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[PP-F01] The Ebon Vanguard

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To good friends, and new recruits.

  • The Tavern was busier than normal, but it was nice and cozy still. The environment was thriving, and it was comforting to know that there was still enjoyment to be had, even given everyone's current predicament in the deathgame. Inu imagined Nine wouldn't be so amused by the boisterous events, at least not as much as the others; but he hardly seemed amused with most things.

    It made her wonder if they'd ever reach some sort of tangible connection... as both lieutenants to the guild, she prayed they would. Even if it was a measly common ground, Inu would strive to find it. It meant something, at least to her, to yield a connection with each of the guild members. It seemed only fair, if they were fighting to both free themselves and each other, that they would care for one another as well. This is why she had figured a nice dinner, a few good drinks, and even better conversation, was exactly what the guild needed now most. It was time for everyone to reconnect on the most basic of levels, that way it was easy to trust that they each had one another's back when they stepped outside the safe keeping of the tavern and town.

    Music roared from the corner of the tavern, some NPC band it seemed that was only there to help keep the tavern lively. Players danced, drank, sung, and ate, and it left Inu hungry for much of the same enjoyments. As they slipped further inside, Inu's small hand slid into the grip of her brother's, and she tugged him toward an empty table that seemingly had just enough seats for their group. "Over here!" She peeped, peeking back at the rest of the group to insure they were following. Once they'd reached the table, Inu smiled. "I'll go grab us a few drinks and order some food while you guys get comfortable..." She thought for a moment, "Is there anything anyone is unwilling to eat or drink?" Inu waited only long enough for a few answers before she giggled, "Alright! I'll be right back then."

    With that she planted a small kiss on her brother's cheek, then disappeared into the group of people, while the others took seat and began conversation.

tag // Any Ebon Vanguard members.

Once first posts are up, posting order will be set, and kept, accordingly.

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Saix scanned the interior with a grin. Just another afternoon rapidly turning to evening in Starting City. Most of the players who did nothing more than mill around in the City hoping for rescue had converged on the Inn's and Taverns to find food and shelter. Inu had done well in choosing this place, as it's higher prices would dissuade too many from over crowding the place. Most of the City Dwellers were doing everything they could to stretch their meager starting col out as far as possible, so they wouldn't come here where the food was more expensive, and honestly higher quality. Yes, this place would serve perfectly to get to know their newest member.

Of course, Saix also wanted to go over some strategy, but that could wait until later. They would eat first, talk amongst themselves, then go over the strategy for tomorrow's Field Boss battle. He had hastily thought of simply rushing there earlier after suggesting the run, but once again he was glad that Inu had swooped in to keep him from being too impulsive. While the group might have succeeded in killing the required number of Young Ice Dragons to initiate the Field Boss Encounter, they would have ended up having to fight a very powerful enemy in the dark. While normally that would not bother him, he had not invested much in the way of points into his search skill, making night fighting harder, especially since they could not afford to accidentally draw more aggro from the various Young Ice Dragons that patrolled the area.

As Inu rushed off to help make their food order, after a kiss on his cheek no less, Saix settled into a seat after choosing a table near the back of the establishment. He wasn't worried too much about being overheard, most of these players were merchants or shopkeepers with no desire to leave the First Floor. He highly doubted that any of them would be willing to form a party to take on the Ice Dragon, even for the rare crafting materials that it would drop. Leaning back in his seat and crossing one leg at the knee, he draped his arm comfortably over the back of his chair as though he were reclining without a care in the world. "So, tell me... Axel, Nikki, what do you guys want from this game?" He asked, that speculative gleam back in his eyes. It seemed a simple question, but he had his reasons. You could tell a lot about a person with how they prioritized their goals in a dire situation like this.

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9Lives stopped at the entry to the tavern. the place was lively to say the least. the NPC band was prattling away on their 20 song loop. everything in him told him to turn around and leave. the guild could manage without him for this event. he'd much rather be alone on a rooftop high above the noises of the first floor. Even still he demanded loyalty to the guild and he was not excluded from that. He flipped his hood up and entered the door making his way through the hall. His eyes met Saix and for a moment he displayed his discomfort in this situation. it wasn't that he disagreed with Inu's plan to rest and be fed before they went on a large quest. it was a decision proper to her rank and it was a well executed. 9lives just had a hard time dealing with the over stimulus of the place. it made his mind aggressive and uneasy. he couldn't isolate out the background noise to make comfortable conversation.

