don't know if the familiars care as much about the food of about the person holding it...." She said,  pausing to take a moment to look lessa in the eyes.  "I'm sure the familiar that close you will be perfect,  okay?  You are amazing,  and your familiar will reflect you,  i'm sure!" 


Realizing how close she was too Lessa was something that came upon celes slowly, a sudden red giving her cheeks and a dizziness hitting her she almost feel away,  catching herself last minute.  Struggling to say anything at all she started "S-s-so where do you want to,  uh,  you now go check first,  maybe?"  She asked. 

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In an instant, Lessa's heart raced and her breath stopped. Celes had reached out, and pulled her close before the girl could process what was happening. How many months had it been since she had had any physical contact with another player? The other woman could have no idea what the simple gesture had meant to her, that much Lessa could tell by the ease with which she performed it. Yet Lessa worried that the blush on her cheeks would set her face ablaze.

"Thanks," she murmured quickly, her eyes still wide with surprise as she met Celes' gaze. "I appreciate that, Celes." Then, watching her companion's face darken to reflect her own blush, she added, "we can go wherever you want. You know the floor better than I do, I'm sure. You're also more equipped to deal with whatever we might run into."

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Celes was thrown off guard.  The two blushing ladies obviously cared for each other but right now celes knew she had to focus on helping her friend.  She got up and looked around.  "Well,  three are trees...  And trees...  And hills....  And trees."  She said bluntly.  "OK, let's thing about this.  Stoats live in burrows,  but they don't actually dig their own burrows,  they use the burrows of other rodents they've killed. They also tend to inhabit old tree trunks...  So let's start with the forest  looking around..." 


Celes knew nature.  Few times did her real world and fictional world collide like this,  but she was ready.  She got lots to the ground began to search.  The realism of the game was enough she knew she finds tracks eventually,  if not some other sign of the creature.  Eventually she came across a c bluster of trees and quietly whispered "Lessa!  There!  Look..."  She gestured to a small hole at the base of one Tybee trees.  "in there..."  now it sas lead turn... 



(ooc is the fifteenth post next,  you can fill to feed and take it...) 

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Lessa nodded, indicating that she also noticed the small hole. "I agree," she whispered softly, "that looks like a place where a stoat would hide." Slowly, she went into her inventory, and selected one of the recently acquired wolf meats. Taking a few slow, balanced steps toward the hole, she gently tossed the item underhand. It arched slightly, before falling with a soft swoosh in the long grass

"And now we wait," she breathed.

But the pair did not have to wait long. Less than two minutes passed before a beast barreled toward her. But it was not the stoat that she was looking for.

"Whoa," the blonde cried, grabbing madly for her claymore. An enormous brown wolf snarled back at her. "Wrong woodland creature."



{[41060] BD: 4. Attack misses. LD: 12. No support familiar found.}

Lessa: 89/89 | 19/21 | H:0

Celes: ?

Alpha Wolf: 100/100




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Celes grit her teeth " Darn. I'm so sorry lessa" She focused her sword art to pierce teh wolf, hoping that she could finish it before anything happened. (bd 41210, bd 9) She felt the critical and knew it was over (Damage 11+1(crit)=12x5x2=120, dead, loot 16, 500 col). The wolf was gone, But she and lessa stood there. She walked over to the blond and patted her black "I'm sorry my love, But we'll keep trying, yeah?" She held her hand for only a moment, not wanting to be too forward. "Shall we keep looking. I think on the other side of the forest we might be able to have better luck...." 



{[41060] BD: 4. Attack misses. LD: 12. No support familiar found.}

Lessa: 89/89 | 19/21 | H:0

Celes: ?

Alpha Wolf: so ded/100



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Though there was lingering disappointment, Lessa quickly shelved it. As the initial shock of the wolf's appearance faded, and her soft smile returned, she offered Celes a small shrug. "No problem," she answered. "We haven't been looking long." Truthfully, Lessa had imagined taking at least the entire day to locate her familiar. As a warm breeze unsettled the leaves around her, she took some solace in their muffled murmurs. It was a sound that reminded her of home, and briefly, she wondered why she had not spent more time on this floor.

"Besides," she added suddenly, casting her companion a larger smile, "it is nice to spend some time with you. We have a lot of catching up to do, especially since I just joined your guild."

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Celes couldnt help but blush "I... i like spending time with you too... I mean, well. Yeah, youre a good friend and a lovely woman... how could i not? " she stopped for a moment and turned to lessa, getting close once more. Looking into her eyes she asked seriously "less, how are you? I feel like... maybe i let you down, and well- I need to know, how are you? how have you been? I know you... well you needed time too, after that battle.."  She took Lessa's hand, gently- almost clumsily, as if he were afraid to hurt her.

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"Let me down?" She echoed her friend's words, her own laced with confusion. She ducked her head slightly to hide the emotion, studying the way that Celes' hands clutched her own. "I guess I don't really know what you mean." And that was the truth. Despite racking her brain, the blonde could not produce a reason why Celes might feel that way.

As the second part of her comment sunk in, Lessa gave a shrug. "That was a long time ago," she replied simply. "I try not to think about it anymore."

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Celes sighed.  "I disappeared,  I told no one and...  Well..  You were suffering too.  I was selfish and ran away from all of my friends...  I've been trying my bets to make it up to people. I know I'm not the best person,  but I hope you'll let me be there for you in the future... " She added,  terrified of her own words. 


To her there was no greater fear than falling into that pit of fear and sadness.  To become numb to the world again.  She remembered how it had felt.  How nothing caused a reaction.  Why sleep?  Why eat?  Nothing made sense.  Why live with her others die so easily in this world... 


She shook herself out of it.  "anyway,  we have more places to explore!  Do you like this floor?"  she asked,  trying her best to look smooth as she picked a flower from between tree trunks and handed it to lessa. (please forgive spelling auto-correct is hard) 

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