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[PP-F1] Sew, a Needle Pulling Thread

Guest Furia

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Guest Furia

OOC: Be ready @Xion, Furia's comin'...

"Gather your materials and I will teach you how to be a tailor," the NPC Tailor said. Furia simply nodded her head, tapped a finger in front of her to accept the quest, and then exited from the shop. Quickly, her purple eyes scanned the list of materials that were needed for her to become a tailor. Obviously, this was going to require some combat on her part. That meant that bringing along a bodyguard would be a good thing. Someone to do the killing for her, to get hit by mobs for her, and to help make sure she still got Skill Points. It was the best, and safest way. Goals could not be accomplished if one was killed, that was a simple fact of life. As the violet haired woman wandered the streets of the Town of Beginnings she kept a sharp eye out for a likely companion.

Ah, yes, that one would do nicely.

"I require your assistance," Furia said, marching directly up to the long haired man. At his level, there was nothing on this floor that he would have needed to worry about. That meant that there would be nothing that she would need to worry about if he tagged along either. "I need to gather materials to receive tailor training," Furia continued, crossing her arms beneath her chest which had the effect of nicely boosting everything up and out. She was also careful to move in such a way that it would seem that the movement was completely natural. "If someone with your skill comes along, this shouldn't take too long." Without even waiting for Xion's response, Furia dropped her arms and then held up one finger from her right hand, tapping through menus and sending Xion a party request.

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Xion had been walking around in the town of beginnings for a while, he had no guild assignments and his shop had been closed for...well months. The tank sighed as he looked up at the clouds of aincrad, admiring how life like and beautiful they looked, from their colour to shape it all seemed natural, and he became lost in a small moment of bliss. 'That one looks like a cat...I wonder how my cats are doing without me... and that one...it looks like a shield, huh' he thought to himself, smiling as he did...well until someone turned up. 


"I require your assistance..." the tank heard, turning to look at the pink haired girl, or should I say woman, that had asked the question. She was a little taller than Xion, and her arms were folded in such a way that...certain parts of her anatomy were exaggerated. 'Huh...she's just like Opal when I first met her...' the tank thought, although such things didn't work that well on him, as Opal had put it the boy had a 'paladin like sense of honour' but he didn't mind. "I assume you're doing earning a living then...and you need someone to tank while you gather materials from local mobs...?" he asked with a smile. 


Before the tank knew it he had received a  party request. "Furia...that's a nice name..." he said, accepting the quest. "Well, I am Xion of the knights of the blood oath and a tank, at your service" he said with a smile. 

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Guest Furia

"Precisely," Furia replied, answering Xion with a single word response. There was no need to get further into detail than that. She had stated she needed a tank. He had correctly surmised the reason. There was nothing more to say on the topic. However, then the tank mentioned another little tidbit of information. That he was a part of something called "the Knights of the Blood Oath. This bore further investigation. Perhaps this group, or guild if that's what it was, could be turned to her advantage. Dropping her arms from across her chest after Xion had accepted the party request, since there was no longer a need to display her charms quite so prominently, Furia began marching off in the direction of the nearest gate that led out of the town.

"What are the Knights of the Blood Oath? Also, do you have any low-level equipment you're no longer using," Furia asked, moving through the crowd and occasionally elbowing or shoving people out of her way. Now that a course of action was decided upon, it was time to get moving. More working, less time wasting. "The newb gear in SAO is some of the worst I've ever seen in a MMORPG, VR or otherwise. All of this gear is garbage," she continued, indicating her started clothing. "It only has one use, and it's not even that good for that use."

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Xion sighed as the woman marched with surprising speed towards one of the town gates. "Yep...just like Opal" he said with a sigh before following her, his armour making a large amount of noise as he did. "What are the Knights of the blood oath? Also, do you have any low level equipment you're no longer using" the pink-head? Asked before moaning about SAO's starter gear, sure it wasn't the best but it was better than nothing. "I'll have to see if I have some spare equipment in my shop, don't expect anything marvellous, anything on there was made a long time ago. And as for the Knights of the blood oath, were one of the largest and strongest guild in SAO currently, mainly because my old Guild, the Crimson blades of which I was seneschal merged with it. While we don't have the best players in the game we do boast several powerful front line players who had contributed to numerous boss raids" he said, makings sure not to disclose any...sensitive information about the guild or it's members, he didn't know what this woman's intentions were, but the tank wasn't convinced that they were innocent. 



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Guest Furia

"Anything is better than this gear," Furia replied, elbowing another NPC out of her path as she passed through one of the many gateways that led into and out from the Town of Beginnings. "There's a reason why it's beginner's gear, after all," she continued, moving off into the fields surrounding the town while she kept her purple eyes peeled for anything that looked like it might give her some of the materials that she needed. After several minutes of looking around and peering through the grasses that constituted the field she finally spotted a small group of boar. "How about those four boar over there," she asked, pointing a finger in the direction of the small little group. "If you think they work, feel free to go and attack since you'll need to draw aggro."

