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[PP-F7] The Best Team <Earning a Living>> (Hydra)

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Nixon found himself on a familiar cliff-side overlooking Nimbus. The sky was the familiar darkness of oncoming rain. As he looked to the sky he took a deep relaxing breath. The first raindrop landed on his cheek and he laid back, His legs dangling off the edge. He was at peace with himself, It was serene. He felt the pleasurable raindrops hitting his face and the sound of it tinking on his armour. He didn't really think about anything while he was there. The familiar sound of thunder rippled through the night sky like the roar of a fierce lion. He was not sure he would be able to stay awake here but he didn't really care. The worse that could happen is he could get PK'ed in his sleep, and even then, at least he would be happy.

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Hydra took a deep breath in. He had asked Nixon for help in collecting materials for his Artisan's shop but he never expected this, to travel as far up as Floor 7. Small mountain passes stretched in front of him, masked by layers of clouds. "This is amazing...". The sound of wind and rain rushing around him was incredibly strong. Hydra had one hand clung to the wall of the rock, his other reaching out palm facing upwards collecting a pool of rain droplets. It was truly the first time he was completely awake in SAO. The spearman's familiar that Nixon helped him tame was coiled tightly around his leg, one head awake the other one asleep. Hydra looked ahead at Nix who was lay down dangling his feet of the rocky outcrop he seemed in his element. Hydra didn't bother calling out, there was no way his voice would reach him, besides he didn't want to disturb his friend. The pairs adventure was only just beginning, he hoped it to stay that way. Sitting down, back against the mountain. Hydra waited for the storm to pass and closed his eyes. 

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The storm weaken, and nixon opened his eyes. He realized there was someone behind him. "Hydra, I assume." he thought He didn't expect the spearman to actually get up to him that easily. It was impressive to say the least. Nixon rolled over, careful not to fall off and stood up. He was correct, as he saw hydra sitting against the side of the mountain. His eye's were close. "Hey, bud" he said to see if Hydra was awake. Nixon's voice was calm and somewhat neutral.  It was a soothing calmness to most, something he hadn't tapped into for a long time. The dark sky was a creepy site for most, but to nixon it was peaceful. Even with the thunder rupturing though the sky he felt in harmony. It was partially why he liked the Whip. The crack of the whip was similar to the crack of lightning and roar or thunder.

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Hydra yawned as he woke from his short slumber, to see Nix stood to the side of him. "Ah hey there". Glancing around he noticed the weather was still poor but not as violent. The player was still worn out from the climb, yet he was amazed at how well Nix could endure these conditions. Standing up cautiously the spearman then turned to Nix and pattered himself down. The bottom half of his trousers were soaked from the rain, the rest of his body was relatively dry from the mountains cover. "How are you? I thought for a moment I would never catch up at the speed you were going" he said with a smile. Hydra could still find his sense of humor even this far up... "So material hunting, I've never been up here before so like before I am yours to command... Just don't command me to jump off a cliff or anything". He lightly laughed to himself.

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Nixon laughed "No, not off the cliff. However we will be going up." He smiled at Hydra. Nixon realized that there was almost no easy way to the top from where they were standing, but a rock climb would get the adrenaline working for whatever they had to fight. With a quick nod to Hydra, Nixon began to continue the dangerous climb up the side of the mountain. "Don't worry, the hardest part of this floor is climbing, everything else should feel like a piece of cake after this." Nixon had removed his armour and shield, as they would only weigh him down. He was climbing at a miraculous speed, as if he were trained on it. It seemed that he couldn't be slowed down, not even by the wet rocks or the darkness.

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"Uuh......." Hydra looked up and sighed with a smile on his face, Nix was off, he had vanished in a few mere moments. Hydra wasn't particularly athletic and certainly wasn't a fan of sports, he never had been. "Alright little guy your up..." His snake like familiar emerged from his pockets and spread it's wings. The spearman knew it couldn't carry him but it was enough at least to offer some support. Coiling round his back he begun to climb. He was a lot slower than his friend taking every bit cautiously. At one point his left foot caught a loose rock, his familiar would violently flap its wings to keep him steady but otherwise provided no means of getting him higher. Glancing over his shoulder Hydra was amazed even more so than before, the vast expanse of mountains behind him rendered him speechless. After recollecting his thoughts Hydra couldn't help but shout and the first thing that came to his mind was the howling of a wolf.


He chuckled as the sound grew into a large echo bouncing into the valleys below. "Alright I should stop messing around and catch up with Nix now...hehehe". Turning around he face planted the rock, and almost lost his balance completely. He groaned and resumed his climbing.

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Nixon finally reaches the top of the mountain, he looks down at the city of Nimbus.  The slight glow from the village was aw inspiring. suddenly he heard a loud noise that broke the silence, It was a man made sound in the style of Hydra. He was seemingly trying to imitate a wolf as he climbed. Nixon chuckled to himself. This was why he had invited Hydra out here instead of staying on a lower floor. it was not everyday you got to have fun like this, and Hydra deserved it more than anyone. It however was fun for him watching the man who was a few years older then him act as though he were a young child. Nixon envied this as he was never granted the ability to act as a child, even in his younger years.

