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[F1-PP] The Scent of Fresh Blood (Kamui) (Jetra) (KazuAnaka) Complete

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Jetra already saw the great resolve of the battle and knew who would win. Without a notice he took off and disappeared just like Sinful had, in the girl's current state she was broken. He trusted Kamui to end the stranger's life and eventually his. Death was common in this game, everyone should know that. Nothing really stops a murderer from getting what they want, not even a bystander. Death was death, there's nothing more to it. "Good luck." Jetra spoke those words before finally departing back to town, his orange status would soon dissappear and Kamui would have it forever.

-Jetra leaves the thread

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Kamui tried to slash at KazuAnaka but missed, she had no control over her actions now even though the one forcing her to do these things was gone. Her mind was completely broken, there was no patching it up now. "I missed." Her face was dark and void of hope, why was she doing this? Why cant she quit? When will this all be over?


Battle 2

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She swung her sword at him again, but missed; again. Kamui wasn't even thinking anymore, she was a mindless zombie swinging a sword trying to kill somebody. How did all that pressure break her? It was probably thanks to all the neglectful abuse she faced during her life, nobody loved her and it'd stay like that until death.

ID# 51591

Battle 5

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Kamui held her sword tightly, making sure she didn't lose the grip. She didn't even notice that Jetra left but that didn't really matter. Nothing mattered now. The little girl was but a mere pawn in this death game, just like everybody else. Kamui plunged the sword through KazuAnaka, depleting his health bar to zero. "G-Goodbye..." Looking at the ground for a while was what she did next, a bit after she noticed what she just did. A person was dead, blood was on her hands. "No... No!" The tears came rolling down her cheeks again and that was that. It was the end now, nothing will ever undo what she just did. For the rest of the game she'd have to live as an orange player, a PK'er to be precise. Nobody would love her again, even her brother. He probably wouldn't even recognize her and just destroy Kamui as soon as he sees her. "My life is just a mess..." What once was a cheery spirit transformed into a guilty one, the little girl that never was became nothing now.

Death was inevitable.

ID# 51593

Battle 6

Kamui: 4/4 HP, 1 Energy

KazuAnaka: 0/12 HP, Dead

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