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[SP-F2] Solo Hunting 1

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Folding the newspaper up and placed it onto the desk, Husky pay for the breakfast meal, then head out of the inn. "All right. A full stomach, fueled with coffee, gears ready,... I think I'm going to go out for hunting today." The warrior told himself, getting ready to head on out of Urbus. Walking on the dirt trail, Husky looked left and right, trying to find any monster wandering around. "If I'm keeping up at this pace, surely, I'll be able to go ahead onto the next floor soon." He motivated himself, as his first ever solo hunting expedition started.

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Walking along the road, today has been a rather peaceful day. Not a single monster in sight. But just as Husky was about to be disappointed for the first few minutes of walking, he saw a small patch of herbal plants near the road. "That's emerald mint. I could use that for cooking." Husky told himself, grabbing the plants and put it in his inventory. "It's a start of something." Husky walks on, leave the road and head on out into the wilderness. Maybe with that, he had more chance of finding monsters


ID: 54011

LD: 20

Found: 1 Mat

Total Mat found: 1

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Looking toward a direction, Husky spotted 4 giant wasps. Trying to approached the monsters in silence, he accidentally stepped on a pile of dry crunchy leaves, which alerted the wasps of his arrival. All four of them flew high up in the air and all lunged toward him at once. Unable to dodged all of the attack, Husky suffered two critical hit to each side. Looking back at the wasps, now high in the air, the Warrior sit and waited. If they come down once again, he might be able to attach them.


ID: 54016 - 54019

BD: 5

MOB: 1; 10; 4; 10

Husky: 14/16 HP | 2/4 En | ( - ( - ((8+2) - 27 MIT)= - 1 DMG) x2) = -2 DMG)


Giant Wasps 1: 12/12 HP | 8 DMG | 3 MIT

Giant Wasps 2: 12/12 HP | 8 DMG | 3 MIT

Giant Wasps 3: 12/12 HP | 8 DMG | 3 MIT

Giant Wasps 4: 12/12 HP | 8 DMG | 3 MIT

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Waiting for the wasps to come toward him once again, Husky sat still and wait. Surely, if he can manage to block the attack, then the monsters is done for. Still, with all four consecutively attack, two landed its mark, while the other two missed. The warrior's armor shone brightly, as the lights reflected back to the two wasps, and so they burst to million of pixelated particles. The other two once again ascended to the sky. "Two down, two to go."


ID: 54026 - 54028 ; 54030

BD: 5 

MOB: 3; 2; 6; 7

Husky: 12/16 HP | 1/4 En | ( - ( - (8 - 27 MIT)= - 1 DMG) x2) = -2 DMG)


Giant Wasps 1: 0/12 HP | 8 DMG | 3 MIT ( -14 THR DMG)

Giant Wasps 2: 0/12 HP | 8 DMG | 3 MIT ( -14 THR DMG)

Giant Wasps 3: 12/12 HP | 8 DMG | 3 MIT

Giant Wasps 4: 12/12 HP | 8 DMG | 3 MIT


ID: 54028

LD: 15

Looted: 1 Mat, 60 Cols


ID: 54030

LD: 15

Looted: 1 Mat, 60 Cols

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The last two remain in the air for a while, before dove head first down toward Husky for their attacks. The warrior simply raised his hand and blocked the two attack. Once again, his armor shone brightly and reflected back to the attacker. Both Giant Wasps share the same fate as the other two. Letting out a sigh, Husky stretched his body, soaring from all the bite and stung from the wasps. After that, he continued on.


ID: 54031, 54032

BD: 1 

MOB: 6; 8

Husky: 10/16 HP | 0/4 En | ( - ( - (8 - 27 MIT)= - 1 DMG) x 2) = -2 DMG)


Giant Wasps 1: 0/12 HP | 8 DMG | 3 MIT

Giant Wasps 2: 0/12 HP | 8 DMG | 3 MIT

Giant Wasps 3: 0/12 HP | 8 DMG | 3 MIT ( -14 THR DMG)

Giant Wasps 4: 0/12 HP | 8 DMG | 3 MIT ( -14 THR DMG)


ID: 54031

LD: 11

Looted: 1 Mat, 60 Cols


ID: 54032

LD: 17

Looted: 1 Mat, 60 Cols


Total loot: 4 Mat, 240 Cols

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Walking around, waiting for his health to regenerate, Husky thought that he might as well look for some Material for his shop. Roaming around the green field, he searched around for anything that he could use in his favor, but alas he found nothing. Sighed in disappointment, Husky found a nearby tree to get some shade. Settled down near the tree, under the cool breezes and avoiding the sunlight, he sat down and took a rest.


[Recover: 3 HP; 1 EN]


ID: 54049

LD: 2

Found: nothing

Total Mat found: 5

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While sitting and rest, Husky saw a glimmering object just under the bushes nearby. "Well, isn't this just my luck." He chuckled, sat up from the ground and quickly made his way to the glimmering crystal berries under the bushes. Harvested the berries and put them in his inventory, Husky packed up, and once again return to the hunting trip. He have had enough rest, and now, it's time to head back out if he wanted to be more productive.


