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(PP-F2) The Darkest cave <<Let There Be Light>>

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Nixon, unable to see the bats, hears his friends yelling as they attack. Nixon decides that he should probably join in. However there is a stalagmite in his way, and he trips on it falling flat on his face. "DAMNIT!" He yells as he hits the ground and winces in pain. "What the hell was that??" he stupidly looks around but finds nothing as he is still unable to see anything. "God I'm stupid, I knew i couldn't see anything and yet i still looked around... Man do i need a drink!"

ID# 47521 Result: Combat 1 (Critical fail)


Giant bat 50/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit
Giant bat 50/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit

Antofer 32/32 | 4 dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 18 Thrns

Tsubasa 32/32 |5dmg | 6/8 energy | 18 Mit | 9 Thrns

Alric 4/4 | 2dmg | 1/1 energy

Nixon 8/8 | 3dmg | 2/2 emergy

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Alric pulls his axe up as he hear Tsubasa say "flanking left and right".  Alric uses his streotypical attack with his axe. But stops, jumps into the air, and mimics Tsubasa’s front flip.  He then swings under his leg with the two handed axe and slices, smaking a small scar on one of the enemies.  Realizing how stupid it was for him to attack a much stronger mob than himself, he lands on the ground and runs several feet to his left and waited to seen of the bat would follow.  

 ID# 47522 results: Battle: 10(+1,-1) 1 dmg.
Giant bat 49/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit
Giant bat 50/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit

Antofer 32/32 | 4 dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 18 Thrns

Tsubasa 32/32 |5dmg | 6/8 energy | 18 Mit | 9 Thrns

Alric 4/4 | 2dmg | 1/1 energy

Nixon 8/8 | 3dmg | 2/2 emergy

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Antofer follows his comrades into battle charging at the bats but he couldn't see much and ended up missing the bad "Damn i cant see anything" The bats cut through the air and cut into Antofers sides leaving a small gash but lucky the armor sucked it up. "Ha its going to take a much harder strike then that to kill me beast" Antofer go up after being hit to ground okay everyone regroup and attack!"




ID# 47533 results:

 Battle: 2 fail

 MOB: 10 crit

ID# 47534 results mob 8 



Giant bat  31/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit
Giant bat 32/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit

Antofer 31/32 | 4 dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 18 Thrns

Tsubasa 32/32 |5dmg | 6/8 energy | 18 Mit | 9 Thrns

Alric 4/4 | 2dmg | 1/1 energy

Nixon 8/8 | 3dmg | 2/2 emergy

Edited by Antofer
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Tsubasa jumps from the cold ground and strikes with one of his arms in hope of reaching it.  Tsubasa scrapes his hand against the natural armor of the bat flesh.  Tsubasa the lands back on the ground the the snake stance, prepared for another go.  Tsubasa  had gotten a glimpse of Alric doing the same jumping style as him... Tsubasa vas actually austonished that it could be mimicked by Alric. Then Tsubasa remembered that this person was very skilled in his own way.  Tsubasa moved his train of thought back into battle.

 ID# 47537 results: Battle: 6 (success) 1dmg.

Giant bat 30/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit
Giant bat 32/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit

Antofer 30/32 | 4 dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 18 Thrns

Tsubasa 32/32 |5dmg | 6/8 energy | 18 Mit | 9 Thrns

Alric 4/4 | 2dmg | 1/1 energy

Nixon 8/8 | 3dmg | 2/2 emergy


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Nixon picks himself back up ready to fight and adjusts himself to the sound using his ears primarily. He Cracks his whip a the Bat and pixel shards go flying. "Good I was able to redeem myself in my own eyes." He jumps back praying he is not the target of the bat next. "Oh that would be a horrible way to die, In a dark cave, in a video game... wow that would really suck!" He looks around and prepares himself for an attack just in case.

