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[PP-F1] Friends <<Secret Medicine of the Forest>> (Hunie) - Complete

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Wandering around in the forest of the first floor, Husky kept a watchful eyes over the surrounding. Reading one of the AinCrad's newspapers, He found out that there's a field boss hidden within the forest, and it gives out a reasonable amount of EXP, as well as a good weapon for starter. Doing this quest would be a good boost of a level or two. Searching long and hard for the little nepents, unfortunately, the warrior could found none. Letting out a sigh, Husky sat down under a large tree and took a break. "At least the day was nice." He told himself, closing his eyes and took a brief break. That is, until he heard rustle coming from a bush near him. Sprang up on his feet and raised his hand up for a fight, Husky was not expected to see a familiar face.

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"Hey Husky!" Hunie said with a nervous smile and her hands up in the air, in order to show that she was defenseless and had no hostile intentions. "It's just me." The girl added, she had wormed her way into a bush in order to look for a material. "How are you doing?" she asked politely and then recalled that he was now a chef and his very first dish had been so delectable, she really wanted to know more about how the profession was treating him. "In particular, how is it being a chef? I'm sorry I haven't been able to stop by, I've been all caught in trying to level up and all." She said apologetically. The girl genuinely wished she had had more time and chances to enjoy the finer things in life, or rather in this game. "Are you up to anything today? Have you opened a shop yet?" Hunie was all questions, seeing Husky after what felt like eons, but probably hadn't been more than a week or so. 


ID# 54688 results: Battle: 6 Craft: 3 Loot: 19 MOB: 8 
+ 1 Mat 


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"H-Hi! Didn't expect to see you out here. It's a small world, heh?" Husky stuttered, seeing Hunie coming out from behind the bushes. He had thought it was one of the boars or wolves that wandered around. "Hey.... Uh, you just caught me off guard a little, it's fine." Husky raised both his hands up and released the tension on his knuckles, dropping his guard down. It's only been less than a week, and already, so much progress has been done between the two. "Yeah, I'm relatively good. I just started cooking recently, had a few bumps here and there, but it was alright. I don't think I ever mention of my shop. It's named Hakkasan Tavern, located in the third floor. Relatively close to town, but it wasn't that good for business since all the mist and fog. However, it was a nice place nonetheless." Husky introduced Hunie to his little shop, as well as answering the few questions that Hunie had in mind. "I was actually out hunting for a hidden field boss, The <<Nepent Variant>> I believe that's what it called. It was reported to spawn around these part, after you killed a certain amount of Nepents." 

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"Just 10000 people, or lesser now..." She said initially brightly and then with a tint of remorse. Not wanting to let sadness overwhelm her she tried smiling. He let her know it was all right, raising his hands to denote he too was unarmed and wasn't a threat. She took that as a cue to drop her hands, to her sides. She heard with interest as he talked about his shop, she repeated its name to burn it in her memory and visit it when the time came. While he talked, she looked around for more materials she could find, her crafting hadn't been going to well lately and she was looking for unique things she could use to enhance her items. "Oh your shop is on the third floor is it?" Hunie confirmed, while peering into bushed again, in search for a stone worthy of using her extraction tool on. "No wonder I haven't run into it already, I'm still exploring the second, I'm almost done though and then I was going to start with the third..." She said explaining her lack of visits. "But now that I know, I'll make an exception and stop by to taste something soon... I don't think we ever got to discussing why you chose to be a chef..." Hunie said, reminded that she was rankled by that question, on their last mission.  "Oh a quest is it? Mind if I join you, I promise I'll be of a lot more help now that I'm properly geared up!" Hunie responded when he spoke of the Nepants. 


ID# 54687 results: Battle: 2 Craft: 12 Loot: 13 MOB: 5


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"Sad truth...." Husky murmured under his breath, shook away those grim thoughts and returned the smile he had when he usually around her. Hearing her coming with more question, Husky chuckled slightly inside. "It's all right, I don't think the tavern is readied for customers just yet. There's still a lot of things that I need to prepare." Husky explained, not wanting her to visit his shop with him having nothing for his customer. Hearing Hunie asked for his reason why he wanted to be a chef, he responded. "Ah, that. I don't know really... I suppose that the profession wasn't that popular, as well as I don't want to compete with high level players who can make things with much better quality than mine." He told Hunie. 

"Sure thing, I'd love to have someone accompanied me. Don't worry about things as such. I don't mind you just stood back. Since you only have one chance here and everything you encounter out here can kill you and such..." Accepting Hunie request to come along, both set out on a search for the Nepents. 