[Recover: 3 HP; 1 EN]


ID: 54069

LD: 18

Found: 1 Mat

Total Mat found: 6

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Walking along the track, Husky find a stray wolf. It wasn't followed by any other wolves. "Must be an Omega. That's mean there're other wolves around." Husky analyzed the situation, using the knowledge of wildlife he read years ago. He hesitated, re-think the decision of jumping onto the Omega wolf. If he jumped on them here, then there's might be a chance he will be jumped by other wolves. Decided to waited for any sign of the other wolves showing up, Husky sat behind the hills and waited


[Recover: Full Heal]

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Indeed, he was correct. As the Omega wolf went by, another small pack of three other wolves approached the Omega's location. As the wolves sniffles in the air, they traced down Husky scents, and all four of them growled angrily, looking toward his location. "Not good.... Well, I might as well attack first." Husky thought to himself, leaped out from his cover spot and ran toward the nearest wolves. He threw a heavy punch toward the first wolf he see, connecting the <<Aggressive Twin>> sword art. With the two punches chained together was enough to obliterated the wolf to pieces. The other three decided to advance, tried and attack him, but the reflect damage from his armor ended them as well. Only one wolf remain, growling at Husky, showing its fang and readied to pounced onto him.


ID: 54343 - 54346

BD: 10

MOB: died; 1; 8; 7

Husky: 14/16 HP | 2/4 En | ( - ( - (8 - 27 MIT)= - 1 DMG) x 2) = -2 DMG)


Dire wolf 1: 0/10 HP | 8 DMG | 2 MIT | ( - ((( 4+2) *Aggressive Twins: 2x1) -2) = -10 DMG)

Dire wolf 2: 10/10 HP | 8 DMG | 2 MIT |

Dire wolf 3: 0/10 HP | 8 DMG | 2 MIT | ( -14 THR DMG)

Dire wolf 4: 0/10 HP | 8 DMG | 2 MIT | ( -14 THR DMG)


ID: 54343

LD: 11

Looted: 1 Mat, 50 Cols


ID: 54344

LD: 17

Looted: 1 Mat, 50 Cols


ID: 54345

LD: 13

Looted: 1 Mat, 50 Cols

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While the wolf is busy growling at him, Husky make his move. Lunged forward and used the same sword art he used, the pair of gauntlet he wore glowed as he nailed two more hit onto the wolf. Before it could react, Husky retracted his hand to avoid being bitten by the wolf. Seeing the health bar of the monster plummet, the warrior had his target locked onto the creature.


ID: 54472

BD: 8 

MOB: 4

Husky: 13/16 HP | 2/4 En | ( - ( 8 - 27 MIT)= - 1 DMG)


Dire wolf 1: 0/10 HP | 8 DMG | 2 MIT |

Dire wolf 2: 4/10 HP | 8 DMG | 2 MIT | ( - (( 4 *Aggressive Twins: 2x1) -2) = -6 DMG)

Dire wolf 3: 0/10 HP | 8 DMG | 2 MIT | 

Dire wolf 4: 0/10 HP | 8 DMG | 2 MIT | 

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Husky took a defensive pose this time around, taunting the wolf to go ahead and attack him. The wolf did, and the moment its teeth sunken into Husky's leg, his armor glowed brightly, and the reflective damage returend to the wolf, edning the beast's life as well. "All right then, all four dealt with. Time to head on out." Husky told himself, stretched his arms and back, before continued on forward to explore the vast land ahead.


ID 54512

MOB: 6

Husky: 12/16 HP | 2/4 En | ( - (8 - 27 MIT)= - 1 DMG)


Dire wolf 1: 0/10 HP | 8 DMG | 2 MIT |

Dire wolf 2: 0/10 HP | 8 DMG | 2 MIT | ( -14 THR DMG)

Dire wolf 3: 0/10 HP | 8 DMG | 2 MIT | 

Dire wolf 4: 0/10 HP | 8 DMG | 2 MIT | 


LD: 12

Looted: 1 Mat, 50 Col


Total Loot: 4 Mat, 200 Cols

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(Just figure out that you don't have to roll multiple dice for mobs. Pardon for the upper posts.)

Brushing his hand off from the previous fights, Husky continued on in his quest for Material. He didn't have to travel long, for he found another four giant wasps, or rather they found him. All four of them attacked when Husky was unaware, but all four triggered the reflected damage from his armor, as all four fallen. "Owch.... what in the..." Husky asked himself, as he felt something hit him in the back. His armor shone brightly, and all four wasps was no more. When he turned around, all he see is the loot drops from the wasps on the floor. "Ok then...."


