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[PP-F3] Courage at its finest <<Feeding the Enemy>> (Zandra Zvift) {Complete}

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Iri finds himself on floor 3, wandering around as he normally does. 'I wonder who i can meet today! I cant wait to make new friends.' he thinks as he sits down on a bench as he observes the surrounding. The temperature was warm and the sun was shinning. As Iri sat on the bench he takes in the scenery and the weather. he takes a deep breath 'This is weird' he thinks 'i feel calm... like i am at home here' he smiles equips his Lions Fang (Rapier) and closes his eyes to better take in the heat. 'I wonder what today has in store for me. Maybe i can get a familiar like that one NPC was talking about... who know'

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Zandra had her day off today. Was done with her alchemical brewing. Also Jomei was busy with other stuffs so she guessed she would spend the day as she had started to spend the days more lately. By strolling town of beginning to help new player out if they needed. Thou she wasnt in the mood on beeing with the lowest ones. So she went to floor three today, hopefully she was gonna find someone so she could be of use. She entered the warp gate and a few moments later she was at the teleportation plaza of floor three. She exited the portal. Streatched her arms high in the air and let out a yawn. Then she looked around to see if there was anyone that wanted some company.

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Iri finally opens his eyes and looks around, energy flowing back into him. when he sees a girl come out of the portal. he quickly realizes that he had never met her before and that she may be able to help him. He runs over to her and extends a hand "Hi!" he says excitedly "I'm Iri." upon closer examination he sees her whip and cocks his head trying to contain his energy "You use a whip? That is so cool! I use a rapier" he motions to his rapier "What made you chose whip?" His eyes are full of excitement and energy, as Iri looks up at the woman.

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Zandra havent much more then walked out of the warp gate before she saw a blonde boy coming at her. When he was withhin hearing distance he attacked her with questions.''Ehm.. Its not th... rapier is a pr...'' she couldnt finish a single answer before beeing attacked by another question.''Oh my, youre realy an energic boya.'' she said and gave him a frinedly smile.''By the way, my name is Zandra and its a pleasuer to meet you Iri.'' she said and gave him a small bow.''You seems pretty exited. Is it okay if I ask why? Or maybe youre always this energic and attacks everyone with questions like this.'' she said still smiling and a friendly tone in her voice.

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"I'm sorry, I have never been diagnosed but My brother thinks i have ADHD." he looks up returning the smile "Would you be willing to help me with something? I have a pho...po...pho... fear of being alone so i cant do it by myself. I want to get a familiar so i am never alone." his smile seems to quiver when he mentions being alone. 'I have to stay strong' he stops to thinks to himself. then says to Zandra "Would you be willing to join me?" he looks up hopefully. he leans back slightly, not realizing that he is still on a step and falls over, "Ouch!" he says as he gets back up rubbing his head.

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''Just so you know, Im not have anything against it something like that, just wondered.''Then it seemed that Iri wanted help, he didnt wanted to be alone and because of that he wanted to do the familiar quest. Zandra knew the feeling of the bond between a player and its familiar.''Im gonna help you with finding your familiar. Together we gonna find him or her in no ti...'' she saw the boy starting to lean back.''No stop!'' she shouted to him and quickly reached out her hand to grab him from falling. But she was too late and the boy hitted the ground. Zandra walked down to him and helped him up. He seemed to be fine.''Take it easy there, how do you feel?''

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"Yeah Im okay," Iri says seeming slightly dazed. he shakes his head violently and his expression goes back to normal, as he realizes that Zandra agreed to help him. "Yay, thank you so much!, I'm looking for a lion cub." he says smiling "I mean, my friend Zeri has told me that lions embody courage and i think that that will help me have more courage" he thinks for a second and speaks again "But I'm not entirely sure that lions can live in a prairie, but i think they might." he starts walking toward the prairie and thinks to himself 'Today really is going to be a great day!' He then looks back to Zandra "What brings you to floor 3?"

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Her thougths about him feeling fine was confirmed by his next comment. Thou he looked a little dizzy. Then the boy starts to hail down questions and comments at her with that positive energetic. She let out a giggle."Hihi. A tip, take it easy or you gonna scare away all the lions." She said and winked. When he mentioned he wanted a lion she immediatly remembered her blond froend that had a white lion as familiar. Maybe should ask her where to find it. No, this was his familiar. It wouldnt be the same if someone told you where it was."You know, you maybe think youre not courageus. But as I look at you, Im certain there is a mighty lion inside you. And he going to awake pretty soon."she smiled warmly at him. She had already started to like the boy. The two adventurers exits the town and enters the prairie."Im here for to help someone." She said and pointed at Iri.

