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[F2-SP] A Time To Hunt - Bagging up those Wintery Flakes, Begining Again pt. 1 - COMPLETE!

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     After finishing up the battle and taking a well deserved rest, Brax entered the cave leading up into the mountains, believing that the passage would wind its way up to the castle ruins he was searching for.  His hunt was going well, and a trip into some abandoned building would increase his earnings by a large amount.  But, he would need to be prepared, who knew what sort of mobs and monsters he would encounter on his way up?  And so, Brax consumed another Strength potion, feeling the effects of the last one waning, and strode carefully into the darkness of the mountain pass, eyes ever watchful for danger.

Consumed Potion of Strength (+1 damage for a thread)

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ID 45708


BD 7 +3 ACC LD 2 MoBD 5 -1 EVA

Brax 32/32 EN 3/8

Cave Dweller 1 -1/16 DEAD [7 x 3 Lumberjack - 4 MIT] = 17 DMG

Cave Dweller 2 -1/16 DEAD [7 x 3 Lumberjack - 4 MIT] = 17 DMG

Cave Dweller 3 -1/16 DEAD [7 x 3 Lumberjack - 4 MIT] = 17 DMG

Cave Dweller 4 -1/16 DEAD [7 x 3 Lumberjack - 4 MIT] = 17 DMG

     He did not have to wait overlong for danger to rear it's ugly head, for just a few steps in and Brax was accosted by cave dwellers, monstrous creatures as slimy as they were disgusting to look at.  Short, stubby bodies built for underground living, with long arms ending in sharp claws and tapered mouths filled rows of fangs came at him from the darkness eager to feast.  They lacked agility and speed, though, their arms long enough to strike out at fast moving prey.  Brax avoided their attacks, leaping high in the air with some Epitaph help, and landing softly went into his Lumberjack stance, three low swipes making quick work of the low sitting creatures.

+4 materials

+4 snowflakes

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ID 45709


BD 7 +3 ACC LD 13 MoBD 1

Brax 32/32 EN 1/8

Cave Dweller Variant -1/16 DEAD [7 x 3 Ultimate Breaker - 4 MIT] = 17 DMG

     The group of dwellers were not alone, unfortunately.  They were led by another, a black version to their more normal bluish coloring.  It was only different in color, though, a leader only due to appearance.  It's strength was no more than it's brethren.  Brax was able to defeat it easily enough, his Ultimate Breaker attack making mincemeat of the strange beast.  'Odd, the monsters designed for this game,' mused Brax, 'such a strange look for an underground beast.  No clear purpose in it's look, save the oddities of it's body structure.'

+1 material

+1 snowflake

+80 col

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     Brax cast his gaze over the mountain passageway, observing the construction with a careful eye.  The cave was designed rather beautifully, damp rocks adorned naturally about the area.  There was a little stream going left to right, top to bottom, with a waterfall cascading off the stones above.  Torches, conveniently placed along the walls, lit the area in a dim light, allowing people to battle with little difficulty the creatures that called the space home.

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     Brax took care as he crossed the damp rocks.  No need to lose HP unnecessarily due to a false step.  His armor might protect him, but he did not want to take that chance, as he would prefer to save his health for combat purposes.  The stream babbled on, possibly some lake deep inside the mountain itself.  He thought about going in search for it, thinking the body of water may possess something of value.  However, he first would need to find the way out.

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   The way out that led to the castle above, that is.  Brax was not searching for a lake to hunt at, no, he had bigger goals in mind.  Several mushrooms and moss like plants dotted the walls here, covering the stone facings in a soft green carpet.  The fungus could be useful for crafting purposes, but Brax was not searching for mats, he was searching for monsters, like the rumbling he heard coming from a passage to the right.