ID: 54535

MOB: 8

Husky: 8/16 HP | 0/4 En | ( -(( 8 -27 MIT)= -1 DMG) x4) = -4 DMG)


Giant Wasps 1: 0/12 HP | 8 DMG | 3 MIT ( -14 THR DMG)

Giant Wasps 2: 0/12 HP | 8 DMG | 3 MIT ( -14 THR DMG)

Giant Wasps 3: 0/12 HP | 8 DMG | 3 MIT ( -14 THR DMG)

Giant Wasps 4: 0/12 HP | 8 DMG | 3 MIT ( -14 THR DMG)


LD: 19

Looted: 8 Mats, 240 Cols

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Continued down the wilderness, everything all the sudden just became so quiet. Not a single monster roaming around, not a sight of anything available to be collect. It was just the sun, cool breeze and the scenery. "Well, at least the scenery is nice." Husky sat down upon the grass hill, and took a quick rest. Waiting for his health bar regenerated, he sat and enjoy the scenery.


[Recover: 3 HP, 1 EN]


ID: 54561

LD: 14

Found: Nothing

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Stood up from the little rest, Husky move on. The day is still young and there are still much to do. Searching for more Material, Husky was once again disappointed to find none for a good while. Watching his Health Bar to regenerate back up to full, Husky trod on the grassland, looking for anything that he could use for his shop. 


[Recover: 3 HP, 1 EN]


ID: 54895

LD: 7

Found: nothing

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"Finally, something." Husky exclaimed, looking into the woodland nearby. He saw a brown bear lurking inside the woods. Followed the monster, he had accidentally activated four hidden monster. From the trees four ents emerge. As each of them swing the branches toward Husky, the warrior quickly raised his hand to block the attack. When the branches hit him, his armor glowed brightly, and the reflected damage returned to the mob, destroyed the ents without much effort. Shaking off the attack, Husky decided to lay low for a while before going after the bear.


ID: 54909

MOB: 8

Husky:  Husky: 10/16 HP | 0/4 En | ( -(( 12 -27 MIT)= -1 DMG) x4) = -4 DMG)


Ent 1: 0/14 HP | 12 DMG | 6 MIT | ( -14 THR DMG)

Ent 2: 0/14 HP | 12 DMG | 6 MIT | ( -14 THR DMG)

Ent 3: 0/14 HP | 12 DMG | 6 MIT | ( -14 THR DMG)

Ent 4: 0/14 HP | 12 DMG | 6 MIT | ( -14 THR DMG)


LD: 19

Looted: 8 Mat, 280 Cols

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Resting behind a tree, Husky waited for his health to replenish. Peaking his head over the tree trunk, he tried to find where the bear is. The thing shouldn't have gone that far away from where he just saw it. Couldn't see the bear's whereabouts, what Husky did find was a plant, glimmering under the sunlight. "That's a cooking herb." The warrior exclaimed, quickly make a dash for the herb. Quickly harvest it and put it into his inventory, Husky quietly sat behind the tree, waiting to see where the bear is.


ID: 55073

LD: 20

Found: 1 Mat.

Total Mat collected: 27

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The moment Husky turned around, the bear was right behind him. Let out a fearsome roar, the bear delivered a heavy swipe across Husky's face. He was quail enough to raise his hand and block the attack. The armore shone, as the reflective damage activated and returned some back to the bear. Quickly retaliate with his own, the Warrior activate the <<Aggressive Twins>> sword art and nailed two hit on each side of the bear's face.


ID: 55105

MOB: 6

BD: 8

Husky: 12/16 HP | 0/4 EN | ( - (15 -27) = -1 DMG)


Brown Bear: 15/30 HP | 15 DMG | 8 MIT | ( -14 THR DMG) (- (( 4 *Aggressive Twins: 2x1) -8) = -1 DMG)

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Husky raised his hand and wailed the heavy punch toward the bear, but the Sword art didn't correctly connect. He missed the bear with just a little gap for the thing to attack, and it took it. However, Husky managed to raised his left hand and blocked the attack, sending the thorn damage back to the thing. It roared in pain, pushed him away for a good distance.


ID: 56086

BD: 3 

MOB: 7

Husky: 11/16 HP | 0/4 EN | ( - (15 -27) = -1 DMG)


Brown Bear: 1/30 HP | 15 DMG | 8 MIT | ( -14 THR DMG)

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Stood up from the ground, Husky looked back at the brown bear. Saw its health bar blinking at the first mark, Husky without hesitation ran forward, raised his hand and prepared for an attack. He ducked under the bear, before delivering a devastating uppercut to the head of the beast. The thing fell down and burst to million pieces of pixelated fragments. Brushing the dust off his armor, Husky grinned, his mouth mumbled the two letters "K.O"


ID: 56166

BD: 7

MOB: died before action

Husky: 11/16 HP | 0/4 EN |


Brown Bear: 0/30 HP | 15 DMG | 8 MIT | ( - ( 4 -5) = -1 DMG)


LD: 2 

Looted: 1 mat

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"Alright! I think it's time for me to head home." Husky let out a sigh. Packing up his items, Husky opened his map and returned to Urbus. He have had an eventful day today. Mostly collecting materials, but nonetheless, it was indeed a very successful expedition. Once returned to the town, without any hesitation, he got himself a room in one of the inn at town. While the sun is setting, Husky fell onto the bed of his inn room. His eyes slowly drooped down, as he fell fast asleep. "Tomorrow is another day..."

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