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[PP-F3/4] Gathering Materials

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Nikki packed up her things as she prepared to go out for the day. It was time to gather the needed materials to make the weapon she had requested of Dellis the master smith. She smiled to herself as she remembered his generosity, and caring towards her. It was because of him that she had the courage to prepare for a boss fight on the seventh floor. The fight had not occurred yet, but she was as ready as she could be now.

The first stop Nikki needed to make was on the third floor, she was going to fight sea lions for Atlantis Iron. Her goal was going to be 5 pieces of Iron, and she figured that she would need to kill 3 or 4 of the beasts to get it. After that she would be off to floor 4 to hunt some Ice Dragon Hatchlings. They would drop Ice shards that would be incredibly necessary for her weapon. 5 of those was required too.

With her objectives in mind she produced a teleport crystal, and ported herself to floor 3.

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As Nikki materialized on floor 3 her senses were immediately bombarded with the smell of sea water. It was wonderful compared to the city she had just come from. She took a quick second now to examine her map, and once satisfied set out north towards the nearest beach. The entire walk would take her nearly an hour to get from the warp gate to the beach itself.

Once there Nikki took some time to scout around, getting a number on Sea lions in the area, as well as checking for other players. One of the reasons she chose this spot as it usually had few players and many beasts, making Mat gathering an Easy task. Today was no exception as she found herself alone with many animals in plain sight. "Alright..." she thought "Lets get this done." She equipped her spear and shield and began to make her way towards the first Sea lion.


Nikki_Styx 19/19 HP, 3 DPS

Sea Lion 1 - 9/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 2 - 9/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 3 - 9/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 4 - 9/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 5 - 9/9 HP, 2 DPS

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Nikki approached the First sea lion carefully. It was basking a little ways from the group, and was effectively alone for the time being. This would be the perfect chance to snag it and score a quick kill. As she got closer she sped up, raising her shield in front of her, and gripping her spear tightly. Once in range Nikki attacked, attempting to thrust the spear into the animal before it could notice her.

Dice Roll -Thrust-

1-5 Attack Misses, No Damage

6-9 Attack Hits, 3 Damage

10 Attack Hit Critical, 6 Damage

Dice Roll = 7

Nikki landed her attack, striking the animal between the shoulder blades. It let out a howl, and turned on the spot preparing to fight back. She smiled and raised her shield again ready to block its attack.


Nikki_Styx 19/19 HP, 3 DPS

Sea Lion 1 - 6/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 2 - 9/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 3 - 9/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 4 - 9/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 5 - 9/9 HP, 2 DPS

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The Sea Lion attacked, throwing its weight into Nikki as hard as it could. It was a fairly large creature, but on land it lacked momentum, All she really had to contend with was its girth slamming into her. She held her shield tightly as the beast's mass fell on top of it. It was not like fighting small enemies that would ding off of it like bullets, no instead this was like hitting a gummy bear, the animals fat seemed to just wrap around and block out the sound. for a moment or two she stood her ground holding the weight of the Sea Lion before pressing it off to the side.

Nikki responded by attack the creature with another thrust. This time she aimed for a smaller target, the creatures face. Her attack itself was smooth and graceful, as she stepped up onto her hind leg, pulling her spear back. She stayed like for a fraction of a second before falling foreword onto her fore leg and thrusting smoothly with her weapon, keeping her arm straight and locked.

Dice Roll -Thrust-

1-5 Attack Misses, No Damage

6-9 Attack Hits, 3 Damage

10 Attack Hit Critical, 6 Damage

Dice Roll = 1

Despite her perfect poise and posture the Sea Lion managed to duck its head and avoid the single shot. that in the end would prove the one variable she couldn't control, her opponents movements. Quickly Nikki retracted her spear and pulled in behind her shield so that she could prepare for the next assault. She assumed that the beast would respond quickly.

