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(PP-F1) Fields Of Friendship (Cyanidezi, Lonarian)

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Lilliad lay on her stomach in the long grass, watching the wolves. The Fields Of Crossroads was packed full of them, and she couldn't kill them on her own. She needed someone. Sighing, she stood slowly, trying not to attract the attention of the mobs. Lilliad wondered why there were no other players, and she sat down, a fair distance away from danger.

Edited by Lilliad
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(Could you add Lona to this one too?)

Dezi ran, as fast as she could, but she still wasn't super good at this game yet. She help one dagger in both hands, which she stretched out to her sides. There was a rather large amount of wolves in this area, and she was still not too good at fighting yet. She was really just trying to make her way through without dying. She wasn't really that close to the wolves; she didn't have a death wish.

A little while ahead, she made out the figure of another player. Her eyes narrowed, but now wasn't the time for taking her chances. Perhaps the two of them might just be strong enough to put a few hits on these creatures... 

Edited by Cyanidezi
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(Yep, sure! Has he got an SAO charrie?)

Lilliad's eyes widened, seeing a newbie run towards the pack of wolves. "Stop!" She cried, running to help her. "If you want to take on these wolves, you need someone to help you." She drew her curved sword, ready for battle. Smirking at the girl, she noticed she was no older than she was. Looking back at the wolves, she took her stance.

Lilliad HP: 4/4

Dezi HP: 4/4

Wolf 1 HP: 4/4

Wolf 2 HP: 4/4

"Let's do this." She muttered, taking a strike.

ID# 46598

BD: 4

The wolf bounced out of her reach, and she missed. It snarled, drool dripping from its jaws, and leapt at her. It flew past her, rolling on the ground. It whimpered, getting up again. "Go!" She ordered the girl, unsure if she knew how to fight. "You can drop your dagger in it or something."

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(Uh... I have no clue... XD )

The girl yelled something at Dezi, but she couldn't really make it out. But whoever it was they came running towards her and smirked. She pulled out a curved sword, and Dezi was sure she was ready for battle. Dezi, unluckily, couldn't really share her enthusiasm. She'd been looking for someone when she ran into those wolves, and she just hoped he wasn't hurt, or killed. (Lona) The girl took a strike at the wolf, but she missed. It then bounded after her, but she dodged it. It rolled in the grass and pretty much came to Dezi's feet. It was her time to show her stuff.

ID : #46600

BD : 9

He flipped her daggers around in her hand, so that they pointed down. She thrust down, stabbing the wolf in its virtual ribcage and heart. She pulled her daggers down its side, before pulling them out. The wolf let out a howl of agony before getting back up. It growled at Dezi, and tried to pounce at her. Unluckily, with its wounds, it failed epicly. Dezi ran back, to catch some of her breath. "Hey!" She called to the other girl, as the wolf started to get up again. It turned its beady eyes toward the player Dezi was yelling at, and it's ears flattened. It began to run at the girl player. "Watch out!" Dezi yelled, hoping that she could hear her.

Edited by Cyanidezi
MAH!!! Right, XD I really know how to use this thing.
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(Good. Pleased, Yoda is.)

Lilliad spotted the wolf charging at her. She stared the wolf in the eye, and waited. As soon as it was a mere metre away, she leapt up into a backflip, the wolf running straight under her. She flipped, coming around and slashing a long gash down the wolf's side. (AWESOME!)

ID# 46667

BD: 7

MD: 5

Annoyingly, it only did one damage. Standing back up, she grinned at the girl, hearing the wolf run at her again. Lilliad simply side-stepped, and the wolf charged right beside her. With a smug look on her face, she waited for the other player's move.

Lilliad HP: 4/4

Dezi HP: 4/4

Wolf 1 HP: 2/4

Wolf 2 HP: 4/4

Edited by Lilliad
Forgot about stats.
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(O.O You be Yoda? But Yoda be me! How be there 2 Yodas? idk)

(My luck seriously sucks)

The wolf charged at the other girl, and she managed to knock one of its health points down. It them came charging at Dezi. She got into a fencing stance, but a dagger in both hands. She started to run at the wolf, and her eyes narrowed.

