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[SP-F4] His Own Long Awaited Return (Complete)

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'You can do it... Your almost there Lawfer.' The man continually thought to himself as he remained at top speed while running towards Snowfrost Village. As the faint lights began to come into view, Lawfer smiled. 'Its there, only a little more. Keep going, go past your limits.' He thought once more, too busy sprinting to utter the words. As he passed the gates into the safe zone, he stopped. Sliding a good four feet before catching his footing properly. As the NPC's and other players noticed him, he quickly put his head down. 'Well that was a bit emarrassing, gotta work on my stopping next time. Good thing I didn't know any of them.' He continued to think to himself as he began walking to the center of town. As he passed the wandering forge, and his studio he looked around. He didn't feel like he needed to be any of these places right now. 'Maybe I should go to Nimbus. I might be able to find her there.' As he made his way to the telportation crystal, he raised his hand. "Nimbus..." he said loudly, a moment later he was engulfed in light and teleported away.

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