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"Yay!" Hunie cheered simply when he said that he'd love to have some company. "So we have to kill some monsters and then the big monster appears right?" The armoured girl asked, to confirm the quest objective. She had walked a few steps ahead of Husky, turning and walking backwards in order to still maintain eye contact for the conversation. Not too worried about tripping and falling, since fall damage didn't take away health points unless it was from a great height, not to mention, no scrapes or bruises either... "It's funny, unless it's monsters, PKers or extreme environment, nothing harms us as much as it can in real life, we can take a lot of risks..." The girl said, thinking about the mechanics of the game again.

Just then she noticed the ground tremble around her. Soon four monster like plants thrust up from it, all folding in towards her attacking her simultaneously. Her trusty spikes in her armour were activated, they jutted out, shredding the poor plants into nothing, while she aided by hacking through one of them with her large sword. She was soon surrounded by red and blue shards of pixels as the mobs died their quick efficient death. "I'm tired of four way attacks she said, looking at the slight reduction in her health points.... So are these the Nepents you were talking about?" She asked Husky. For once, the girl felt rather useful. 


Spawning 4 <<Nepents>>
HP: 7 
Dmg: 2
Mit: 0 

ID# 54717 results: Battle: 8 Craft: 7 Loot: 10 MOB: 7

<<Nepent>> Hit! 
Hunie HP: 28/32 

Hunie: Hit! 
<<Nepent>> 1 -  4 dead. (Thorn damage)   



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"All right then. Let's move on." Husky exclaimed, as he and Hunie started their little journey to find the <<Nepent Variant>>. Seeing Hunie with her carefree attitude and her cheerful personality, what's there not to like about this girl. To think back to the first time he met her, he wondered what happened to the stalker. Maybe he quit the decision of following her, now that she had some strong gear, or perhaps he died for some reason. "Well either way, good riddance." Husky let out a sigh, keeping up with Hunie's pace closely behind her and checking out the surrounding in case of an ambush.

Seeing the four Nepent emerged from the ground, Husky was just about to warned Hunie of the trouble, but the thorn armor she got with her make a quick work of all the plants. "Look..... out." Didn't even finished his sentence, the girl has already finished with the four nepents. "Well, that's the one we suppose to hunt down, before the big one spawn." Replied to her question, he had a feeling something was behind him, "Speaking of the devil." he turned around and exclaimed, looking at a plant-like creature with a sight that wasn't pleasant to the view at all. "Well, you ready for some action?" Husky spoke, raised his hand and enter his fighting pose.


Husky: 16/16 HP | 4/4 En | 4 DMG | 1 PAR | 14 THR | 27 MIT | 

  • Hate: 0

Hunie: 28/32 HP | 8/8 EN | 3 DMG | 2 BLD | 14 THR | 30 MIT |

  • Hate: 0


Nepent Variant: 15/15 HP | 2 DMG | 5 MIT

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Having just had the evil plants impale themselves against her, she had barely had a moment of respite before the Nepent overlord spawned behind her. Husky stood between the blonde and the large mean plant. In an uncoordinated fashion, in hopes to prove to Husky that she was now going to be of more use to him than she had been last time, she drew out her large blade. Hunie stumbled forward and tried attacking the petaled beast from a safe distance, taking advantage of her sword's length. She stood in formation with her farming partner, and jabbed at the mob, literally in a taunting fashion.

The sword drew out a few red pixels from the stem, on the junction from where it sprouted the large leaves. Her sea green eyes looked up at it's health bar in some hope, unfortunately that little taunting jab of the sword had not been sufficient enough to drop much of the mob's health nor had it been enough to gain the mob boss's attention. "Either this thing is very healthy, or I'm just not doing enough" She said, with a small frown marring her face, without looking at her companion as she kept her eyes fixed at the large creature. "Should I try again? Do you want to give it a go?" The blonde asked wondering if he was armed just as protection or he was going to jump in too... 


ID# 55115 results: Battle: 7 Craft: 9 Loot: 10 MOB: 2

Husky: 16/16 HP | 4/4 En | 4 DMG | 1 PAR | 14 THR | 27 MIT | 

  • Hate: 0

Hunie: 28/32 HP | 8/8 EN | 3 DMG | 2 BLD | 14 THR | 30 MIT | (Hit!) 

  • Hate: 1


<<Nepent Variant>>: 14/15 HP | 2 DMG | 5 MIT (Miss!) 


