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[PP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> (Teion) (Complete)

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It was another sunny day in the Starting City. NPCs were milling about on their set paths and players wondered about as they hungout or gathered parties. Vargas sat on the edge of the fountain in the center of the square as he waited for Teion.

He wore his usual green shirt and black baggy cotton pants. He still felt like he needed to get some more apparel if he didn't get some gear soon. Running his hand through his deep strawberry blonde hair he wondered as to what he should name his shop after this quest. He looked around as he pondered this and noticed several couples around the square. He looked away quickly as his face took on a tinge of red.

"I'm just getting help with this quest. She's getting materials. There's nothing to this. I only recently met her, so why am I getting all flustered?" Vargas asked himself shaking his head fiercely  

Has to be because I haven't been around girls like this in awhile.

He slipped his hand into the fountain water and wiped it along his neck allowing for the cool feeling to travel down his back.

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Teion stretched her arms over her head as the teleport gate left her in the Town of Beginnings. She'd received a message from Vargas a couple of days ago, and the two decided to meet in the main plaza for him to take on the quest. Dropping her arms to her sides, she set off for the designated area and idly ran her fingers over the edge of her orange-yellow scarf. She'd grown quite fond of it--paired with her newly-acquired Search skill, finding materials outside of the city was much easier.

Entering the open area where players and NPCs alike wandered about, Teion scanned the area before her gaze fell upon Vargas waiting at the fountain. She smiled as she walked over to him, curious if he'd been here long. "Hey, sorry if I kept you waiting." Her smile turned apologetic. "Have you already picked up the quest?"

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"Hey, sorry if I kept you waiting. Have you already picked up the quest?"

Vargas's head snapped up as he saw Teion standing in front of him. She seemed to be wearing a orange-yellow scarf that he hadn't seen her wear before.

"No worries. I just got here recently myself," Vargas said quickly trying to make her not feel bad or anything. Calming down quickly before continuing he nodded his head as he said, "Yeah, I got the quest but as for the requirements I'm really confused. Since I'm thinking I'll go ahead and become a merchant I did some research on what my capabilities will be, but they don't do any crafting which is supposedly a requirement for the quest."

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"Oh..." Teion brought a hand to her chin in thought. "Oh, if I remember correctly, they use materials to perform appraisals. It's not exactly the same as crafting, but that should work for the quest."

'I hope.' She followed-up in a thought. Without examining the quest text, she wasn't positive that's what he needed to do. But that the only action Merchants could perform that cost materials, so she figured it was their best bet. "So I guess we might as well start out by getting materials." She looked around for the nearest city gate. "Shall we?" She smiled in confidence.

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"So I guess we might as well start out by getting materials. Shall we?" 

"Sounds good to me," Vargas said as he lead the way through the small stretch of street from the plaza to the northern gate. Passing by shops that players owned, such as bakeries and blacksmiths. He wondered if mate he should treat Teion to a meal sometime after this. He pushed that though out of his head quickly.

It'd only be as friends anyways though. It wouldn't be a date or anything, Vargas thought.

"So how have you been for the last couple of days?" Vargas asked Teion as they reached the gate pillory.

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  • ID#: 42006
  • LD: 19+4=23 (1 crafting material) (1 mat total)

Teion followed closely behind him, eyeing the NPCs and players alike going about their business. After a few minutes they reached the gate and she smiled at his question. "Ahh, keeping busy. I find myself out hunting for materials every chance I get." As they began to venture outside of the city, she was already at work searching. Getting lucky, it only took her a few moments to spot a lootable herb nestled in the grass. She knelt down to grab it and place it in her inventory. She stood up and looked around, not seeing much around them besides the normal passive boars and a couple of stray adventurers. 'Hmm, wonder if we should do some fighting or just stick to gathering...' She thought, wondering what Vargas preferred.

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Vargas saw as Teion knelt down to grab a herb she'd spotted. He side knowing how bad his own luck happened to be and instead looked to the boars in the field.

"I think I'll stick to trying to kill those boars over there," Vargas said as he drew his Anneal Blade.

He charged his longsword until it reached a deep iridescent red color. He ran forward and performed an <Uppercut>, destroying the boar into multiple hued polygons.


ID# 42010

BD: 6+1=7 (Hit)

MD: 4 (Miss)

LD: 14 (No Bonus)

Damage- 1+1=2*2=4 ((Base+Skill)*Art)

Boar 0/4 HP 

+1 Mat

"Got it in one hit this time around it seems," Vargas said as turned with a smile.