ID# 47538 Result: Combat 8-1=7 (Hit)

Giant bat 29/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit
Giant bat 32/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit

Antofer 30/32 | 4 dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 18 Thrns

Tsubasa 32/32 |5dmg | 6/8 energy | 18 Mit | 9 Thrns

Alric 4/4 | 2dmg | 1/1 energy

Nixon 8/8 | 3dmg | 2/2 emergy

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"Great job team Antofer yelled as he charged in for a attack, He slashed the bat but it did very little damage, how ever it did distract the bat and he missed his attack. completely. The second bat landed a attack on Antofer and hurts its self from the thorns pretty badly. It cried out in pain and retreaded. "Oay guys we have them on the run!" "Alric we need you to get the girl and leave the cave, if she dies we will leave with nothing in hand." Quick before the bats target her!"




ID# 47539 results:

 Battle: 8

mob 1

ID# 47540 results:  mob 7




Giant bat 28/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit
Giant bat 14/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit

Antofer 30/32 | 4 dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 18 Thrns

Tsubasa 32/32 |5dmg | 6/8 energy | 18 Mit | 9 Thrns

Alric 4/4 | 2dmg | 1/1 energy

Nixon 8/8 | 3dmg | 2/2 emergy

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Alric, knowing that his he was way out of his league, continues to walk back.  When he begins walking back, he stumbles backwards and falls onto a stalagmite.  He drops his axe as he falls unbalanced onto the ground.  His vision may be more accurate, but he could not see due to this darkness.  Alric stands back up rather quickly and picks up his battle axe.  Seems like I still need to do my part.  "Tsubasa, the bat on the left appears to be near half of its bar of health.  We should eliminate one of them as quickly as possible."  Alric hears Antofers comment and suddenly ran up to the girl.  Alric smiles at her and says whispers into her ear, "Im Alric, I am here to protect you"  he picks her up and sprints out of the cave.

 ID# 47541 results:

 Battle: 1 (fail)

Giant bat 28/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit
Giant bat 14/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit

Antofer 30/32 | 4 dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 18 Thrns

Tsubasa 32/32 |5dmg | 7/8 energy | 18 Mit | 9 Thrns

Alric 4/4 | 2dmg | 1/1 energy

Nixon 8/8 | 3dmg | 2/2 emergy

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Tsubasa then struck again at the giant bat with his arm, hoping up to hit the bat with his snake-like strike.  The hand scrapes the already open wound from Antofers thorns.  The bat moves away from where is Tsubasa had been standing.  Tsubasa followed the bat since he could see it as bright as day.  "Follow that bat!  It seems to be trying to follow Alric.  Tsubasa notices the other bat begin to approach him.

47542 results: Battle: 7

Giant bat 27/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit
Giant bat 14/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit

Antofer 30/32 | 4 dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 18 Thrns

Tsubasa 32/32 |5dmg | 7/8 energy | 18 Mit | 9 Thrns

Alric 4/4 | 2dmg | 1/1 energy

Nixon 8/8 | 3dmg | 2/2 emergy

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Nixon starts to get angry "DIE ALREADY YOU BASTARD!" He yells as he Activates his <<Tornado>> Sword art hitting both of the bats. when they hit a deafening crack sounds throughout the cave "I am so sick of not being able to see, lets kill them and get this over with!" He finishes his strike and cracks his whip out of anger at nothing in particular. "You two are powerful, Finnish these guys off, I'm getting so tired off this crap"

ID# 47543 Results: Combat 9-1=8 (Success)

Giant bat 26/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit
Giant bat 13/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit

Antofer 30/32 | 4 dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 18 Thrns

Tsubasa 32/32 |5dmg | 7/8 energy | 18 Mit | 9 Thrns

Alric 4/4 | 2dmg | 1/1 energy

Nixon 8/8 | 3dmg | 0/2 emergy

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Antofer really was struggling this battle. He couldnt find anything in this damn dark and missed once more. In a blind rage Antofer started attacking at random. One bat attacked and killed him self from the thorns and fell to the ground after crashing into a wall...the second bat attacked after seeing its friend crash and die but hurt its self from thorns as well. "okay this is almost over lets finish this now!" Antofer gets ready for the final charge.