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Seeing Hunie made her first attack dealing next to no damage, Husky decided to follow up with his own. Running forward with his hands reeled backward, Husky punched the plantlike monster. However, the attack didn't quite connect, hitting one of the more hard spot of the beast. Standing so close, he could see the plant reeled up the two vine tentacle arm and tried to attack Hunie. The vine were too short to reach, and Hunie is in the safe area in the boss fight. "That was a bummer... None of us managed to deal any damage to it. Hunie, you wanted to try again?" He perked his head over his shoulder and asked his partner.


ID: 55116

BD: 5 ( Heavy Momentum activated)

MOB: 1

Husky: 16/16 HP | 2/4 En | 4 DMG | 1 PAR | 14 THR | 27 MIT | 

  • Hate: 0 [Heavy Momentum]

Hunie: 28/32 HP | 6/8 EN | 3 DMG | 2 BLD | 14 THR | 30 MIT |

  • Hate: 1


Nepent Variant: 14/15 HP | 2 DMG | 5 MIT

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Hunie hid her disappointment with determination, Husky's followed up attack didn't go as planned. The girl smiled encouragingly at Husky in a sort of way to let him know that it was ok for things not to go as planned. He beckoned her to try again, which she was about to anyways. Her sword still in hand, she crouched as she approached the mutated plant. The tip of her blade was trailing against the ground as she struggled to keep it up. But just before she made her strike, she managed to pick her blade off the ground. The plant looked rather smug, it didn't show any reaction to Hunie approaching. Using this to fuel her next attack, once close enough she pushed her sword straight at its large green stem. Her attack wasn't as spectacular as she had hoped, as in it wasn't the kind of one shot damage she had seen people do, but the mob's HP did fall significantly. She raised her chin to Husky, signalling that it was his move now and hoping he finishes the matter at hand.


(OOC: I thought only one of us needs to worry about the mob, because he gets only one turn per both of us.

ID# 55702 results: Battle: 7 Craft: 3 Loot: 9 MOB: 4
SA used: Straight (1*2)*3= 6 dmg
HP: 28/32
Hate: 2

<<Nepent Varient>>: Miss! 
HP: 8/15 


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Husky soon followed up with Hunie for a chained consecutive attack. The gauntlet he wore on his hand glowed bright golden. With the sword art charged and readied, Husky threw two heavy hit to each side of the plant. It managed to hit a softer surface of the creature, dealing a little extra damage to the monster. It wasn't much damage overall. The Nepent Variant looked down onto Hunie, before lashed a large whip like vine toward the warrior in blonde. The moment the vine collided with her, the thorn effect proc. The reflective property of her armor is activated, and a large portion of the damage was return, enough to finished the field boss off itself.


ID: 55769

BD: 7+1 =8

MOB: 7

Husky: 16/16 HP | 0/4 En | 4 DMG | 1 PAR | 14 THR | 27 MIT | 

  • Hate: 1

Hunie: 28/32 HP | 5/8 EN | 3 DMG | 2 BLD | 14 THR | 30 MIT |

  • Hate: 2


Nepent Variant: 0/15 HP | 2 DMG | 5 MIT ( - (( 4 * Aggressive Twins: 2x1) - 5) = -1 DMG) ( -14 THR DMG)

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"Phew!" Hunie said and indicatively wiped the sweat off her brow, even though there wasn't any. "Great work there!" The blonde said brightly, sheathing the heavy Gorehowl. The Nepent varient burst into its spectacular blue crystals, leaving Hunie with a heavy sense of achievement. Soon that sense was converted into some in game experience as she received a pop-up window congratulating her for finishing the quest. It offered the girl a reward which she had to choose to accept, smiling to herself, she quickly tapped the 'Yes' button and opened her inventory to check if that transaction had been successful and if she had obtained the reward in question. Beaming, she looked up at Husky and asked "You got a quest completion notification too?" the girl confirmed. "Now that that's done, what do you have planned for the rest of the day?" She asked dawdling in the grass and hoping he had something fun in mind that she could join in. Before she could suggest anything, she noticed four nepents spawning around her again. Like clockwork, the spikes in her armour popped up and shredded the plants before she even had the time to unsheathe her sword and swing... She merely raised her eyebrow, "Looks like those guys didn't like us killing their leader, she said with a little giggle.