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  • ID#: 42011
  • LD: 2+4=6 (no loot) (1 mat total)

Teion looked around her feet lazily, hoping for more materials close by. Not seeing much, she looked over to Vargas to see that he's drawn his sword against a boar. As the blade glowed, he took it out in a single clean hit. His smile caused her to grin, and she gave him a thumbs up. She decided she'd rather stick to gathering. She looked around for a moment, spotting a small grouping of trees nearby and walking over to them. The girl took hold of a low-hanging branch, taking a second to find a good foothold before boosting herself up as she began climbing.

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(+1 Energy)

Vargas watched as Teion crossed over to a small group of trees and began to climb. He turned away as he looked at a new boar that had gotten closer. He swiped his blade to the side and charged at it and cut it down with his <Uppercut> like the last one. It exploded with the sound of shattered glass.


ID# 42015

BD: 10+1=11 (Crit Hit)

MD: 3 (Fail)

LD: 5 (Nada)

Vargas 16/16 HP [Energy 1/4]

Damage- 1+1+2=4*2=8 ((Base+Skill+Crit)*Art)

Boar -4/8 HP

+1 Mat

"If it keeps up like this I'll be able to do quite a few appraisals," Vargas commented as he sheathed his blade and looked to Teion's ascent.

{2 Mats}

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  • ID#: 42016
  • LD: 3+4=7 (no loot) (1 mat total)

Teion slowly made her way up the tree, pausing between each step to spot the best place to grab hold. She checked each branch on her way up, but sadly didn't see any fruits or lootable goodies hanging around for her to grab. Frowning, she spotted a sturdy branch that looked like it would support her weight. She sat on it, legs now dangling over the edge, and she slowly scooted out to get a clear view of the fields. She spotted Vargas not far away, making quick work of another boar, and smiled. She kicked her feet back and forth lightly before she would try searching again.

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(+1 Energy)

"You having fun up there?" Vargas called to Teion as she swung her feet from the branch. Before he could listen to an answer a boar had spawned next to him and attacked. He stepped deftly backwards, dodging it. He twisted to his left as he drew his blade. Wielding it with both hands he swung it up into its belly, slicing it in half with another <Uppercut>. Once more, this boar also died in a destruction of polygons.


ID# 42018

BD: 8+1=9 (Hit)

LD: 15 (Needs to be half your HP just realized)

MD: 1 (Crit Fail)

Vargas 16/16 HP [Energy 0/4]

Damage- 1+1=2*2=4 ((Base+Skill)*Art)

Boar 0/4 HP

Vargas sheathed his blade and made his way to the tree in which Teion had decided to occupy. Leaning against its trunk, he looked out into the horizon. He crossed his arms across his chest as he looked up at Teion.

"You know, it's actually quite nice out here during the end of the day when everyone else has entered the town and yet just within distance of the city that the mobs don't really come after you."

{3 Mats}

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  • ID#: 42021
  • LD: 14+4=18 (1 crafting material) (2 mats total)

Teion smiled softly, gazing out over over the grassy fields where the far-off mountains met the sky. She exhaled through her nose with a melancholy expression. "Mm, this world really is beautiful." She closed her eyes and felt the artificial sun on her cheeks. "And this it just the first floor!" She added, opening up her eyes again to watch the boars roaming through the grassy plains. "There's ninety-nine more little worlds, each with their own feeling." A bright red color in the corner of her eye caught her attention, and Teion turned her head to spot a fruit hanging from a nearby branch. She stretched out to reach it, being careful not to lose her balance, and plucked the fruit before adding it to her inventory.

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(+1 Energy)

"And with each floor we clear the more we see...the more we experience. I wonder what it's like near the hundredth floor?" Vargas said with a laugh.

He turned to the tree and tried to follow the same path Teion used to climb the tree. With each step he got closer to the branches. After a couple of moments he was on a branch opposite Teion and he stared out, hand against the tree.

"I don't really care what happens in the end anymore. It's the time I spend here...now...that matters. I want to see everything that this world has to offer. From the simplicity and beauty, to the treasures and challenges."

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  • ID#: 42191
  • LD: 20+4=24 (1 crafting material) (3 mats total)

Getting lucky, Teion spotted a 'twin' fruit next to the first she had retrieved, and picked that one up as well. She smiled, watching Vargas ascend and listening closely to his words. "Exactly!" She said in agreement, "I doubt I'll ever see the frontlines, so all I can do is try to craft good gear. I might as well enjoy the beauty that Aincrad has to offer for as long as I can." It wasn't until she'd finished speaking that she realized the gravity of her words, surprised at herself. A somber expression took over her features. "Ahh, but I mean, I guess being a blacksmith is just who I am!" She tried to recover with a forced smile.

