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[PP-F1] Like a moth to fire [yukisuzuki] (complete)

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I hugged close to, start to realize who is really Yuki. Maybe I don't remember anything, but she remember to much. To think she passed all of that and still strong, still survived. And this game remind her all of that, make me want to hold her tighter. I caressed her hair softly, you can cry now, you don't need to hold it anymore. Then I raised her head and looked into her eyes. I wanted to say that I cared about her, that she shouldn't give up. But I didn't thought that I have the rights to do it, so I just open my mouth and said "it's not true. Without you, I would probably lose myself long ago. You are the reason that I keep going in this madness, every day I just looked forward to see you again. So please don't give up, and please don't do anything stupid. Because right now I have a reason to live, without you I will lose it forever..."

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Yuki looked into Rowan's eyes, she noticed something strande, but in a good way. He didn't have the anger or the hatred in his eyes that he had when he first met Yuki. Yuki still crying, her heart was pounding like it might jump out of her chest. Yuki looked up with tears in her eyes. As he spoke, Yuki began to blush but also something was making her direct her gaze down to his lips. She stared at them for a few seconds then she gazed back up into Rowand pretty eyes. No one mad ever said such nice words to her, she actually wanted to cry even more. She felt tears for in her eyes again. 

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That's actually right. Before I met her I had nothing to do. I was level five but I knew nothing about this game and myself, I wondered on floor one tried to figure who I am and what to do. I faced to notice that I'm not interested anyone, so I decided that no one should intrested me and did what it take to survive. I also decide that if I don't care about anyone, I should used everyone in every possible way to reach my goal. I not an idealist, I know that these things will never change. But weird enough, I don't want to used her and and don't care what she is thinking about me. I just want be with her, and I don't care if I will waste my time or gain nothing in return. I felt similar something to other players who just help me without get anything in return. I never understood them, but I also never understand myself.

As our eyes met, time has stood still...

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Before Yuki met Rowan everything was pretty much hard for her. Yuki was on the verge of killing herself. She couldn't take the guilt anymore. She had no one who loved her, all she had was people who came and go. She did not care if they left her or not, all she wanted was someone to love her, care about her, not hate her. Yuki never got what she wanted, she was always alone, and she began to not care wether she died or not because she thought she was wasting her time staying alive. 

She stared into his eyes, his pretty eyes. Everything stopped, time froze and it was only us. The world began to melt and only us were staring into each others eyes. Yuki found someone to care about, Yuki didn't want Rowan to leave her like everyone did. Yuki didn't want to kill herself, she wanted to be with Rowan. 

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"You know I learned in the hard way that no one is care about any of us, so I thought we shouldn't care about everyone too. I try to be as cold hearted as I could, and it's worked with everyone except you. I'm an empty shell without any memories and a broken mind, so I don't know if I will ever change. But I can't ignore you anymore, and I will never will. Yuki, I love you, and I will do whatever I can to help us get out of here." I gave at her a serious look before I continue "But know this, if I will ever lose part of my memories again, come to me and tell me 'Rowan is not your real name'. Then I will believe you and listen to everything you have to say".

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Yuki looked at Rowan in a new light. 'Yuki you can't hid your feelings anymore... you have feel for him' Yuki thought as she stared into rowans eyes. She was surprised but also happy when she began talking about her, in a good way. Yuki forgot how it felt to be loved, but now she feels like that doesn't matter anymore. 'He loves me?! Yuki tell him how you feel... don't be scared' Yuki thought as her heart began beating faster and faster. Yuki's face was extremely red, and she didn't know what to say. Yuki had many things to say but, she couldn't get it out of her mouth. She gulped, and took in a deep breath. "I- i... l- l-love ... y-you too" Yuki mumbled audibly. She took in another deep breath, before giving in her whole speech. "I- i ... d-don't know why but whenever i'm with you i feel much more safer. Even when you did try to hurt me, i knew you wouldn't... because there was no point too. When y-you kissed me, i knew my feelings for you were real" She blushed and looked down at her hands. She was scared that he would reject her, even if he said that he loved her. She was scared that he would abandon her, she was scared she would loose another person she loved. She was scared for him. 'What if he leaves me? What will happen then? Will i be able to live, since theres not much to live for if he leaves me or dies' Yuki thought. Yuki was never this scared, nor was she ever scared. If she was scared it was probably a fake feeling to show that she does have feelings. 

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I smiled when I heard her words. I couldn't believed she would love me back, not after everything I did to her. I wrapped her with my hand and raised her slowly from the tree she set on the whole time. Then when we were on the same height, I brought my face close to her. "Please promise me that we will always be able to trust each other, I don't want to lose you. If that will happen..." I will probably turn myself to a PK.  After I said it I regret immediately, it was a lot to ask from her. But I needed it. I need someone that trust. Even if I knew it's only a game, I felt this thought has a lot of meaning behind it.

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Yuki smiled big and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I promise" She whispered into his ear. Yuki was happy to find someone who loved her, even after that story she told him. "I don't want to loose you either. If i did... I'd probably-" Yuki stopped before she would say it, it hurt to much to spill it out of her mouth. If she said that she might cry again. Yuki let go of him but was still close to him, she smiled sweetly. She looked into his eyes before she looked down at his lips. She looked back up into his eyes and her heart began to beat faster again. Her cheeks began to burn up, as well as her stomach was filled with butterflies. 'Kiss him... Just do it already!' Yuki thought. She nodded to herself and leaned closer to his face, she could feel his breath on her face. 'it tickles, but its so warm' Yuki thought. Her nose brushed against his and she looked into his eyes. 

