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[SP:F1] Aggravated Assault [Complete]

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As Lumiel walked the streets, he had begun to get bored of all this mundane travel, and annoying the populace with his insistent cat calls got old pretty quick. Running a hand through his sharp colored golden hair, he breathed in and exhaled heavily looking for something to do until he got a pop up message from his Employer. Skimming the message, Lumiel grinned ear to ear, that was the sort of job he had been looking forward to doing. The time wasn't set for a little while later so he still had time to kill, perhaps he would go see Miss Loreley for a surprise visit...Then again...maybe that wasn't such a great idea after all. Laughing to himself, he shook his head and mindlessly wandered the city until nightfall when the good [censored] would happen.

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