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(+1 Energy)

Vargas laughed as he said, "Well then, I guess I'll count on you when the time comes I require a good blade."

He turned his body to lean his back against the tree. Crossing his arms he sighed.

"In all seriousness, I want to see you smile and be able to see all of Aincrad period. I'm going to fight for that. I want to protect those friends that I have, and I consider you one of them I guess. I want to be able to insure you have a future. A better one, than this." Vargas chuckled slightly at how awkward and self oriented his words sounded. Kicking off from the tree he started to walk along the branch. "Though to accomplish that I just need to train more and get stronger. I need to keep getting stronger until there's nothing left for me to do."

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  • ID#: 42345
  • LD: 3+4=7 (no loot) (3 mats total)

Teion's smile became more warm after hearing his kind words. She chuckled lightly, "You really are an adventurer, huh?" She asked, not expecting an answer. She let out a soft sigh and began making her way back to the ground. It took her a minute, but soon she planted both feet on the grassy surface and placed her hands on her hips. "Well then, we'll just have to slaughter boars until we get stronger!" She said matter-of-factly. Drawing her axe, she took a look around the area, preparing to try her hand at one-shotting enemies.

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(+1 Energy)

Vargas watched as Teion climbed to the ground the old fashioned way. Looking at the distance to the ground he got an idea. Leaning back he dropped his weight down on to the branch. He hooked his legs around the branch and spun himself around. He tried to land on his feet but ended up land in a crouch.

"Works for me," Vargas said as he drew his sword as he stood. Looking out to the field he spotted a boar just a short distance away. He charged the boar and slashed through it with his <Uppercut>.


ID# 42392

BD: 1 (Crit Fail)

MD: 6 (Hit)

Vargas 13/16 HP [Energy 1/4]


Boar 4/4 HP [DMG 3]

His blade missed as it cleaved to the side. The boar retaliated and slammed into his stomach, sending him flying back.

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Teion looked around until she spotted a dense grouping of four boars just a small distance away. Preparing her attack, she looked over just as Vargas was about to initiate a combat as well. She watched intently, expecting his strike to rip through the boar like it had so many times before. Unfortunately it seemed his luck hit a bump and Teion winced as the boar directly hit him. She gauged his health bar, seeing it drop a few points but still leaving him in the green, and continued with her original plan.

She ran up to the group of boars and her blade glowed bright blue while her sword art activated. With a strong sweeping motion, she sliced through the lower-level mobs easily, dropping their HP to zero simultaneously.

--Combat Details--


Group of 4 Boars-- HP: 8 DMG: 3 MIT: 2

  • ID#: 42470
  • BD: 6 (Success)
    • Lumberjack Activated
  • LD: 13+4=17 (4 crafting materials) (7 mats total)
  • Teion's HP
    • 40/40
    • EP: 10/10 -> 4/10
  • Boars' HP: (4 * 3 = 12 - 2 MIT = 10 AoE DMG)
    • 8/8 -> 0/8 -Dead-
    • 8/8 -> 0/8 -Dead-
    • 8/8 -> 0/8 -Dead-
    • 8/8 -> 0/8 -Dead-


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(+1 Energy)

Vargas rolled backwards off his back and came to his feet. Standing up he staggered his feet as he prepared another attack. He looked at where Teion was and saw the large amount of shattered programming from the boars she'd killed. He steadied his blade as he returned his focus to his target and prepared an attack.

His sword started to gain the usual red color as his sword art began to activate. He charged forward as he slashed his blade from his hip bone to shoulder level. He tried to side step the boars attack only to miss his own attack as well.


ID# 42497

BD: 2+1=3 (Miss)

MD: 1 (Crit Fail)

Vargas 13/16 HP [Energy 0/4]


Boar 4/4 HP [DMG 3]


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  • ID#: 42553
  • LD: 6+4=10 (no loot) (7 mats total)
  • Teion's EP: 4/10 -> 5/10 (1)

Teion placed her axe at her back, freeing up her hands as she took a quick look around. Nothing stood out to her, so she went back to watching Vargas' fight. The last clash left things even, both parties missing. She frowned, not wanting to intervene, but instead clapped and raised a fist in the air to cheer him on. Placing a hand at her hip, the blacksmith grinned, eagerly watching for the next attack.

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