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Iri looks around and sees a small pack of Coyotes. Iri equips his rose, bracers, and Rapier. "You think we can..." His speech is interrupted by the howl of the fast approaching Coyotes. 'I guess can we is out of the question' he thinks to himself as he tries to focus in on them. 'I hope i can do Zeri proud'. he prepares himself for a strike. adjusting his stance to better attack a moving target. 'Come on Marcel' he thinks to himself 'you can do this, you are a lion.' he looks at Zandra Zvift and nods, to tell her that she can have the first attack while he tries to focus on one of them. the alpha advancing quicker then the others looked very strong, Iri hoped Zandra would be able to focus on it if he worked on the others.

Zandra Zvift 144/144 HP | 36/36 energy | 12 Dmg | 57 Mit | Hate: 0

Iri 20/20 HP | 5/5 energy | 3 Dmg | 9 Mit | 3 Eva | Hate: 0


Alpha Coyote 72/72 HP | 18 Mit | 7 Dmg

Coyote (1) 10/10 HP | 2 Mit | 6 Dmg

Coyote (2) 10/10 HP | 2 Mit | 6 Dmg

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Zandra was just gonna ask him about what he have been up to until now. But before she could open her mouth she got interrupted by a sound. She turned her head towards where it come from. Three Coyotes came running towards them. There was two normal sized, and one that was sligthly bigger.''Stay behind me Iri.'' she said whithout moving her eyes from the approaching mobs. She placed herself like a wall between the boy and the approaching threath. She started to charge up one of her stronger sword arts, the big one seemed pretty though and there wouldnt be enough with any weak attack on him. When it was only a few meters left she activated the sword art at the same time the big one took a leap. In the air it let our a grawl and its teeths grew bigger and sharper.''Oh my!'' thou it was too late to do anything other then attacking. She aimed with pinpoint accuracy right between his eyes. The attack was strong enough to wipe all its health away. The two smaller ones seemed they wanted to revenge their fallen leader. One of them missed and the others attack got reduced to a mosquito bite.''Your turn Iri.'' she said with a happy face-expression towards him, didnt cared abot the two coyotes that was on way to attack her again.

ID: 47882
BD: 7 Hit 12x9=108-20=88 Damage
MD: 2 Miss
LD: 18+1=19 +400 Col
ID: 47881
MD: 6 Hit 6-57=1 Dmg

Zandra: 147/148 (28/37) H: 1
Iri: 20/20 (5/5) H:0

Alpha Coyote: 0/80 Dmg: 25
Coyote 1: 10/10 Dmg: 6
Coyote 1: 10/10 Dmg: 6

Edited by Zandra Zvift
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"Alright!" Iri said happily and thought to himself 'i got this!' he runs at the coyote. on his way to the coyote, his foot finds a hole that he was unprepared for. He swiftly falls face first into the dirt, but waists no time getting up. He spins himself around ready to try again. 'Come one Marcel, You can do this. Don't let Zeri down!' he thinks and begins to try to focus more clearly on the coyote. he adjusts his stance, and prepares himself for a dodge if necessary. 'If nothing else, i wont let these heathens hit me! I am going to make it my goal to not loose any life this fight!'

ID# 47984 Result: Combat 4 (Fail)

Zandra: 147/148 (28/37) H: 1
Iri: 20/20 (5/5) H:0

Alpha Coyote: 0/80 Dmg: 25
Coyote 1: 10/10 Dmg: 6
Coyote 1: 10/10 Dmg: 6

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Zandra saw the boy going in for the attack. A smile on her face and ''come on, you can do it!'' towards him. Thou his foot got stuck in a hole and he falls forward, planting his face in the ground. She looked at him when he walked back to try again.''No worries Iri. I'll hold them back, try again when you feel ready.'' the first one jumped up at her with open jaws. By reflex she strikes him with a simple sword art, making it explode into crystals. Thou the other had circled her bit her leg from behind.''Heya, what are you doin'? You gonna scratch the polish.''she says and stared at the last coyote.

ID: 47990
BD: 10 Crit +2 14x1x2=28-2=26 Damage
MD: 8 Hit 6-57=1 Damage
LD: 4+1=5 Fail

Zandra: 146/148 (27/37) H: 3
Iri: 20/20 (5/5) H:0

Alpha Coyote: 0/80 Dmg: 25 DEAD
Coyote 1: 0/10 Dmg: 6 DEAD
Coyote 2: 10/10 Dmg: 6

Edited by Zandra Zvift
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Iri nods, and raises he sword and activates hie <<Rip Ravine>> Sword art. He flies forward not focused on the Coyote. His blade flies in the V pattern and he swiftly jumps back "You can kill it if you'd like" he says to Zandra smiling. "You need not worry about me" he prepares himself for another attack, in case she decides not to attack them. 'Yeah, we got this!' he says to himself as he continues his focus. he adjusts his footing to better prepare for his attack, should it be necessary. 'I really do love this game' he thinks to himself 'It has opened up my world so much!'

