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[SP-F1] Bring down the Frying pan <<Earning a Living>>

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It was a bright and sunny day in AinCrad. Sitting in one of the Inn, Husky was sipping on his cup of hot wild daisy tea, while reading on the news paper in order to search for a job. "Hmm... I wonder if I should become a cook or a blacksmith? I mean, a cook is good and it isn't really that popular of a profession, so I could take that. However, as a Heavy armor user, I could make my own weapon with Blacksmith. Tough choice..." Husky sat and think of a while. "A job that doesn't run by a monopoly would do me some good. Especially when the job isn't that popular, so as long as I remain active, I should be good to go." He settled his tea cup down, and folded the newspaper up. "That settled that then. A cook it is. I always wanted to make my own food." 

Walking down the Market Street, Husky scanned around for any NPC that could teach him the Cook Profession. Eyeing around the NPC shops, he saw an NPC with a large green question mark on his head. Approached the NPC, he made a conversation with the chef to accept the quest for the Profession. "Ah! Hello there, Friend! My name is Chef Brindley. You would like to learn how to become a <<Cook>>, correct? Well, why don't you go and fetch for me a few material first, then I can show you how to cook." The Chef said, before sending Husky our to fetch him some material. 

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"Alright then, time to head on out and get some Material." Husky shrugged, walked out of the town and entered the wilderness. Looking for something that be could use for cooking, unfortunately, he couldn't found anything. "Hmm... doing this is going to take me all day. Maybe I could go out and started hunting for mobs instead. Speaking of which..." Husky sighed, looking over to his right. He spotted a stray boar roaming on the field. Slowly moving in, Husky readied for an ambush


ID: 51194

LD: 3

Found: Nothing

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Watching the boar, Husky waited for a good time to attack, but the boar was able to see him behind the hill once he enter it aggro range. The boar let out a squeal before charged at Husky with full speed. Caught off guard by the attack, Husky tumbled backward, but wasn't fast enough to duck under the attack completely. The boar's shark tusk scraped him by the foot. Stood up and put up his attacking stance, Husky got ready for a fight.


ID: 51249

MOB: 6 

Husky: 9/12 HP | 3/3 EN |


Boar: 6/6 HP | 3 DMG |

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Husky threw his fist out for the first punch, but the attack didn't quite managed to connect. The boar ducked aside and pushed him onto the ground with a heavy thrust with its head. Husky was thrown off balance and fell onto the ground, but he was quick on his feet, able to picked himself back up before the boar could deal any further damages. "Well, fist fight with a boar does seemed harder than it looks." Husky sighed, focused his target onto the boar. He's just hoping that no other stray boar would walked into this fight.


ID: 51255

BD: 2

MOB: 8

Husky: 6/12 HP | 1/3 EN |


Boar: 6/6 HP | 3 DMG |

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Letting out a light sigh, Husky eyed the boar as it moved to attack. With quick and precise movement, the man stepped out of the way and returned attack. His hand glowed bright blue light, as Husky activated the sword art <<Aggressive Twins>>. Two heavy strikes to the ribs of the boar, he backed off before the boar could do any damage back to him. "Alright... one step at a time, no need to rush." Husky told himself, readied for another attack from the boar.


ID: 51263

BD: 6

MOB: 1

Husky: 6/12 HP | 0/3 EN |


BOar: 2/6 HP | 3 DMG | ( - ( 2 * Aggressive Twins: 2x1) = -4 HP)

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"One more hit, and that's it." Husky mumbled, aimed his attack on the boar. He swung his fist forward, aimed toward the boar's head, but with false measurement, he missed the attack completely. Quick on his feet, Husky leaped off the ground and flip his body forward. Tumbled on the ground, he re-positioned himself before the boar can do any harm to him. "Ok... not quite like that." 


ID: 51267

BD: 1

MOB: 3

Husky: 6/12 HP | 0/3 EN |


BOar: 2/6 HP | 3 DMG |

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"Just wait for it to come to you.... wait for it." Husky reminded himself, waiting for the perfect time to strike. With one good swing, he ducked away from the boar, all the while nailed it right in the jaw. The boar's health bar dropped to zero, and it was obliterated to million of pixels slowly fading in the air. "That took longer than I expected." Husky sighed, looking back at where the boar used to be, and shrugged, walked off the damage the boar has dealt on him.


ID: 51271

BD: 10

MOB: died

Husky: 6/12 HP | En: 0/3 |


Boar: 0/6 HP | 3 DMG | ( -4 DMG)


LD: 5

Looted: 1 Mat

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Trudging on the trail around the Town of Beginning, Husky notice a wheat field nearby. "There should be something that I could collect there." Husky thought, moving to the farming field area in search for Material. He wasn't wrong. Entering the field, the first thing he lay his eyes upon is a patch of wheat, readied to collect. "Jackpot." Husky let out a light chuckled, grab the material and returned to town for the second part of the quest.


ID: 51374

LD: 16

Found: 1 Mat.

Total Mat collected: 2.

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