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PP F9«Bandit Camp» (Macradon)

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Klick was looking at the board as he always does when he is board on floor 5. The quest shown here were much more difficult and thus granted better rewards, experience and entertainment. Yeah, he was board and wanted to have fun in a game where his life was on the line. Who could blame him though, everything seemed so normal now. Then he came across the bandit quest on the 9th floor. It seemed easy but it was the 9th floor. Klick had never been up that high before. He was up for the challenge but he knew he was going to need some help. Lucky for Klick, he had to go pick up a weapon at this shop and the shopkeeper seemed pretty cool. It was worth a shot at least. So Klick went to his shop, grabbed his stuff and ran too Macradon's Blazing Typhoon on the first floor.

Klick bowed as he entered the shop. "Greetings Macradon! Would like... quest... help. Please." He hoped the blacksmith was not too busy and had time to kill some bandits. Shortly after entering Ping flew in behind Klick and sat on his shoulder. She yawned and stretched her arms and legs while letting out a soft Chime sound.

Declaration of War- 2 damage 1 bleed

Embargo-2 thorn 1paralyzes

Deflective Gauntlets-9mit


Edited by Klick
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Macradon was spacing out in his shop, The Blazing Typhoon. There were no request for him to finish or anything for him to do. He didn't need new armor and his sword was perfect status, which is what he needs more than some other fancy weapon, perhaps he could get a unique weapon that may help him at some point, but that was another thing to worry about. He would just sit there in his chair behind the counter, looking through the air. 

Suddenly a person entered his shop, it was Klick. He bowed down and asked for help on a quest. Macradon would quickly get up and wave his hands at Klick. "You don't have to bow" he would say, slightly blushing. He wasn't used to people bowing to him, not in real life nor in game. "But sure, I'll help you, what quest is it?" he asked. He would see Klick's familiar jumping forth, showing it self on Klick.



Crusader +3 DMG
Steel Pouldron +6 Mit, +1 Heavy Momentum
Steel Cuirras +6 Mit.


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"Sorry Sorry hahah," Klick grinned and pulled out a a piece of paper. He was not sure a full verbal response would be completely understandable so he would add some pictures and maybe sound effects. Those were cool right. "Ok Ok... 9th Floor Quest... Easy mobs solo..." he Drew a stick figure bandit next to a Stick figure Klick and a stick figure Ping. "But mob no alone... Mob friends too many..." Then Klick drew 3 more Mobs on the paper. "Research... stealth, fight 1 on 1... my stealth weak tho... But you help and no need stealth." Then he drew a stick figure Macradon. "Plan good. Reward good. Exp good. Agree?" Klick smiled and threw a thumbs up. Ping flew into the air and chime while flying in circles above Klick.

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Macradon would look and listen at the vague description Klick came with. Some evil guys, 4 evil guys, too many for Klick to handle and something about stealth. Macradon would put the pieces together, and even without some pieces he was able to get a hang of it. He was sure of it. the only quest he knew about on the 9th floor that had one to fight multiple enemies that weren't animalistic. Macradon would nod his head "So the Bandit Camp quest" he said, he was sure that it was it. Macradon would take his sword and his armor and close his shop. "If we head to the quest area now we should be able to clear the quest fast enough. I have enough AOE till kill them all in one go I believe, if not you can support with some damage" he said to Klick, hopefully he understood what he said.

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Last time Macradon did not say much, making it much easier him much easier to understand. This time though, he had a bit more to say. What was life without a challenge. At least Klick knew his idea got across when Macradon named the quest. He smiled and followed his new friend out the door. Macradon said something about AOES to which Klick assumed he had a few. Though Klick did not have any fancy attacks, his armor was as top notch. He also was probably the hardest thing to kill on the floor. "You AOE... i tank. Easy day!" Ping Flew on top of his head as Klick lead the way to the 9th floor. This was going to be fun, as it was his first time in a party for a quest XD.

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Macradon would smile, it was rare that someone else would tank instead of him, maybe Klick had more mitigation that Macradon, that might be. "If you want to tank that's up to you" he said. He would see if he had everything prepared for the fight and he did. He would equip whatever he didn't need in his inventory like his armor and sword. He would walk towards the warp plaza and get up to the 9th floor. He would stretch his body before he would go, he would also wait for Klick to appear. 

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Klick led the way to the bandit camp on the 9th floor. It was not very hard seeing as multiple NPC's were willing to point the way out. Upon arriving he saw 4 bandits roaming around the camp. Each bandit had a unique name and looked very dangerous... for someone who was not a tank. Klick turned to Macradon too see if he was ready. "OK... I no AOE. Is Safe to do?" Klick had the stats for tanking but he did not know how aoes would effect the agro rates. It might be wise for Klick to strike them all one time before Macradon started fighting but he was not sure. No matter what, he still felt the mission should still be easy to complete if they acted smart.


