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[OP] Exploring the town [F1]

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I look at the panda who tried to scare me and let out a chuckle, his attempt is mere child's play after what that white lion belonging to a certain demanding blonde put me through every time I went to her shop. I smile at it and direct my attention towards his master, replying with a smile: "As you wish Liam." Then accepting his friend request. Of course I took note of the hostility and sarcasm present in his overall tone but was barely phased by it.

Instead, I was somehow amazed by his suggestion. "What do you mean sit?" I look around me in a over theatrical way as I was already sitting down. "Is that an English euphemism for something else? Pardon me but I do not understand what you mean. Do you, milady?" I would've offered myself to clean his eyeballs with bleach but decided to go against this sadistic urge of mine.

I simply shrug as I fail to grasp what he meant and direct my attention towards the charming blonde near me. "A walk in the park sounds like a excellent suggestion. Better gaze upon the various beauties of this virtual world rather than conform ourselves with just one view." I said, indirectly dismissing evac's suggestion in favor of the later. I continued to smile at the girl, eager to hear her speak again. Why was I like that?

Even my assistant seen to knew the answer as she continued giggling behind me. A visible twitch could be seen on my brow with every previously mentioned sound she made. "I'd be honored to be considered your friend" she said as she accepted his friend request as well. "Of course the same applies to lady Jemma as well." She added. 

I raise myself from the bench and offer my arm in the typical gentleman's way, putting my hand on my hip thus leaving a round space between my right side ribs and right arms. Place in which Rose could slip her arm and interlock it with my own. "Mind if I accompany you, milady?" I asked the blonde girl as a light blush tinged my cheeks.

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Nix had jumped onto Jemma's still offered arm, and maneuvered to her shoulder. I stood up too, looking at everyone and saying "Thank you peeps! And I was just agreeing with Jemma and the park idea."I looked at her, and smiled while saying "I think he likes your hair. I do." Nix started rubbing his face in her hair. I blushed and hoped that she didnt get mad. "We should hang out some time, so you can get to know Nix a little better. I-uhh, mean, never mind." I looked at the ground in embarrassment. I cant beleive that came out! I said to myself.

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(Since being refered to her actual name, I'll just start referring to her as that.) 

Jemma smiled, petting Nix while he nuzzled her hair. "Sure! Who would pass up a chance to hang out with this guy?" She asked, meaning Nix. Then seeing Dracul's offer to accompany her, she nodded before slipping her arm through the opening. "Yes, thank you." She was surprised by how much he seemed to have warmed up to her, but you never know, some people are just like that. Glad that Nix was on her other shoulder, she gave him another pat on the head. Well, this was an intresting turn of events. She thought, smiling softly. 

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At the sight of having the panda practically shoved in her arms, I lose all hope that she may pay any attention to me. How could I compete against a thing that eats bamboo in a funny way and makes the whole world laugh and go all 'Awwwww' with a simple sneeze. With a downcast expression and almost ready to admit defeat, I straighten my back at the feeling of someone entering my private space. I swallow a nod as I turn my head to see that the girl to whom I extended the invitation, put the panda on her shoulder and accepted my arm. I could feel the blood suddenly rush through my veins, making my whole face red until the tip of my ears. I try to control my breathing and show no trace of this sudden internal change.

In any case I ignored the maid dressed redhead behind me who was making a almost equally surprised expression and decided to lead the girl. The problem was that I had no idea where this park was... but not enough information was hardly something to stop me once I set my mind on a matter. Still flustered, I managed to say the following words surprised as I was almost speechless after that simple event. "Lets......go then.....since all the present party agreed on it." I gently bring the hand placed at my hip towards my sternum, thus locking Jemma's arm into mine as I drew her a little bit closer to me. "With your permission, milady! Point us towards where we're headed." I say with a smile, as I look into her green emerald eyes. I found them as charming as Fata Morgana herself still unable to believe she'd accepted my offer.

From behind me, the spectacled maid looks at evac and draws closer to him as we start walking. "I would like to accompany you sir Liam... If you'd have me, that is." her own black eyes piercing his, as if staring into his soul. She'd been a bit ignored by the group so far but that didn't bother her too much as she was accustomed to that, as she received a bit more attention from evac, she decided to pay his kindness. Meanwhile with my free hand I bring forth the HUD menu and invite all present members into a party, then switch to a local map on which Rose could point out our destination.

