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[SP-F1] A Whole New World (Complete)

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Evander ran through the dark forest. Night had fallen, and he could hear beasts, hidden in the brush, all around him. His heart began to beat faster and faster in apprehension. If he stopped or slowed for even a moment, he could very well die, as a myriad of monsters roamed the woods at night and wouldn't oppose an easy meal. An owl screeched overhead, and Evander jumped. He began to sprint, tree branches whipping his arms and leaving small red trails in his skin as he sped in a direction that he wasn't even sure had safety. The canopy was so thick that the moon's feeble rays could not shine through. Evander thought he could see faintly glowing eyes in the darkness all around him, yellow, red, green, all staring at him. Fear built up in him as he rushed through the woods. Why did that fight with the Little Nepent have to take so long? Evander despaired. He could hear growling at his back, and pushed himself to run even faster. He was going to die tonight, wasn't he, oh no, he was going to die, his vow to the fallen souls at the Monument of Life had been for naught, he was going to die, he was never going to see the sun or the sky again, he wasn't going to see his family again, he was going to- Evander tripped over a root and tumbled down an incline. He knew he was doomed. What little vision he had in the darkness was going blurry and began to recede. He was going to die. Evander finally rolled to a stop against a wall (wall?) in a village of light. The last thing he saw before everything went black was a few blurry figures from the village rushing towards his bleeding body.

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