ID# 47993 Result: Combat 7+1=8 (Success) [3*2-2=4dmg]

Zandra: 146/148 (27/37) H: 3
Iri: 20/20 (3/5) H:1

Alpha Coyote: 0/80 Dmg: 25 DEAD
Coyote 1: 0/10 Dmg: 6 DEAD
Coyote 2: 6/10 Dmg: 6

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This time the boys strike hits home. thou since he is kinda low leveled, the attack didnt dealt that much. Zandra gave him a smile when he said she could kill it.''Yeah, maybe thats best. After all, we are not here to fight right? We are here to find you a friend that you can talk to anytime, and he or she will be there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on or just fill your day with joy by playing with it.'' She said, knowing the feeling of having what the boy was here to accomplish. So she charged up a sword art and made one swing with her whip, turning the second coyote to crystals.''There. So where should we go next?''

ID: 48314
BD: 5+2=7 Hit 12x2=24-2=22 Damage
MD: Dead before action
LD: 15+1=16 +1 material

Zandra: 146/148 (26/37)
Iri: 20/20 (3/5)

Alpha Coyote: 0/80 Dmg: 25 DEAD
Coyote 1: 0/10 Dmg: 6 DEAD
Coyote 2: 0/10 Dmg: 6 DEAD

Edited by Zandra Zvift
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"um..." iri looks around and sees a cub "what about that one?" he somewhat to himself as he walks over to the cub and holds out the food and the cub eats it happily. a 'name" screen appears in front of Iri he enters 'Nugget' into the bar and returns to Zandra. "It likes me!" he says happily as he leans over to per the lion cub. "Thank you for helping me!" he says to Zandra smiling. "What do you want to do now?" he is visibly  excited, and proud to get his familiar. He feeds Nugget some more food as they walk

ID# 48392 Result: Loot 16 (Success, No bonus)

+ Familiar (Lion Cub - Nugget)

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Zandra look at Iri when he is feeding the lion cub. A warm smile on her lips. Well, maybe its time for it to get a friend, she thougth to herself. Then she let out a high-pitched wissle. The boy asked her what she wanted to do now, thou she just stood still and looked up at the sky. It was all completly silent. After half a minute something broke the silence. A eagle-cry echoed over the prarie. A smile on her face, from ear to ear.''Iri, I know its pretty soon but, her is a friend to your cub.'' A graciou shadow blocked the sun, an eagle slowly flew down towards them on its mighty wings. It landed on Zandras shoulder and let out another cry while looking at her. Then it turned its head towards Iri and looked at him with a her wise eyes and let out another cry, like saying hi, nice to see you.''This is Zita.''




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Iri looks at the bird with awe "Wow" he says interested "That's an awesome familiar! Hi Zita" he says happily before looking at nugget "Go on nugget, say hello to your new friend!" he smiles, as Nugget slowly walks up to the eagle, and looks at it as if to say Hi, Im nugget. Iri looks at nugget happily and thinks to himself 'we are going to be great friends nugget, just you wait! I cant wait to show alric, maybe this will convince him to leave the inn and level up! Oh and Jiro will be excited to see it too.' he looks around and then back to Zandra "I wonder what Nuggets personality is like" he says thoughtfully "How long did it take you to learn Zita's?

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Zita and Nugget seemed to get along just fine, even when they just met a few moments ago. Maybe thats something with familiars, after all they have the same programmer. Then the young boy asked her how long it took for her to learn Zita.''Hmm... It actually took quite awhile. Since back in the real world, when I was young, I often went to a zoo on my free-time. There I started to grow a relationship with one of the animals there. It was an eagle. When I decided to go for the familiar quest,I knew what my familiar would look like. I did found eagles before Zita, thou they wasnt quite right, so I keeped searching. I was only gonna do it once and then I wanted it to be right. You are realy lucky you found yours so quick.'' Zandra explained and gave the youngling another smile.

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Iri listens to Zandra thoroughly. when she says 'zoo' he looks very confused. once she is done he asks her "Whats a zoo?" he look confused at the word, not even sure if he is saying it right. 'Alric never told me about a zoo...' he thinks to himself 'It must have something to do with animals....' he looks at her waiting for a response. Nugget and zita come back over to the two of them and iri sits down next to nugget, petting the small lion cub. nugget nuzzles up against Iri, and iri smiles. 'he is so cute' he thinks to himself. 'I cant wait to truly learn you'

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''Wait what? You dont know what a zoo is?'' Zandra said before she could hide her surpringly tone in her voice. She thougth everyone knew what a zoo was.''Well, its a place you can go to, like an amusement park, but with animals. There you can walk around and look at different animals in their right environment but alot of species at the same place. They do live in captivity, thou the personal that take cares of them to love them and gives them a life as good as possible.'' she went silent and thougth back at the real world. Where the real world eagle Zita had been her closest and almost only friend. Well, before she entred SAO of course. She looked back at Iri with a smile, but only with her mouth. In her eyes, there was nothing else then sad memories.

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