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[SP-F1] Lost and Found: Part 1

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A grin slowly worked its way on her face as she stood out in the center of the grassy fields that surrounded the Town of Beginnings. Four of the vile beasties surrounded her, well the truth was she walked right into their midst. She was fully intent to rely on her armor to tank these beasties and unless they killed themselves first she'd be able to keep this up for quite a while. They moved first as each of the attacked her and their tusks scored hit after hit along her body but her health only dropped a small fraction. The boars weren't quite so lucky. When each boar struck her in turn their health gauge was suddenly depleted without warning and all four of them fell over as their bodies broke up into a flurry of data shards. Magda grinned as the window appeared before her that revealed what she'd acquired out of it. Her eyes widened when she saw that she'd gotten four shields out of the mix. "Well this might be more worthwhile than I thought," she mused and decided it was best to sit back for a bit before she engaged the next group she came across.



Magda(ID#  54090)
6+1=7 (Hit)
CD: 5 [6+ = +9HP]
LD: 16 [4 Good Items-All Shields]; +4 Material
HP: 16/20  EP: 4/5 [-1]  Mit: 18, Regen: 9, Thorns: 14, Dmg: 3, Acc: 1, Eva: 0, Para: 0, Hate: 0

MD: 7 [Hit - Takes 14 Thorns Damage]
Boar 1
Dead/10 [14-3=11]  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 2
Dead/10 [14-3=11] Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 3
Dead/10 [14-3=11]   Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 4
Dead/10 [14-3=11]   Damage: 3 Mit: 3


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The four tower shields she'd gotten off of the boards didn't seem to be all that great but she'd hold on to them anyway. Perhaps Mack could even do something with them. She shrugged slightly as she took a look at her health and energy gauges. Her energy had just fully replenished and her health only had a small amount to go. She frowned slightly and took another look around. "Hmm. I wonder," she muttered and started pushing her boot through the grass. She vaguely remembered being told that she could hunt for materials out here without the need of having to fight for them. While that wasn't nearly as much fun it would keep her busy while she waited for her energy and health to replenish. She kicked her foot through the grass not really invested in the idea of gathering stuff to use as material in such a manner. Whether it was just bad luck or her halfhearted effort she didn't find anything.

ID: 54315; LD: 14 {Nothing Found}
Energy: +1 (5/5); Health: +3 (19/20)

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After she'd walked away from the area she fought the first group of boar at Magda decided it was time to take on another group. Even though her health hadn't fully regenerated she felt confident enough that she'd survive. It didn't take long before she found another group of four little beasties ripe for the picking. The redhead smiled as she charged forward with her hammer held low and ready to strike. The first boar took a strike to its left let which sent it sprawling to the side. The others charged in and the first two were dodged easily when Magda stepped to the side. The third however proved to be faster that she expected and had to set her shield into the ground to halt its attack. The fourth charged in and the redhead quickly pivoted on her heel and leaped to the side so that when she landed she faced the boar rather than running the risk of exposing her back.


Magda(ID# 54316)
10+1=11 (Crit +2 Dmg)
CD: 1 [6+ = +9HP]
HP: 19/20  EP: 4/5 [-1]  Mit: 18, Regen: 9, Thorns: 14, Dmg: 3, Acc: 1, Eva: 0, Para: 0, Hate: 0

MD: 5 [Miss]
Boar 1
8/10 [5-3]  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 2
10/10  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 3
10/10   Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 4
10/10  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Total Loot: 4 Material[combat]; 4 Tower Shields[Good Quality]


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The boars rushed her sooner than she expected. Her eyes grew wide and she tried to shift her shield over to intercept the first one but she wasn't able. Its tusks hit her hard and knocked her back. The second boar swept in and clipped her legs which sent her sprawling to the ground. She was just about to push her way to her feet when the third closed in and hit her in the side. The fourth immediately struck her which sent her sliding across the ground. Her health had dipped some but quickly regenerated as her armor's ability kicked in. The redhead grinned madly as she jumped to her feet and clubbed the closest boar over the head with her hammer. "Is that the best you can do?"