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I looked at Claudia while silently thanking god that Rose/Jemma said sure. I said to the maid "Please dont call me sir, Liam will do just fine. And of course! Anything for a lady." Then I thought. What if this was a trap. What if they want to hurt me. What if they want to hurt Jemma. What were their plans?!! I hoped that they trusted me. I seemed to be the only disscredited one here. I looked at Vlad and Jemma locked arms. Arrrggggghhh! It really ticks me off when a person from a family of HORRIBLE PEOPLE could act that nice to such an innocent nice beautifull person. I hoped that he wasnt as two faced as I suspect. I wish that we were alone some place where we could just talk and play with Nix. And talk.

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Jemma nodded before mapping out the destination with her finger. "It's not that far from here, all we have to do is cut through this small stretch of forest. There looks to be a path through, so we don't have to worry about getting lost." She explained, looking at the map quietly. Then noticing Dracul's eyes on her, she blinked and looked back at him. She could feel that his breathing quickened and noticed his face heating up a bit, but it was gone before she could worry.


I wonder, why is he being so nice to me? 

She couldn't help but think this as he drew her closer. This was all new to her, and it was hard to judge why they would want to pay any attention to her at all. I wonder what would happen if they saw what I actually looked like? They probably wouldn't find me so "beautiful" or "likable" then. This was one of the reasons that she was glad to have bought this game. She could finally look beautiful without people making fun of her. 


Suddenly she realized that she was spacing out again while fiddling with the choker necklace around her neck. Blinking, she noticed her HUD beeping. Quickly brining it up, she accepted the invitation with a soft smile. Well, it's very doubtful I'll meet these guys in the real world. Maybe I'll tell them once I know they'll like me for who I am. "Alright, on we go!" She said, her voice cheerful. 



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As soon as she heard a positive reply, the crimson headed girl wrapped her arm around evac's. Adopting a similar posture like me and Rose had. I internally chuckle as I knew that this was but natural to her, she was 'instructed' by our family's elder staff in how to act around us and our guests and even how to court men. I too was subjected to that rigorous 'training' as I became older but the difference between me and her was 'experience'. While I could choose to court girls to my liking which I didn't do as much judging by my reactions now, she had to entertain our guests on more than a few occasions. Basically upon every formal social event since she was the age 13 or so.

"Thank you!" she said with a smile "also you are mistaken..... Liam, I am not a lady! As I lack the proper looks and pedigree to be one but it doesn't matter to me as much as long as I can be of service to lord Dracul." she spoke honestly, showing unshakable devotion to our house... or more specifically, my person. As much as I tried to get her to loosen up, she was unyielding even to me.

Catching fragments of the conversation, I decide to not interfere, as my focus was devoted entirely to Rose and how she pointed with her slender finger, establishing a course for us. Looking a couple of times at the overall location and trajectory, I then close the map and walk forwards with her at my side. It was a casual stride, meant for sightseeing and conversation rather than speed. "I'd mentioned before that we should get to know each other better right? It may be a bit intrusive of me but I want to ask of you two... Where are you guys from? I already mentioned that I'm from a region called Transilvania in Romania. A small city named Trifas* is where my household is located. Of course it is within your rights to refuse to answer or give little information about it but I thought we should start with basics." I say with sincerity in my voice. I didn't care much for evac's answer but couldn't wait to hear Rose's response. I felt an urge to get to know more about her and this question came out as a result. I knew revealing information about yourself was like a taboo as well but I cared little for that stuff. Eagerly, I lay my eyes on the girl beside me while taking note that we we're om the right track that she mapped out for us.

*not an actual city but the place from Fate/Apocrypha LN series. (link)

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"Claudia, anyone who is nit male, doesnt act like a pig," I looked at Vlad "and is a nice woman on the inside, is a lady. Both you and Jemma are Ladies. And I am from Mississippi, sadly. But I was born in Brittan and was raised there for a time, and aqquired the accent. My family did too, althogh we just moved back to the U.S. " I looked at Claudia and stopped her. "You are a very beautifull example of a lady. Dont let ANYONE tell you different. Same goes for you, Red pretty flower." I said motioning to Jemma.

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"I used to live in Florida when I was younger before my family and I moved to Origon." Jemma answered, intrested by how diverse they all were from each other. Then hearing Evac, she couldn't help but blush lightly at the compliment. "Thanks!" She said, surprised at the sudden compliment. "What's it like in Transylvania?" She asked Dracul, eyes showing intrest. "It must be a very beautiful place." She added, getting the picture of castles in her mind. She also couldn't help imagine people wearing beautiful suits and dresses while going to Balls and dancing the night away. It was unlikely for that part to betrue, but it was fun imagining none the less.

