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[OP-F1] A new world

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Hydra lifted his arm over his head and stretched it, letting out a large yawn as he did so. The spearman was young and at a slightly below average height but this had never concerned him. Catching his reflection in the fountain he noticed his hair had grown quite considerably, "Oooh!" He started twiddling with it as Kranzer questioned Luna. Despite being one of the more experienced players there he'd prefer someone else to make the decision of when they should go. "I'm fine whenever." He chuckled to himself. To him both Allania and Kranzer seemed to have the strong Independent personality types, so he stood back and watched to see who would take the lead.

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Sinful approached the group with a smile and open arms, "Hey! Hydra, haven't seen you in a while!" He out his arm around him in a friendly manner, looking towards the new players. "These your friends? Any friend of Hydra is a friend of me, you guys can stop by my shop if you want, your first order is free! Although prices are cheap, it wouldn't hurt to donate a bit so others can get free gear." The mastermind seemed especially cheery today, maybe something good happened to him such as finding some col on the ground, he probably gave it away to someone too...

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Pyroth looked to a group In a conversation, He felt as if he should attempt to make some friends this was his real world now. Maybe meeting some people would be good for him? Then again did he really want to meet people. It could be a waste... But, he needed allies if he was ever to get anywhere in this world. He couldn't solo everything. It could get him killed. Maybe just meeting them would be good for now. Work on allies later. Now it was time to make acquaintances. Pyroth attempted to approach them. Then stopped about half way. "Hey." he said Awkwardly as he approached hopping he wasn't interrupting things.

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(Ok new plan now that Pk mc Pkerson is here we're staying in the town unless someone can ensure that Pker Mc Pkerson won't AOE my ass) 


Luna become more nervous as more and more people entered joined the group, becoming embarrassed and flustered "H-hi" she stammered to the new arrivals, her face looking to the ground temporarily so that she could get over her nerves, but it only took a few seconds before she was ok. But she didn't like how big the group was becoming and hunting seened scary, not to mention the one with white hair, who seemed nice gave her a weird feeling. 


"So...Ummm...what are we going to do...?" she asked, losing her train of thought.

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Hydra seemed to be ready to leave whenever it suited the others so Kranzer simply nodded at the man. He was just about to turn and speak to Allania when he heard someone else call out for Hydra. The young man turned around and saw a silver haired guy approach. The guy seemed friendly enough but then another one appeared but he just said hey without further introduction. One look at Luna and it was obvious she wasn’t overly comfortable with such a large group so Kranzer scratched his cheek for a moment.  We’ve got quite a large group going on here which could over complicate trying to teach,” he said as he looked towards Luna as she asked what they were going to do. “Well if you’re ok with we could head out and teach you the ropes, or we can look around at what is available here in the Town of Beginnings. It has a lot to offer. If you’d prefer a smaller group I could always send you a friend invite and you can contact me later." Then he turned and looked at the two new comers for a moment before he smiled and held his hand out. "I don't believe I've met either of you before. I see that you know Hydra," he said towards Sinful. "I've actually only just met him myself." His gaze shifted over towards Pyroth. "Have you met anyone here before or," he started to ask but he let his question hang in the air.


Edited by Kranzer
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