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[F1-PP] Like Yesterday (Kranzer)

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Ratatosk walked with his eyes closed, "I've got about two materials, that means it's going to be uneven this time. The hard part is deciding who gets it though, either you or me." He practiced using his sword along the way, and then he opened his eyes. "Looks like we've still got a bit of time to look for materials, and the town gate is just right there so in case we meet a monster or anything we could just make a run for it." The blonde took his fingers and performed CPR on the grass hoping he finds a material, bad news is he doesn't.


Loot 11


Loot 11

Blech, formattng.

Edited by Ratatosk
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Only two? So at that rate one of them would end up coming up short in the endeavor. Kranzer nodded slightly in response. "To be honest if we can't find another you can have the extra one if it comes to that." The young man really didn't mind one way or the other if he was the one shorted on the materials. Having an ally in battle was well worth it. At Ratatosk's suggestion Kranzer continued to search as they walked back towards the city. He rifled through the grass until he found a stone and picked it up for closer inspection. After several moments though he realized it wasn't what he was looking for and cast it aside. This day wasn't as rewarding as yesterday but it still saw their return with something in hand at least.

ID: 53030; LD: 10 [Nothing Found]
Total Loot:  2 Material[Combat], 1 Good item, 1 Uncommon Item, 1 Material [Non-Combat]

Edited by Kranzer
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Ratatosk sheathed his sword when the arrived at the Town of Beginnings, "Alright, so altogether we have about five materials, and three go to me. The next time we go material hunting, I'll be stronger and we'll be able to take on twenty boars at one time. You up for it or what?" He smirked, awaiting his materials. "Oh, and you might want to get yourself a tier two set crafted in advance, I really hate gathering materials like that. Oh, and if you can, you could probably invest in a shop if you have enough, it's what I'm planning to do anyways."

Total Mats: 2

OOC: Completing thread after you post

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"Sure, I'm up for it," he said with a slight smirk. He sent a trade request so he could send the material along. Kranzer arched an eyebrow at the young man's suggestions. Have a set of tier two gear crafted in advance? Now that was some serious planning for the future and he hated to admit it be he found that he admired Ratatosk's foresight to look that far ahead. He took a step back to look at Ratatosk for a moment. "What sort of shop are you looking to invest in?" It was an interesting idea of course. If he referred to a shop for the profession Kranzer intended to take it'd be a little different than what most might expect. After all Kranzer intended to become a merchant rather than being a Blacksmith or a Tailor. While Ratatosk didn't really care for gathering materials Kranzer found he didn't really mind it. In fact he rather enjoyed the monotonous task it represented and it served as a way to distract his mind from the general situation they were all in.

Total Loot:  2 Material[Combat], 1 Good item, 1 Uncommon Item [Pending Approval]

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"Me? Well, probably quite a number of them actually. My main focus will be on artisans, then merchants, blacksmiths, and finally tailors. So far, the tailor industry has gone downhill, not many good ones out there so I won't be caring much for them. Merchants and artisans are a different thing though, with accessories you don't need to replace them every couple of levels, and merchants sell some pretty sweet gear. Which one are you planning to go into?" Ratatosk accepted the trade and happily looked at his three materials. Today was a good day, and soon they'd both be able to farm materials very effectively.


+1 SP to all participants

+3 Materials for Ratatosk

+2 Materials for Kranzer

+200 Col for all participants

+1 Uncommon item for Kranzer

+1 Good item for Kranzer

Edited by Ratatosk
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