ID : #46668

BD : 2 (2, freaking 2. Geez)

MD : 10

So much for her serious battle tactics. Her boots slipped on the wet grass, and she fell on her face in the grass. The wolf gained on her, and slashed at her back. A blinding flash in her eyes, and she saw her health bar go down. Her eyes widened, and she rolled off to the side. She jumped up, and ran off a little ways. 

'No way... I can't be killed. Who else would be there to help him. He can't protect himself' She thought to herself. (Thinking about Lonan)

She looked at the other player, almost pleading.


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Lilliad stared into the girls eyes, understanding her plea.

ID# 46669

BD: 6 (jusssssst)

MD: 8

She screamed a battle cry, and charged the wolf, her sword in hand. slicing the canine in half, it shattered into pieces. She nodded at the girl. She turned her attention to the other wolf, and released where it was too late. It snapped its jaws on her arm, and she yelled in pain as her health bar dropped. Shaking it off, she held her arm and gestured for the girl to go.

Lilliad HP: 3/4

Dezi HP: 2/4

Wolf 2 HP: 4/4

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Dezi watched as the other player yelled as another wolf bit their arm. Dezi was shaking in anger and fear. Death in this game meant death in real life. Something she couldn't afford. If she died, she would bring a fate worse than death upon multiple people. And someone must feel that pain for any player that dies in this death game. Dezi wasn't going to just watch as a player went down because she was a coward. 

She flipped her daggers around in her hands, and ran at the wolf. She ignored the girl's gesture for Dezi to run away.

ID : 46671

BD : 6

MD : 1

Her eyes burned with a fire that seemed impossible for a virtual game. She slashed at the wolf, taking down one of its health points. It released the other player's' arm and turned to try and bite Dezi. But Dezi was too fast. She jumped off the left, and the wolf was left to bite at the air. It was open to any attack from the other player, so now it was up to her to make an attack.

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Lilliad was grateful for the girl's help, and recovered quickly. 

ID# 46672

BD: 4 (oh come on!)

MD: 5 (huh.)

Sadly, when she tried to run forward, her arm failed her and dropped her sword on her foot. "Ow." She muttered, annoyed.

Lilliad HP: 3/4

Dezi HP: 2/4

Wolf HP: 3/4

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She had the perfect opening too. And she dropped her sword on her foot. Sigh.

I guess she'd have to make up for that epic fail (lol). 

ID : #46673

BD : 6

MD : 6

Dezi ran at the wolf, and slashed at the wolf. It wasn't a perfect move, but it still knocked off one health point. She rolled, expecting the wolf to try and bit her from above. She was wrong. It clawed at her, skimming her leg, but it was enough to knock off another health point. This wasn't good. One more hit, and she'd be dead. She'd have to leave the rest of the battle to the other player. 

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(haha! Wait, oh. You're nearly dead!!! 'o')

Lilliad's eyes flamed as she knew the new player would be dead in one hit.

 ID# 46674

BD: 5 (WTH)

MD: 7 (oh no. I don't want to die!)

Charging, she slashed at the wolf, but it dodged, and she fell to the ground, hissing in pain as it  jumped on her back. "We need to do this!" She shouted at the girl, pushing the wolf off her.

Lilliad HP: 2/4

Dezi HP: 1/4

Wolf HP: 2/4

(Oh, dear.)

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Well then. I guess neither of them were in the mood for death. I wonder why. Dezi side stepped, trying to create a lot of distance between her and the wolf in case she had to resort to running. Unluckily, with her health so low, I don't think that she'd be able to outrun the wolf. So she'd save that as a last resort. 

She swiped down, to see if she had anything in her inventory that might help at all. Nope, nothing. Just like she had expected. Ugh.

But she couldn't die. She just couldn't. She couldn't die, knowing that she'd be giving others a fate worse than death...

She was there to protect Lonan. His family took her in when her dad was evil to her. They pretty much saved her life. Now, it was her turn to save theirs. If she were to die, then it was almost certain that Lonan would die too. Losing both their "children" in a virtual reality game that they had bought for them as a gift... they would blame themselves. They would live a life worse than death, believing that they had caused them so much pain. Dezi couldn't let that happen to the people who became the only light in her darkness. There was no way that she was going to die.

