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[PP:F9] Lake of Fire <<Guardian of Fire>> (Life and Celesmeh)

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Shay wasn’t ready.

She was afraid, so terribly afraid of what was to come. The young woman opened her HUD for the hundredth time that day looking over her inventory as she and Life waited for Celesmeh to show. “Are you sure I’m ready for this? “ She asked Life nervously. It was the tenth time she asked that question to her love and permanent party mate. “What if I can’t heal you fast enough? We should’ve waited till I was higher in my healing. “She fretted nervously as she brought her hand to her mouth and nervously chewed on her index finger knuckle.

Days before Eric had gotten a message from Celesmeh asking him to go on a little adventure. It was decided that they were going to face Cerberus on the ninth floor. Shay recalled the botched mission to get past the eleventh floor, and the fact that she had not traveled past floor six since. Even though she was afraid, Shay insisted on coming with him. It was agreed that Mai would be her healer and she would do very little fighting. Eris was reluctant to take her, but when she reminded him he would just be going back on his word if he didn’t, her love agreed to take her along. “Besides, now that you’ve grand mastered Katana, you’ll have no trouble keeping me safe,” she had said to him as she pushed his long bangs aside and kissed him on the forehead. As much as he hated the idea of putting Mayuri in danger, he hated not keeping his word to her even more, which brought them right back to where they were, waiting in Vulcan Village for Celesmeh to show.

The floor was awful. Though Mai’s kimono was short and rather light, the young woman was already sweating. She fanned her little red cheek and tried to take a breath though the air was stifling. “I should have done that other quest first…” she sighed thinking she might be doing better like Life was if she’d had that survival skill like Life had. “Do you see her yet?” shay asked curiously as she opened her HUD yet again to check the time.

Hopefully Cele would be there soon. The quicker they were on the move, the better.

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