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After what seemed like several hours of climbing Hydra reached the mountain's peak where Nix was already waiting. "Sorry, my bad... I uh got held up" The spearman panted out of breath before slumping face first into the dirt. He managed to wearily lift his arm and put his thumb up to his ally. Despite being of an older age he looked up to Nix, both in height and maturity. Before SAO Hydra had been a shut-in, he couldn't be bothered getting a job he had never seen a point. In some ways SAO was the best thing that ever happened to him, he had made new friends, had a job and was now going on adventures by the day. The spearman rolled over onto his back and let the rain refresh is overheated state.

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Nixon chuckled "You need a bit of a rest?" he asked before sitting down next to the fallen spearman. Nixon didn't even seem slightly out of breath. In the real world this would have been hell for him, but sense SAO he had become much more athletic. The rain had started picking up again. Nixon gave a relaxed sigh and closed his eyes. another crack of thunder rippled through the sky. "You know, Hydra. Storm's are an amazing thing, be it simulated or reality, they are one of the things that show you the magnificence of nature"

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Hydra listened to Nixon and couldn't agree with him more. Back home in the real world it rained most days where the spearman lived. Memories rushed back of walking home in the rain, it made him sad that must people cowered inside but Nix seemed different, very similar in some ways. Hydra smiled, "Haha I can't disagree with you there, whether it be rain, snow, hail or a storm I'll usually find it more interesting than just the boring old sun". He pushed himself up into a seating position, climbing a mountain in a day was something he would not be able to do in the real world... "Is this your favorite floor then, you certainly seem to be enjoying yourself?."  A bright light flashed in the sky on the horizon, Hydra sat and watched intently hoping more would come.

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Nixon smiled at the question "Yeah, this is my favorite floor so far. In the real world I live by a park, the park had many high hill's with cliff sides. These cliff sides overlooked a small creak. It was where I would go whenever I was stressed. Though I dont come here as often as I'd like. It always reminds me of my dog, Rosie, A brown lab that I will never get to see again. she was my best friend in the real world. and she would always come with me to the park" He was still smiling but that didnt stop a tear from falling from his eye. he sighed deeply. "I should stop thinking about the past, it never helps anything"

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Hydra listened to Nix talk of home, it was what you would call a happy sad moment for both of the players. "I'm sure Rosie is doing well" he said patting his friend on the back, "She'll be waiting for your return". There was a brief moment as Nix put himself down, Hydra didn't like seeing his friends down. "Mm" he shook his head. "Don't let anyone ever tell you that, memories are keys to the future, without them we would just be empty shells... I've done bad things. Things I wish I could forget, like asking that girl out one time" he laughed. "Event though I can't forget them, I can build on them for the future". After Hydra had finished he stood up "Alright im ready to go, besides running on top of mountain in a storm sounds kinda fun don't you think? We wouldn't want to miss it".

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Nixon smiled and nodded "Maybe you are right, I'll do what I can to hold onto my memories" He got up "Yeah, I bet I can beat you to the far end" He laughed, and took off across the mountain top. Nixon always had good balance, even before SAO he was able to balance on thinks that most people couldn't. as he ran he felt the beautiful rain hitting his face. Smiling he speed up, until suddenly he heard a loud roar. It was one of a bird. A very large bird, he stopped dead in his tracks and quickly equipped the armour he had taken off. He knew this would happen eventually. it was just what made this game interesting.

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Nix was off before Hydra could react, he stretched his arm out "Hey wait up, that's cheating" and began to spring after his ally. The wind swept around Hydra pulling and pushing at him from all directions, it was chaotic but incredibly fun. Glancing up he noticed Nix had stopped running "Eh?" A large sound filled the sky, that didn't belong to the storm. "What what that!?" A large bird emerged from one of the thunder clouds, Hydra ran to Nix his spear equipped and in hand. The spearman paused and looked at Nix, "Well at least if we take this down, we'll have a good story to tell for the ages". 

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The Large Roc flew up to greet them, but not in a kind manor. The heavy gusts of wind from its wings were strong enough to make even Nixon off balance. The Roc roared once more, overpowering the sound of thunder in the air. after stabilizing himself Nixon looked over at Hydra and nodded with a smile. This was going to be a battle to tell the young ones about, not without some exaggeration of course. Nixon brought up his shield and stared the Bird in the eye as if to assert dominance. The confident look and stance of the Abandon would intimidate anyone who didn't know better.

