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[SP-F1] Preparations for "Tomorrow" [Material Hunting]

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It was time to call it a night and Kranzer was rather surprised that he'd pressed his luck so far as it was. He took one last quick look around the area just in case but it looked like he'd either already picked the area clean or he just didn't look in the right place. Either way he made a quick dash for the gates that would lead him into the Town of Beginnings and the safety it would provide him. From both the beasts in the wild and the monsters guised in the form of humans. He'd been fortunate so far and he hadn't met an orange or red player yet. A streak he prayed continued all the way up to the point that someone finally cleared the one hundredth and final floor. The day had been quite profitable however. He'd managed to find way more than his planned quota so he'd be going to bed this night with a huge grin on his face.

ID#51596; LD: 14 [Nothing Found; Total Found: 7]

Edited by Kranzer
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