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[SP-F1] Mat Gatherin' for a Friend!

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Hikoru gripped his new Dagger, the Eclipse of Shadows, and continued out the gate. He had talked to a friend that had made his Amulet, and she was in great need of Materials. He jumped at the chance and said yes, feeling happy to help her. He walked out of her shop and appeared on the first floor, and got ready to go mat gathering for awhile. Whether it be fighting Mobs or just looking for materials that were lying around the area around him. He scratched his Familiar's chin and walked out of the gate happily

"Alright bud, let's get to hunting!" He said with a large smile plastered on his face. He continued to walk out, smiling and entering the fields, and he was soon surrounded by an ocean of green grass and nothing but air around him. He breathed and went in the direction of a place that he had never explored yet, and decided to start there

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Hikoru continued to search for some Materials. He was planning on starting by just searching around first, but plans could change very easily based on what he found or not. He searched around, hoping that something could easily be found in the fields around him. But as he searched around, he struggled in finding one, and he sighed and he continued to move forward to see if he could complete this mission quickly

ID: 48992

LD: 6+2= 8 No Loot

Materials Acquired: 0

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Hikoru continued to search the area around him, using his Search Skill and hoping that it could help him, along with his new Pendant. He continued to scour, his familiar now off his shoulder and searching around as well, attempting to help him. He laughed as the small creature scuttled around and searched the area, then he focused back and continued to look. But sadly, he couldn't find anything. He sighed sadly and continued to search with his familiar, hoping to find something

ID: 49002

LD: 4+2= 6 No Loot

Materials Acquired: 0 

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Hikoru continued to search, giving the area one last change at finding something. As he searched, he watched as his familiar looked as well, and laughed a bit at how adorable he as acting. He sighed and focused back to the main world once more, hoping to find some materials. But as he looked, he noticed 3 boars standing idly by. He sent a tempest of air towards them, finishing them off in one attack, and smiled as he did so. He came and picked up the materials they dropped, and continued to search.

ID: 49009

BD: 6+3= 9 (Hit)

Hikoru used Round Accel: 2x1=2x6=12 Damage to Boars

Hikoru: 68/68 HP 13/17 NRG

Boar: 0/12

Boar: 0/12

Boar: 0/12

Material's Acquired: 3

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Hikoru continued to search, giving the area one last chance to find Materials before he moved on. He was about done with this area, as all he had found was a few boars and took a good chunk of his energy with it. He knew he couldn't fight for long, as he was so low on energy and he had no way to regain it but to stay out of combat and hunt for materials. He sighed and got low to the ground, scouring the ground around him to see if he could find any Material at all. Hikoru smiled as he found a Material lying on the ground nearby, and he went and picked it up, placing it into his inventory and continuing to search

ID: 49029

LD: 16+2= 18

Acquired Materials: 4

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