Main the bandit 70/70HP 20 dmg
Gidgewater the bandit 70/70HP 20 dmg
Minotos the bandit 70/70HP 20 dmg
Bob the bandit 70/70HP 20 dmg
(track their hate on you on your post)
Klick 56/56HP
Macradon 88/88HP

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Macradon would relax, they were at the bandit camp. He would unsheathe his sword and lean it on his hsoulder, still holding it with both of his hands. Macradon was unsure of how Klick wanted to grab aggro, but he could he he would. All he had to do was to attack and crit. Attacking already builds up hate and crit only gives more hate. Macradon was glad that he didn't level his <Fighting Spirit> skill yet, it would be quite a problem for Klick to tank if Macradon did have that one, more or less because Macradon would generate double the amount of hate Klick would do. He pointed out that he didn't have any AOE, which was fine, Macradon had a bunch so that was not to worry. "If you just engage, I'll follow up with a strong attack, you can try to kill them afterwards. I don't know if you can keep the tanking up when I arrive, though" he said to Klick.

- Health List -
  Macradon: 88/88
Energy: 22/22
Hate: 0

  Klick: 56/56
Energy; 14/14
Hate: 0

Main the bandit 70/70HP 20 dmg
Gidgewater the bandit 70/70HP 20 dmg
Minotos the bandit 70/70HP 20 dmg
Bob the bandit 70/70HP 20 dmg

[OOC: Thay aggro the first thing that comes in, so if you hit one of them, they would all go after you]

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(Yes but each one has there on hate value once you jump in the fight. So when you aoe, you apply aggro to all 4 of them vs the 1 i will hit.. You see when i do my post)

Klick nodded and charged into the fray yelling. He did not need no stinking stealth for he was a American Steel wall who was not coming down for no body. Not even that bob bandit fellow. When he stopped he found his self completely surrounded by the villainous creatures and that the way he liked it. Ping hovered from above, searching for Klick's signal to attack. However she knew there was no formal signal. She really just waited for nice and clean openings to kick butt.

First Main jumped at Klick but Klick blocked him with his shield. Then Gidgewater stabbed him in the back. Klick bumped him off before Minotos attacked. Klick dived out the way only to land at bobs feet who stab slashed Klick's back. Klick rolled towards Main to slash him but he parried and jumped back

ID# 44691 MOB: 2
ID# 44692 MOB: 6
ID# 44694 MOB: 1
ID# 44695 MOB: 8

ID# 44696 Battle 2 Craft 5

Main the bandit
Hate: Klick 1/Macradon 0

Gidgewater the bandit
64/70HP (-6 thorn)

Hate: Klick 0/Macradon 0

Minotos the bandit

Hate: Klick 0/Macradon 0

Bob the bandit
64/70HP (-6 thorn)

Hate: Klick 1/Macradon 0

Klick: 54/56 (-1 Gidgewater, -1 bob)
Energy; 12/14 (Miss -2)

Macradon: 88/88
Energy: 22/22

(this is how the aggro would would work. I realized the flaw in my plan when i first made the thread. So ideally wit would be unwise to aoe until Klick builds agro on all of them.)

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[Hate doesn't stack like that. Hate increases when you successfully attack but doesn't stack upon numbers of enemies attacked. The hate is not individual, but as a whole. You gain hate, not for each target but as a whole, looking like a threat. You have 1 hate now, so everyone will aggro you. When I AOE I have 1 hate, they will target both of us unless you attack before them, then you're at 2 hate and they will focus you. But you just do you.]

Klick went in for an attack to grab aggro from the mobs, he somewhat did, making some of the bandits go after him. Macradon would go in as well, but since Klick haven't build up enough hate towards the mobs, Macradon tried not to hit any of them yet, making a big broad swipe with his sword that would only trigger his Heavy Momentum. Macradon would stand guard if any of them would attack him, even though his armor would be more than sufficient to take the hit. Macradon would be ready for Klick to gather yet more hate so that Macradon could finally come in and finish them off with an attack.

ID: 45105
BD: 1. Failed.

- Health List -
  Macradon: 88/88
Energy: 22/22

  Klick: 54/56
Energy: 12/14

Main the bandit 70/70HP, 20 dmg.  Klick 1/Macradon 0
Gidgewater the bandit 64/70HP, 20 dmg.  Klick 0/Macradon 0
Minotos the bandit 70/70HP, 20 dmg.  Klick 0/Macradon 0
Bob the bandit 64/70HP, 20 dmg .  Klick 1/Macradon 0

Edited by Macradon
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