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The Sea Lion rounded up for another attack, though rather than slam its weight onto her the way it had, the beast kicked in low swinging at her legs. In a flash Nikki dropped down to her knees putting the shield between her and it. it was another fierce impact, heavy and blunt. But it was still within her abilities to take. She did feel her feet slid a bit on the wet sand, but with her knees down she had far more grip than before. She pressed back against her shield, pushing the animals head away so she could back up and strike at it herself.

As she got to her feet she took a quick leap back giving her a few feet of room to attack with. Once landed she loosened her grip on the spear allowing it to slide through her hand till she had it gripped by the very end. She wanted to try something new. She remembered the Wasps tactics and how they would circle to build up momentum for their attack. She wanted to try this herself and see how it worked, though rather than run around in a circle she would spin on the spot.

Nikki quickly crossed her legs and twisted sharply on the sand. As she did she allowed her spear to swing freely. Her first rotation was slow, un balanced and awkward, but by the second swing she had picked up some speed and everything seemed to level out. It felt almost like a system assisted attack. Each rotation brought her tighter and tighter until finally she stopped spinning and swung the spear at the side of the animals head.

Dice Roll -Swing-

1-5 Attack Misses, No Damage

6-9 Attack Hits, 3 Damage

10 Attack Hit Critical, 6 Damage

Dice Roll = 6

Nikki's spear collided with the animals head, knocking it down to the side. immediately after connecting she pulled back on her arm and allowed the spear to slide through her hand till about mid shaft where she tightened her grip. There was a look of shock on her face having not actually believed her move had worked. It was completely un orthodox but it had connected and had hurt the animal. She was one step closer now to winning. Again as before she pulled behind her shield in anticipation of a retaliation.


Nikki_Styx 19/19 HP, 3 DPS

Sea Lion 1 - 3/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 2 - 9/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 3 - 9/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 4 - 9/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 5 - 9/9 HP, 2 DPS

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The Sea lion recovered quickly and turned to face Nikki again. It let out a bellow and charged a third time. Again like the first it slammed into her straight on throwing all its weight into the attack again. And just as before Nikki raised her shield and absorbed the impact. This time though it felt as though there was less effort behind the attack, no doubt the animal was getting tired from over exertion and wouldn't be able to keep this up long. A smile crossed her lips as she pushed back, again casting the animal off to the side before lunging at it with her spear.

Dice Roll -Thrust-

1-5 Attack Misses, No Damage

6-9 Attack Hits, 3 Damage

10 Attack Hit Critical, 6 Damage

Dice Roll = 1

Nikki's attack sailed wide of the Sea Lion, connecting with nothing but air. her over confidence had been her undoing. In this moment of certainty she gotten sloppy and not directed her attack properly. Now she would pay for it, Not the animal got another chance to attack, and another chance to hurt her. If she wasn't careful this would go much the way her encounter with the boars did.

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Without taking an Impact the Sea Lion was able to recover much faster. it rounded in on the spot and threw its weight into another leg sweep. It was almost as if it had gained a second wind, perhaps the fact that it had been missed inspired it to fight harder and faster, to better ensure its own survival. Regardless of the reason Nikki was barely able to get her shield in the way this time as the animals head collided with the Disc. The impact and the timing was almost enough to knock her over, but somehow she managed to keep balanced. The Sea Lion backed up with the block now as it prepared to attack again. Nikki would need to be fast if She wanted to stop it now. Again she thrust her spear at it.

Dice Roll -Thrust-

1-5 Attack Misses, No Damage

6-9 Attack Hits, 3 Damage

10 Attack Hit Critical, 6 Damage

Dice Roll = 1

Again the spear sailed wide and Nikki had only a fraction of a second to hide behind her shield again. She needed to concentrate more, these were stupid mistakes that would cost her her life if she wasn't careful. She would have to resolve to do better next time.

