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OP-F1: From the... Bottom.

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Toby looked up at the sky, or at least the ceiling. It was so far up it seemed to be the sky, but nope, it wasn't even that, he reflected. Just pixels. Just electricity. He snapped out of his daydream, looking at his surrounding. He had exactly zero Col, mostly from his not-wanting-to-risk life complex, but he had to get over that soon. He wanted to get out of here ASAP, even if it was about the most epic video game he'd played. He stood up off the bench, rolling his neck, eyeing a tavern. Maybe... just maybe, he could try meeting some people. Boar-hunting partners, wingmen, whatever. He didn't feel like facing things on his own. At least until he got combat down.

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Celes sat in the Tavern.  Not much good in it,  really everyone here was so low level,  there wasn't much to fight,  or to do.  All,  she came down.  She did her best to remind herself that she sas fighting for something.  That she was truly worth something.  These people here hadn't wanted to get stuck here,  and yet here they were,  in a random game sick forever.  No wonder they didn't want to leave the  safe zones.  Why bother... 



Why indeed.... 

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Toby pushed open the door to the tavern, staring around the one room bar. Just noobs, mostly scared, some having heated arguments, the usual. One person in particular caught his eye. He casually walked over, trying to catch sight of her avatar name. Celes. He stopped short when he caught sight of her level. Thirty-seven? Why was she here? He abandoned his casual stride, sliding into the opposite seat. "You sure you're in the right place?" he asked. "I don't think boars would be of much help to you."

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Celes looked at The young man in front of her and tilted her head "Um... Yes? I mean, well boars arent much help, no. But it is always good to check over the other floors. See how things are going, you know?  Not everyone decided to go off to the front lines..."  She thought of the front lines. The upper floors were unpleasant, compared to the starting town, and yet... She couldnt help but think that they arent even a quarter of the way to the top...

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Bell stepped into the tavern, hoping to meet someone new. He sat down at an empty table for two in the corner of the bar, now beginning to regret his decision to come here. He ordered just a drink, and drank it slowly, ignoring the incessant chatter from the boisterous adventurers. Bell considered leaving, then decided not too. He walked over to the nearest pair of players, beginning to sweat a little. "U-um excuse me, but have either of you heard of a good place to get cheap gear? I-I'm kinda stuck with not much money, and crappy equipment." 

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Celes looked over to bell. "Hrm, well most of the stores i know are pretty expensive... but i can see what i can do!"  She smiles at him and gestured to the table "Why dont you sit down? I'm sure we can chat about gear. What kind are you looking for?"  she said tabbing her inventory to see what she had. "I have a few thigns i might be able to give you!"  she added with a smile. 

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Bell gave a surprised look as he sat down near the player.  "Oh my, that's a kind gesture! You really don't have to, but for the sake of conversation, I can tell you what gear I have and what I'm looking for." Bell shifted his weight in the chair. Tapping his fingers on the table in a nervous gesture. "I currently have my starter clothes, a simple Dagger, and some leather pants with +1 evasion. Basically I need stuff that will help with mobility, like light armor. I also fight with a dagger." Bell wasn't sure if he was being rude, and his face showed it, he was mostly just nervous about talking to higher level players. Especially this one, since she was a girl. Bell always got a little more nervous around girls, and he wasn't sure why, but he was working on it. This one in particular was really pretty, he thought, and as soon as the thought popped into his head, he blushed. 

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     As Brax rested after one of his journeys outside of town questing for combat and mats, he had chosen to do so at a nearby Tavern, a simple one-roomed establishment, most likely run by an NPC, as he had not seen a cursor over the head of the barkeep, nor the few waitresses delivering drinks.  Sitting at the bar, he saw the girl walk in and take a seat somewhere in the back, not necessarily apart from everyone, but distinct enough to notice, if you were paying attention.  Most of the customers here, though, were low leveled, scared and understandably upset at their fortunes from being stuck in this death game.  She, though, was different.  'A high level player, here on the first floor,' Brax thought to himself.  'What could she be doing?'  It was then that he noticed a weariness on her brow, a slight furrowing of her forehead, which vanished as quickly as it appeared.  'Most likely here to relax, then.  I suppose everyone, even front liners, need a rest now and again.'  He turned back to his drink, contemplating his next training session when the door opened to a young boy, no older than 18, Brax would guess, with a look in his eye like he was searching for something, though whether it was help or food, Brax could not say.  He almost immediately spotted the girl, making a beeline for her table.  Sitting down, they became lost in conversation, one or two sentences, before another player, looking very nervous, almost fidgety, silently walked in and sat at the other end of the bar from Brax, ordering a drink as if to build up his nerves, slowly sipping at the concoction.  Being close to the experienced girl and her companion, he looked around as if ready to bolt like a rabbit.  His eyes locked on them for a moment, then back to his drink.  Closing his eyes, he knocked back the rest of the drink, turning around and approached them.  The alcohol hadn't steeled his demeanor much, though, for Brax could see him fidgeting wildly while he spoke to them.  Getting the bartender's attention, Brax got another drink and moved his way to the boy's vacated seat, where he could observe their interactions more closely, intrigued by the situation.

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  • 1 month later...

Toby brushed a bit of his hair backwards. trying to figure where all the extra people had come from. He'd spaced out a little. He sat up from his slouching position a little too violently, ramming the edge of the table into his sternum. He gasped, waiting for the pain to hit him, but it never did. It felt more or less like a weak punch, either way. He looked around sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Er, sorry. Fell asleep stan-sitting up. Been a long day, y'know?" He smiled weakly, hoping someone would give him an out.

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Komrk eyed the tavern carefully before entering. He saw no point in hanging out in taverns but he had to look somewhere for people to work with. He sighed as he pushed open the door. If only I hadn't let the depression take over, then I wouldn't be so far behind those in the front. It's not that I'm afraid of death or danger, but the lack of motivation caused by the depression was... a set back to say the least. As he entered the tavern, he looked around through the crowd looking for people who could be valuable to him. As he scanned the room, he saw someone straighten up too quickly directly into the table edge. He smiled and shook his head, these people... Oh well, as good a place to start as any. He approaches the table and folds his arms.

"Smooth one kid, so what are you people doing here?" His gaze passes between the three, and lingers for a while on the one clearly out of place in such a low level area.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bell sighed as yet another person entered the tavern. The place filled up quickly since he had gotten there. He sat up and reached a hand to the newcomer shyly. "Hi I'm Bell. We're just talking about equipment." He offered a seat at the table to the hooded player. "You're welcome to join us if you want to." He looked over to Celesmeh and shook his head a little, all the while smiling. "You really don't have too." 

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