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[OP-F1] Be Strong, And Get Vengance

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Okay, game plan. Get as much levels as possible, mabye get with a party, and clear this dang floor!... I had said this to myself so many times, it had not even gotten funny anymore. I had took another deep breath. I've been here a month now, And i have not died yet. I was proud. All that spun in my mind was killing that damned Shadow, that I believe trapped us in this game. It was about 3:00 and I was walking around the town just to think. I had been level 30, and I'm still not strong enough. All I could think was train, but today, I won't. I had watched all of the people who had just accepted life here.... Have they just given up? Do they even care anymore? - The thought had bobbled in my head. I was looking for at least one person, to just be familiar with. I munched on a piece of bread with cream, and just looked around. No matter how much I hate being trapped here - Don't get me wrong, It's a Beautiful world here. But I needed to get out.

W-What the... I saw a woman about to be tackled by a man, I had no idea why. Hey! Get away from her! I screamed. He replied, I Want something from her. Leave me alone, kid. Very angry, I replied Leave her alone! Last chance! He gave me a look, and had seen me reach for my sword.  This is a safe zone. Can't hurt me, little one! I had ran for him, then I said Well, I can still scare the hell out of you! I ran to him, and knocked him out. I was shocked at what I done, But I started to feel proud because the woman smiled at me. She replied "Thank you, so very much! He wanted to rob me for my Col and.. That's all I will say! Here, take this!"  This was just some worn out boots, that meant nothing to me at all. But I smiled at her and told her it was no problem and kept the boots. Now, I wanted to fight more, I wanted to defeat the first floor. I need a guild, or even a party member. Just one. But, who could I trust, or what guild?


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Hydra trudged through the streets, he was soaked through and cold from his tumble in a river earlier in the morning, but otherwise in a good mood. *Yawn* "Hey it's the daydreamer, wonder how his training is getting along", a bystander croaked. Hydra continued walking but gave a light smile to the villager as he passed by. He was quite bored, the sights of floor one were begging to get tiresome to look at day after day, but he knew it was wise to at least prepare for floor 2. The sound of cries echoed from behind, the spearman glanced over his shoulder and saw some sort of street squabble, a player by the looks of things was already dealing with the problem. Should I go check what's going on? the thought lingered for a few moments, Actually from what I remember an Artisan's workshop is in that direction, I was going to go check it out see if it was a good job to take up *sighs*... may aswell then. He turned around and began walking towards the other player.

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Hydra stopped just in front of the stranger, he picked up on the nervous tone in her voice. "Haha, hi, i'm fine. I didn't mean to worry you I just noticed that you knocked the man out over there, and wanted to check if everything was okay." The spearman smiled lightly at the girl, he hadn't meant to make her nervous. "Anyway seems you have dealt with the issue..." Hydra zoned out for a moment, thinking of what to say next.. "My name's Hydra, although most people in this villager know me as the 'Daydreamer, do you have a name?"  

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I had been a bit at ease now, but I was still suspicious. I won't ever be able to trust anyone again, really. Just then, I realized the meeting to take down floor one was going to happen very soon. I replied What a nice name and.. Nickname! It sounds great. I have to wonder off now.. The floor one meeting take down thing? Ever heard of it? Well, I have to go.. If you please, you can go there too! I felt as if I were flirting with him. I hope he does not think I like him. I mean, he looks like a cool guy to be freinds with, But no liking here. I smiled warmly.

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Hydra stood looking slightly puzzled at what the girl was asking, "Um, no I can't say I have heard about it, last I knew of though the front lines were up around floor 14 though, most things you'll find down here are boars and.. well that's all I know of really." Hydra paused for a moment, then realized he was suppose to be looking at learning a profession. "Im sorry for interrupting you anyway, I don't want to take up anymore of your time.. Good luck with your adventures". Hydra smiled as he passed the player, and continued walking down the street, the sun reflecting gently off the tip of his spear, *now where is that Artisans* he pondered to himself.

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 I thought for a second, and realized the stupid thing I'd said. Defeat floor 1? I was supposed to say train to defeat floor 14! I've been saying floor one all day now! I face palmed and ran to get more gear from embarassment. Ugh, why do I have to be so dumb? I had mumbled. 

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