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Nikki took a few steps back as the Sea Lion came around again. She wanted to try and get a better angle to strike at it with this time. She made sure to watch it carefully as she moved, not wanting it to get the jump on her with a surprise attack. As she circled around to try and flank it, the animal kept her in its line of sight. That was ok for her as she just needed to land 3 more damage to be done with it. "C'mon... One more time..." She hissed under her breath as she prepared for its attack.

The sea Lion let loose with another furious swing. Its almost as if it truly was inspired to fight harder. Nikki was faster this time and dropped to her knees as the creatures head collided with her shield again. "How much more could this animal take, the head trauma it was receiving just from the shield should have killed it, or rather it would have in real life. She had to remember this wasn't real life, this was a game, the death game. And now she had to deal out some death.

Nikki reared up and pressed in again with another thrust of her spear.

Dice Roll -Thrust-

1-5 Attack Misses, No Damage

6-9 Attack Hits, 3 Damage

10 Attack Hit Critical, 6 Damage

Dice Roll = 3

The strike had been better this time, though it was still a miss. Immediately after she felt the impact of the animals retaliation. It responded quickly and managed to collide into her legs sweeping her feet out from under her. She hit the ground on her back with a thud, that nearly winded her. She was frustrated now, this was turning into the boars all over again. It was unacceptable. Nikki let out an angry grunt and rolled to the side away from the Sea lion and onto her feet.

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Now she was on the offensive, she would press it and destroy it. Nikki raised her shield now and slammed into the Sea Lion herself. It bellowed and howled as it pushed against her, but right now she had the advantage. Nikki continued to press the animal, pushing it back towards a giant piece of drift wood, or maybe it was whale bone. Her goal now was to remove its ability to move, keep it in a single spot and attack it until it couldn't avoid the hit. So far she was succeeding. After a few agonizing minutes in the pushing contest Nikki finally had it where she wanted. In a flash she leapt back and attacked with her thrust again.

Dice Roll -Thrust-

1-5 Attack Misses, No Damage

6-9 Attack Hits, 3 Damage

10 Attack Hit Critical, 6 Damage

Dice Roll =4

The Sea Lion ducked its head in time and Nikki's spear collided with the wood behind it. Again she was immediately met with a retaliation, but in this limited movement area she was easily able to stop it."I can do this all day buddy" She taunted as she pulled the spear free of the wood.

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This would be it. She needed one more strike to get this right. She was learning a lot from this one, for example that these creatures were harder to kill than boars, by a long shot. She was also learning their attack patterns, the way they moved, and how strong their attacks really were. All in all this was not a wasted experience on her. Nikki slammed the shield into the beasts head, as if she were back handing it before she reared up to attack it again.

Dice Roll -Thrust-

1-5 Attack Misses, No Damage

6-9 Attack Hits, 3 Damage

10 Attack Hit Critical, 6 Damage

Dice Roll = 5

The attack had been better still, the Sea Lion was running out of room, It wouldn't be able to evade forever, and again it was showing signs of tiring. "I guess yer sudden inspiration to live is gone." She yelled. That's when it launched another attack, a different one. As if it knew it was on the verge of death it swung its head down and wrapped its jaws around Nikki's leg. She could hear the scrap of its teeth against the plates that were her shin steels. But given her armor rating it still managed no damage.

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Nikki was not about to waste this opportunity. With it trying to chew her armor to pieces she could attack it again with less chance of it evading. She made sure to lean back carefully so as not to force her leg from its iron grip, as she prepared to strike at it with a downward stab. She could still hear the grinding of its teeth and she cringed to think of the scratches and dents her shin steels would have. But now she had to remain focused, she had to get this strike right. She lined up her attack appropriately and without hesitation stabbed her weapon at the animals heart.

Dice Roll -Thrust-

1-5 Attack Misses, No Damage

6-9 Attack Hits, 3 Damage

10 Attack Hit Critical, 6 Damage

Dice Roll = 3

Again she missed the animal, though this was her own fault. She had foolishly let it chew on her leg without realizing that would reduce her balance, and make her attack less accurate. She truly was lucky her armor rating was so high otherwise she would have been in a lot of trouble. The Sea Lion sensing the attack released its grip and tried to back up again, to no avail. "I'm not done with you yet.. You cant leave." Nikki commanded firmly as she pressed into it again to keep it still.