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Brushing his obvious taunt with a smile I turn my head towards evac: "I agree entirely, every woman is a lady until she proves herself different. Despite how much my family tried to get me to think differently. It seems they indoctrinated that idea on Claudia so there's little I can do now except treat her as my sister of sorts, since we have known each other since she was brought to out household over more than a decade ago." I say, revealing a bit of our shared past and mentality. Surprisingly enough, despite his humble... or better said, normal upbringing, evac showed knight-like mentality that resonated with my own. He's gained a bit of respect in my eyes despite the short fuse she was carrying.

Claudia who seemed to have similar thoughts was taken aback by his compliment as she was at lost of words for a second, then after nervously straightening her glasses replied to evac: "... Liam, I appreciate you kind words despite felling like I don't deserve them. I will try to keep them in mind and heart from now on." a smile appeared on her face as she said that with flushing cheeks. Now that was a sight I had rarely seem, Claudia at a lost of words in front of a gentlemen that she'd courted.

I leave the two alone as the angelic voice of my companion reaches my ears. "Well, I can't speak for the whole region but the town that I'm from is more of a medieval-like place. With a old fortress sitting on the top of a hill, near the center of the town. It was build to withstand Ottoman advances from the south and its kept in a fairy good condition even now by the descendants of the royal family that ruled over that land" I decided to let out the surname of that particular family as it would sound more like bragging at this point. Maybe in the future I'd reveal more of myself to her. I continue as I look into her eyes: "Despite being a medieval town he are up to date with the different technological advancements.... that's a bit redundant to mention as I wouldn't be here if that was not true... " a slight grin appeared on my face as I uttered the last sentence then I continued in a normal tone:

"As for the overall aspect of the city, is that of a medieval setting, many families, including mine, decided to keep the customs of our area as it was a royally inclined city as tourism is the main business there. So etiquette is a must for any child there but not as exaggerated as my own may seem. I am indeed a particular case, as even now in the days, my family keeps a handful of maids and butlers to manage our household." I take a glance at Claudia to see her nodding, understanding my intention of avoiding certain facts that I omitted in my speech. Then I once again turn to Rose and speak with a smile: "So lady Jemma, I hope that is enough to satisfy your interest. I forgot to mention that there are balls and similar formal events but they are very rare as the cost of organizing one is extremely high."

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"Claudia, you deserve them. Every Lady deserves them. I could care less about whether or not you are considered a lady, all that matters to me is if ones heart is in the right place. I could care less about pedigrees and decent, although that stuff is fun to learn about, it shouldnt be able to determine what and where you do and go in life. Thats just sick! And to think that you dont deserve them makes you deserve them even more. As suprising as it may be to you for me to say that, you, Claudia.... What ever your last name is.... deserves to hear that. Dont short yourself. A wise person I knew of once said 'luminous beings are we, Not this crude matter!'" I poked her bicep to end the sentence. She obviously had some history with Vlad. "Dracul, your a good man. I hope to meet you someday in real life. Maybe even where you live." I smiled. I looked at Claudia. I hate he stereotype of red heads, but For once, I know one that isnt moody. And I am happy about it.

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Jemma nodded, understanding. "Yes, thank you." She answered, fine with the current information that she was given. The whole place truly seemed to be taken right out of some Fairy Tale, but she also knew that not everything is as it seems. Suddenly she heard something a little ways away. Grunting? Huh? She noticed that they were on the forest path at this point. Probably a animal, hopefully it's farther off... She couldn't help the bad feeling that coiled in her gut, warning her of something bad that's about to happen. 

Almost unconciously, she moved a bit closer to Dracul while squeezing his arm a bit more tightly. What ever it is, please don't let it be a spider. She prayed silently while walking along with the group. Nix was still on her shoulder, but she was worried that he might get spooked. Well, Evac is here so that's good.

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I had been running through the forest for quite some time. I had really kicked the hornets nest this time.Never again was I going to attack a tree gremlin in my life again. For I would end up in the current situation that I was in not. I looked behind me to see that the squadron of wooden monsters were still making chase. I knew that fighting in a situation like this would be futile. 

"Last time I do something this stupid" I exclaimed into the empty woods. 