Spawning 4 <<Nepents>>
HP: 7 
Dmg: 2
Mit: 0 

ID# 55849 results: Battle: 7 Craft: 11 Loot: 7 MOB: 6

<<Nepent>> Hit! 
Hunie HP: 24/32 

Hunie: Hit! 
<<Nepent>> 1 -  4 dead. (Thorn damage)   


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"That's that dealt with." Husky let out a small sigh, seeing the little pixel fragments what was used to be the Nepent Variant boss that the two had just fought. He didn't expected that the job would end this quick. The day is still young, and there're still a lot of things to do. "Hmm, First I'd say we should get out of here. These guys doesn't worth that much experience, and a huge swarm can cause troubles. Say, you don't have much else to do today, right? How about you come and hang out in my shop while I prepare for tomorrow." Seeing other Nepents was getting up from the ground and started attacking both of them, Husky suggested that they should go elsewhere. "The tavern is not that far from town on the third floor, and there are things that we can do there. Beside, I have something special for you." 

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Hunie looked at Husky carefully, marking his features, noticing the scar on his face again. She heard his words, but she wasn't really listening. "I'm sorry what?" She said, with a small smile, she quickly averted her gaze, because it might seem rude to be staring at someone's imperfections. Hunie knew that feeling all to well. "Oh yes! Shop sounds great! I have no will to deal with anymore Nepents" She added, once her brain had worked on stringing together the words she had heard into something that made sense. Hunie now watched him carefully but ensured that she paid attention to what he was saying as well... "Something special you say?" She recounted. "Yay!" She cheered. The sound of something special from her chef was always welcome, although this was the few rare times she heard that from another player. Usually it was the NPCs who bore gifts for her. "Can't wait." She announced her excitement. "Lead the way why don't you?" She said her mind still pondering on the source of the scar on his face and she thought maybe she'd ask him about it sometime. 

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"Fantastic, let's go then." Husky exclaimed, leading the way back to the Town of Beginning. From there, they can proceed onto the third floor and to his shop. While walking along the way, he had a feeling that he was being eyed upon by his companion behind him. He doesn't mind of being eyed upon, since he got used to that feeling ever since the scar over his eyes became a permanent mark on his face. "It might be a weird choice of opening a shop, but it's the nicest place I could find. Also, it's a quiet place and pretty nice." He told Hunie, incase she had questions of why he choose his shop there. Entered the city, Husky pointed upward at the teleporting gate. "Meet you up on the third floor." Husky told Hunie, before teleported up to the third floor.

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The walk to the teleportation point had been a rather silent one, since it was a familiar path, it didn't take long. Soon he had teleported away and Hunie was smiling to herself wondering what food item awaited her. Once she had finished her teleportation, she found herself on the third floor. "So where exactly is your shop?" Hunie asked. As she waited for a response, she thought of the Nepent Varient he had just slain, thanks to his help, the whole ordeal had been a lot faster. Not to mention, she got another quest underway without even having that on her itinerary for the day. Can't hurt to be an over achiever in this game. She thought to herself. Although, overachiever was a really strong term to use, she was still so inexperienced in comparison to the others she had met in the game. "And I can't wait to actually reach there to know what you have! What've you got for me?" She asked her friend in a childishly impatient manner. 

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Seeing Hunie arrived at the third floor. With her, both headed toward the exit of the town, and entered the wilderness. "My shop is just around this road. The first building with a lantern and a sign of a tavern." Husky told the girl, as both continued to walk through the Forest of Wavering Mist. At the end of the road, they saw a small building. The entrance was dimly lit by a small lantern. "There we are. Come on in, you'll see soon." He told her , opening the door to the tavern.


"Have a seat. I'll be right back." Husky told her, before going to the back area that's only staffs allowed. After a while, he came out with a gift of a small red wine bottle. "The best product I have made yet. Since you like food so much, figure you might like it." Husky told, giving her the wine bottle


[ -1 Small Wine Bottle:(3 Alcoholic)]

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Once in his chef workshop, Hunie was quite impressed with the interiors. Although the place looked more like a hard inn than the soft and warm bakery she had presumed he would go for. But the blonde wasn't disappointed at all, this was definitely more masculine and it revealed a lot more about Husky. She found herself thinking about the scar again, while following his request to get seated. She placed herself on a table as opposed to the barstool, despite the latter probably being more convenient for her host. This was so that the conversation could remain at level and didn't start mimicking one between a lonely  girl at the bar and the barkeeper, she didn't want him to be the one serving her. The blonde ambled to the round table, absent-mindedly stroking its rough curved surface. Organic she thought, appreciating the work once again.