Magda(ID# 54324)
BD: 6
+1= 7(Hit)
CD: 8 [6+ = +9HP]
HP: 20/20 [-4+9]  EP: 4/5 [+1-1]  Mit: 18, Regen: 9, Thorns: 14, Dmg: 3, Acc: 1, Eva: 0, Para: 0, Hate: 0

MD: 10 [Crit +2 Dmg] [3+2-18=1 each]
Boar 1
7/10 [3-3] Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 2
10/10  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 3
10/10   Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 4
10/10  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Total Loot: 4 Material[combat]; 4 Tower Shields[Good Quality]


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The beasties charged in again but their charges didn't pack quite the same punch this time. Each one hit her in turn before she could really get her shield up to protect herself but this time her armor activated and they all rewarded with considerable damage for their efforts. She lifted her hammer and was just about to smack one again but stopped as they all fell over and broke up into a shower of blue data shards. "Alright," she muttered as she looked at her health gauge. When she saw it regenerate thanks to her armor she smiled and decided rather than taking a breather she'd simply head out and look for another group.


Magda(ID# 54327)
2+1=3 (Miss)
CD: 12 [6+ = +9HP]
LD: 12 [+4 Tower Shields of Good Quality]; +4 Material
HP: 20/20 [-4+9]  EP: 4/5 [+1-1]  Mit: 18, Regen: 9, Thorns: 14, Dmg: 3, Acc: 1, Eva: 0, Para: 0, Hate: 0

MD: 6[Hit] [3-18=1 each] [Thorns Activates: 14-3=11 Damage]
Boar 1
Dead/10 Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 2
Dead/10  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 3
Dead/10   Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 4
Dead/10  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Total Loot: 8 Material[combat]; 8 Tower Shields[Good Quality]


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Magda continued her little trek farther out in the grassy plains until she spotted yet another group of boar off in the distance. She smiled as she started towards them with a light jog, her hammer held at the ready. The instant she closed the ground between them she swung her hammer out wide but misjudged the distance and missed. The redhead frowned as the boars turned and charged at her. Each charge was met with her shield firmly set to the ground. Neither of the combatants had fared well thus far but Magda was bound and determined to change that. She grinned at the beasties and stepped towards the next one.


Magda(ID# 54400)
BD: 2
+1=3 (Miss) [ -3=]
CD: 11[6+ = +9HP]
HP: 20/20 [+9]  EP: 4/5 [+1-1]  Mit: 18, Regen: 9, Thorns: 14, Dmg: 3, Acc: 1, Eva: 0, Para: 0, Hate: 0

MD: 4[Miss] [3-18= each]
Boar 1
 10/10 Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 2
 10/10  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 3
 10/10   Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 4
 10/10  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Total Loot: 8 Material[combat]; 8 Tower Shields[Good Quality]


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All four of the boars turned to face the redhead as she lifted her shield up. They had her surrounded which wasn't the ideal position to be in but that was the price for rushing in so quickly. The first ran in and struck the back of her leg and brought her down. The remaining three rushed in and struck her but like he previous two groups they each took considerable damage as her armor's enchantment activated upon her being hit. Their health gauges dropped down to zero and each one broke apart into shards of blue data. Magda stood up and was relieved to see her health refill completely. She was a little peeved that her armor was doing all of the work here but she wasn't going to dwell on it since it was keeping her alive. Suddenly she heard a voice call out for help from somewhere. It wasn't until the voice called out again that she realized where it came from. She might have been mistaken but she thought the voice sounded like a child, something that added a bit of speed behind her feet as she rushed over the hill.


Magda(ID# 54408)
BD: 2
+1=3 (Miss) [ -3=]
CD: 10 [6+ = +9HP]
LD: 5 [Nothing Found]; +4 Material
HP: 20/20 [-4+9]  EP: 4/5 [+1-1]  Mit: 18, Regen: 9, Thorns: 14, Dmg: 3, Acc: 1, Eva: 0, Para: 0, Hate: 0

MD: 7 [Hit] [3-18= 1 each] [Thorns Acivate: 14-3=11]
Boar 1
 Dead/10 Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 2
 Dead/10  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 3
 Dead/10   Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 4
 Dead/10  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Total Loot: 12 Material[combat]; 8 Tower Shields[Good Quality]


