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[PP-F3] Courage at its finest <<Feeding the Enemy>> (Zandra Zvift) {Complete}

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Iri looks around and realizes that it is getting late. "we should probably head back, Alric might get worried." they start walking back and Iri spends the time taking in everything that had happened today, and everything he had learned. he still didn't know what an amusement park was but that was a question for a different day. as they approached the city, Iri looks at Zandra "Thank you again for helping me" he says smiling "I had a lot of fun" he keeps walking toward his Inn. and then turns to wave at zandra. 'today was a good day.'


Zandra - 600col - 1sp - 3 mats

Iri - 200col - 1sp - Nugget (Lion cub) - Title: Lion tamer

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