Her eyes paused over all the bottles racked up on the shelves and the large barrels under them, as she waited for Husky to return. The girl was surprised when he offered her a bottle of wine instead of the cupcakes she had longed for. "Oh Husky, that's really nice of you." She said, unwilling to turn a gift down, despite it being rather thoughtless considering he never inquired if she drank or not. However, no matter how real it all seemed, this was just a game. When the time is right, I might drink it after all... Hunie thought when the "I'm quite happy with how this Tavern has turned out, its very well done..." She praised while adding the bottle to her inventory. Hunie then motioned to the seat in front of her, hoping he'd like to sit and talk for a bit. "Husky, if you don't mind me asking, how did you get that scar?" She said tracing it out on her own face with her finger, to indicate the one she was talking about.


+ 1 wine bottle (Prefect +3 Alcoholic) 


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A smile grew on his face. He was a little skeptical of how old Hunie is, and if giving her that wine bottle was a good idea. But seeing that she likes it makes him felt somewhat relief. "I'm glad that you like the gift." He exclaimed. "Well, the place is like this already when I first bought it. I won't claim any work that I didn't do, so you can give the credit to whoever design this place. A real diamond in the rough." Husky exclaimed with a quiet laugh, taking a seat in the same table as Hunie, in front of the girl. 

Hearing her question of his scar, he chuckled slightly inside. "I was wondering when will she asked the question?" He thought. Many people have met him and asked the same question she had, and at first it slightly bothered him, but Husky had learned to live with it. He knew of the fact that people will always be curious of his scar, and he had learn to accept that fact. "It's a long story, but I suppose the day is still young so we have time for a story." He told Hunie, placed both his hands on the table and got himself in a more comfortable position. He continued. "Few years back, I was just a young guy who like to hang out with his friends. On my eighteenth birthday we desired to head down town. While hanging out, we saw an apartment bursting in flames. There were smokes everywhere, and the fire department is still taking their time to get there. Then, I saw a little girl. She was around fourth grade, dark hair, face charred by the smoke, and was absolutely horrified. The little girl is crying for help by a window. It was four stories up, so she was trapped. Nobody else was doing anything, and I'll be damn if she's still alive when the firefighters arrived. So, I decided to took action. I ran into the building without a second thought and head up to the fourth floor. Grabbed the fire extinguisher near the staircase entrance, I just jump into the fire and tried to look for the girl. I found her stuck inside her bedroom because the door is jammed by debris, so I dug it out with the fire extinguisher and both tried to escape." Husky sank deep into his story, vividly remembered every single detail. He continued. "Once I dug her out, we made our way to the fire exit. But then, the floor above us began to collapse. The little girl was fine, but a piece of hot rebar scraped through my face, nearly blind me and leave a pretty nasty cut, hence this." Husky paused for a second, using his finger to traced along the scar over his right eye. "Well, in the end, we did make it out. Although the doctor in the hospital managed to heal my eye, it never really one hundred percent healed." The boy concluded his story, and the origin behind the scar over his eyes

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"Ah well, whether you personally made it or not, its a lovely pick! Very classy." She added, letting her eyes rove over the decorations as Husky settled himself down. She noticed the very slight strain in his chuckle after he personal question. She knew what that was, it was the kind of smile she gave when people had asked her about the condition of her legs... She was glad he decided on sharing the story with her. The blonde listened to his story intently. Her fingers lay interlaced on her lap and as the his words unwound the circumstances that caused his nasty scar, she was captivated. Hunie wondered if she would have been able to be that brave, although she also realised it probably wouldn't matter. If the girl took such a risk, she would most likely land herself in a lot of trouble and become a bigger headache for whoever was meant to rescue them. Hunie thought back to everything her disability had prevented her from doing, her saddened smile was only brightened by the happy ending in Husky's story.

"Wow... That's really brave." Hunie said now grinning widely. She found her eyes resting on his scar again, with admiration, much like the very first time she saw it. "I never see scars as something bad, they're always a mark of stories, signs of struggle!" Hunie exclaimed. Now that she was in the game, she had a chance of making a real difference in people's lives, with nothing stopping her. Husky's story was inspiring. It reminded Hunie, once again, that humanity still existed and there were probably a lot of people in the game fighting for the good, it was high time she worked and joined them. "What you did was wonderful and you have something to show for it, I'm glad that the doctor could save your eye and I'm sorry it wasn't 100% efficient..." She added with a soft sigh. "But I'm sure that girl is eternally thankful!" The blonde let the silence rest between them, letting the story brew... 

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