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When Magda reached the top of the hill she saw a small boy who must have been no older than eight years old roughly thirty meters away. There were four boars that circled him and when one of them started to rake its front hoof along the ground she decided she couldn't just be an observer here. Magda charged down the hill and nearly lost her footing in the process. The redhead dropped to one knee when she reached the bottom of the hill. When she heard the boy scream for her help she quickly pushed off the ground and sprinted forward. "Get behind me," she shouted as she got close enough to see him. At first she'd thought the boy was another player who'd traveled a bit too far from the Town of Beginnings. The boy wasn't clad in the gear of an adventurer though. He wore a simple grey tunic with brown pants and leather shoes. His short black hair looked unkempt and the name above the child's head read Galvin. Her brow furrowed as she realized that this was a NPC. The redhead fumed that she'd freaked out and rushed in to save a freaking NPC. "Gah!" It was too late to turn around so she simply decided to kill the Mobs that surrounded the boy and then leave.

(+1 Energy)


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When she ran in the boy quickly ran behind her which caused her brow to furrow. There were times that those NPCs really unsettled her. Some of them were just too lifelike and that didn't really sit well with her. There was more to it though. Ever since she'd encountered that Gemini she'd become very wary around the NPCs. For all she knew they were intelligent and planned to replace all of the players with those doppelgangers. She had more pressing matters though as the beasties charged in. She cast a quickly glance over her shoulder and saw the boy as he cowered back there. She could have stepped to the side and allowed the boars to take the boy out but she just couldn't bring herself to be that heartless. So she simply planted the bottom of her shield into the ground. "Come on! Show me what you've got!" She felt the impact of each boar as it slammed into her shield and as the last one his she quickly pulled her shield away and slammed her hammer down on its back. It's health bar barely moved which caused her eyes to narrow.


Magda(ID# 54422)
BD: 7
+1=8 (Hit) [ 3-3=1]
CD: 8 [6+ = +9HP]
HP: 20/20 []  EP: 4/5 [-1]  Mit: 18, Regen: 9, Thorns: 14, Dmg: 3, Acc: 1, Eva: 0, Para: 0, Hate: 0

MD: 3 [Miss] [3-18= 1 each] 
Boar 1
 9 /10 Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 2
 10 /10  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 3
 10 /10   Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 4
 10 /10  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Total Loot: 12 Material[combat]; 8 Tower Shields[Good Quality]

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One of the boars had wheeled around an charged her faster than she'd anticipated so she wasn't able to plant her shield in time as its tusks slammed into her stomach. She fell back and she heard the boy cry out. The remaining three boars charged in and hit her in rapid succession which sent her flying back with the boy barely managing to get out of the way in time. Magda quickly stood up as her health was regenerated. She let out a low sigh as she stepped forward and brought her hammer down hard only to miss her target and send grass spraying the immediate area from where her hammer hit the ground. She let out a low curse. "Are you alright miss?" She looked back at the boy and was shocked by the sheer look of concern on the NPC's face. She forced her eye to move back to the boars and reminded herself that the boy wasn't real.


Magda(ID# 54430)
BD: 3
+1= 4(Miss) [ 3-3=1]
CD: 7 [6+ = +9HP]
HP: 20/20 [-4+9]  EP: 4/5 [+1-1]  Mit: 18, Regen: 9, Thorns: 14, Dmg: 3, Acc: 1, Eva: 0, Para: 0, Hate: 0

MD: 9 [Crit +1 dmg] [3+1-18= 1 each] 
Boar 1
 9 /10 Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 2
 10 /10  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 3
 10 /10   Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 4
 10 /10  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Total Loot: 12 Material[combat]; 8 Tower Shields[Good Quality


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Magda grinned at the situation she found herself in. Monsters to her front. She had her shield and hammer in hand and there was an "innocent" behind her that depended on her to protect him. She was already performing her duty as a Tank. The thought was rather amusing but she was quickly snapped back to reality as the boars charged forward once more. Unable to react in time to plant her shield was only able to grit her teeth and take the hits. Luckily her armor once again regenerated her health while dealing considerable damage to her opponents. Each of the four boars perished from their own attacks and fell over. Blue shards were kicked up into the air when their bodies broke apart. "That's what you get for messing with me," she mused and stood up. "That was so awesome," the boy called out as he ran up and hugged her leg. Magda's eyes narrowed when she looked down at the boy.