But, I saw salvation in front of me. There was light, which indicated a clearing I looked down to see that my companion Khepri was clinging on to me for its life. I made it closer and closer to the clearing. But, as soon as I made it there, I collided with another player. This player was one with brownish hair. We both fell to the ground. I looked up to see who else was with us. Well, it happens that there were 3 others in this group. A blonde haired male, a red headed female and...Rose.

"Rose, is that you?!" I proclaimed "Well hell, It has been a while" I picked myself off the ground and remembered why I was running. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we may want to run" I said, looking back into the forest...

OOC: thx again rose for letting me join

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The crimson haired girl was at a complete lost of words. She tighten her grip around evac's arm and said a simple and sincere "Thank you!" in return. 'He got you with that!' I thought as the brunette's words entered my head even if I liked it or not. Seeing as he addressed me next I replied with a nod: "I'd be glad to oblige when we'll get out" there was no hesitation in my statement as I was sure that we will manage to break free from this sick prison one day. "We should focus on getting stronger to shorten the timespan." I let out a low chuckle before continuing: "it seems my first impression was a bit wrong about you, I see that from your words, a knight's spirit resides. That's more important than any tittles and status, make you to stay true to it until the end."

At the same time, I sense Rose tensing up as random noises reach my ears: 'Ambush?' was my first thought and as the sound got louder I move Rose to the side, letting the unidentified figure crash into evac. It seemed to be another player but I still was on my guard as my free hand rested on the hilt of my two handed straight sword that resided at my waist, on the left side. I relax a bit as the player seemed to be a acquaintance of Rose's but turn my gaze and align it with his, towards the place he'd come and listen to his warning.

"Excuse me, milady. I may seem forceful but please bear with me." I say as I take her hand and attempt to dash towards the direction this guy was heading, opposite of the forest. I didn't knew what was coming but I had a bad feeling about it. "Claudia! I suggest you guys follow." I say with a bit of a distressed tone as I prepare to run with Rose at my side. If she wouldn't agree with me I'd stand my ground and defend them with all I got. Already making a mental inventory of the items I could use in a potential battle.

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I was lost for words when Dracul said I was basically a knight. I thought that knights were selfless.I had an Oh crap moment when the guy who recognized Rose said we should run. Hoping that rose would start running with him I activated the skill Manta had shown me about a couple days ago and drew my sword. If I was going down, I was going out doing my best to protect these people. Then I thought, What if I die. I would die a knight then. I started to catch up with everyone else, and put my sword away keeping next to the group best as I could.

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"Abalasster?!" Jemma exclaimed, surprised by his sudden experience. Then hearing the sound of stomping  behind her, she started running, her hand still in Dracul's. "What did you do?!" She called to her friend, taking out who own sword, SwiftSure. She still wasn't the best at fighting with it, but she wasn't going to go down with out one. Gripping the handle tightly in her nom-dominant hand, she kept running. She had ignored Dracul's apologetic statement, but now wasn't the time for formalities. She really wished she could use her right hand, the one she used for everything, but maybe since there in a group, they would be Ok. 

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The group decided not to heed my warning and ran straight towards the fight. 

"Ah hell.." I mumbled as I ran back after them. I sprinted towards the front of the group. 

"I'll do some quick explaining" I began as we ran back into the forest. "I may have angered some tree guardians that were protecting this field boss named Sylvanus. These guys aren't that hard to deal with, but i think that there were at least 6 or 7 of them following me" I drew my rapier, Transcendence, as we made to where the tree's were.

"Get ready" I said to everyone. The things had only 9 health, but there was a good number of them. 

"Ill be at the helm. I would like one more up here with me. The rest fall behind the frontrunners...

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(I'm sorry, RL got me busy)

It seemed that this people were mad thing that made me like them even more. A laugh escaped my concerned face, shattering the politeness mask I've been wearing until now. "You guys are the real deal crazy, allow me to return the favor!" I said then turning towards Rose. "Milady, you will have to excuse me but these guys may need some assistance" a bit of regret was visible on my face as I let go of her hand and reach for my two handed straight sword. It was a mere started weapon but I raised it with relative ease and dashed towards the new guy. "I don't know who you are but I like you already. Lead the way chief" I said with visible blood lust in my eyes. "Lets clear these small fries and head towards this field boss you speak of." I was already showing too much of my inner self to the others but gave little damn about their opinion. I could hear a certain crimson lady sigh behind me but I decide to ignore her for the moment. I'm sure she'll give me a good scolding afterwards... that is if I make it that far.

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