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[OP-F1] Right into Confusion

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Allania stood and watched as the pink haired girl came over and asked if he was checking out girls, to which he ha blushed furiously then ran off. It was quite the sight. Laughing with mirth as the blonde haired guy had ran off, "You must have scared him off" Allania said with a smile, turning to the pink haired girl, "It seems your statements of checking out girls seemed to hit quite close to home for him". Looking at the pink haired girl, Allania introduced herself, "Hey, I'm Allania. And who might you be? Oh and also, why don't we head on back over to Nixon? He seems to have just been standing there throughout this".

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Yuki wipes the tears from her laughing off her face. The blonde girl behan talking to yuki as she diled down from the laughing. "I guess your right" yuki says giggling time to time. "My name is Yuki" she says smiling looking at allania. "Yeah" she walks with allania to Nixon. "Want to continue walking ahead so we can train or... do you want to look for that blonde that was caught checking out girls" she asks both Zxanth, and Nixon. 

Edited by yukisuzuki
I had more to say
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Nixon chuckled to himself as he watched the players goof off. It was enjoyable to see that people could still have fun even in the hell that is Sword Art Online. These players were what made the game more like home. "Come on y'all lets go train. You wont be able to get stronger if you dont" he said in a playful tone "All of you are welcome to join" Nixon's smile was warm and welcoming, and his happy aura radiated out from him. He loved that people were able to ignore the problems in this game and live it as if it were real life... then again it was for them wasn't it?

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Yuki smiled back, but it was really small. She knew if she smiled it would be a disgrace to her family and friends that are gone because of her. Thats probably why its so rare to see this girl smile. She's been hurt so many times, her heart has been broken many times, she couldn't fit in ever, and she never got the love that she needed, but Yuki kept living even if some days she would wake up and would give a [censored]. (Which means her body was numb and she had no feeling and she didn't care about anything). Yuki's life used to be filled with so much color but as she grew up the color began to fade to black and white. Yuki didn't understand why people are so scared of killers, because she was one. Yuki knew a lot of criminals that were doing the wrong thing for the right purpose. Like one of the mass murderers in Tokyo killed many people to keep Yuki alive since he thought she was like family to him. Yuki's life was full of dangerous people, that cared about her so much more than her parents. So when she joined this game she thought people would treat her horribly, but it seems like people don't even know that there stuck in a game. Yuki walked ahead to there designated spot, but before walking to far she turned around and smiled at everyone that was being so kind to her. Everyone in her past was so mean to her, except the extremely dangerous people she was with. Yuki looked like she was about to cry, but those were tears of thank you. 'thank you for being so nice to me' Yuki thought as she smiled, making her look gorgeous. She doesn't understand why this touches her so much but it does. 

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Nixon watched the girl as her face told him more than she could have ever said. he put his hand on her shoulder and leaned in close to her ear as he began to whisper in a serious but caring tone. "Yuki, I cant even begin to imagine the pain you have gone through. Just note that I know pain as well, I may not to the extent that you do, but if you ever need something, don't hesitate to ask. The human life is fragile, but more so is the mind. Promise me you wont let yourself fall to the extent of those who couldn't chose to live. You're life is worth living no matter what your past was. If you ever need any help, be it with training or in the realm of mental help. Please don't hesitate to ask. and even if you don't trust me, or don't want to trust me enough to ask for help, please try to find someone who you do trust in order to help you." Nixon let go and his persona jumped back to happy. "Alright my friends we are almost to the edge of the safezone. get ready to fight, and remember stay behind me when you aren't attacking, this way I can take the hits for you."

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Yuki looked at Nixon, she saw him differently than probably anyone. She trusted him, a lot. She smiled and looked at the floor, she held in the tears that will come sooner or later. "I promise" She said quietly as she looked down at the floor. Yuki was filled with a lot of emotions right now, but the first thing she noticed is that she doesn't have to be afraid anymore for what she does, she can be herself. "Thank you" Yuki said under her breath as she followed Nixon with her hand on the hilt of her lvl 2 sword. Yuki had a small smile plastered on her face and her cheeks her tinted pink because of what Nixon did, but she shook off that became focused. 

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Following behind the pink haired girl, falling behind slightly as she strode on ahead before stopping. Her face seemed to change, change to one that looked happy, but with a tinge of tears. And it changed again when Nixon walked past her, who stopped for a moment and whispered something into the girls ear. Whatever it was Nixon had said, it seemed to make her happy, extremeing so, which surprised her, though it was nice to see her smile, it made her face just light up. Walking to Nixon, Allania said "It's okay, I should be able to help take some of the blow, my armour is decent afterall".

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Yuki was't really gonna let anyone get in front of her when she fights since she is her own person. She didn't want anyone to get hurt because she was coward. She had to defend for herself. Yuki took in a deep breath, and a big girl came onto her face. She was ready, she wanted to train and to make new friends so she will fight with them and not behind them. Yuki wasn't gonna listen to Nixon, telling her to stay behind him. Yuki will be fine on her own, but maybe with a little bit of help. Yuki doesn't really follow the rules, nor anyone. She colors out side the lines, has her own mind, and is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. 

