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[SP-F1] I hated chemistry... <<Earning a living>>

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  I walked around the beginning city as I had done to long, I was growing tired of waiting for the people who were stronger than me to finish the game, they've visited floors dozens higher than me, as id only stayed on the first floor too worried to wonder off. At first I was content doing so, waiting around for the world to come to an end and me to wake up in some hospital with tubes in me, but as time went on my feelings changed and every day that passed a little bit of me was chipped off, the part of me that believed that we would escape. And as this kept happened it made me want to do something asides from sitting, laying, or walking around the first floor. And I knew I needed to start small before rushing into killing something after all I never had hurt anything, let alone pick up a sword, or the dagger that was hanging by my hip. So I knew that players could start up shops, and that was how I planned to start. seemed easy enough, find someone who could teach me what I needed to know, do what was asked, and BAM shop. So now I just had to find one these quest giver, teacher people. And so I popped up into a sitting position, feet laid out on the bench. Looked around, the sun hurting my eyes as they had been closed for a while in my thoughts, before swinging my legs off the bench and standing up to finally go do something of minor importance in this world.

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  Some time had passed with me just walking around, and I couldn't find anyplace that just screamed alchemy to me, which was what I had decided on my walk around I wanted to invest my time in. It was what had caught my interest, I thought of my mom of course when I saw, wishing that I had the ability to simply heal someone when they needed it, maybe then...my mom would still be here. And then I wouldn't even be stuck in this death trap people call a world. It does amaze me how reckless people still are in this game as well, so I could help those people no matter how stupid they seem, no one deserves to die, especially like this. But first off, before I could even think about actually saving someone, I had to gain the skills necessary to be able to in the first place, so I need to keep looking for a person able to give me this quest. And so I continued my treck, finally in the market area where I would have a better shot at finding this person.

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