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[PP-F1] Gotto Cover Oneself Up! <<Earning a Living>> (Shira) [Complete]

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“Thank you! And once we have our armour, we should actually work on improving our light armour skill. Otherwise, it is useless and we do not get any benefit from it. I think we need to level up a little further before we can do that. There must be a few easy quests that we can complete now that we are of higher level. We should look for them. But right now… Let’s just celebrate. Drinks on me. To the nearest inn.” He walked towards the closest inn with newfound vigour. He was happy that he had become a tailor and is now capable of crafting armours for both himself and Shira. He would start that the next day, along with finding a way to open a shop.

~Thread Complete~


Thread Summary

Hataki: +2 SP | 200 Col | +4 Mats | Extra Mats (GM Roll)
Shira: +1 SP | 200 Col | +2 Mats | 1 Rare item 


Edited by Hataki
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