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"I'm glad, I'm glad to hear." I was really glad to hear that, I felt a huge relief in my chest. I ran my fingers through her hair as I caressed her gently. "Don't worry. you are not going to lose me. We will train hard and get a lot of good equipment, then none of us will lose anything ever again. At least..Until we will get out of here". I swift my hand in the hair and opened the menu bar, then I sent a trade request to Yuki. "Accept it."  I said, "I have something to give you". It wasn't much, but if it will rise her chance to survive until we will get a better items to her it will worth it. Weird enough, I start to take this game really seriously...It's funny when something important to you, everything become more real.

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Yuki smiles, and could feel his fingers run through my hair.  "Sounds like a plan" She smiles. Yuki got a trade request from Rowan, so she accepts it. She smiles and looks up at him. "Okay" She says still smiling at the boy, who she confessed to. Yuki looked up at the sky and smiles, she knows her mother is up there somewhere watching her. "Thank you" Yuki whispers to herself and smiles up at the sky. Yuki thanked her passed away mother because she was finally able to let go of her, she was able to become a normal person, able to fall in love. "Goodbye mum" She whispers to herself once again. She looks back down and smiles at Rowan. 

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I saw Yuki accept the trade. A few moment ago I wanted to kill her, now I'm gonna give her one of the most valued thing I had right now. When the trade tab pop up I open my inventory and drag a crystal there. "This is an health crystal, when you will run out of HP smash it in your hand and it will give you 20 HP back. The good thing about it that not like potion it doesn't take to much time to use him, so you won;t be valuable to attacks".

I accept the trade and watch my crystal moved to Yuki.  You right Zandra, this crystal will save my life.

Health crystal t1 (20HP) X1

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Yuki looks up at him and smiles, but is also shocked by the item he has given her. "Are you sure? Wouldn't you want this?" Yuki says with a it of worry in her voice. Yuki wasn't sure if he really wanted to give this to her. 'Does he care about me that much?' Yuki wondered. She began to remember how no one cared about her, and would be better off if she was dead. This thought almost made Yuki cry. "Do you really care about me this much?... d-don't you want to keep yourself safe" Yuki asked. Yes, Yuki did love him but she didn't want him getting hurt, and the other reason was no one ever cared about her like that. No one wanted to keep her alive, everyone wanted her dead, even her brother. 

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"No, I just don't want to lose you" I was honest, it was from a completely interested reasons. I really loved her, really really loved her. I want to convince her to take it "I have a better items and a better armour than you right now. Take it and save it in you inventory. When you will get better items as well, give this crystal back to me, Ok?"

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Yuki nodded, "Okay" Yuki smiled. Yuki was happy that he said he didn't want to loose her. "I don't want to loose you too" she hugs him and he continues. Once she finished she nods. "Okay" She says still hugging him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, whilst she had to be on her tippy toes. "Thank you" She says putting her chin in the crook of his neck. Tears were forming in her eyes, she was actually happy to meet Rowan. She was also surprised that a while back he tried to kill her but now, its like that never happened. Yuki was happy she didn't have to be alone anymore, she hated it. She wanted someone to find her, and safe her from the loneliness. Yuki wanted to stay like this forever, she never wanted to be alone again, she doesn't want to be alone anymore. 

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I accept the trade "That's good" I said.  I drink her eyes, just staring at her and stroke her face. I felt better, after i gave her my most valued potion. My face gets closed to hers as I felt her face. I can tell, we both want the same thing, but I wanted her to lead the way. C'mon Yuki, do it. the waiting is so hard. If you won't do it soon, I will break and do it myself.

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Yuki smiled and looked into Rowan's eyes. Yuki closes the space between them by kissing his lips. Yuki puts her fingers into his hair whilst her arms wrap around his neck. She moves a bit closer to him. She blushes, she was really happy that she kissed him. She pulls away but her face is still close to his. "I-i'm sorry" She says looking down at the floor. "if i made you uncomfortable" Yuki says more clearly.

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That's all I was needed. I close the space between us again and kissed her passionately, both of my hands warped her like a child while we shared this moment. I felt my face burning as I pulled her closer and closer to me. After that I kiss her nose and move to her ear, I kissed her there and whisper "Don't be silly, you can't made me uncomfortable". Then I moved to her neck, feeling it with my lips. Finally I back to her lips again. She passed so much, that all I want to do is to convince her that everything will be ok. Even if I didn't believe it myself.

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Yuki kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck tangling her hands into his hair again. Yuki felt her face heat up, when he kissed her nose, and her ear. She giggled at when he whispered it tickled her ear. Yuko was pleasered when he kissed her neck. She kissed back when he went back to her lips. Yuki never wanted to lose him, she never wanted him to let go of her. 

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I hugged her for a long time, just stayed silence. It's funny that in that time I didn't felt any headache at all, but I didn't knew for how long it would last. The wind blowed strong on my back but with her I didn't felt cold at all. After some time have passed I told her "I need to go back to town. I have some stuff to take care of, do you want to walk with me?" I wanted to go and find a nice weapon and armour, two sets of nice weapon and armour.

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"Yes i would love to" She said smiling up a Rowan. She wanted to hang out more with Rowan, she wanted to be with Rowan. Yuki was happy that she finally found someone who loved her. She found someone who she can't be scared of. Yuki is happy, but then she remembers something she wished she didn't. Yuki began to remember Rick, and Izzy. Yuki's smile vanished, and her facial expression showed just a blank face. Yuki was hurt, she remembered her ex and how he died because of her. Yuki followed Rowan into town, quietly. She didn't want to make him worry. Yuki remembered how she left her daughter after Rick died, because sh wanted to get the man who killed him. Yuki wanted that man to be gone because he killed her lover. Yuki will never forget that day, it was very painful. Yuki stayed silent as all of her memories came back. 

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