He approached the table taking a seat to the left of Saix positioning himself where he could block most of the sound. he put his elbows on the table and folded his fingers in front of his face, resting his chin on his thumbs. Saix' question was open ended and gave allot of possibilities for answers. it was a clever tactic to see what the personality types were and how best to utilize them in the guild. 9Lives remained quiet not wanting to skew the responses with his personal agenda. with his mind now directed the sounds of the place were less obtrusive and he felt less uneasy. that's not to say that he not was ready to leave at the drop of a hat.

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Nikki entered the tavern after having stood outside for a few moments. She was trying to figure out the best way to make a good impression. Having not known how many people were in the guild, or for that matter how many people would actually be there she was unsure of what to expect. Inside she could hear boisterous music, players getting rowdy and having fun as well as the clinking of glasses. She smiled to herself, and lowered her gaze as she pulled up a menu, un equipping her cloak for the time being. Seeing as she had just joined this group of people she would need to make sure that they knew who she was and what she looked like, not to mention she had little to hide appearance wise.

With all said and done she entered into the tavern. This had been her first experience in one of the in game bars, and it was just as she expected. It looked as though a small party was going on, with a live band, (Given they're NPC's the term is used loosely) and many people simply making merry or blowing off steam. Strangely it was like any bar experience she had in the real world. "Alright.. Time to mingle." She spoke to herself gently as she began to cross from one side of the bar to the other. Up ahead she could see Saix and Inu. That was where she would go then.

As she got closer Inu had left, no doubt having lots to do, but that did leave Saix alone for her to converse with. Before she could speak however He asked her a question, as if he had known she was there. "that's how it works when yer the commander" Nikki thought with a smile. "Simply put... I want to Get out... And I want everyone here to get out." she had a serious tone. "What's going on here is not fair.... despite it being an amazing adventure, we are being forced to play it with death as a penalty. I don't agree with that." She stopped for a moment remembering why she came to SAO in the first place. It was expected of her for her job, from her family, she had to succeed above others. "However I Wouldn't mind being the best at it either" She wasn't sure if she should reveal herself yet. There was no telling how people would react to finding out she was a Professional Gamer. They might depend on her too much, or expect a lot more from her than she could do.

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Daeron, as usual was running late to his guild meeting. As Daeron walked up to the entrance of the pub, he opened the door. Daeron was wearing his typical solar flux robe. He unequipped it and walked over to his Commander. There were two others there already one of the being co-sergeant, Nikki, and his lieutenant.

"Sorry for being tardy Commander. Lieutenant." he says as he saluts to both. He nodded at Nikki as if to greet her.

Daeron had been on the firs floor dozens of times but had never seen this pub before. Unlike most, this one was different in two major ways. There were less people and prices were higher. Daeron didn't mind though. From the time he had spent on the hugher floors, he knew he coyld afford the meals and beverages here.

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Aiden had been out and about his latest journeys being uneventful. How was the man who once ran one of the most powerful companies be kept to just humble offerings. More then once he had been given a handout looking lost, broken and defeated. Aiden had been lost, broken and defeated, his mind simply not wanting to endure the pain of the real world. He had been walking around the starter town for a long time, without having a goal, a ghost trapped unable to escape.

Aiden couldn't kill himself, afraid of death though he thought about it every day as he walked. But it was when he watched a young couple, complete stranger embrace and enjoy life. Even if in a game their connection and show of affection light a spark in Aiden. People still had hope, People were still willing to hang onto life, People weren't giving up. Struggling to move forward if only inches at a time.

This one simple event proved too much for Aiden. How one simple scene of love, chance his whole mentality. Aiden looked to the night sky and simple started to laugh. Tears rolled down his face, and for anyone to see him would think he had lost his mind. Throughout the night, he laughed and wept and in the following day, changed into a new man. Capable of standing on his own, capable of fighting destiny.

Days had passed, followed by weeks and months before Aiden found out what his goal was to be. If he couple help others survive maybe he could change his way of thinking. "I will fight, but by myself I am weak. I will need help." A motto that he started to live for, a few simple words that when he repeated made him strong. He noticed a paper, for a local Guild needing members.

After exchanging some information, he found out they were meeting at a local Tavern. The lights dimmed on the outside easy to pass by. The wooden door proved to be stronger then expected as his hand pushed against it. Music loud and the atmosphere lively. Standing in the entrance for a moment he looked around to see multiple people here, there and everyone. Stepping forward the door closed as he went to find a table that wasn't being used.

He had inquired with the leader and he was to meet him. But he wasn't sure when he would appear. Aiden sat there, dressed in his usual business like attire. Like the office worker at happy hour, waiting to see what events would take place.

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