ID# 47545 results:

 Battle: 5 mob 8 loot 9 (-1 + 4 = 13) + 1 mats and 250 col

ID# 47547 results mob 6


Giant bat 8/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit
Giant bat DED dead

Antofer 28/32 | 4 dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 18 Thrns

Tsubasa 32/32 |5dmg | 7/8 energy | 18 Mit | 9 Thrns

Alric 4/4 | 2dmg | 1/1 energy

Nixon 8/8 | 3dmg | 0/2 emergy

Edited by Antofer
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Tsubasa follows the Giant bat with his snake like eyes as it attacks Antofer.  Tsubasa activates his normal strike with his right arm so to stretch up and hopefully reach the bat.  Tsubasa lunges straight up and breaks a stalagtite from the roof of the cave.  He falls down onto his feet and realizes that the giant bat is getting very weak.  "Antofer, if you let the dang bat hit you 1 more time, and you will kill the beast with your thorns.  That will get it over woth nice and quick."

 ID# 47553 results:Battle: 4(fail)

 Craft: 11(+1 energy)


Giant bat 8/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit
Giant bat DED dead

Antofer 28/32 | 4 dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 18 Thrns

Tsubasa 32/32 |5dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 9 Thrns

Alric 4/4 | 2dmg | 1/1 energy

Nixon 8/8 | 3dmg | 0/2 emergy

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Nixon, now really getting pissed off swings in the direction of one, an ear shattering crack expels from the whip as the nine-tails of the whip smacks the bat with extraordinary force, each tail cracking on its own. the sound seems like it could rip your ear clean off. the small amount of shards fly off into the air and Nixon jumps back. "Come on Guys lets finish this heathen off."

ID# 47561 Result: Combat 10-1=9 (Critical hit)

Giant bat 7/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit
Giant bat DED dead

Antofer 28/32 | 4 dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 18 Thrns

Tsubasa 32/32 |5dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 9 Thrns

Alric 4/4 | 2dmg | 1/1 energy

Nixon 8/8 | 3dmg | 0/2 emergy

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"Okay this is it!" (for RP purpose I killed the bat with a sword not thorns) Antofer jumps out you cant hide in the dark forever! And cuts the belly of the bad and it falls to the ground and i jump on it and slash it untill it lets out one last cry and dies on the ground bleeding out untill there is nothing left. Antofer looks around the cave, okay i think that was the last one. Did any one see if Alric got the girl? well lets head out of this cave i hate no being able to see....." on the way out Antofer looks but finds nothing to craft with


iD# 47563 results:

 Battle: 8 mob 10 

Giant bat  DED dead
Giant bat DED dead (1 mat loot fail)

Antofer 27/32 | 4 dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 18 Thrns

Tsubasa 32/32 |5dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 9 Thrns

Alric 4/4 | 2dmg | 1/1 energy

Nixon 8/8 | 3dmg | 0/2 emergy


ID# 47565 results: 9 fail to find mat 

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Tsubasa follows the group out of the cave and notices Antifer speaking with the little child.  Both Alric and the child are smiling and laughing.  Tsubasa decides that there is no good reason to get near the girl, but that he needs to tell Alric something.  "Antofer, the child is over this way.  It seems to be doing better than when we were still in the cave... that is optimal."  Tsubasa then quickly bent down and whispered something in Alric's ear, and Alric shook his head in response.  "Whats next Antofer?" Tsubasa asks his friend aloud

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"well I think we head back and collect our reward Antofer smiles nothing left in this cave! Antofer and his group exit the cave with the girl and the mother cried and ran up to embrace her. Antofer feels happy he know its not a real person but he did something good today so all and ill. Good day. Well drinks are on who lets back to the city first" Antofer winks and runs off leaving is group in the dust.

ID# 47571 LD-9 +4 8 25 =

ID# 47572- fail to find sub-dungeon 


Antofer- 2 mats +430 col +2sp
Nixon- 2 +181  col +2sp
Tusbasa- 2 mat +261 col +2 sp
Alric- 181 col 1 mat +2 sp

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