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[SP-F3] <<Worn Out Welcome>>

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It was an early day. The birds were singing their finest songs and the roses were dancing and opening their petals. The sky was bright and the trees swaying to the movement of the wind. But who is that? Who is that running down the streets of the third floor in a early morning. A little boy with a bowl hair cut? Ah, indeed... He seems like a boy on a mission... A lad with potential running with fierce determination. You don't see one of these lately. His mind and heart seemed set to finish what he had set out to do... But what had he set out to do? In the midst of the vast land, what was his goal? Does he want to be strong... Or does he want to help the front liners escape this imprisoned, cursed land? Who will know... But in the end, he shall reach his goal or he shall die trying.

Comet sneezed. It seemed like someone was talking about him in the background. However, a sneeze was not going to stop him from getting this quest completed as quickly as possible. Comet had heard that an NPC crafter was crafting for newer players and is even giving out a quest with the reward being armor and skill points. As someone that desprately needed these precious skill points, Comet was not going to refuse such an offer. With a smile, he forcefully pushed the door to the shop open and saw the shop owners. "Good morning boy... What is it that you seek?" The old man said with a friendly smile in greetings.

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"Uhm. I am looking for a new armor that you guys are offering to newer players." Comet said, looking down at his armor, realizing that it wouldn't be good if they noticed that he was wearing good armor. The old lady seemed not to have noticed the fact that Comet had a perfect armor on... Or maybe she just didn't care. It was most likely the first option as the woman was definitely someone that had a kind mood and aura surrounding her. She seems really, really nice. Comet thought and around her, Comet couldn't help but smile. However, that was when an intimidating man began to speak. His name was Griswold, the master tailor of the world of Aincrad. Perhaps one of the best tailors around, even in comparison to the player tailors. It was a shame that the game doesn't really let players come here for their armor goods.

"Young sir, we must require that you tell us exactly what you need from us so we can craft for you. What armor type do you seek?" The intimidating Griswold replied to Comet's comment.

Comet had not prepared an answer as honestly he didn't even care. The armor would probably be donated to a new player when he does get one because there was no point for him to have it with him. He was fine with any armor and his purpose here was soley to obtain that special skill point bonus that he so needed in order to catch up to the other players that were way ahead of him.

"I guess leather armor would be good if you can craft them." Comet replied and immediately, he was responded with a heavy laugh from Griswold as his old wife looked at him adoringly.

"Who do you think we are? We can craft anything! With that, the man walked into the back of the shop." After a few seconds, however, Comet could hear a loud gulp from the back. "Gah- We're out of materials!!!!!!!"

Edited by Comet
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Of course, it was never a good sign when a shopkeeper runs out of materials and if it was a human-run shop, then Comet would've been outta there in a few seconds. However, he knew that this was programmed to happen even though he had no idea that so much comedy would be placed into the game for this quest. Just the man's presence and personality was enough to make someone laugh and Comet had to try very hard to not burst out laughing at the foolish and rash personality of the tough old shopkeeper. As Griswold freaked out in the back of the room, the old wife that he possesses turned to Comet and began to speak.

"Young one... We would love to craft for you but it seems as if our stock has suddenly magically run out. Too bad that my husband is too old to venture out and get materials. Please help us young one... And we will craft for you." Hanna said, gently pulling hand motions that matched perfectly with her tone and voice.

Soon enough, a pop-up screen appeared in front of Comet that said "ACCEPT QUEST?" and of course, this was what Comet had been waiting for. He had been waiting for this screen and now, he confidently pressed hard on the check box which stated that he was prepared for adventure and prepared to defeat the witch that he knew awaited him from rumors.

"Ah... Let me inform you on where to go, young sir. In this land, there is a mysterious, dark place by the name of Forest of Wavering Mists where screams could be heard and ghosts could be seen. Within that forest, there is a nameless witch with a pretty face that turns into one of monstrosity when angered. Through the day, she is asleep and at night, she ventures out for prey. You must catch her while she is asleep for she is weak during that time. Kill her and bring back the <<Witch's Tears>> drop that will be necessary for me to craft your armor with. Now, brave one, be safe and head out for I must calm Griswold of his angers." The lady described with utmost descriptions that amazes even Comet. I didn't understand most of that... But this sounds like fun! He thought and without another word, he has set out. "Bye! Don't worry! I'll be back soon."

Edited by Comet
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Through the night, a boy walks in delight

His feet trudged through the land, his eyes filled with sight

He plans to kill the evil witch, and before the frightening night

Could cast out among the world, and he would have an easy fight

To kill the witch is his goal, so he can make things right


"Geez... It sure is cold here." Comet said, shivering and hugging himself as the mist grew heavier and heavier and so did his eyelids. He taken a few detours as he came here but he didn't realize how much time that took. It was the evening and he needed to find the witch before night time... Or he might be in trouble as he would be against a very, very over-powered witch. Sure, it was interesting for him and his sense of adventure wanted to see what the stronger witch was like but he needed to get this over with as soon as possible. It was still early in the evening and there would be plenty of time for him to search through the land of green pastures. "Why do I have a feeling that I'm being watched?" Comet asked, sulking in fright and looking around to see if he could maybe spot something that was stalking him but to no victory was his attempt.

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