Magda(ID# 54435)
BD: 6
+1=7 (Hit) [ 3-3=1]
CD: 12 [6+ = +9HP]
LD: 4 [Nothing Found]; +4 Material
HP: 20/20 [-4+9]  EP: 4/5 [+1-1]  Mit: 18, Regen: 9, Thorns: 14, Dmg: 3, Acc: 1, Eva: 0, Para: 0, Hate: 0

MD: 7 [Hit] [3+1-18= 1 each] [Thorns Activate: 14-3=11 dmg]
Boar 1
 Dead /10 Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 2
 Dead  /10  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 3
 Dead /10   Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 4
 Dead /10  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Total Loot: 16 Material[combat]; 8 Tower Shields[Good Quality]


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"Uh... what do you think you're doing?" The redhead shook her head as she tried to dislodge the NPC. Try as she might she just wasn't able to get him to let go. "Come on let go already!" The little boy stood back and grinned. Despite that there was still concern etched into his expression as she looked around warily. Once more Magda was stunned by the NPC's ability to mimic emotions and it threatened to question the way she viewed them. Suddenly the NPC's grin withered and tears started to brim along his eyes. "What's wrong?" The NPC tried to calm himself and wiped away his tears. Then he puffed out his chest and said, "I can't find my father. He's a warrior from my village. He came out here to track down some bandits who kidnapped my sister." Suddenly a quest prompt appeared before Magda and her eyes narrowed. "Bah." For the moment the ignored the accept and decline options and just read through the prompt. "Lost and Found - Wayward Child: After saving a lost child from a group of wild boars lead the boy back to his mother in Horunka Village."

The redhead sighed as she accepted the quest. "Can't very well leave a child to wander around in the wilderness," she mumbled.

(Energy +1 5/5)

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"Come on squirt," she said none too amused. The redhead turned and started to walk away. The boy frowned for a moment before he ran to catch up. Once he was by her side he reached out and tapped her on the side of her arm. Even though she didn't look he spoke anyway. "May name is Galvin." There was a slight edge to the boy's tone which caused Magda's brow to furrow. Silently she pondered if she'd insulted him but quickly dismissed the thought. She was just about to call him squirt again but a slight rustling noise drew her attention away. A group four men emerged from the tall grass and surrounded the redhead and the little boy. Above each of their heads was the word Bandit. She frowned and looked at each of them. She remembered the boy mentioned his father had gone out to track some bandits down. "Hand the boy over and walk away."

The redhead grinned and pulled her hammer free from the loop on her hip. The Bandits quickly reacted and all moved in to attack. Their daggers each found their mark as she took the hits. Her armor quickly activated as it not only healed her health back to full but effectively eliminated all of the bandits via the Thorns enhancement. The redhead smiled and rested her hammer against her right shoulder. She started to walk again and looked back long enough to make sure the NPC was still following.


Magda(ID# 55074)
BD: 7
+1=8 (Hit) [ 3-=]
CD: 7 [6+ = +9HP]
LD: 5 [Nothing Found]; +4 Material
HP: 20/20 [-4+9]  EP: 4/5 [+1-1]  Mit: 18, Regen: 9, Thorns: 14, Dmg: 3, Acc: 1, Eva: 0, Para: 0, Hate: 0

MD: 6 [Hit] [3+1-18= 1 each] [Thorns Activate: 14 Damage]
Bandit 1
Dead/10 Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Bandit 2
  Dead/10   Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Bandit 3
Dead/10   Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Bandit 4
Dead/10  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Total Loot: 20 Material[combat]; 8 Tower Shields[Good Quality]


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Magda didn't like the sudden appearance of bandits along the path she'd taken to the village. The fact that they asked for the kid to be handed over was all she needed to know. That blasted quest was responsible. For a brief moment she looked down at the boy that followed alongside her. The boy suddenly jumped behind her which was the first indication that she'd messed up. "More bandits?" Her dark eyes widened as four boars charged right at her. Each one scored a hit as their tusks tore into her armor. She fought to stay on her feet and ended up planting the bottom of her shield into the ground to assist her. Each boar fell over dead after it hit her and once more she said a silent "thank you" to her brother for making it. The boy walked around and smiled. "You're so strong!" The redhead smiled as she started walking again. "Maybe you aren't all that bad," she mused. Especially if he kept complimenting her like that.


