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[PP:F1] Reckless Behavior (Sephira)

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Audacity had been trekking through the fields of Floor 1 for quite a while. Her daily run had ended yet the pinkette desired a bit more leisure time before material hunting; thus she'd decided to enjoy the mid-afternoon scenery among herself. After an hour or so Audacity began the hike back to Floor 7 where Rose Couture - her Tailor shop - remained. Though the fields contained players here and there, one in particular had caught her attentive pink eyes. They were clad in beginner's armor much like herself and had a weapon drawn. Audacity now knew enough about the game to stay away from possible harmful players so she kept her distance while continuing to watch: only currently had she noticed the boar nearby. Whatever they were doing... it certainly couldn't go well without assistance as they weren't very strong by the looks of it.

Cupping her hands and putting them to her mouth she shouted from a far distance, "Don't attack it. You'll probably die!"

Edited by Audacity
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Enough time had been spent within the walls of Beginner City. Standing at the archway that lead out into the field's Sephira equipped the one-handed sword that had been sitting in the inventory and ventured out of the safe area. For a couple minutes, she just let her feet lead the way across the grassy fields as everything was taken in. Even if this was a death game, it was still absolutely gorgeous with its vivid and lush scenery. Wild Boar dotted the fields, as did other random players. Some stuck in groups while others soloed it, much like she was doing at that very moment. Finding an accurate target, Sephira drew the sword from her hip of the first time--and definitely not the last.  Slashing it downward in an arch she felt the wind from the movement brush some of the locks away from her face, only for them to settle moments later. 

As the sword was brought down in a rest position she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. There was another player, one that appeared a higher level, wearily watching some feet away. Huffing, Sephira sheathed the weapon and  pivoted on her heel to turn in the direction of the player. Then started walking. "Why are you staring?" Sephira questioned head tilted to the side, stopping a couple feet away from the other female. 

Edited by Sephira
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