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[PP-F3] Is this Santa's minion? <<Worn Out Welcome>> (Sierra)

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Hikoru walked around his home on the third floor, where his shop, Trinkets and Drink-Its was located. He had heard of a small shop that was giving away a free set of leather or heavy armor, as long as he provided the materials that were needed. He did like appraising, and the more EXP he had, the closer he was to becoming the best Merchant in the game. He sighed and started to move towards the direction of the shop, a small sigh escaping his lips. He heard a small squeak, and felt his Familiar pace back and forth on his shoulders, wanting to explore the town. He game a small smile and leaned down on one knee, putting his right hand to the ground. With a squeak, his Ferret Familiar, Sutetchi, crawled over and scuttled down his arm to the ground. He gave a small smile and got up slowly

"Stay close bud, I don't want to lose you." He said. The Familiar squeaked in response and continued to explore the area around him, checking every nook and cranny that he was able to get to. He slowly followed and stayed close as Hikoru continued slowly towards the shop, prepared to find a few materials for some new armor to Appraise at his shop

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Sierra was managed to get this far already, not a hard task with the fact that their were no major fights for her to maneuver up the floors thankfully groups before her had already slain the boss. She started walking forward till she realized that she really ought to start getting the hold of how to fight in this game least of all with her sword that she finally managed to navigate to. Equipping was simpler as soon as you knew the steps to make it through the menu and have done it a few times in practice. The girl hadn't planned to be in this game but such was an advantage when you were asked about fighting styles for a game. She just hadn't expected to be locked away after helping test out and see how realistic they were. A groan escaped her lips as she began to massage her arm complacently. "You always do manage to get yourself all turned around now don't you Sierra." Her dialogue heavily influenced by the Russian mannerism that was her accent.

She blinked at a man who seemed to have charmed an animal companion before waving him down, "'Scuze me sir I was wondering if you could help me out. I've turn round myself and seemed to have mistaken by own judgment on directions." She queried.


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Hikoru saw a small girl trying to get his attention, and he came over, and soon she asked about helping her out. He gave her a small nod, then turned and whistled, gaining the attention of the Familiar. Sutetchi picked his head up, the came running over to Hikoru. He bent down and put his arm to the ground, and the small familiar crawled along his arm and onto his shoulder. He smiled and stood, brushing the small amount of dirt pixels from his leg and turned back to the girl

"Of course." He said politely "Where do you need to go? I know this town like the back of my hand, seeing as I live here." he said with a small laugh. He had put his shop here months ago, and ever since then he had taken the time to learn every nook and cranny of this town. He gave a small laugh as he looked at the sun for a moment, then turned back to the girl, waiting for a responce

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She pondered this now placing a finger to his chin, "Well recently I have been in search of the mission board or just a shop where I could buy some new equipment as I am still getting the hang of all of this. Where would you suggest that I find some new weapons and armor?" She asked peeking over toward the man still uncertain if she was really wishing to buy new equipment yet. She was still quite bad at this game and had no intention in having herself fail this early on in her own career. "What would you suggest to the beginners?"

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Hikoru nodded as the girl asked for a Quest, or a place of armor that she could use. Luckily, he knew where she could get two birds with one stone. He gave her a nod and motioned for her to follow him, pointing to a shop that was up ahead

"I have a quest that may just suit what your looking for." He said with a large smile. He looked at his familiar and scratched his chin, giving the small creature a bit of attention before he had to go and do this quest. He walked over to the store and held the door open like a gentlemen, letting the other player pass before going into the building himself, coming to the NPC character

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"Thank you mister," she stated calmly now watching as he led the way into the place which armor was being sold, honestly she was working out the plans of being a healer at the moment and she had little skills to do so on her own. Least of all her appearance that didn't help with the helpless vibe. "It's a beautiful creature, would you mind if I pet it, or does he mind?" she questioned now peering over it as she saw them walking up into the building as she sighed and looked around uncertain of what she should really be going after. "What would you suggest?"

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Hikoru heard the girl chime about his Familiar, and at the word "pet" his Familiar scooted tried to get near the girl. He laughed and held his arm out, and the Familiar scooted along until it came close to the girl and waited to be pet. He gave the girl a nod, and waited for her to pet his Familiar as he turned to the NPC player

"I hear you have a Quest for some armor?" He asked. The NPC nodded silently, it's arms crossed and a tiny window appeared. He clicked accept and it asked for the color scheme of the armor. He looked back to the girl with a small smile "What do you want your armor to look like? what colors?"

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  • 2 months later...

Sierra glanced over to the man sighing as a shrug rolled over her shoulders as she realized her build involved primarily acting as the healer for her companions. "Frankly it might be stupid I'm just a simple healer at this point, I once had thoughts of being a damage dealer but since I got married in this game," softly murmuring and glancing back to the animal companion. Her finger raising up to it and stroking the head as it hopped over to work with her. She then glanced down as recently she found herself unable to prevent a recent patch that kept the virtual arm on the right side. Regardless she didn't attempt to maneuver it much as it primarily remained limp and lifeless as it would have been in the real world. "I would like it to be A dark black or purple."

Edited by Sierra
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Hikoru nodded and turned back to the NPC and gave him a nod and nodded towards the girl, then the NPC gave a nod back, and the HUB screen popped up, with the Quest written on it. He accepted, then nodded for the girl to go out the door he was holding open

"Let's head out and get this done." he said as he waited for the young player to walk behind him. His familiar seemed interested in the girl, and continued to stare, not wanting to take his eyes off her. He squeaked to be pet by her again, and Hikoru just sighed and scratched his chin, doing his best to calm him down, breathing and waiting for the young girl to exit the shop so they can continue forward

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Sierra began to sway back and forth as she groaned uncomfortably no the third floor, frankly she preferred the fourth while she was here and when she was on the fourth she preferred the fifth. "Agreed, I'm getting tired of just standing here aimlessly I need to have more adventure in my life. Especially without her," She winced feeling guilty for making such a comment about her own beloved as she now wandered in sliding an arm between Hik's body and arm. Exiting the shop and staying upon his arm she would allow him to lead the way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hikoru felt the girl grab onto him, and sighed as she did. She seemed to be off balance, and he needed to be her sort of pillar of strength. He breathed and held her up, making sure that she could continue to walk with him into the wilderness. He breathed and stopped for a moment, then let her go and leaned down, holding his arms out with a small smile

"Come on, lets make it so it's easier for you to walk around." He said with a small laugh. He was ready to finish this quest easily, he just had to help this girl get there. He breathed and waited for her to hop onto his back or his shoulders, whichever she chose, and hoped that he would have enough endurance to keep holding her, and she had enough balance to keep onto his shoulders

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