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Do any of you guys play Cube World?

If you don't, look at this : https://picroma.com/cubeworld

That link explains what's in the game, what you need to run it, and more.

You have to buy the game to play, though, like all games, you can find it for free, there is no difference wether you buy the game or not.

What I'd like to do, if other people want to, is to have Cube World server for us to play on, if anybody wants to play that is.

Tell me what you think about this.

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I have it currently but never played it for long due to the loneliness of the world without any friends to play with me. :(

I've been getting back into it recently, but the problem is, when you play with other people, like, lvl 20000 cause they hack, they complete quests and you just level up 200 times without doing anything, which kills the fun, then you're forced to go play single player to next experience that sort of stuff, but singleplayer is really boring. That's why I though we could have/find a server that has an anticheat, which can limit the level of the characters, detect hacked items and such.

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I don't know what you mean by hacked. Some people bought the game and put it up for free download. Though, the game didn't receive any updates since its release, keep in my there's only 2 person working on that game and they're working on it.

The game itself is fun if you play in a group that has, more or less, a max of 10 levels in difference. If you have an overleveled guy with you, he'll do quests his level, but quests gives the exp to everyone, so you'll level like, 30 times. Game has a few downsides, it's still playable and enjoyable though.

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