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ID 45711


BD 9 +3 ACC LD 4 MoBD 3 -1 EVA

Brax 32/32 EN 3/8

Troll 1 -1/16 DEAD [7 x 3 Lumberjack - 4 MIT] = 17 DMG

Troll 2-1/16 DEAD [7 x 3 Lumberjack - 4 MIT] = 17 DMG

Troll 3 -1/16 DEAD [7 x 3 Lumberjack - 4 MIT] = 17 DMG

Troll 4 -1/16 DEAD [7 x 3 Lumberjack - 4 MIT] = 17 DMG

     The rumbling grew louder and louder, culminating in the appearance of a team of trolls, diseased and misshapen like the ones guarding the entrance.  Their bodies and faces were as ravaged as the one before, though these ones seemed more capable of combat.  At first they did not slow down, failing to notice Brax standing there.  He was able to prep a Lumberjack, intent on hunting them regardless of their thoughts toward him, and as the power reached it's peak they turned in his direct, barely able to react before the attack cut them down.  'I wonder what they were running from?'

+4 materials

+4 snowflakes

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ID 45712

BD 8 LD 9 MoBD 3


BD 8 +3 ACC LD 9 MoBD 3 -1 ACC

Brax 32/32 EN 1/8

Troll Leader 1 -1/16 DEAD [7 x 3 Ultimate Breaker - 4 MIT] = 17 DMG

     Their leader came barreling in behind them, crashing through the shower of pixels signifying their demise and knocking both itself and Brax over.  Brax managed to avoid being caught under the beast, and after coming back up after being knocked down moved into his Ultimate Breaker move, uppercuting the prone monster and sending it flying into the air before slamming it back down, causing the troll to fritz before vanishing.  It was strange, he thought, that the trolls seemed to be running from some kind of bad situation, and his inquisitive nature led him to investigate.

+1 material

+1 snowflake

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     The tunnel they had come down was rather nondescript, the torches along the walls giving just enough light to see by.  The stone itself was damp with moisture, much like the air of the cave itself, the humidity thick in every breath.  Skittering could be heard in the distance, the movements of other cave creatures signaling their travels throughout the passage.  It echoed far, so Brax knew logically that whoever or whatever it was, he would not yet have to worry.

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     His explorations led to another open area, a hollowed out room inside the mountain.  More torches lay about, with a big camp nestled in the middle, the remains of a bonfire burning dimly in the center of several tents and bedrolls.  The rolls were mussed, indicating something had recent called the place their home, though whether it was the troll he had fought or some other for, Brax could not say with certainty.

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ID 45813

LD 20

     He searched the campsite for any supplies, finding a little bit of food and suitable loot for trading, before hefting his weapon and moving on.  'It would not do well to remain in the open for whoever lives here to return,' Brax thought.  There were two other tunnels leading off of the big room, and taking the one on the right he exited the campsite. 

+1 material

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ID 45719


BD 9 +3 ACC LD 10 MoBD 6 - 1 EVA

Brax 32/32 EN 6/8

Troll 1 0/19 DEAD [7 + 1crit x 3 Lumberjack - 5 MIT] = 19 DMG

Troll 2 0/19 DEAD [7 + 1crit x 3 Lumberjack - 5 MIT] = 19 DMG

Troll 3 0/19 DEAD [7 + 1crit x 3 Lumberjack - 5 MIT] = 19 DMG

Troll 4 0/19 DEAD [7 + 1crit x 3 Lumberjack - 5 MIT] = 19 DMG

     The tunnel led to a larger tunnel several feet across and at least 15 feet high, the ceiling arching menacingly overhead in the darkness.  It was populated by another team of Trolls, just as before, though they were fighting another monster: a serpent of epic proportions, though to them it was probably an every day affair.  The snake dripped venom from it's mouth, no eyes adorning it's head.  Most likely it used sound to observe potential prey, and the Trolls were making plenty of it.  Brax considered letting the beasts deal with each other, but his need to hunt drove him to intervene.  Powering up a Lumberjack, Brax caught the Troll squad flatfooted, cutting them in half before they knew what was happening.

