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(OP-F1) Stay and Play (Town of Beginnings)

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There is something about me that has never been right. I guess most would blame it in my upbringing. I find that hard to believe. Since I was young I could feel this corruptness under my skin. I could feel it trying to get out. Clawing its way out from me. When my father noticed it, he didn't stop it from forming, in fact he made sure to keep it alive. I was the heir, after all. I was supposed to take over the family business of breaking bones and burning bridges.

How delusional I was to think that I could run away from such a thing?

To think that I could start over. To think that I could erase it all. Maybe if I had followed the path I was intended to take then I wouldn't be stuck in this game. I wouldn't have to keep this mask of righteousness that couldn't hide well the monster I am.

Shaking my head and trying to clear my mind I tried to focus my attention on the game vendors and their items. Stopping to stare at a small blade displayed I could feel eyes upon me.

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As per usual, Sam was hanging around the Town of Beginnings. He was bored, and itching for something to do, but most of the other players were nearly double his level! As he strolled through the marketplace, another player caught his eye. He looked low leveled, and was buying basic items from merchants.

Taking a moment and walking up, Sam smiled a little and spoke, "Erm, hello there! You seem fairly new, and I thought you might need some help. I'm Monochromatic, but people call me Mono, for short." Sam had hoped this low leveled player needed some help, it'd give him something to do, and plus, maybe he'd help the guy grind and get the exp in return.

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