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A low growl escaped from Nikki's throat as she lined up another attack. She had to make sure this one landed, this had to be the one. She started by finding a single point on the sea lion. A single large chunk of meat that was not in a high movement zone. Clearly the head was out as with that Neck it could easily move her target clear of the strike, as it had been doing. The best spot was to go for the chest, aim for the ribs. If it moved she still had a chance to get it, and if it didn't it would be hard to miss. She smiled now as she lined up her shot, and then in one swift and smooth moment she thrust in again.

Dice Roll -Thrust-

1-5 Attack Misses, No Damage

6-9 Attack Hits, 3 Damage

10 Attack Hit Critical, 6 Damage

Dice Roll = 10

It had been a perfect strike. She had pierced the Sea Lion right through its heart, not only that she had run it clean through as her spear tip was now piercing the wood behind it. She had managed to do critical damage as well, ensuring that beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this beast was dead. A moment later it disintegrated leaving no trace of its existence aside from the new loot window that popped up.

Loot Roll

1-10 1 Atlantis Iron

11-19 2 Atlantis Iron

20 3 Atlantis Iron

Dice Roll = 20

She had managed to gather 3 pieces of Atlantis Iron from the fight. That alone had made it worth the hassle.

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Nikki smiled to herself now as she turned looking for another target. The beach still had many Sea Lions on it so she was quickly able to locate another. the animal in question was around the same size and was the same level. It would prove like the first to be little problem for her to defeat. However she did desire to speed things up a bit and decided to try pulling 2 of the creatures at once. She knew that even there combined attack could not actually hurt her.

The first one was easy, it was close enough to simply walk up to and get its attention. Given that it was on the land however it would prove to be a little slow, so she would need to walk at its pace while attacking it if she wanted to pull another one.

Dice Roll -Thrust-

1-5 Attack Misses, No Damage

6-9 Attack Hits, 3 Damage

10 Attack Hit Critical, 6 Damage

Dice Roll = 4

Nikki's attack missed, luckily for her she had such a range off of her spear that the animal was not able to retaliate, not that it would manage to hurt her if it could. This was also enough of a Hatred generator to hold its attention while she backed up towards another of the animals.

Nikki_Styx 19/19 HP, 3 DPS

Sea Lion 1 - 0/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 2 - 9/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 3 - 9/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 4 - 9/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 5 - 9/9 HP, 2 DPS

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The Sealion continued to follow her which was perfect. In fact having managed miss it seemed to do nothing short of anger it further. It seemed intent now, focused on her alone. her smile widened as she continued to lead it until she was in range of another sea lion. The second one took a few moments waving its head fiercely letting her know that she was drawing agro, and then like the first it charged. She now had 2 of the animals pressing after her, and twice the opportunity to gain resources. Now she would attack, and rather than one at a time she wanted to try a crowd control technique to hit multiple targets and possibly hold their attention better.

Dice Roll -Spear Swing-

1-5 Attack Misses, No Damage

6-9 Attack Hits, 3 Damage

10 Attack Hit Critical, 6 Damage

Dice Roll = 6

Nikki swung the spear in an arc in front of her. The goal of course was to manage to hit both targets together. Naturally it seemed like a simple enough thing to do, but attempts to hit one target in the past had been difficult. Luckily though Now she had landed her hit, catching one sea lion in the head, only to catch the second one immediately after it. This was an amazing technique that cut her attack time in half.

Nikki_Styx 19/19 HP, 3 DPS

Sea Lion 1 - 0/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 2 - 6/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 3 - 6/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 4 - 9/9 HP, 2 DPS

Sea Lion 5 - 9/9 HP, 2 DPS

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