Hydra 40/40 HP | 10/10 Energy | 3 EVA | 1 BD | 9 MIT | 4 DMG | 

Nixon 40/40 HP | 10 Energy | 35 MIT | 14 Thrns | 3 DMG |


Roc King 60/60 HP | 15 MIT | 21 DMG

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Hydra felt his leather coat dragging behind him as the Roc flapped it's wings, so much he stumbled backwards slightly at the sheer force. This was with out a doubt the strongest opponent he was facing since starting in SAO. He was glad he had not just a tank but his strongest ally and good friend by his side. Gritting his teeth the player pushed forwards against the force of the gale, his grunt slowly turned into a cry of desperation to attack the bird "ARGH!", he broke through the force to his surprise and almost lost his footing. Quickly regaining his stability he sprinted up a jutted section of rock which protruded outwards on top of the cliff. As he jumped lightning struck in the background and the sound of thunder boomed. He whispered to himself "Epic" Before piercing the creatures chest. Hitting the ground with a thud he looked towards Nix to show he was alright. His spear hadn't hit any vital organs he had opened a wound.

ID# 52543 results: DMG <<Soul Pierce>> [1+3(1x5)] = [20-15Mit] = 5 DMG

Battle: 7+1 (hit)

MOB: Evaded


Hydra 40/40 HP | 5/10 Energy | 3 EVA | 1 BD | 9 MIT | 4 DMG | 

Nixon 40/40 HP | 10 Energy | 35 MIT | 14 Thrns | 3 DMG |


Roc King 55/60 HP | 15 MIT | 21 DMG

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Nixon watched Hydra stab the Bird and slice a gaping hole in its chest. "Yeah, this will be easier than it looks" he said. as the bird cam down to hit him. Hitting his shield directly he watched as the Bird's health dropped. "Piece of cake" Nixon joked as the bird circled around to attack again. he was anything but scared. This, in his mind, should be a very simple fight that wouldn't last very long. There was nothing holding them back and with a DPS player he should be able to beat it easily. 

ID# 52545 Result: Combat 1 (Natural Fail)

Mob 8 (Success) [21-35=1DMG] V.S. Nixon | [14 Thrns]

Hydra 40/40 HP | 5/10 Energy | 3 EVA | 1 BD | 9 MIT | 4 DMG | 

Nixon 39/40 HP | 10/10 Energy | 35 MIT | 14 Thrns | 3 DMG |


Roc King 41/60 HP | 15 MIT | 21 DMG

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"Hmm thorns, no fair" Hydra tilted his head and laughed at his friend. Pushing himself up from the ground he could feel the lack of energy that last hit had taken out of him. Remembering a blacksmith by the name of Mack had gifted him an improved spear the player faced palmed. It was probably somewhere buried deep in his inventory by this point. He would have to get it out later. Preparing the same move as before, Hydra raised his spear and charged the bird, he knew this next move could potentially drain him of all his stamina he just hoped to land a hit.

Sprinting once again Hydra aimed for the spot he had already struck the bird at. "Contact" he grinned as the spearhead embedded itself in the creatures flesh. There was a brief paused as Hydra realized what had happened. The brunette had been suspended in air for a few moments holding desperately onto his spear he thought for a moment he felt the thudding of the creatures heart. "Strange that a programming would have that" he pondered before falling ten foot into the ground. "Your up Nix". He stuck his thumb up laying flat on his back.

ID# 52549 results: DMG <<Soul Pierce>> [1+3+2(1x5)] = [30-15Mit] = 15 DMG

Battle: 10 (+2)

Hydra 40/40 HP | 1/10 Energy | 3 EVA | 1 BD | 9 MIT | 4 DMG | 

Nixon 39/40 HP | 10/10 Energy | 35 MIT | 14 Thrns | 3 DMG |


Roc King 26/60 HP | 15 MIT | 21 DMG




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Nixon smiled at Hydra as he was given a Thumbs up. "Alright, I guess that means it is my turn" he said as he brought his whip down hard against the large bird. The bird trembled for a second before falling to the ground limp. "Lets see if I can replicate what Xion taught me" he chuckled as he realized he had began the para-locking process. it shouldn't be hard, and if he did it right he would be able to keep this thing down for long enough so Hydra could get his Energy Back

ID# 52551 Result: Combat 10 (Natural Crit) [3+2-15=1DMG] | (+Paralyzed, +Bleed)

Mob Paralyzed

Hydra 40/40 HP | 1/10 Energy | 3 EVA | 1 BD | 9 MIT | 4 DMG | 

Nixon 39/40 HP | 10/10 Energy | 35 MIT | 14 Thrns | 3 DMG |


Roc King 17/60 HP | 15 MIT | 21 DMG [Par, Bleed]

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After a moments rest, Hydra slowly staggered to his feet. "Hey Nix! I'm going to stand back for a bit. I'll let my energy replenish... I wont be any good otherwise". Retreating behind his friend the player watched the bird twitch. "That's if you don't kill it by then." He laughed. He picked up his spear and pointed it towards the bird but otherwise made no attempt to attack it. A small wave of guilt hit the player as he watched it struggle, in his previous life he had held a great respect for creature's of nature. Shaking some sense into himself he whispered "This is not a creature of nature". He waited for Nix's next move.

Hydra 40/40 HP | 2/10 Energy | 3 EVA | 1 BD | 9 MIT | 4 DMG | 

Nixon 39/40 HP | 10/10 Energy | 35 MIT | 14 Thrns | 3 DMG |


Roc King 17/60 HP | 15 MIT | 21 DMG [Par, Bleed]


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