Magda(ID# 55083)
= 7[+1](Hit) [ 3-=]
CD=3[6+ = +9HP]
LD=10 [Nothing Found]; +4 Material
HP: 16/20 []  EP: 4/5 [+1-1]  Mit: 18, Regen: 9, Thorns: 14, Dmg: 3, Acc: 1, Eva: 0, Para: 0, Hate: 0

MD=7[Hit] [3+1-18= 1 each][Thorns Activate: 14 Damage]
Boar 1
Dead/10 Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 2
  Dead/10   Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 3
Dead/10   Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Boar 4
Dead/10  Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Total Loot: 24 Material[combat]; 8 Tower Shields[Good Quality]


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A low cloud passed overhead and momentarily blotted out the sun. Magda looked up at the sky and then towards the east. Dark clouds dotted the distant horizon and were periodically illuminated by a flash of thunder. "And now it's going to storm. That's just great." Magda spoke in a low tone and quickened her pace. The clouds looked like they were still a ways off so she figured that she'd at least make it to the boy's village before the onset of the rain. Regardless she didn't want to get stuck out in it if she didn't have to. "Hurry up," she said as she looked over at the boy. When she realized the boy had stopped in his tracks she slowed her pace and looked back. "Why'd you stop?" The boy's expression quickly changed. His lip trembled and he took a step back. Magda's brow furrowed as she went to turn around but she froze in place when she heard someone speak. "That wasn't a nice thing you did to my men back there. Guess you'll just have to die."

<+3 HP 19/20; +1 Ep; 5/5>

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  • 9 months later...

I couldn't help it really. When I saw the words <Bandit Lieutenant> emblazoned above the MOB's head all in read I smiled. "Smile while you can lass. It won’t take long before you take your last breath," the Bandit mused as he lifted his blade ever so slightly as if to reinforce his threat. However, I simply smiled on as I shifted my left arm and made sure my shield was securely fastened to my arm. It obviously was but it wasn't something I did consciously. Strangely the Bandit chose not to move in for an attack and instead kept a wary distance from me.

That was rather strange behavior considering what I’d witnessed with all of my previous fights. Even the fights against his fellow Bandits they all charged in recklessly and killed themselves when my armor activated. A slight hint of concern tugged at the back of my mind as I pondered if this MOB actually learned from the mistake made by the others. If so that would make this both a rather interesting fight and dangerous depending on how strong this guy was.

Rather than immediately accepting his invitation to fight I lift my hammer up and allow its haft to rest against my right shoulder. With a slight tilt of my head I offer him one last smirk before I say, “Oh get used to this smirk pal. It’ll be the last thing you see.” The sound of Gavin’s whimper reminded me that I couldn’t simply act like my reckless self here. I might be able to take some punishment but the kid would likely die in a single hit here.

(HP Full)

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My patience grew really thin with the Bandit simply standing there so of course I lost my composure and charged forward. I could feel the growl as it rumbled through my throat and vibrated my teeth as it broke free in what I hoped was a fearsome display. My opponent didn't appear to be bothered by it one way or another. Actually was it even possible to intimidate a NPC? It was a question for another time since now my mind needed to be focused solely on the task at hand. My hammer remained in its neutral position against my shoulder up until the point I was within striking distance of my opponent.

In that moment my grip tightened and the weapon flung forward and down in a sharp arc which carried it right into the Bandit’s left shoulder. I barely had time to react as a blade flew in towards my face. “Bah,” I quickly said as my shield rose in response. My opponent’s blade sent a jolt down my arm as his blade was deflected off my shield and left a thin line across the side of my face. The muscles in my jaw tensed as I furrowed my brow. That idiot actually hit my face. Of all the things he could have done. My crimson gaze lowered down upon him as I stood up to my full height and I simply glowered at him.

He made a grave mistake and I was fully intent to make sure that lesson sunk in long before my hammer struck the final blow. The main problem with that was the fact that his health gauge barely flickered from the damage my hammer yielded. It dipped a bit more when the Thorns on my armor activated but it didn’t drop enough. That meant this battle might take considerably longer than I anticipated. Unlike his health mine remained at full capacity thanks to the armor my brother had gifted me. Once again I made a mental note to thank Mack. Well I probably never would but I’m sure he was aware of my sentiments already.