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ID: 51392 

BD: 7 (4DMG/hit) 

MD: 2 (fail) 


"I guess" the tank said in response before he watched the girl roughly push an NPC out of her way "be careful, one of these day an NOC will set off a harassment warning if you do that..." He said with a sigh before walking with the girl out onto the glorious fields of floor one, memories of his first hunting trip on this floor came back to him: good times. 


"How about those four boar over there?" The girl asked, pointing at a small group of boars, to which Xion nodded, equipping his golden spear and hulking, wide shield. "I'll open with an AOE to get them all focused on me, you focus on one at a time" he said before charging into the beasts, his spear glowing as he activated his Haymaker sword art, the pole arm sweeping through all four boars and Knocking them to the ground, they had no chance to retaliate. 


Boar#1 (27/28) [Target: Xion] 

Boar#2 (27/28) [Target: Xion] 

Boar#3 (27/28) [Target: Xion] 

Boar#4 (27/28) [ Target: Xion]

(All boars have 7 MIT) 

Xion (56/56) (10/13EN) 

Furia (4/4?) (1/1EN?) (unsure about your stats as I am on mobile, tell me and I will correct them if need be)

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Guest Furia

ID: 51404
BD: 5 (Miss)

Xion (56/56) (10/13EN)
Furia (4/4) (0/1EN)

Boar#1 (27/28) [Target: Xion]
Boar#2 (27/28) [Target: Xion]
Boar#3 (27/28) [Target: Xion]
Boar#4 (27/28) [ Target: Xion]
(All boars have 7 MIT) 

Furia watched through violet colored eyes as Xion went to work doing his part of the job. Which was drawing the attention of the small herd of boar that they were fighting. Somehow, the purple haired girl doubted he would be so pleased if she were to clunk him in the back of the head with her whip. Reaching down to her right hip, Furia drew the whip she had received from Mack the Blacksmith, the Killer Bee. Apparently, it had a wicked sting. Drawing her arm back, Furia sent the lash of the whip zipping out in the direction of one of the boars, but it missed and only went off with a crack like a gunshot over the boar's head.

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(You regen one EN per turn you know :D ) 

ID: 51405 

BD: 3 (miss) 

MD: 3 (miss) 

Xion's head snapped in the direction of the whip crack that he heard. "So she's a whip user...interesting..." He said to himself, the tank had heard about the new weapons but never seen them in action. 


He then focused on the boars again, they seemed to have learned that spacing out was the best idea, and they were right. He couldn't reliably hit them with an AOE, so instead thrusted his spear in the direction of one of the MOBs, missing. But as the board counter attacked they too did nothing, their tusks scraping uselesly against his armour, but sadly not activating his thorns. 


Boar#1 (27/28) [Target: Xion] 

Boar#2 (27/28) [Target: Xion] 

Boar#3 (27/28) [Target: Xion] 

Boar#4 (27/28) [ Target: Xion]

(All boars have 7 MIT) 

Xion (56/56) (9/13EN) 

Furia (4/4) (1/1EN)

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Guest Furia

OOC: Xion, your siggy needs a spoiler in it... that sucker is massive. Also, I just drew 2 Hate... you'd best not get me killed.

ID: 51415
BD: 10 (+2 Crit)

[H:1] Xion (56/56) (10/13EN)
[H:2] Furia (4/4) (0/1EN) +1, -1

Boar#1 (26/28) [Target: Xion] (6-7=1 DMG)
Boar#2 (27/28) [Target: Xion]
Boar#3 (27/28) [Target: Xion]
Boar#4 (27/28) [ Target: Xion]
(All boars have 7 MIT) 

As the boars moved to surround Xion and attack him Furia allowed herself a small smile. Everything was going perfectly. The boars were attacking Xion, so there was really no danger that they would turn and attack her. Which was good since she suspected that they could all one hit her. Drawing her right arm back again, Furia sent the business end of Killer Bee snaking out. This time, it connected with one of the boars... and dealt a single point of damage to the creature's health pool. Typical. What the purple haired woman wasn't expecting was for that to cause all of the boars to turn and face her as they began to paw the ground. "Now would be a good time to do that tank thing!"

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OOC: yeah I know, need to find a way of removing the video. Also if we're doing this properly only the boar that you attacked is going to be attacking you, don't worry.

ID: 51437

BD: 8 (hit, PAR activated) 

MD: 7 (hit) 


Xion sighed as he watched the Pinkette enrage the boars with a single strike. "Funny...only one should be angry..." He said with a frown, before deciding that now was not the time to be worrying about such things. As the creatures began their charge Xion leapt in front of them, protecting Furia. "No you dont" he said before impaling the boar that Furia attacked, electricity arcing from the spear to the boar before it went limp. One down. 


The rest then charged at Xion, the tank intercepting every attack with his shield, the boars being punished severely by his thorns. 

(-14 from thorns on three boars) 

Boar#1 (25/ 28) [Target: Xion] 

Boar#2 (13/28) [Target: Xion] 

Boar#3 (13/28) [Target: Xion] 

Boar#4 (13/28) [ Target: Xion]

(All boars have 7 MIT) 

Xion (53/56) (9/13EN) 

Furia (4/4) (0/1EN)

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