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[PP-01] Hunting for dummies (Hunter/Macradon)

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Macradon would light up as the attack would hit him, but he would the just roar up and go head on onto the Dragon. With a strong arm, he would try to use a Feather Swipe again, trying to get it down with a hard attack.

''I got this!'' he hoped as he would try to cut it down.

Dragon: 4/8

Macradon: 15/17

Mob counterattack[1]

Attack miss[2-5]

Attack damage[6-8]

Critical strike[9-10]

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Hunter would look at Mac ready to strike again in case the Dragon was not bested. He prepared to swing down on it as he would notice it being extremely weakened.

However if Mac's attack had dispatched the dragon he would wait to see what they would do with the loot as a message would pop up either way.



"Well I'll be damned...I feel a bit stronger already"

Hunter said as he laughed yet remained at the ready.

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[it's in my journal, Feather swipe is a 2 hit attack. You're soon level 6 too xD]

Macradon would slam the dragon back as it was low on health, and he would then rush forward, following the dragon and stabbing it through its body. It would screech out in pain and then pixelate.

''That took its time ..'' he would say, breathing heavily as the loot HUD would pop up.

1-8: Nothing

9-17: One Dragon Heart Stone

18-19: Two Dragon Heart Stones

20: Three Dragon Heart Stones


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Hunter would sit down near the entrance. He sighed as he would lay his axe down, looking to see more Dragons and hopefully their luck would turn.

"Hey Mac, perhaps we can find a chest. At least then we are garunteed some mats yeah?"

Hunter would ask as he yawned, evening had finally set in over the mountains of Aincrad.

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''Yeah, you're probably right ...'' he would say as he would scout out for a chest, hopefully something they would both be able to get something out of.

''Hey! What's that!?'' he said while pointing towards something box like.

Empty Chest: 1-4

Just a square rock: 5-8

Chest: 9-10

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Hunter looked where Mac had saw something. He began to get his hopes up as he went to examine the mysterious object.

"Mac if there is anything in there, then we split it 50/50. IF there is nothing there, then we should keep looking, there IS a chest here and we NEED those mats. Especially since we both want some new weapons and such."

Hunter said as he walked towards where Mac had pointed out the mention of a chest.

Empty Chest: 1-4

Just a square rock: 5-8

Chest: 9-10

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''You're right'' Macradon would say to Hunter, as he would just scout out for a chest. With hope in his sight, he would try to allocate the chest they both were looking for. He would look closely, hoping to find a chest.

''Hey! I found one and I'm sure its a chest this time!'' he would say as he would point towards the chest he saw.

''Will you have the honor in opening it?'' Macradon asked.


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Hunter ran over to where Mac ran to next. Careful to avoid attention of any Dragon's as he looked at the chest. It was a very basic chest, nothing much to it but wood and iron. Hunter looked and even touched it, but the thing would not budge, and it was becoming increasingly clear that instead of a key they maybe had to break the chest to get whats inside.

"Don't mind if I do, I feel like Link..."

Hunter would say before taking his Axe and with a single swing he sliced the very top of the chest off.

"Let's see what we got here?"

Hunter half asked/said as he looked inside.

[Dragon Heart Stone/Rubies in chest determined by the highest Loot Roll split by the two of us]

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[The normal loot dice is this:

1-4: The chest contains nothing.

5-8: The chest contains two materials.

9-13: The chest contains three materials.

14-17: The chest contains four materials

18-19: The chest contains five materials.

20: The chest contains eight materials.]

Macradon would gaze on the HUD popping up in front of Hunter.

''What did you get?'' he asked as he would be curious if they have gotten anything at all.

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Hunter accepted the loot from the chest as he opened his inventory and looked inside. He smiled and pumped his fist into the air triumphantly.

"Looks like I got Two Dragon Heart Stones and 1 Dragon Skin."

Hunter said with a smile as he looked back to Mac.

"What about you?"

Hunter asked as he closed his inventory.

