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[PP-F1] Gaining Strength (Haruko, Ratatosk) [Complete]

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It seemed as though the new player, Ratatosk, didn't understand the slight sarcasm when he had called him their savior. That irked the taller man greatly, and he briefly wondered if his comments weren't coming out the way he intended them to. In any case, he was glad that he was the heroic type, saving them just for the sake of saving them and not someone to place them in debt for doing so. Gorou was silent when Ratatosk told them they shouldn't be attacking monsters at their level, he knew this and mentally slapped himself for doing it regardless.

" I only complain when there's something worth complaining about." Gorou retorted, while glancing over at Haruko. He had noticed that her injuries have already healed in the meantime. He was grateful for that at least, and was about to join in, in asking for some advice from Ratatosk. Her last statement caught him off guard however, and he mentally noted that she had great confidence in herself, maybe even overly so.  "Little ol' you's going to be the one to kick his butt?" he asked in astonishment.

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Ratatosk dropped the apples and looked at tben, "If you want to get stronger, then rise up and fight. Remember, don't try to do it alone like I tried to, it's dumb and nor worth it. But, if you two do want to hunt monsters, reach level three first, and drop by a shop named The Leather Channel, then to the Blazing Typhoon, and finally The Blue Raindrop. Those three shops will provide you with the equipment you need, they all have relatively cheap prices so just gather materials for that. Good luck." The blonde gave them a smile and began walking away.

OOC: Let's complete this thread

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(Alright. Gorou may complete it at his leisure.)
"Oi, watch the short comments." Haruko stated with slightly narrowed eyes at Gorou's statement. "I don't let someone cross me without at least a little payback. And in this case... He's getting a lot of payback. I don't care who this guy is, he's going down." she commented with some venom in her voice. "somebody gonna get hurt a-real bad." Haruko added in a slightly lighter tone, realizing she might be making this conversation just a little too dark for her party member's comfort. She dimly wondered if anyone else had even heard that comedian's joke here, but she shrugged, figuring she should go for it. It was nice to remember something from her real life in the middle of all this video gaming nonsense.

As Ratatosk gave them a bunch of information, Haruko nodded to the majority of it, making a mental list of these shops. she'd definitely do her best to keep them all in mind.
"Wait... "the leather channel"? Haruko finally asked, just a little weirded out by that statement. "Err... I'm going to just guess and hope that's just a regular ol' armor shop, and not..." Haruko trailed off, as the man walked away.

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(OOC: All right, I suppose that's it with this thread.)

Gorou wasn't certain he'd entirely feel the same way about the creator as Haruko, but he did understand her need to get revenge on him for trapping her in this game. A lot of people would share that sentiment, and though he wasn't very vocal about it he was definitely one of these people. "As long as you're putting your efforts into escaping this hell hole." he replied. Gorou crossed his arms again, and looked northwards, back at Starting City. "If we can't take down any monsters just this second, then I'm going quest hunting."

Gorou didn't pay much attention to the shops that Ratatosk mentioned, and almost missed their names entirely. The only one he caught was "The Blue Raindrop". It sounded somewhat sad and somber, and he wondered what sort of shop that could've been with a name like that. He shrugged, before turning around and leaving Haruko and Ratatosk to talk amidst themselves or part ways. "Thanks for the advice, Rat. " he called out before walking off back to the city. "Good luck, Haruko." he added. Gorou wasn't certain they'd see each other again, but he had hoped so. He didn't like the thought of either of his new acquaintances perishing in the meantime.

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