+4 materials

+4 snowflakes

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ID 45735


BD 10 +3 ACC LD 10 MoBD 8 -1 EVA

Brax 32/32 [6 - 3 MIT] = 4 DMG EN 1/8

Subterranean Snake -1/21 DEAD [7 + 2crit x 3 Ultimate Breaker - 5 MIT] = 22 DMG

     The Snake roared at Brax, the pixels showing over it's face as it struck the adventurer.  He endured the blow, the fangs failing to pierce his armor and deliver it's deadly venom.  The beast was enraged by the meddlesome player, for he had taken it's prey from it.  Attempting another attack, Brax uppercut the beast first, his body begging to move in accordance with the Ultimate Breaker, and he let it take hold.  One more uppercut to daze the creature, opening up the giant snake to a vertical assault to the noggin, slamming it to the ground and leaving behind only it's loot in memory.

+1 material

+1 snowflake

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     "So THAT was what the Trolls were trying to escape," Brax spoke aloud in the aftermath of the fight.  "No wonder all the creatures here look diseased, those beasts must poison everyone that tries to call this place home."  Brax was grateful that he had not been bitten, as he did not have any suitable antidote potions available to him for protection.  Another thing added to his list of necessary potions for future fights.

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ID 45819

LD 9

     Venturing forth, he poked one last time around the snake's resting place in search of any other loot drops, and finding none went on his way.  The exit to the surface had still not been found, and he was itching to be rid of this underground maze.  The tunnel narrowed again, barely big enough the walk upright, the dim light of the torches making the trek more precarious than was absolutely necessary.  He hoped the exit was close, but knew better than to falsely believe anything without proof, and for the moment there was none to be had.

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     The passage sloped upwards, and soon Brax came out into another open area, rather large and imposing in it's design.  The room was as large as a building, a breeze howling softly through the spacious cavern.  Water dripped noisily from the rocks above, forming stalagmites from the ground in response, echoing loudly in his ears.  The area was not uninhabited , though, for another pack of Trolls wandered in the distance, not having noticed the man entering.

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ID 45738

LD 7

     Brax ducked down behind some rocks, his quick search of the materials finding nothing of note to take with him, before looking back at the mob with interest.  He noticed their relaxed demeanor, as they had yet to spot him.  Being as careful as possible, using the rocks for cover, he snuck up on them quietly, not wanting to alert the beasts to his presence.  It worked , and allowed him to get close enough to ambush them himself.


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ID 45740


BD 4 +3 ACC LD 5 MoBD 6 -1 EVA

Brax 31/32 EN 6/8

Troll Leader -1/16 DEAD [7 x 3 Ultimate Breaker - 4 MIT] = 17 DMG

     He caught the first one completely unaware, their Leader, and with a loud roar unleashed upon the beast his Ultimate Breaker.  The two uppercuts lifted the troll up high, its compatriots voicing their surprise and dismay all at once.  The troll was dazed as it hung in the air, confusion apparent even in it's stunned expression.  Brax finished the move quickly, his vertical slam bashing the poor creature into the stone floor and sending it's pixels showering about.

+1 material

+1 snowflake

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ID 457976 +


BD 6 +3 ACC LD 12 MoBD 3-1 EVA

Brax 31/32 EN 1/8

Troll 1 -1/16 DEAD [7 x 3 Lumberjack - 4 MIT] = 17 DMG

Troll 2 -1/16 DEAD [7 x 3 Lumberjack - 4 MIT] = 17 DMG

Troll 3 -1/16 DEAD [7 x 3 Lumberjack - 4 MIT] = 17 DMG

Troll 4 -1/16 DEAD [7 x 3 Lumberjack - 4 MIT] = 17 DMG

     The other Trolls were too shocked by Brax's ambush to put up any sort of a fight.  They flailed about in wild strikes, hitting each other in confusion but missing Brax by a country mile.  It was almost too easy for him to prepare his Lumberjack, and sweep the four remaining members of the squad into oblivion.  Right to left, left to right, and right to left again, the trolls were destroyed without mercy or pause, and from their dissipating bodies Brax collected the rewards from battle.

+4 materials

+4 snowflakes

+320 col

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     The battle done, Brax saw in the distance another passageway.  The tunnel looked like it curved up and out of sight, but he could see another one high above, a ledge near the top of the cavern that followed a stone bridge to the other side.  Remembering the way the mountain looked from outside, he knew that the second floor of the cave must lead to the outside, and to the castle ruins awaiting him.  He strode over to the tunnel, intent on making his way up.

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