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Lumiel's Necronomicon

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Username: Lumiel
Real name: Titus Sneach
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 6’1’’
Weight: 165-ish lbs
Skill Points Used: 0
Max Skill Points: 10
Col: 1080

About: History/personality:

Lumiel, the man is as mysterious as his mouth. In short, he hides nothing from no one or from anything and is more than happy to talk your ear off on how stupid you are. Lumiel thinks highly of himself, self-centered, immoral, conceited, and self-loving and has an overall hate for authority, rules, laws and most importantly; God. He hates religion as much as he hates Brussels sprouts and that is saying a lot as he detests the ugly vegetable. And much like Brussels sprouts, when talking about God, it leaves a bad taste in his mouth. Lumiel was born in America but raised in Russia where he was brought into The Family.  Since his conception into this world, Lumiel had excelled in physical prowess but he isn’t the brightest crayon in the box. Despite his hate for God, he has read the bible frontwards and backwards normally spouting nonsense and quoting passages about Lucifer or The Dragon as he holds Lucifer in high Lumielrds, but thinks Satanism is for pussies.

As far as History goes for Lumiel, he was born in American but only stayed there for five years to which he was bought as part of a deal from his birth parents. They had little money to offer the child, and because of his unique genetic makeup, The Family figured they could use extra muscle down the line for the new Mob Boss that would soon be like a brother to Lumiel. So for the next 20 years, Lumiel grew up with The Family, busting balls and breaking hands to the best of his ability. He trained daily in a wide variety of martial arts, but his techniques were sloppy and unrefined, but usually revolved around being excessive and brutal. The weather there had hardened his body into muscle and steel, he prizes over his body like a trophy that he normally maintains and polished on a daily basis. He fairs well with women, but being as part of the Mob, he had no time for relationships. What does he look for in women? Tits and ass, [censored] personality.

SAO Era: Hating all games in general, Lumiel had been pushed into using the nerve system as a means to help launder money in the digital world. Digital games can be a lucrative business, and now that he is trapped within…he will do everything he can to have his fun.


Bad Boy: Lumiel is in all sense of the word ‘Bad.’ This is one of his more redeeming virtues as he does what is necessary to get the job done and whatever that job is. He won’t necessarily do what is right, but what is needed and he’ll be damned if he can’t do a good job.

Cruel: Lumiel is cruel in the sense of the term that he is fairly potent when it comes to excessive force. His mind can be very dangerous thing despite being dumb at times. This combination can lead to unhealthy and volatile acts usually jump starting his survival instincts.

Competitive: Lumiel like to put on a show and likes to win that show. If there is a challenge he can win, he’ll do everything in his power to achieve that victory outright. Dirty or clean.


Partial Nihilistic:  Lumiel cares two shits about the world you set yourself in. You are not him and he doesn’t care about your world, only his. Whatever nonsense is spouted is usually ignored or mocked at vocally. While a full nihilist had no loyalties, he would use what loyalties he can have and use it to his advantage or gain. In the world of SAO where nothing is real but everything and anyone can be destroyed is his Personal Paradise.

Disrespectful: That mouth of his will get him in trouble, but so will his actions. The only respect you can get is if you can belittle him to the point where he cries and Lumiel does not cry. Authority, commands, laws and rules mean nothing to him and he will break them for the thrill.

Immoral: Nothing stops him from being happy and having his full of something. The Seven Deadly sins are his favorite and he acts them out in excessive ways. The world he lives in has no authority over his body and he’ll damn well do as he pleases no matter what trash talking, stat lording individual has to say.

Violent: He’s a bruiser for the Mob! Of course he is going to be violent and he does it well. If something needs to be broken, an arm? A femur? He’ll be more than happy to do it and because it’s his job and most importantly its fun!

Profession: Cook





Weapon skills:

»Steak, Egg, Cheese Bagel


Transaction History:
-6 Materials Forged by the Sun [Blackened Gauntlets+3 Un Dmg]
-7 Materials The Black Rose [ Choker of Choking [+3 Acc]

» [SP] EAL Quest Profession [+2 SP, + 400 Col, + 12 Mats]
» [PP] Bull in a China Shop [+1 SP, +200 Col]
 [SP] Aggravated Assault [+1 SP, +400 Col]
[PP] Surfacing [+1 SP, + 80 Col]

Relationships (optional)

Story Thus Far (optional)

Edited by Lumiel
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