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(Aw, so sad!)

Lilliad clenched her fists. She wouldn't die, not like this! She had her entire life to live, and everything would be gone in a moment, like breath on a mirror.  She shut her eyes, took a deep breath, and her irises glowed fiery red. I won't die! My whole life would be gone, my sister-she faltered, tears welling in her eyes. She stepped back, near the girl and sat on her heels. Amelie...I'm so, so sorry. I...I've had the most wonderful life with you and Mum and Dad, and I swear I won't let you down. I'll fight to the end, and I'll come back to you! Virtual tears fell down her young face, and she held her face in her hands.


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Dezi looked up, and the fire in her eyes are heart was almost visible even in the virtual world. As much as she'd like to "be the hero" and sacrifice her life in order to beat this monster, she knew what sort of thing that would do.

Her eyes met the other players, and she could almost see exactly what they were thinking. They weren't going to die either. That made two of them. There was no way they were going to die. Neither of them. And it was like there was another light.

Everything in her life had been so dark. The dark corners, hiding from reality as she knew it. The fights, happening not too far away. Until there was Lonan, and his family. They gave her a home, when she needed one the most. They gave her a family, something she'd never really had before. They gave her hope, and that was something she would never forget.

But if she were to die here she would take that away from herself and others. She was thrown back into the darkness. And she would do anything to make sure that the people who saved her from the pain, wouldn't fall into it too.

But this girl. She reminded Dezi of herself. The thought almost made her cry as well. There was no way that they were going to die. Not yet. Not here. Not in this death game. They were going to make it out. And save the people that they cared about.

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Lilliad felt something stir deep inside her. The raging fire unleashed itself, and she raised her sword once more. "HYA!!!!!" She yelled a battle cry, sprinting towards the beast. She ferociously slashed and cut, her eyes burning with confidence.

ID# 46768

BD: 6

MD: 4

Crying at the same time, she knocked off another health point from the wolf. Still not satisfied, she looked at the girl with confidence and power. "We'll win this, no matter what." She spat.

Lilliad HP: 2/4

Dezi HP: 1/4

Wolf HP: 1/4

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A sad smile broke her face when the girl knocked another health point of the beast. For Lonan, and Mira, and Jacob (Mira and Jacob are Lonan's parents, and her foster parents), it was time for her to make her move.

ID : #46769

BD : 6

MD : 7

She ran at the wolf, and stabbed her two daggers into its eyes. It howled in pain, and she watched its health bar drop down all the way. It shattered into colored shards, and Dezi fell onto her knees. "We won." She said, but she knew it wasn't true. They won't "win" until this death game was over. Once that was done, then would they have finally "won".

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Lilliad's raging pose dropped, and she sheathed <<Swashbuckle>> half-heartedly. "W-We won..." She murmured. Looking up to the girl, she tried to brighten the mood. "W-well, I'm Lilliad. That was one hell of a fight!" She laughed, feeling slightly dizzy.

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One hell of a fight? One hell of an understatement! But Dezi knew it was best to shrug it off. "Yeah." She said, her mind still ringing, replaying everything moment of the fight in less than an instant.

"I'm Cyanidezi, by the way, but you can call me Dezi." She said, standing up. Her cheeks were red, even though it wasn't hot nor had she actually cried. But nevertheless, she wasn't in the mood to question the small details like that.

The sun had started to come up, tainting the whole grassland an eerie dull yellow. Everything seemed eerie after that, though. Even if it had painted the sky a bright orange, it still would've been dull to any person who's had to fight like that or worse.

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Lilliad smiled faintly. "So, what shall we do now?" She asked, clearing her head, and picking out grass from her hair. "We could have a look around in town, because we're both low on health." She suggested, looking wierdly at a bit of wheat she just pulled out.

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Town... oh yes. "Sure, the town seems like a good place to stock up. I should get some health potions or something while I'm there too." She made a mental note to get healing items for her next battle.

Everything was spinning, still. She wasn't thinking clearly. She probably wouldn't be for a couple of hours, though.

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