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"Thank's, Allania. I appreciate it." Nixon said as he took off his breast plate and replaced it with his leather jacket. he took his shield off his back as he saw some boars approching. "Alright, You all should know the plan. If you stay behind Allania and myself, you will have a lower chance of dying." Nixon took a deep breath as he watched the other players get ready. This could go in a few ways and not many of those ways were pleasant. he leaned over to Allania and whispered "Be on the look out for red players, now that we are out of the safezone there is a possibility they will show up."

Allania 28/28 HP | 7/7 Energy | 18 MIT | 7 Thrns | 5 DMG | LD +2 | Hate: 0

Yuki 10/10 HP | 2/2 Energy | 2 DMG | Hate: 0

Zxanth 4/4 HP | 1/1 Energy | 2 DMG | Hate: 0

Nixon 44/44 HP | 11/11 Energy | 35 MIT | 14 MIT | 3 DMG | Hate: 1

Ratatosk 20/20 HP | 5/5 Energy | 2 DMG | Hate: 0


Boar(1) 4/4 HP | 1 MIT | 3 DMG

Boar(2) 4/4 HP | 1 MIT | 3 DMG

Boar(3) 4/4 HP | 1 MIT | 3 DMG

Boar(4) 4/4 HP | 1 MIT | 3 DMG

Edited by Nixon
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Ratatosk sighed, "Guess these boars can't get killed on their own." He prepared his sword art Rage Spike and went dashing forward trying to slice at every single boar. "Looks like this is the final strike!" The blonde let out a war cry before swinging his sword at all four boars, their health points reducing to zero. "That was easy." Ratatosk enjoyed that minuscule battle, the only thing bad about it was he didn't get materials. "Oh, right. [censored]!" No materials meant no equipment and so on.

ID# 53096

Battle 9

Ratatosk: 20/20 HP, 1/5 Energy

DMG: 2 + 1 (Crit) x 2 = 6

Boar(1) -1/4 HP | 1 MIT | 3 DMG Dead

Boar(2) -1/4 HP | 1 MIT | 3 DMG Dead

Boar(3) -1/4 HP | 1 MIT | 3 DMG Dead

Boar(4) -1/4 HP | 1 MIT | 3 DMG Dead

Edited by Ratatosk
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Yuki wasn't gonna listen to Nixon even though she should. She wont, she is an indepepened person who doesn't follow rules. She has never followed the rules anyways. Yuki says close behind allania, Yuki knows that orange players might show up so she knows she has to keep her guard up. Even if she is friends with two orange players, Yuki looks through her inventory and finds her metal chest plate. She equips it, and now she's ready to fight. 

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Allania got her dagger out, ready to fight the oncoming Boars. Though before she could do anything the blonde haired boy from before came rushing forward. Swinging his sword round and killing them all in one fell swoop. "Well done" she said to him with a smile. Putting her dagger away once again, it seemed like she did not need it out for this fight at least. Then she walked back over to Nixon, whispering to him "Do read players frequent this place?" she asked, a tinge of worry in her voice. She did not want anyone here to die.

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Zxanth chuckles, finding himself sympathizing with the boy. He looks at Yuki and points in the direction the boy went, "He went that way, while you were laughing." Zxanth smiles, rolling his shoulders. "Good luck approaching him, he has girlaphobia, the irrational fear of girls." He makes a small joke of it. Not meanly, but to keep the lighthearted mood going. 

Zxanth chuckles, finding himself sympathizing with the boy. He looks at Yuki and points in the direction the boy went, "He went that way, while you were laughing." Zxanth smiles, rolling his shoulders. "Good luck approaching him, he has girlaphobia, the irrational fear of girls." He makes a small joke of it. Not meanly, but to keep the lighthearted mood going. 

Zxanth chuckles, finding himself sympathizing with the boy. He looks at Yuki and points in the direction the boy went, "He went that way, while you were laughing." Zxanth smiles, rolling his shoulders. "Good luck approaching him, he has girlaphobia, the irrational fear of girls." He makes a small joke of it. Not meanly, but to keep the lighthearted mood going. 

Zxanth chuckles, finding himself sympathizing with the boy. He looks at Yuki and points in the direction the boy went, "He went that way, while you were laughing." Zxanth smiles, rolling his shoulders. "Good luck approaching him, he has girlaphobia, the irrational fear of girls." He makes a small joke of it. Not meanly, but to keep the lighthearted mood going. 

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Yuki nodded as Zxanth told her where he went. She needed the luck, Yuki walked up to the blonde who killed the four boars.  "Hey your the boy who was caught checking out girls* Yuki muffles her laughs under her hand.  "do you want to train with us?" she asked kindly, and smiled big.

Yuki nodded as Zxanth told her where he went. She needed the luck, Yuki walked up to the blonde who killed the four boars.  "Hey your the boy who was caught checking out girls* Yuki muffles her laughs under her hand.  "do you want to train with us?" she asked kindly, and smiled big.

Yuki nodded as Zxanth told her where he went. She needed the luck, Yuki walked up to the blonde who killed the four boars.  "Hey your the boy who was caught checking out girls* Yuki muffles her laughs under her hand.  "do you want to train with us?" she asked kindly, and smiled big.

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