Magda(ID# 74078)
= 6[5+1](Hit) [ 4-3=1] Dmg
HP: 240/240 [240-1+9]  EP: 24/24 [+1] 

MD= 7 [Hit: 14 Dmg from Thorns to Bandit; +9 Regen for Magda]
Bandit LT
 105/120 [120-15] Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Total Loot: 24 Material[combat]; 8 Tower Shields[Good Quality]


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I didn't rush back in immediately as I might normally have. The minuscule drop to its health didn't spur me on to unleash a flurry of strikes with my weapon. Instead I circled to the left warily. While I moved I kept my shield arm raised in the event the Bandit chose to attack first. Just as my patience nearly reached its upper most limit the Bandit charged forward. Granted barely any time had passed and honestly patience never was my strong suit. However, this had definitely worked out and without missing a beat I lurched forward with my hammer held high.

To my dismay my hammer didn’t reach its mark. The Bandit stepped to the side just out of its reach only to thrust its blade towards my exposed face. Almost on instinct my left arm shifted and the shield rose to intercept. The sheer impact did little to change my posture which likely had more to do with my size than any measure of strength I possessed in this place. With a sudden display of footwork I moved back to gain some distance and prepare myself for the next attack. I’d need to do something soon in order to put an end to this MOB before any more suddenly decided to show up


Magda(ID# 74114)
= 5[4+1](Miss) [ 4-3=1] Dmg
HP: 240/240 [240-+9]  EP: 24/24 [24-] 

MD= 5 [Miss]
Bandit LT
 105/120 [105-] Damage: 3 Mit: 3

Total Loot: 24 Material[combat]; 8 Tower Shields[Good Quality]


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It occurred to me as I glanced at the green gauge above the Bandits head that this really was taking entirely too long. If I wanted to end this quickly then I’d have to stop resorting to standard measures and unleash something a bit more potent. I could feel the change that came over my visage when my lips curled back into a grin. Once more I charged forward full of nothing short of bravado. There was a crimson glow that emanated from my weapon as I activated one of my Sword Arts. It was the one capable of dealing out the most damage possible.

With a triumphant shout my hammer slammed down not once but three times against the Bandit’s shoulders. Each strike hit its mark which only served to amplify the feeling of satisfaction that welled up within me. That feeling gained a slight notch in it when the Bandit’s blade found my shoulder. In my short-sightedness I’d failed to ready my shield in time. This allowed the bandit’s blade to flow over my shield but it didn’t have any lasting effect. The opposite was true for his health as my crimson eyes remained locked upon its health bar. It slowly dipped further towards my victory.


= 7[6+1](Hit) [ 4(3X1)=12-3=9] Dmg [Upper Swing]
HP: 240/240 [240-1+9]  EP: 21/24 [24-3] 

MD: 6 =  [Hit]
Bandit LT
 82/120 [105-9-14] Damage: 3 Mit: 3 [14 Thorn Damage; +9 HP for Magda[Regen]]

Total Loot: 24 Material[combat]; 8 Tower Shields[Good Quality


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The sound of Gavin whimpering could be heard over the heated exchange of blows among the two combatants. It almost made Magda wish the boy would just be silent and let her concentrate on the task at hand. At least she knew he was still alive and that nobody had sneaked their way up behind her and snatched him while her focus was kept elsewhere. Once more she charged forward. Her hammer led the way but ultimately it was parried and sent wide. If she’d been without a shield then the red-headed giantess would have been in a rather precarious position. Thankfully that was not the case and she felt the impact of the Bandit’s blade against its smooth metallic surface. She groaned lightly at the thought of wasting her energy on a Sword Art that missed its mark but she still had plenty to spare. At least that was true for the moment and she prayed this fight was over long before she ran the risk of depleting it entirely.

She raised drew her shield arm closer and took a quick step back to reassess the situation. That is so long as her opponent didn't charge in right after her. With her shield raised Magda risked a quick glance behind her and was relieved to see Gavin as he cowered behind a nearby rock. He was alone at least with no other enemies in sight. Once more her focus turned towards the Bandit just as he moved in to strike.


= 3[2+1](Miss) [ 4(3X1)=12-3=9] Dmg [Upper Swing]
HP: 240/240 [240-1+9]  EP: 20/24 [21-2+1] 

MD: 3 =  [Miss]
Bandit LT
 82/120 [82-] Damage: 3 Mit: 3 [14 Thorn Damage; +9 HP for Magda[Regen]]

Total Loot: 24 Material[combat]; 8 Tower Shields[Good Qualit


Edited by Magda
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