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''It seems to be the same'' Macradon said as his chest HUD popped up. It was a good thing that they shared the loot form the chests they found around.

''It isn't much, but it's better than nothing'' he would say with a broad smile.

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Hunter grinned as he held his Axe in his right hand. He was happy this trip finally came up with something useful. He walked up to Mac and put a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Thanks Mac for helping me, this would have been impossible to do without some help. Now how about we return..."

Hunter was cut off as he looked to the cavern entrance. It seemed a larger than usual dragon had appeared.

"Mac, what the hell is that thing?"

Hunter would ask as he spun the Axe in his hand. Not knowing whether to charge in or wait for Mac to inform him a bit, but regardless...this situation seemed grim.

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Macradon would quickly turn around and see the bigger dragon. He would open up his inventory and grab all his equipment.

''That .. is the boss dragon. 17 HP, dealing 3 damage per hit and capable of switching positions quickly, though it is not effected by CC, so this one is tough'' Macradon would say as he would equip his entire front line armor. Now standing with a new sword, the Slayer of Jura, his armor that would help him survive this battle.

''Let me tank the most of the damage, I will deal the damage with this sword'' he would say as he would rush forward.

Dragon aggro start: 1-5

Macradon start: 6-10

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Hunter smiled a bit, looking like a kid with a new toy. He spun the Axe in his right hand as he listened to Mac explain that the dragon was the Boss of the area. Hunter stretched and shrugged as he kept the grin on his face.

"So this is the Big-Daddy then. Good, let's see just how much we have grown then Mac."

Hunter said as Mac equipped his armor and a new blade.

"Very fun."

Hunter exclaimed before watching the Dragon Boss take the first swipe.

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Macradon would try to strike first, but the dragon was too fast. A swipe with its big firm claws send Macradon backwards.

Macradon would focus his powers, going for a Tempest to get the dragon down to low health.

The Dragon would have its 3 health bars up, making it even more menacing to look at.

Dragon: 17/17

Macradon: 14/17

Mob counter attack: 1

Attack miss: 2-7

Attack hit: 8-9

Critical strike: 10

Reduce the damage done by 1: 1-6

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Hunter watche as the Dragon was able to get a leg up on Mac, but Mac would retaliate with even greater force than what Hunter had previously seen. He thought quick as he remembered his best move he could think of as he charged up >>Cryptic<< Letting the blade of his Axe almost emit a black glowing light as he looked to Mac.

"My turn...SWITCH!"

Hunter called out as he began to run at the Dragon before stopping right in front of the beast and beginning his spin from left to right while bringing the blade up. When he would finish the spin he would bring the Axe down upon the Dragon as hard as he could.

After his would attack he would nod to Mac, before going back to switch out again.

Mob counter attack: [1]

Attack miss: [2-4]

Attack hit: [5-9]

Critical strike: [10]

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Macradon would unleash his tempest with a critical strike on the hits, dealing more damage than he had thought he would. He would hold his sword as Hunter would call for a switch.

''Allright!'' he said as he would jump away from the dragon.

After Hunter's attack ,the dragon would emit another volley of shots.

Dragon: 5/17

Macradon: 14/17

Damage goes in [1-5](Parry makes it: 1-4)

Blocks attack [6-9](Parry makes it: 5-8)

Counterattack [10](Parry makes it: 9-10)

<>+1 when blocking.

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Hunter landed his three hits in quick succession as he jumped back and watched as the Dragon launched a series of attacks. Hunter was able to get a quick peek in at the Dragon's health bars, he grinned for a second as he saw it was nearly done.

"That's it Mac, we almost got this bastard. Lets keep it up."

He said as he attempted to dodge.

Hunter's Health: 15/15

Dragon's Health: 2/17

Damage goes in [1-5](Parry makes it: 1-4)

Blocks attack [6-9](Parry makes it: 5-8)

Counterattack [10](Parry makes it: 9-10)

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