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[PP:F4] <<Avalanche>> Take It Easy (Opal)

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This quest takes place on Floor 4
This quest is repeatable

This RP will not count in the benchmark



Word from the Information Brokers speaks of a hidden respawning Field Boss on Floor 4. A small party reported having farmed the <<Ice Elementals>> found throughout the Tundra awakened a hidden Field Boss in the form of a giant <<Ice Elemental>>. This monster, identified as <<Avalanche>>, proved to be a dangerous opponent for the relatively low leveled party, and dropped a powerful Alchemical Concotion.



-At least two [2] pages of Rp  (21 or more posts)

-Avalanche must be defeated

-Maximum Party Size of 3

-Repeat completions will only yield <<Snowfrost>>


Avalanche Information:

 <Avalanche> is a respawning Field Boss and has the following statistics:
HP: 100
Damage per Attack: 24


  1. <<Snowfrost>> This incredibly potent alchemical salve can be applied to a piece of armor, increasing resistance to Fire Damage for one battle. [The wearer will only take half damage from the burning damage over time effect]
  2. 3 Skill Points


Parties or Groups of low level players are allowed
Recommended Level: 12


Finishing a loaf of bread which soon quickly turned into codes and crystals, Audacity took sips of water from its plastic container whilst eavesdropping on the conversation behind her. She hadn't really gotten into combat, and really couldn't care for it either; she was planning to be a Support, after all. All the pinkette needed to do - she'd planned - was evade attacks and be around to heal those who were lacking in the Health Points area. Her DPS position... well she figured that becoming a Cannon wouldn't be the best idea or else she'd be near useless on the front-lines.

Her interest was further piqued at the mention of EXP and loot drop from the monster needed to take on in the quest she desired to know more about. When her bottle disappeared as the bread had she stood from her seat. After adjusting the red and white attire fitted to her curvaceous form, Audacity turned and moved over to the table nearby where the two players - the ones' she'd been listening to - were sitting. One had left, leaving a raven-haired woman to herself. The pinkette cleared her throat once she positioned herself in front of the seemingly high-leveled player clad in armor that donned the same colors as her own.

"Excuse me. Would you mind further informing me of that quest you were speaking about?"

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Opal had been relaxing mostly to herself at a sort of cafe that she rarely found herself at these days dressed in her Blood Oath Panoply, she was now the Vice Commander of the Guild who had a whopping number of two with a prospect of one. But that did not stop her from thinking of the future of the guild she was in, others came and go as they pleased and despite his defection from the ranks, the words Azide had spoken were true. The Knight of Blood would be the only guild in this game that would lead everyone to their eventual victory and survival, all they had to do was but kneel and accept Commander Heathcliff as their Lord. But that was neither here or there when the man himself had not addressed to the public once ever as far as she knew. 

Sighing to herself, the woman had collected a small group of low level adventurers at her table while she was telling them of a great quest on the very floor to which they sat in of a Field Boss called Avalanche. While the creature could be seen as tough, Opal had fought this thing off several times with her very own blade single handedly but she assured the small group of players if they stuck with it, they could chop it down in a matter of turns with a good use of paralyzing arts and overwhelming attacks. Like most mobs, the stun art was the most powerful and locking up a mob unit for a turn or two boosted survivability. Opal had brought out a her citrus flavored cigarette as she leaned back in her chair and took gentle drags of the sweet nicotine like substance that calmed her mind so as the group decided to take on the Avalanche by themselves. With a curve of her ruby red lips, Opal smiled ragging a hand through her raven locks before expelling a plume of orange smoke from her lips and engulfing the vacant area with a citrus scent. 

After thanking her, the woman had been spoken to what appeared to be another low level player or so assumed of it. Twisting her head to take a look at the player, she wore the colors red and white but she was know Knight of the Blood as far as she knew. Curious, the woman listened to her request and nodded all the same flicking away ashes from her calming stick and turning around to fully address the pink haired woman. 

"It's called The Avalanche. Its a Field Boss with some decent stats but can be easily handled by a group of low level players so long as they keep a stun lock on it during the battle. If you are lucky enough, you can catch that player who was about to meet up with his raid group..." But as Opal looked over the girl's shoulder it seemed the player had already upped and left. Giving a soft sigh, Opal turned back to her and smiled now standing up to her full height. 

"I suppose that can't be helped, I am actually offering a service to first time players of the quest if they would like take a back seat on just gain the skill points and items. The terms are pretty simple. I do all the work, I collect whatever col from beast drops and you keep everything else. In the end, I still get the single skill point for completion of the quest and the newbie gets a nice bump in their level. I don't mind taking you along with me if you are interested?" Opal moved her cigarette off to the side, albeit a nice smelling one, though it was always clear people were never much interested in the scent, fresh smelling or not. But she would move it away from the pinked hair woman all the same, "My name is Opal by the way," she would offer a small smile along with her hand to show a kind handshake gesture. 

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